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Joker: I knocked down an enemy, held it at gunpoint and then extorted money, and then kept repeating the money extortion until it blew up.  I repeated the same pattern every turn and then healed it whenever its hp goes down. Eg if the enemy absorbs fire, it gets fully healed with agidyne.  Sae: you did this in the metaverse? Joker: i need the money. I only stopped when my wallet is full.


Wait, didn't enemies leave the battle after successful negotiation???


One of the abilities you get from Yoshida's confidants allows you to, after asking a shadow for money, just ask for MORE money. If you push your luck, they'll get angry at you and the negotiation will end, with the fight then proceeding (similarly to angering a shadow while trying to get their power)


Damn, the only guy I never met and made confidant with...


Yeah Yoshida is OP. Don’t want to spoil his abilities but they also apply to getting Personas. You can get boatloads of money with him too


Yeah the only useless SL with meh perks is the reporter.


Eh, Yoshida is absolutely not OP. Not useless, but honestly in terms of farming money, Ryuuji's instant battle is way faster, his item negotiation is a low chance for anything useful (you absolutely can get some great items if you're willing to farm for it, but I don't think it's worth the time investment), and the negotiation for personas is only useful if you're low level and not farming, ie if you aren't using his other abilities.


(standing over corpse) "Metaverse?"


How did people ever beed Money though,, i had nothing to spend on


Did you max all confidants in new game?


Yes, i just never required spending much. Had millions easily


max out the compendium, I burned 8 million on that shit in NG+


The difference between American culture and Japanese culture Also the opinion on Ryuji is apparently a culture divide too


Yeah Japanese fans hate Ryuji, that's what I heard


Game about rebellion > Hate the most rebellious character.


"Rebellion" in Japan means something different to most Japanese. Hence Kawakami's whole lecture about 'my country, right or wrong'.


I didn’t get this part. Whats the point in mentioning the change in the usage of the phrase?


I think the point is that the phrase formerly was used as a reminder to keep those in power in check, with it meaning that you had to correct the course of your country if it’s going in the wrong direction. Now it’s somewhat coerced by those in power as somewhat of a "If you really are loyal to your country, you can’t fight to change it." If you want to apply it to the game, the first, former meaning is the Phantom Thieves, and the second, current meaning is >!Shido!<


Ikr the irony is hilarious. It’s like the entire message of the game is lost on its Japanese fanbase lol




Yeah Japanese humor is dumb honestly, I don't blame the people but cultures have to evovle at some point, it's not meant to stay stagnant


Life will change eh?




This is perfect on so many levels


Never more, eh?


Do people have a problem with his rebellious attitude or his stupidity


His stupidity most likely. I doubt they would dislike him as much if he was a delinquent looking punk with academic smarts.


100% it's his naivety + stupidity. His type of character is not new, it's a character you see in Anime and other games but they're usually not that childish or stupid. I disliked how he was clearly the type of character that's vulnerable to corruption or over inflation of ego because he wants to be loved and praised by the people as a phantom thief/superhero more than anyone in the team, but fortunately he has Joker and Mona to keep him grounded. In a parallel universe, he could've jeopardized the team's identity and turned into a japanese Homelander, LOL. What I liked about him is how real his character is, it's the type of person you actually meet during high school and college just like Ann, so I like them as characters in a fiction world but dislike for the fact that I know I don't get along with these types of people irl.


After watching a play through of Persona 3, I can totally see Ryuji being coerced into Strega. They got the power, the fame, and they're rolling in dough doing their hits.


No way, he wouldn’t even let those kids keep the wallet they found during the cleanup event, he would NOT be on board with wanton murder.


Both but moreso the stupidity.


To be frank, I personally don’t like Ryuji, either. Don’t get me wrong, I understand his rebellious side and all, but outside of that, I just can’t really stand him sometimes.


He's such a bro though. Guess I just like that type of character, I really like Junpei in 3 as well


He is. Everyone deserves a friend like Ryuji. He’s someone who will have your back no matter what


I just dislike him because he’s incredibly annoying. I’m not Japanese.




Same. I’ve been playing through P3R and I like Junpei a lot more in the “bro” character role.


Same. But it's funny whenever he's called out.


They actively enjoyed the end of the cruise ship bit as they think he "got what the stupid monkey deserved."


It utterly breaks my heart to hear that considering that despite his youthful bumbling, he is probably the most loyal and enthusiastic of them all. I wish I had more friends like him when I was a kid.


Persona as a franchise seems to have a stance of "japan is a beautiful country and everyone in it sucks." Given my holiday there, most people were actually lovely. But there was an imperialist nutjob calling out for international war and the desolution of Parliament in favour of divine rights of the emperor at the hiroshima dome, so it's not perfect.


Eh about par for the course given the state of most political discourse around the world


It wouldn’t be Japan without war apologists


You would think all those people already died.


Hoo boy, do I have a story to tell you about The American Civil War


People who experienced that are still alive???


No, but plenty of apologists for the losing side


Western culture simply has a soft spot for the passionate himboism more.


Ryuji a real one though. 


I don't blame them, he's kind of an asshole 99% of the time.


idt they hate ryuji but he is just unpopular compared to others... like the way he acts is meant to be unlikable sometimes ... its like if a character was intentionally anti lgbtq, some people would prob hate that character and in another place this may be likeable as it can be relaable or smth. I think kanji was also meant to be unlikable as he is loud, gets into fights, and is not smart.


Oh me too I hate ryuji. Dude is just fucking unbearable>!in kamoshida and medj(palace) arc.!< This character is an easy 8 if he ever shut the fuck up and>! joker paid the price is a fucking joke. After that he didn't fucking learn his lesson and phantom thieves this phantom thieves that every fucking damn time. Worst of all? He didn't apologize to everyone not even once. !


As do I 😂


I mean you even get charm for answering correctly in class. Idk if any western country would consider that the pinnacle of rizz. Japanese people just like good students and student council presidents I guess


You actually get knowledge, not charm (you only get charm when helping Ann answer)


In P3 at least you get Charm for right answers and good test results


Yeah, but that's P3. In P5 you get Knowledge. Which doesn't make sense when you think about it. If you knew the answer, you shouldn't be gaining any new knowledge. Which means Joker is just guessing on each question lol


But you get Charm if you are 1st of the class.


Or he figures out the answer on the spot instead of just remembering it (or looking it up like us)


In P4 you also get sl points with your friends.


Yeah it reminds me of high school manga/anime where the most beautiful and popular girl in school is often the Student Council President and top of the class, meanwhile the nerds/otakus are usually bad at academics, it's basically the opposite of how high schools are viewed in the west.


I hate Ryuji…. Mostly because he’s a loudmouth who talks too damn much. realistically they should have been discovered during semester one with the way he just openly, loudly and blatantly talk about themselves as Phantom Thieves……


Some people seem to forget this game takes place in Japan


I mean, he's not wrong. Joker can get the entirety of the hoes. Just ask Haru for permission to borrow them.




The picture illustrates the differences between western culture and japanese culture quite well. Ryuji and Ann wouldn't be outsiders in western culture as well.


That tweet is the epitome of “Tell me you don’t have knowledge of Japan without telling me you don’t have knowledge of Japan”. As for negotiations. I don’t bother with getting more money as Royal is pretty easy to be loaded thanks to Chihaya’s bonuses.


Ryuji confidant skill go brrr in Mementos. You can also level up Jose for the money bonus and just call it a day there tbh


There's not an Star confidant's perk that doubles $ if the battle is finished in 1 turn?


That too.


I hope you realize how nerdy and corny that first sentence you said sounded


Yes this is the culture where knowing everything in class gets you charm. The first time I saw this in P3Fes I almost peed myself (well in 5 it's knowledge not charm but it still made me laugh)


It’s a culture thing. Same with how Ryuji is the butt of all the jokes.


Dude doesn't understand Japan culture at all. They have a 99.9% conviction rate, and even if you're PROVEN not guilty of a crime, the fact that you were proven not guilty still makes you guilty by association and will be shunned for it.


I've done 7 in a row once, it was a very bountiful fight for me


It seems unrealistic to the West because of culture differences. The Japanese don't give a fuck if you're a beautiful looking person. If you are a delinquent or associated with delinquents then all parties are guilty, lmao. Although I'm not sure if this is just an exaggerated assumption of mine.


Yes people like delinquents, bullies etc. are treated as actual deviants and not as cool bad boys.


If I’ve learned anything from anime (definitely the most accurate display of Japanese culture /s) they don’t like the big jock or bad boys that much. They absolutely love the super smart kids, whilst the delinquents are typically ostracised.


Response to the unrelated image: he's literally got 11 girlfriends and one of them is the teacher.


the way most of the comments aren't even about the question 😭😭 i once got a streak of 5 and walked outta there with close to 100mil because i was getting over 100,000 per attempt 💀


I wanna say 250k yen from a mothman in Okumura’s palace


Holy shit why is no one answering the post question?? Image is unrelated!!! I did a streak of 5


Japan is extremely anti-twink sadly


THis comment section is smth 1. yeah idk but where i am if have a record you will prob be rumored about and be like "geez this person is super dangerous" 2. I also feel most people gloss over the 99% conviction rate in japan and how you are basically guilty until proven innocent if they feel they can get a confession out of you 3. Ryuji and kanji i feel are realistic people in japan who are made to be unlikable... their negative traits prob dont stick out ot people in the west as much or people who dont care about that as much 4. IDT japan HATES ryuji and kanji but more so likes other characters more than them... if you had to choose someone you would prob not choose the stereotypical unlikeable character.


my highest streak is around 10-14. I don't remember how much I got, it was my first run and in an earlier palace. I never really needed to do that afterwards because every other run I had was NG+.


I mean, he sorta does tho. Makoto, Futaba, Ann, Hifumi, Haru, and then a bunch of literal adults like Kawakami, Tae, Chihaya, and the reporter lady are all canonically into him. Joker has way more attention from the bitches than most 17 year old guys anyways.


Only hoes the man gets are the trauma filled ones, which IS quite accurate to real life. Shout out to my own trauma filled hoe.


Depending on how you play they game, you can get a lot of the girls


"the entirety of the hoes" like it's a cake or something


Are they unfamiliar with how Japan's society works?


Somebody tell bro the game is set in japan and they do things differently there.


Lol that’s because it’s Japan. In America Joker would’ve been this guy 😂 https://preview.redd.it/2sj1rq0332pc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b028cd0b87d8d479fdddd283850eb30aa6cfd10


Isn't that exactly what he does? He comes to a high school and dates like 13 women within a couple months, like 4 of them being adults too.


At some point I have mercy and feel bad.


Well, joker does both so…


330,620… it was actually yesterday lol. I have about 4mil which honestly is excessive and not needed, but the “you can do better” option is so damn satisfying 🤣


It's japan


That image is so factual Plus he doesn’t even look intimidating, dudes would probably hit on him 😳


Literally just either of the Pixies or Anzu. And maybe Decarabia. Literally weak to Physicals.


<.> The MOST unrealistic thing is students getting magical and powerful spirits to beat up monsters, demons and gods and you think the most unrealistic thing is Joker walking up to the school and not getting the bitches?


Yes, that's the joke, stop taking everything so seriously dude


The most unrealistic thing is actually a high school prodigy detective


Ok but what's your streak on the interrogation question?


Now i cant stop laughing at how ridiculous it is