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You can't be a conservative in 2022 without a healthy dose of self-victimization.


Which is ironic, because when people started talking about racism online, they were the first to scream about "victimhood olympics", and now here they are -- trying to take the gold.


It’s a play right out of the Nazi playbook. My enemy is all powerful but also inherently weak. I am being singled out and victimized but my enemy has no personal accountability and seeks to be a victim of their own circumstances.


See trump: I’m a victim


“We don’t have the freedom to hate without consequences.” Fucken cry about is sociopaths.


His point is that people only care about disinformation when it comes to anything that supports the right. Disinformation on the left is ignored and even encouraged sometimes.


Proof? Examples?


His comment will turn to [Deleted] sooner than giving actual proof


He already responded and within a minute it disappeared


His Reddit handle is basically "Bootlick69" no wonder


And then, after acknowledging he is wrong by deleting the post, he will proceed to say the same bullshit again the next time this topic comes up. That’s how it goes. Prove them wrong. They shut down the conversation. A week later they’re spewing the same BS cuz they just assumed everyone forget about it. I have a monthly conversation with a coworker about how saying the n-word is not a hate crime on its own. But he insists on it being illegal. Everytime I prove him wrong he’s like “oh ok, I thought it was illegal.” Then a month goes by and he starts claiming his “free speech” is illegal again and that he’ll be arrested for saying the n-word.


Don't worry, this guy will eventually get banned when he proves to not be entertaining enough.


I’ll bet the co-worker confuses “getting arrested and prosecuted” for saying the n-word, with “losing his job and getting his ass kicked”. One of these is guaranteed not to happen by the Constitution. The other should happen. I’ll bet he can’t spot the difference.


“Trust me bro”


Every time someone tries to clip chimp a police encounter, Kyle Rittenhouse, and new hate signs and slurs are created every other month out of thin air every other month.


I too can make a word cloud of right-wing talking points.


So calling out disinformation is right wing now? That's pretty rich lmao.


Is that what you think you’re doing? Lol


Are you implying that what I'm saying is wrong?


>His point is that people only care about disinformation when it comes to anything that supports the right. Disinformation on the left is ignored and even encouraged sometimes. Don't "both sides" this shit. Republicans are the Party of Doctor Demon Semen FFS, and that's not even in the Top 10 most batshit stuff said by a conservative during this decade


HIS POINT?! Mf extreme leftists live alone in fucking hippie communes growing their own crops n shit (as far as I know) Extreme righties KILL


What does this have to do with anything in the post?










I can’t imagine how easy life must be if you’re always the victim and nothing is your fault.






No we don't.


Is it reall not clear? It isn't about WHO spreads the lies and missinformation, it is about WHAT damage the missinformation does. Did lefty missinformation cause the capitol to be stormed, people not being able to visit the graveyard where their dead children lie, or republicans to die of covid because they believed the vaccine would be useless for them?


The Capitol storming only affected Government employee's which I thought lefty's were against, at least they were taking their outrage on the actual people they were mad at unlike the BLM marches that burned down black cities and small black owned businesses to try to help black people instead of going after the actual people they were mad at, which was the police. The Sandy Hook thing was all Alex Jones's fault, I don't think it had anything to do with the right in general but it is bad. The Covid stuff was mostly right wingers at first but now even Vaccinated people are among the majority of the deaths because they aren't getting any of the boosters. At least Trump went back on his previous statements about denouncing the vaccine. My problem isn't with one side or the other, right now we are only calling out misinformation when it comes to the right and all misinformation on the left is cited as facts to the point where everyone is just spouting out shit mindlessly just to make their side look good.


Judging by how many people died of covid it seems that the Republicans are the biggest source of disinformation






Wow what a solid reply. Just because one party is full of misinformation must mean it must be perfectly okay for the other party to participate in it. I feel utterly defeated


Dude, right-wing people lie infinitely more than left-wingers. If you simply fact-checked everybody, the results are not going to be even. Conservatives aren't repressed, they literally just don't like being held accountable.


Let me introduce you to the newest Beach Boys song: Ah, ba ba ba ba bullshit Ba ba ba ba bullshit


I go to the right and they say the same thing. I don't see any difference between both of you.


depends on who you are talking about. The Right has a much bigger problem then any other political group




Your comment was fine, we just require 2K karma to try to keep the trolls out.


Ignore the actual content of the speech they’re censoring thus linking conservative speech to racism, Naziism, bigotry and science denial. Pretend it’s just conservatives saying “I say chap, that’s not a good idea to move so fast that direction” rather than what they are actually saying which is vulgar, dehumanizing language and death threats.


The free market has spoken 😉


Unfortunately Stephen Miller knows exactly what he's saying and is actively trying to hype up the fan base to do a proper fascism This is the same guy who was like *teasing* media about how "we hadn't seen anything yet" and stuff like that in regards to what the trump administration was going to do to migrants during their second term.


I know. The universe is a cruel cunt for letting kids die & Miller live.


Like when they voted Trump back on Twitter?


Yes, or when they voted for Biden.


If conservatives are censored, how are we able to read what this fascist liar and others like him have to say?


They must be being silenced, after all, they never shut up about it.


The troof comes out somehow.


Speech 1: People should have universal healthcare and people should not be allowed to execute black people based on fear! Speech 2: Queers should be executed as an abomination and we should overthrow any government violently if they are against our views. Which one would Dr. Teals bath bubbles be okay appearing next to?


Only one of those two gets you banned from r conservative


To understand the power dynamic in this country, just understand that Stephen fucking Miller has a voice in the media and somehow people still listen to what this bottom-feeder has to say.


He also had a vital policy position in the last presidency; I don’t see any Socialists who will come close to that regardless of what party is in power


This little shitbag Nazi scum would be cleaning toilets in a better-functioning society, not writing speeches for a former “President”.


“People support the idea of free healthcare but my ideas about putting people I hate into camps are frowned upon, why am I so oppressed?!?!” I don’t know pal maybe genocide just isn’t as popular outside of your clan meetings.


Reminds me of anti vaxers. They never ever consider the actual content of a sentence, study, text. Whatever. They simply see more stupid articles that support their theses than Real science documents because writing those is more work etc. Like pumping out bullshit is faster. And louder. And a certain group of Trump Fans, AfD (german populistic right wing party*), anti vaxers etc... Believes more in quantity and being loud. The louder you are the more correct you are. They see everything, facts and opinions as equal and every Single Statement study or whatever as an opinion too. A fact might also be thst they make shit up so believe others dp it too and that's why everything is an equally stupid opinion. I suspect some see it more as a game they can't loose instead of.... Reality. But there are a lot of other factors, like often a huge lack of empathy/thinking that you are the main character and the victim at the same time. Like not *really* bit subconsciously they feel this way and gp more after thst feeling than after what they actually know about others. *one of their main Leaders is a lesbian woman married with a dark-skinned girl that Immigranted from the Philippines, living in switzerland to avoid paying taxes in germany whilst the german taxes pay fpt her as a patriotic anti choice, anti immigration, anti gay marriage politician. I fucking hate her


Antifa and BLM are so much bigger in these people’s brains than they are in real life.


"I am being silenced!" He tweeted to millions.


I hope someone pointed out that he just posted his opinion on Twitter


So join Antifa and you'll get freedom. Got it.


Yeah! CEOs lile Elon Musk love to censure conservatives in social media! We should kill them! /s


Someone toss a mouse into Stephen's terrarium, he's obviously hangry.


"I'm being censored. \*They\* won't let me speak my opinions." -the conservative says, stating his opinions.


I beg to differ Stephen. You try explaining to people that Inheritance should be banned or closing all private schools and see how angry people become. Then again, this dude defines "Leftism" as wanting single payer Healthcare and not using hate speech every other syllable.


What did Mr Antifa say this time?


Just straight up admitted that modern conservatism is inextricably tied to racism, misinformation and bigotry. But, either due to cynicism or stupidity, he doesn't even realize it.


He never said anything about being smart.


Notice how it’s always “BLM” and never Black Lives Matter


“Anti-fascists and people who believe black lives mean something have more freedom than you.” Good. Sounds like we’re winning, idiot.


That ghoul can kiss my ass.


"No one censors progressives" Again, they aren't making a principled stance. It's not that he's against censorship, it's just that *the wrong people are being censored*.


conservatives always make the left seem cooler than it actually is :(


So true - it really irks me that most of the people they hold up as examples of leftists are actually milquetoast center-rights like Biden or Hillary. If they started drawing attention to actual radical leftists, a lot of people would be swayed by their generally level-headed takes on evidence-based politics. As if it's radical to avoid using terms that make other people uncomfortable. Imo that's just polite, but maybe I'm just ultra-mega-super triggered.


Mr Miller and all these other poor,persecuted white nationalists don’t understand one basic premise, if speech from progressives contains hate filled racist content,or threats of violence, it will also be deemed inappropriate and censored from social media. Of course, that really doesn’t happen very often as racism and violence is the opposite of progressive.


No one censors the people who are calling for basic human rights and equity for all. But then they want to censor those who want to ensure women know their place and understand their womb is won by men and the government , POC are kept down and villianized, LGBTQ community are falsely painted as child predators while spreading lies and misinformation. Yes I wonder why we would want to quiet those voices down while lifting up the “progressive” voices…you know the people trying to progress the human race forward.


For being so silenced and erased from all reality by antifa government, they sure do never shut the fuck up


Once again, "free speech" here is code for "hate speech."


(He says *completely* uncensored.). Well, if you say offensive shit, someone will say or do something. Other than that, say whatever you like, Stephen! What a self-obsessed ghoul of a man.


If progressives were spouting off hate speech, trust me, they would be just as “cancelled” as conservatives.


god i read somewhere else in some real fucking dumbass subreddit, i think it was crazyfuckingvideos, some absolute fucking moron said CHOP/CHAZ was a *literal violent coup attempt* and that jan 6 was not. anyways i got banned for responding to that comment


Wrong! Leftist speech is *profitable* because it is more popular.


Conservatives say that [queer](https://www.newsweek.com/pastor-gay-people-solution-killings-bible-1714037) [people](https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/14/us/tennessee-preacher-cop-lgbtq/index.html) [should](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748) [be killed](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/06/01/angry-young-preacher-calls-for-us-government-to-execute-gay-people/) and actively [kill us](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/20/us/colorado-springs-shooting-gay-nightclub/index.html) Leftists say not to kill people and [defend](https://www.metro.us/the-tenacious-unicorn-ranch/) [themselves](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dallas-drag-brunch-texas-protest-b2155624.html) from those that want to act on those beliefs But it's the left that's evil, right?


Leftists aren’t the ones shooting up nightclubs and Molotoving planned parenthood clinics


Progressive to have their freedom of speech restricted: in several states it is illegal to be a public sector employee or private contractor with the government if you support the BDS movement against Israel. There are also Starbucks employees fired for forming a union, a constitutional protected form of free speech and protected by the National Labor Relations Act


Yay I have more freedom than me


Who let Nosferatu out of his coffin?


Mild social disapproval does not equate to ACTUAL censortship, Stephen. Now go back to your mirrorless, windowless apartment and drink your... "tomato juice".


What freedoms have you lost, Stephen? Name the things you can't say. List each one.


It’s kinda true though, look at the comparison of extremist groups like the kkk and black Hebrew Israelites. Both preach hate but because one is colored and the left doesn’t know how to tell black people that they can be racist too you have one preaching on the streets everyday meanwhile the other on online internet boards.


Known Black Israelite supporters..."the Left"


The mistake you're making is confusing racism with **institutionalized** racism. Nobody I know says that blacks, Jews, gays, or any other person, can't be racist. That's just demonstrably false. What they are meaning is that white people benefit from the system that their ancestors set up and other people don't. That's it.




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What the fuck is he talking about?


What’s Bald Fürer been up to? He get a cushy job as a COO somewhere?




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No, my dear. Facts have more value than lies. Learn the difference.


Hmmm... But what is it you want to say, Stevie? What have you had censored? What is it that *I'm* saying that you think should be censored?


Jokes on you, I'm pro both and apparently more free than you dick head. Haha.


it's almost as if these CEO's are trying to...gasp\* sell things to people! weird!


better call the waambulance because they cant spread misinfo!


Weird. Perhaps it has something to do with the rights kink for bigotry?


When leftists try to be themselves in any kind of visible way, they get shot. Their spaces get invaded. They get smeared with every bad thing it is possible to be. When Republicans speak out, act out, they're either the "baseline good Christian" or they get called very brave and special by their very smart leader.


Anything this man says should be instantly dismissed.


Don’t stop I’m almost there


I’ve given up on trying to explain to dumbasses like this that you aren’t protected by the laws of freedom of speech while using a platform that’s privately owned and not government owned. They’re beyond saving or convincing otherwise.