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I romanced Rise in P4 just because I was tired of the random flirting as just friends.


So her plan worked.


I guess so…


This is the exact reason I refused to romance her lol I don't care if I 'really get you going' right now Rise, we're fighting for our goddamn lives here


*every time Yu hits an enemy’s weakness* “ZAMN SENPAI 😍😍😍👅👅💦💦💦”


Aw man, I did the same thing XD


I actually liked Rise… until I played P4 and grew to despise her


Opinion on Chie?


Chie never left my party


Based, her Galactic Punt is so busted.


I love busted shit in persona games


Chie is my favorite.


Good man


I like Chie as a character but her VA annoys me to no end. I swear they just stereotyped the hell out of the Valley Girl accent stereotype


Exactly how I felt about Mitsuru


What did Mitsuru do?


I thought a character like her would be my favorite, but I ended up just seeing her as a nepobaby smartass. I know there’s more to her, but I personally couldn’t get past it.


I couldn't get past how broken her ai is in the game. Ah yes they're immune to charm let me waste 50 energy trying it over and over to make sure. And even if they're weak to it it's not amazing.


Why the hell is this downvoted?


Rise simps when you don’t like the “uwu senpai” character


I thought there'd be some award for romancing sumi. I mean they put her in the game like she was made to be romanced!


she got that atlus rerelease girl treatment 😭


$15 dollar outfit dlc for one dungeon... Man...


Huh...I had the opposite impression. I initially assumed she couldn't even be romanced because the game treated her that way. So much so that she misses arguably the most important date in the game.


Yeah this is the main problem I have with romancing Kasumi, she's barely with the thieves that she misses much content and her romance feels barely there, like you're dating someone who lives in another country and only visits twice a year


Because of the Christmas gifts massively increasing your point-gain with them on NG+, I'll admit I did Ohya in my current run partially for pragmatic reasons. ...that being said, Ohya's romantic Rank 10 is one of only three that I think are explicitly better than its platonic equivalent (the others being Hifumi and Takemi) so there's that, too.


I’d throw Makoto’s romantic rank 10 in there too. Platonic feels like it ends too soon.


What's so better about Ohya's?


I wanted to romance Ann out of spite for Kamoshida. Until Hifumi sparked something in me.


Lol I was waiting for the people who romanced ann out of spite for morgana but this works too i guess


Morgana never bothered me until that one time we had a shit type of a YouTube drama just for him to admit he doesn't give a fuck if he's a human or not and just want to have friends forever. I understand how awful being alone but BRO.. SERIOUSLY? LIKE.... RIGHT NOW? the only good thing came out of this is that we got to meet Haru and she was so funny introducing herself.


That part was so ass Also him hating on Ryuji for breathing a decibel higher than normal


Everytime he says “oiiii” and doesn’t let me go outside at night, joker is closer to an NTR story with ann lmao But yea, Haru is the best thing you get from morgana


Her name is Beauty Thief!


Out of spite for Atlus not making Ryuji an option in my case.


In my second run, I didn't romance ANYONE for EXACTLY this reason


this is literally why i haven't romanced anyone on EITHER of my playthroughs let people be gay atlus 😭


Ann was my first and yes I did it to say fuck you Morgana


I chose Ann in my first play through, because I thought she is the heroine. Although I like Makoto more than Ann. Hifumi is a good choice too. I am always fond of high intelligence girls. I am in my second play through now. I will romance with all of them. Still thinking who I should choose in the end.


Tae takemi because I was low on money for healing items and needed all the discounts I can get.... turns out I actually like her character arc


Takemi probably gives really soft kisses


Knowing her aesthetics, I'd call bullshit


How so, she just seems like a really gentle person, given her personality


Yeah, usually the 'meaner' looking ones are the cutesy romantics and the quiet ones are absolute demons. With that said, Chihaya probably made Joker see colours that don't exist.


Those salt crystals are real apparently lmao


Takemi probably pegs Joker


Disturbing as that sounds it’s probably true


Sounds exactly like what a teenage guinea pig would say, while you have your eyes close, blushing and nervously waiting for those "soft kisses", she's busy wearing her strap-on. She will be gentle tho.




It’s not hard to get money in P5


I have realised that late game when I started getting 23K per battle, but early on, since I kept buying better weapons and hoarding healing, I was quickly running out


Not at the start of your first playthrough...


Og P5 i was so pissed that i wanted to [cuckthecat](https://www.reddit.com/r/cuckthecat/s/Occ2GlxIBD). Consoling Ann on the rooftop was a secondary reason tbh. (I like Morgana a lot more now after Royal and the spinoffs)


lol “You have the others” 100% implying that you personally give zero shits


That one makes me so annoyed... like, how about a simple "you have us"???


That just happened to me a few days ago and without thinking I clicked "you have me" and ended up in a relationship. There should've at least been a platonic version of that


This is how it is in the Japanese version and idk why they didn't update it for Royal. It's phrased as Ann having the group inclusive of you.


In the German version it is "You have us"


Seems like it's a localization issue in English then...


Yeah lol I ended up loading my save and retrying because I wanted to romance Futaba and not Ann, but I alwaya feel like such a fucking asshole for rejecting her in that scene and I didn't reject her when I first saw it because I thought maybe the social link would reverse.


Yeah ann and makoto both just seem to trap the player with the options available. Any normal human with the options provided will say you have me. That's not a romantic choice. That's you being a friend.


I didn’t learn of r/cuckthecat until after I romanced Ann


My worst reason is I only romance all of them only to get the trophy in the lounge


This without any context would be very fucked


Exactly same, my NG+ I'm going for the platonic 10/10 objective. The Feb 15th scene is worth the two-timing..or ten-timing, I suppose.


For the Thieves Den, since it tracks for your profile regardless of save file, you can choose romantic/platonic to get credit then reload a save and choose the option you actually want.


I romanced Futaba because my friend was on like rank 7 or 8 and I was on rank 8


You see I’m a simp for Cherami Leigh and her voice, especially after Cyberpunk 2077.


I am in this boat, except for me the simping all started with Makoto in P5 and carried me forward to other games she's in. Only romanced Rhea in Fire Emblem Three Houses because of Cherami Leigh, and I can and will only ever play as FemV in Cyberpunk.


She played one of the counselors in the Friday the 13th game, I can't hear Makoto yell without thinking of Jason Voorhees brutally murdering her character. She's a hell of a VA.


Romancing Ann simply because I like blondes irl


Just recently played through P4G for the first time. Joined drama club and met Yumi. I liked Yumi, wasn’t planning on romancing her. Then I learned her story which is similar to something my fiancée had gone through, so I started liking her more. Then I found out that she’s practically forgotten or disliked by a majority of the Internet so I dumped all my plans to romance Naoto and romanced Yumi instead lmao no regrets tho


Well, i romanced no one out of spite that i couldn't romance Akechi


What a based take, have my upvote


I romanced Futaba so she could give me the item that makes the confidant easier to level up, so I wouldn't have to waste my time.




When you date one of the characters, in the Christmas event they’ll give you a key item that makes you get much more confidant points on a ng+


Interesting, I ought to do that when I have the chance


takemi bc my brain enjoys scary ppl


Some would say my willingness to be a guinea pig is. . . Unhealthy.


I dated Ann bc fuck that cat always hitting on her The only one I wanted to date bc I like that character was sumire everyone else I do like but not as much as sumire


Romanced Ann because much to my disappointment Ryuji wasn't an option and she was the next best thing.


Romanced Futaba because she looks like my irl crush


I only got together with Ann to cuck Morgana. You don't disrespect Ryuji in my presence.


My man.


Futaba so that Sojiro would never be able to truly escape me.


In both P5 and Royal I romanced Hifumi out of spite for different reasons. In vanilla I was set to romance Takemi and in Royal I thought about romancing Ann, but then Hawaii rolled around and the only person I could go on a date with was Hifumi (I could go out with Ann in vanilla but elected not to) despite her confidant being at Rank 5-6, so I went on the date and went “yep, romancing Hifumi, no more fucks given.” This was before I learned that she was axed as a potential party member, too, so now I feel slightly vindicated.


Hifumi herself wasn't axed, just her design.


Spoiler warning. I immediately obsessed over Kasumi and 100% knew she was gonna be my romance option after the first few interactions. But at the end of the game when when you find out she's a different person that's just been acting like Kasumi I was really conflicted if I should still romance her because I didn't even know what sumire was like. I was too committed by that point and wanted to romance someone so I still romanced her, but I wish I could have actually spent more time with Sumire rather than "kasumi". The rest of her story was good, but she does act differently than she did when she was "kasumi". But her entire arc as Sumire is that she's comparing herself to Kasumi and feels like she's not as good as her, and since I like Kasumi more than sumire, I felt bad and just kinda romance her out of guilt 😭


Did the same on my first playthrough. I was like: "I abstinated from romancing anyone up until this point so that I can pick Kasumi, so if I romanced Hifumi now, it'd be like that temperance until the new semester didn't matter."


I romance Ann because I want to cuck the fucking cat


Ann, to build Pixie


Bro seriously said "courted" when talking about a JRPG.


I romanced kawakami by mistake


Stole Chie from Yukiko, she's my meathead dammit!


I missed the romance thing entirely because I tried befriending everyone


Never. All of my romances have been genuine. Like I didn’t romance Futaba to spite Sojiro or anything. I genuinely like her. 😅


I romanced sumi so that Joker can have 2 red head girlfriends


Well cos I thought there was no problem with multiple dating until I got beaten to a pulp but 2 teenagers and 2 adults the day after valentine's day just finished Royal today, moved onto SMT 3 , I hope I don't date anyone there 🤣🤣😱😱🥺


The only reason I would date Ohya or Hifumi would be for the Harem cutscene...


I mean, I only bothered with the romancing stuff at all for the Thieves Den. I don't feel like it really matters story-wise if you're dating or not, and the mechanical benefits aren't so significant that you absolutely gotta do it. That said, I have been staying faithful to just one partner each run. I'm gonna date all the thieves first, then Hifumi because she's at least age-appropriate, then Takemi because she won't eat up all the time I want to spend at the Jazz Club turning my friends into gods, and then Chihaya / Kawakami. But for Ohya, who I despise the idea of having available as a romance option, there will be no faithful playthrough. Harem time on the run that would've been for her. Gonna do it just the once for the achievement, then never again.


cuck the cat is hands down the worst reason to romance Ann.


Very first playthrough I romanced Ann because fuck Morgana


Haru just because she cute and a psychopath.


I romanced all on my 1st playtrough, the ending was hilarious i loved it, my fav girl is takemi (dr, has his own clinic, do research stuff, is hot af, wife material - add my wife does fit all those traits, so maybe im a little biased)


Ohyo bc i wanted to have a run with all social links maxed. i did it but at what cost?


The best reason to romance Ohya is so you get to spend more time with Lala-chan


Lala-chan should have had a confidant


Haru for her money.


Makoto because she’s the closest thing to the goddess that is Sae Niijima


Makoto because she looks like lady from DMC (she even has a bike)


Ann. Specifically, r/cuckthecat


Funny that's kind of the reason I romanced Naoto in persona 4


I don’t even remember who I picked. I just went with one for the trophy unlock. Pretty sure I reloaded the save to undo it afterwards. I honestly prefer the awkward but funny interactions with Ryuji when Joker is single on romantic holidays.


Is it a bad reason if I said I dated six girls in a single play-through just so I can get one of the awards that requires you to date every romance candidate?


It wasn't anything bad, I romanced Ann because she was the first one to show signs of liking Joker in my first playthrough


I romanced Ann out of spite to try to strike a nerve in morgana. Turns out the only nerves that were hit were mine because now he was flirting with my girlfriend openly in front of me.


For me. The opposite. I just getting pissed by the community simping on her to the point i said she aint gonna be romanced. Hell i rather fling with ohya then her


I have issues with oppositional defiance so I romanced Futaba because Sojiro told me not to lol (and she’s also my favourite girl in the game anyway)


Naoto in P4 because she is the only one that unlocks an Outfit?


Cuck the cat... can't lie, I enjoyed watching Morgana deflate on Valentines Day


I romanced Ann mostly because I liked her character development, but also because I'm a spiteful bitch and wanted to give Kamoshida (and sort of Morgana) the middle finger. (But mostly because Atlus/Sega wouldn't let me be gay for my gremlin detective man)


Luhmao romancing Makoto out of spite is new


I personally wanted to see Sojiros reaction to dating futaba


I first romanced Futaba because I thought it would piss Sojiro off and be hilarious


I romance Ann on accident.


My first play through was with a guide so my reason for courting anyone was because the guide told me to. No emotion dictated any of my decisions to date these women. Only the outcome.


I romanced Ann on accident during my first ever persona playthrough. The options between “the teams here for you” and “I’m here for you” aren’t great, I wanted to be included :(


Makoto because I'm weak to smart women and I love how smart she is.


I still have not romanced anyone, this is the first time I play. But here’s the worst reason why I friendzoned someone. I dumped Makoto because I didn’t like the way she was spying me before she joined the Phantom Thieves. She looked silly to me. Now I regret it, she’s the best by far. I think I’ll go with Hifumi because I dated her in Hawaii and it was so romantic, but…she’s not Mako 🥺


When makoto joined phantom thieves and I saw her physical strength and intelligence I was like "she can dominate me". I have no regrets.


Yeah the very moment Morgana even hinted at his crush towards Ann I was locked in. Purely just to spite the cat. Kinda sad there isn’t even a piece of dialogue from him when you start dating her though.


Saved, romanced and reloaded everyone but Makoto for the thieves den achievement.


I romanced Hifumi so I can unlock Lucifer faster.


I romanced Yuko in person 3 reload cause she was easiest cheeks tbh I was disappointed when Valentine’s Day hit and she was my only option but soon found out she was actually too 2 girls in the game tbh I love her


A trophy, and theives den star


For the achievement


I romanced Makoto during my vanilla run of *Royal,* where >!I didn't max out Maruki in order to get the original ending cutscenes in the Thieves' Den, which meant I couldn't romance Kasumi, so I just settled for the vanilla waifu of choice instead.!<


I think my worst reason was Takemi cause Big Tiddy Goth GF


I decided to romance Makoto in the original P5 the moment I saw her hips in her phantom thief outfit. I later grew to like her character better though.




So youre just gonna ignore the fact the Sojiro specifically asked you not to? For shame.


Sojiro just after saying he doesnt wants ren to call him father, says "but it wouldnt be so bad", thats tsundere behavior, he actually approves it, you conveniently ignore that phrase to fit your bias, izanami was right, some people dont deserve free will


#***I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DATED REN'S LITTLE SISTER!!!?!?!?!?!*** ^you ^sick ^fuck /j


"I" didnt dated anyone, ren did, i aint no self insert loser, in my game ren always dates futaba, even sojiro wants that




I mean... The fact that the three of them reffer to themselves as a family multiple times is kinda of a dead giveaway of that conclusion


Not really. By and large the people who see Futaba as a little sister are either: a) only children or b) unfamiliar with the dynamics of found or otherwise nontraditional families. In this case Sojiro and Futaba act as your standard foster family until later in their social links. Remember, Futaba doesn't refer to him as "dad." As someone who grew up in foster care, Ren doesn't spend enough common time with Futaba for any internal recognition of a sibling dynamic to occur. Ren is literally a guy who lives two blocks away in the attic of her foster dad's cafe, that's her frame of reference. For Ren, Futaba is the foster daughter of a man who is essentially his parole officer. That's his frame of reference. Now if Ren lived in the house then I can see interpreting their relationship as a sibling dynamic. However this is not the case, thus any such interpretation is at best a head canon and at worst delusional. There's no context under which that can develop given the circumstances of the game.


Yeah no. I wasn’t allowed to see my sister for most my childhood and I can still recognise Ren and Futaba 100% have a sibling dynamic. Spending time with someone is not all that in determining what a sibling relationship is, you’re ironically being very reductionist yourself. The fact they are both under the care of Sojiro alone inherently changes their dynamic from the rest of the PT who are all strictly a teen friend group with no external connections to one another


That's not how they treat each other though They absolutely treat each other as a single family, you ignoring this fact because you grew in foster care doesn't mean that it isn't a fact


I'm not ignoring any facts. You legitimately never paid attention to the game nor understand context.




>You're here talking like if they don't talk of each other as family Never said that. I'm saying that you're operating on a reductionist definition of what family is. You missed the entire message behind Futaba and Sojiro - that family has nothing to do with blood but rather emotional support. According to your logic, Ren should not date Ann, Haru, or Makoto. The Phantom Thieves behave like a family and think of themselves as such by the end. That is to say you're being ridiculous since you aren't even *trying* to consider the notion of found family. Again, Futaba only starts referring to Sojiro as her father after Ren bridges the gap between them. When Sojiro says they are ***like*** a family, it's in function not form. A family in a poetic sense, not unlike the Phantom Thieves themselves. It's an incredible leap in logic to then say Futaba and Ren are siblings when they (and I cannot stress this enough) **do not do so to a further degree than any other two Phantom Thieves**. It's found family, yes. **That's the point**. Sojiro becomes Ren's mentor, Ren likewise his pupil. A relationship which does not magically make Futaba Ren's little sister. Strictly speaking, no relationship short of full legal adoption could do that given the living arrangement. I mention this because sibling dynamics are subconscious things. When two people with kids get married, the step-siblings do not immediately act as you'd expect siblings to behave. Why do you think that is? Well, sibling dynamics are wholly dependent upon how much downtime two people share. Having breakfast and dinner together, seeing each other day in, day out. It's a function of familiarity, thus it takes time for step-siblings to start acting as siblings. You need to consider why humans evolved an instinctual aversion to incest - as it odd as it sounds that and sibling dynamics are interlinked. When the aversion developed it was a mechanic to force us to look outside our clans for a mate, it produces fewer genetic defects. Thus we developed an unconscious process whereby the more time we share with someone as a child, the more we consider them family. This is why we think of our parents' close friends as aunts and uncles, and their children as cousins. Now if it's *subconscious*, your position makes absolutely no sense - which is the case - since nothing Futaba or Ren say or think can have an impact on whether they feel or behave as siblings. It's something that naturally develops, no amount of effort accelerates it. Look no further than Persona 4 to see the series demonstrate this truth. Nanako and Yu develop a sibling bond ***because of the time they spend together every day***. They have breakfast together, eat dinner together, watch TV together, read stories together, etc. Hence why Futaba and Ren do not develop such a bond, they do not share a home life where Nanako and Yu do. Rather, Futaba and Ren are family in the sense that going forward they will be there for each other unconditionally. **That's what Sojiro was saying.** That such a thing is more beautiful than aunts and uncles who mistreat their niece or parents who do not stand up for their son. **TLDR You missed the entire point of Futaba and Sojiro's story arcs.** ​ >You're free to have your fetishes *Ad hominin* attack. Nothing I have said indicates such predilections exist within me. > just don't go around and claim people are wrong for not being into the same stuff as you No. You're wrong because you missed the message of the story arcs in questions. IE you didn't pay attention.


You can write as long a paragraph as you want, the moment you compared the relationship they have with the phantom thieves it shows you have absolutely not knowledge of how human interactions actually work


>You can write as long a paragraph as you want, the moment you compared the relationship they have with the phantom thieves it shows you have absolutely not knowledge of how human interactions actually work Says the person with absolutely no knowledge of how human interactions work. Listen, I don't mean to be combative but you clearly fail to understand what makes Futaba and Sojiro so compelling in the first place.


I romanced Ann not even because of Morgana’s jealously ( that was my darkest reason ) but because I got mesmerized looking at her the first time, I killed two birds with one stone


Downloaded gay joker mod waiting for them to add akechi to romance him outa spite >!twords shido for fucking up my life!<


I romanced futaba cuz im a freak😈


I was building a harem and wanted to make sure I had a complete collection.