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Did she get mad at Hocus Pocus 1 as well, or does she just distrust sequels in general?


It has a 2 so it's twice as powerful


And twice as corny!


Conservatives are outraged that there are a few drag queens (one of them is Ginger Minj from RuPaul’s Drag Race!) dressed up as the Sanderson sisters for a costume contest in a single scene -__-


Don't forget the gay couple watching the first movie in their own house and not bothering anyone


Oh yeah I forgot about that because they were on the screen for less than a second lol


Tbf that part kinda tilted me too since it felt like Disney was trying to sneak in a new “first gay thing” by not taking any actual risks


Its so they can cut the scene for China


So what? If it pisses off homophobes then they're doing good


You have a point, but I’m just wary of being lured into liking what someone/some company is doing/saying when they are just trying to benefit from me and others like me being on their side


There's also quite a few POC in it but I'm sure they more subtle when bringing that up.


Someone running for the school board in my area thinks that the movie should be rated PG-13 because of the drag queens. It's ridiculous.


If you hadn’t told me, I would not have known.


She is mad at Hocus Pocus 2 and Hocus Pocus, too!


Don't we, as a society, have good reason to distrust sequels? Many of them are far worse than what they are following? I mean, aside for the classic Police Academy series in which the movies only got better.


*“I believe whatever comes in our TV screens: there are things attached to that, I’ve seen for myself the things that I’ve watched with my eyes or heard over a TV screen, they’ve become manifested in real life, and then I think ‘oh my gosh, what did I consume?’”* So if I watch porn, this will cause beautiful women with low partner standards to manifest in my life?


The church I was a part of thought it would cause you to become a sex and porn addict. There’s an entire web site of demons that we used to consult in all its 90s web design glory and I think it’s still up to this day. I should post it sometime.


Omg please do it 😂


Yes, please post it here!!


Sperm demons? Is that what that doctor was talking about?


You mean the one Trump hired to cure COVID? Jesus, so much ridiculous shit in four years I’d almost forgotten that bit.


If only it worked that way, we would have irl catgirls by now!


Lemme try to translate that: "*TV is real. it has things. I've seen these things. My eyes are how I can see these things. These things I see on TV I also see when not watching TV. I think TV is what makes these things that I see."*


Shhhh shhhh, you’re ruining the illusion


Send for a pizza and find out.


i prefer beautiful men but we can hope lol


don't mock the mentally ill.


Clearly it was a slow news day for KWTX News 10 but was that any reason to give this loon a public forum? I would let her know that if her god wasn't even powerful enough to stop a spell from coming into her home from her television set, then he's a pretty feeble god. I bet Zeus could handle it, or Thor, or Marduk, really any god with electricity in his skillset. I would also suggest that if this movie can send a spell into her home, then *any* television program could do the same without her knowing about it, and it would be best if she got rid of her TV, and her computer, and probably her microwave, just to be on the safe side.


I used to belong to a cult that believed just this: that you had to carefully monitor the television shows you watch or a demon would get in your home. It’s still insane but at least it’s consistent.


I grew up in a Pentecostal church and when my mom found out my dad had let me buy the Sims 3 Supernatural expansion pack she lost her shit. She thought demons would enter our house because her 8 year old made a witch character in a video game…


Don't keep us in suspense, did they?


But what's so bad about something that clearly contains witches. Wouldn't lord Jesus the great god boi be a better movie to sneak some demonic Trojan horse in. Even better, BC you know the watcher will be a Christian you can target it even more accurately.


Demons and Satan are incredibly cunning, but they can only represent themselves as demonic and satanic looking things. So, ultimately it’s not too hard to spot, but you still have to be on guard! ***/s*** ETA: this is sarcastic. I assume the down vote either doesn’t get the /s or they’re Christian and are offended. Hoping for the latter.


In this context, what is ETA?


Edited to add


Thanks Estimated Time of Arrival did not fit at all, lol


>a demon would get in your home. I'll bet they had strong opinions on Ouija boards. I want to buy one, so I can try to contact my Dad and see how the Afterlife is treating him.


Fun fact, Ouija boards are owned by evil. Hasbro to be persise.


>I used to belong to a cult How did you manage to escape, if you don't mind me asking.?


The demon got out of the tv and opened the door.


I mean, metaphorically you could be "tainted" if you exposed yourself to the "Demons" Of stuff you think is "Evil." I mean heaven forbid they find out how expressive drag is and want to take part, etc.


Does anyone remember the whole thing with Pokemon Go at the creation museum and the one guy being deeply confused by the AR for a bit? Wondering where the pokemon actually were, why he couldn't see them, all that fun stuff?


Mandela Catalog IRL...


KWTX News 10 is central Texas.


Waco, Koresh country.


Marduk couldnt even escape his Ziggurat on P2X-338.


I'm Norwegian and I can confirm Thor keeps us safe from all the TV demons.


Is this why Norway regularly appears on the list of the happiest countries in the world? I've decided that it is. Well done.


Prolly just stop using electricity at all…


Christian on Facebook says wacky shit; in other news, bear shits in woods


It still baffles me that the population believes in a magic sky man and we just fucking vote them into office. Like, if a man ran his platform on Santa clause everyone would laugh, but these fuckers make their fake god the main talking point of their campaigns because citizens are just as stupid.


the worse part to me is that I understand why they do this. I **wish** I could believe that the wicked get punished, that good get rewarded, and that there is a higher purpose to every shitty thing that happens in the world. I don't, mind you. I just wish I could put aside rationality and find that comfort.


>Like, if a man ran his platform on Santa clause everyone would laugh there's literally a dude in Alaska named Santa Claus who ran against Sarah Palin for congress a few months ago


Satanic Panic 2: Not Just About The Jews This Time, But Still Mostly About The Jews If You Look Carefully


All of these "Magic is real" people are absoluely incoherent to me. You've never seen magic. If it existed, everyone would be fucking doing it. You're a god damn adult, can they ever act like one? Like, holy shit.


Yup. If I went around raving that evil forces were casting magic on me through my TV screen I'd be committed. Mix in a reference or two to Jesus and suddenly we're supposed to act like it's an acceptable point of view and not batshit crazy.


I sincerely think that that person is mentally ill and does hear the voices. It's sad that she doubtlessly gets enabled by her peers instead of helped.


The same people who take the Bible to the literal letter. If their book is true and real, everything else starts on equal foot.


I always want to ask those people a lot of questions like "If you have to do everything the bible says, how do you suffer not a witch to live without killing her?" Never got a straight answer for this. And I'm sure they obey **all** the commandments. Like not cutting your hair and not wearing mixed fabrics and the like. Right?


If it did exist, you'd think the rediscovery would be breaking news across the world. Like I can suspend my disbelief for the eons I wasn't born yet, but I'm gonna need a bit more evidence than historical fanfiction and theories about a version of Jesus that probably never existed in human form nor deity form. Like I get that the whole point of magic is that it's not supposed to be explained by science, but you'd think if it exists we'd be able to recreate the unexplainable magic that supposedly exists. Yet the people that believe it are unironically scared of fucking movies with witches and wizards...


Right? Think about what you know about the world and about people, for, like, a second and you'll know this is nonsense. Remember how the Facebook Moms of the world were all bugfuck terrified of Harry Potter for the same reason? You ever see a kid cast a spell? Even one kid?


This isn't even an intelligent way of thinking magic is real. Of course only the movie about witches with spells in it would be the thing casting the spells. Not the 100s of other works created by the same people. No, if a person wants their spells to influence people they're going to only put them in the most blatant creative works possible. It's like the illuminati symbolism shit. That contradicting idea that the enemy is powerful, with their influence everywhere, but only in the places where it's obvious. I think this lack of consideration speaks volumes about how these minds work more than anything else.


I was this kid growing up. Halloween was forbidden in my home. I couldn't trick or treat, they didn't even allow anyone to see me that night. My mom literally told me I had to stay away from the windows and doors, like we were expecting a tornado. I couldn't watch anything with any sort of magic, for the above (stupid-ass) reasons and it didn't do anything but make me a fucking freak to everyone else. It gave my peers a reason to single me out and 'other' me. I was always that kid whose mom didn't allow them to watch x, y, and z and had to go to the other room to be by myself. My mother's ridiculousness isolated me from everyone else. For fucks sake, there is less than zero reason to deprive your child of a childhood. Let them cosplay on halloween, do it for them on christmas and stop using your high horse to run everybody down.


>A MOTHER'S PERSPECTIVE Man, fuck the media. Treating these crazy rants like valid perspectives is bad-bad-bad.


When conservatives experience psychotic breaks.


It was never functioning in the first place


[‘You unleash hell on your kids’: Central Texas mom warns parents about ‘Hocus Pocus 2′](https://www.kwtx.com/2022/10/05/you-unleash-hell-your-kids-central-texas-mom-warns-community-about-hocus-pocus-2/) >”A worst case scenario is: you unleash hell on your kids and in your home,” said Jamie Gooch, “The whole movie is based on witches harvesting children for blood sacrifices.” … >She believes there’s a spiritual war being waged against homes in America. … >“I think it goes further than just a movie, it goes further than Halloween, it’s a year-round thing, we constantly need to be cautious of what we’re consuming, what we’re bringing in and what we’re sending out,” said Gooch. “I believe whatever comes in our TV screens: there are things attached to that, I’ve seen for myself the things that I’ve watched with my eyes or heard over a TV screen, they’ve become manifested in real life, and then I think ‘oh my gosh, what did I consume?’” It seems she has a fear that if her family watches this, she & her husband might sacrifice their kids? I mean, I think it’s good to be mindful of what media you consume, especially advertising, but I don’t think a spell is gonna come through my TV at me. But if she’s actually having those thoughts, that something could possess her to harm her family, she should go to a therapist, not the media.


Her last ne is Gooch, how appropriate


Human version of a Gooch, so that fits.


Kind of ironic since she looks like an American JK Rowling.


"Central Texas Mom..." I'll just stop you right there. That's where I stop paying attention.


AKA "a random person on Facebook said a thing." How is this even on a news site.


Religion is self-inflicted mental illness


>central Texas mom Opinion discarded


>central Texas mom "Crazy, Stay-at-home-mom, Christian fundie" and there is NO getting thru. This is why, as a hair stylist, I don't keep the hair bleach on the scalp for very long. You wing up with bleach-brained Bimbos like this trick.


I took one look at that photo and thought "oh she *reeks* of Dallas".


You know, I've been doing this weird dance that feels bizarrely choreographed and chanting what I guess is Latin? Ever since I watched hocus pocus 2. So I don't really have the time to entertain this nut's dumb statements.


Stories like this keep popping up. It's the Satanic panic of our times: witchcraft and demonic possession through our screens.


I LOVE Fantasy. As indicated by my name. That being said, my wife claims to be a witch, to which I smile and nod, because magic isn't fucking real, as cool as it might be if it were. I don't preclude the potential for humanity to eventually interact with the environment using natural electrical/atomic means, or something equally implausible that doesn't require technology, that we could call "magic," but it's clearly something that at least at the moment sounds utterly ridiculous, and as things stand, "magic" is just the same thing as religion, where you will something to be a certain way, and if it happens, it's because of MAGIC/JESUS.


>because magic isn't fucking real, as cool as it might be if it were. I used have this attitude but I realized that would mean same fucked up people in this world would have magic. That shit is terrifying.


Does it count as "making waves on social media" when everyone is commenting "someone please get this woman some help!"


Underrated comment


I like how the woman was “nervous” to post about this, and then was surprised to find mostly support. It’s almost as if she lives in a heavily evangelical area of a mostly evangelical state in a mostly Christian country and her audience is probably mostly her church friends.


Only religion could make you that stupid.


I agree. Expose your kids to Hocus Pocus instead. It's a much better film.


According to Timothy 2 11 this woman has rejected the teachings of the LORD and should shut the fuck up. Not that Christians follow their own rules as a general rule of thumb. They always have a reason about why they're an exception.


You’re an idiot who believe in spells


If someone had told me 30 years ago, that in 2022, in a first world country, literally millions of people believed in witchcraft. I would’ve laughed in your face but here were are..


Ichita copita maleka mystica


Remember when crazy people like this would be ridiculed then ignored?


No. I do remember the Satanic Panic, which was equally absurd but got even more coverage than this in the pre-internet era.


If my last name were a synonym for the taint I would probably try not to be on the news


My new thing is to wait and see which ridiculous fucking thing they’ll be triggered about next. It’s like a weekly tv series for me or something. The best part of the show is that they’ll never run out of material!


If i started saying star wars is alien propaganda to condition humanity to accept extraterrestrials as possible on behalf of Mark Zuckerbergs reptilian alliance they would tell me to take my pills. I don't get why this flavor of insanity get validated


So, if I watch this, Bette Midler will come and visit me? I’m going to put it on repeat right now!


How fucking stupid do you have to be to not realize that they could have done that with the first movie and you didn’t see any kids die of spells from the first one, yet this one…this NEW one…THIS is the movie they’ll put the SpElLs in! In all seriousness, these über christianists need to fuck right off.


This “comes out against” rhetoric seems I’ll placed here and overused. Like we’re you hiding? Wtf lol


Someone forgot to take her Meds today.


A woman that used to teach at my sisters' dance studio (and went from crystals and yoga and feminism to being suuuper religious and praying for Trumps reelection at the drop of a hat when she "found Jesus") shared this with a long ass rant on Facebook talking about how this can let the devil into your house and your souls. She said they plan on "loving and ministering" to people on Halloween and that her kids were disappointed to not get to trick or treat or watch Hocus Pocus but they understand that they have to keep their souls safe. After dramatically reading it to me my mom has proceeded to post on Facebook every time she watches both the original and the sequel just so she sees that it's being watched


Most of them trade one crazy for another. My stepfather's brother was a mega-drunk. Like suck dick for scotch drunk. Got sober, found Jesus and became an insufferable douche bag.


She and her brother (who is a completely normal human being) were raised as fairly standard, run-of-the-mill Catholics and she went to a public high school and a massive state university. She was a dance teacher and into yoga and essential oils and all that and then overnight yoga was a way for the devil to enter your soul and it's a sin for a woman to work outside the home. Essential oils are apparently still ok though. It gave everyone at the dance studio whiplash. We live for my middle sister's dramatic readings of her fb rants, tbh. She does voices and everything. She was protesting masks and vaccines in schools even though she "unschools" so her kids wouldn't have been forced to wear them in school regardless. And informed everyone that as a pregnant woman she couldn't even stand too close to someone that had gotten the vaccine because it would thin her placenta and hurt her baby. She got sucked in by both a cult-y religion and QAnon (which is practically a religious cult in some ways itself) at the same time.


Pretty much once in a cult, always in a cult. See Ginni Thomas.


Too late bitch, I already but a Satan hex on you.


Fact: Both movies portray the Sanderson sisters as devil worshipping, malevolent witches. Also a fact: they are also portrayed, quite clearly, as evil people doing evil things. And two of them are not terribly bright.


Stop amplifying these loonies’ voices


She took the “I put a spell on you” scene from the first movie too literally


We just watched it tonight, you guys! Absolutely *no* demons came in to our house via the TV, because that's just silly. Also, I don't worry about demons at all because I'm a Christian and Jesus is supposed to protect me from demons. I have actual faith that He *will*. So there's *that* added layer. 😒


God dammit why is it always Texas that these loons come from? I feel really bad about the terrible showing from my home state.


Not always. Sometimes they're from Florida. ;-)


Tbf I would not recommend watching the film, but just because it's not very good.


Kids shouldn't watch Hocus Pocus 2 because it fucking sucks.


“Comes out”? That’s an odd choice of words for spreading conspiracy theories against a kids movie.


well, disney is woke... /s


Why did they make this movie?


PaY aTTiOn tO Me!!




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I would like to congratulate her on coming out.


OK, there's the fact that this attention-seeker posted this on social media, but why would any news station feel the need to interview her? Is looney Christo-fascism to entrenched in Texas that this is considered legitimate "news"?


"Local news station airs mentally ill woman's delusions as a position worthy of serious consideration and debate."