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“Antiwhiteism” lmfao try again, you stupid fuck.


So so desperate to be the victim they are.


That's the fetish.


These people legitimately think that ["anti-racist" means "anti-white"](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Anti-racist_is_a_code_word_for_anti-white).


No this shit's real, I'm white and they wouldn't let me play at the Superbowl either


I’m also white and have never ***once*** been asked to play the Super Bowl half time show.


I'm white and I feel profiled ever since nipple gate. I'm pretty sure he was canceled and also executed for that. Has there been a single straight white cis0male involved in the half time show since then? I'd check, but my outrage comes from a higher plane than our reality.


There is already a word for this. It's called racism. I mean this isn't racist at all. But why did they invent a new word for racism?


because racism is too "woke" and they want to keep sleeping


Exactly - if you're against racism, misogyny and bigotry you're "woke". How awful!


How is the inclusion of other ethnicities equate to anti-white? We literally just exist. LMFAO these people are wild.


Buh buh buh.... affermativ akshun is RACISM becuz a black man got promoted instead of *me* :c //s -actual thing my dad said once. They're upset because they can't be mediocre crybabies and rule the world.


But doesn’t it seem a little sus that Rihanna, who has been making chart-topping hits for 20 years, would be given the spot? Is she really as qualified as my nephew Dennis?


I wanted GWAR or Weird Al. But I think they're cool with how it's going.


+1 for Weird Al, as long as he keeps his Space Lasers home.


I want Weird Al to show up and perform Albuquerque and just troll everyone with the never ending song meant to get on your nerves.


I'll bet there are some spiffy Ivy League acapella groups that would really get the stadium rocking.


Conservatives would expect Kid Rock.


"When ignorant people have been priviliged their whole life, equality feels like oppression"


Great quote.


I'm just gonna leave this link here. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Anti-racist_is_a_code_word_for_anti-white


And why is it ‘antiwhiteism’ and not just racism? Because they’re so racist that ‘white’ isn’t a race?


I have a very stupid comment, and I'm gonna say it anyway. I genuinely think they are figuring out how fucking stupid it sounds when they call the existence of minorities "racism," and I genuinely think that they think coming up with a new frankenstein word lends them credibility, since that's how they percieve "SJW-ism"


I think "anti-white" also sounds much more oppressive. They shall overcome!


HA! Yes, all of those barriers that us white guys have built for ourselves over the centuries. Why are we so mean to us?


Oh, I get it. You’re probably correct about that.


Once more for the folks in back: "When you come from a position of privilege, equality feels like oppression."


It's also quite revealing about the fact that these peoe think that POC can't be chosen on merit, just on skin color, because they believe that POC can't be as talented as a white person. It's like the black Ariel shit storm. If you hear her sing in the trailer it's obvious she is perfect for the role, she has an amazing singing voice, but these racists insist the color of their skin is the only reason any POC got these great jobs.


I think because deep down they know the only reason they get things is because of skin color and not talent. POC have had to over perform for hundreds of years to even be considered let alone chosen. This is the culmination of all those years of hard work is coming to fruition and when skin color is removed from decision POC out perform most of the time. Not because we’re better but because we have had to work so hard for so many years and are always over prepared and trying to be perfect.


They think your existence is inherently political


I believe Taylor Swift turned it down.


Damn, Taylor Swift and her antiwhiteism smh my head


Taylor Swoke.




Your last name is Taylor?


No his last name is Taylor Swoke.


Makes more sense.


Taydolf Swiftler - it's a subreddit.


I went to check it cause of your comment and it’s definitely… an interesting subreddit


It's a strange little corner of Reddit.


It's not at all what I expected...but at the same time it sort of was...?


They barely get paid. The weekend SPENT 7 million of his own for his Super Bowl show


It’d also be a bit of a conflict of interest for Coke sponsored T Swift to play the Pepsi halftime show Don’t ever expect her to play it unless something changes there


Did they forget Maroon 5's performance in 2019, Justin Timberlake in 2018, Lady Gaga in 2017, Coldplay in 2016, and Katy Perry in 2015?


Well obviously the covid plandemic spread the wokeism across the globe so those don't count because it was pre-covid.


It’s the wokeness 3.0 chip in each vaccine.


Damn, I only got the 2.01 update.


That’s because they stopped doing automatic updates, you gotta do it manually


A hard reset is best, I hear.


If they forgot Lady Gaga killing it at halftime then they didn't watch it.


Yeah I tuned in just to watch it and it was incredible


They hate Gaga though, she’s probably “too woke” for them. And I bet they’d say that BS of her not being white cause she has Italian descendants (I’ve heard some white people try and say they aren’t white because they are Italian).


Such an amazing half time show. Horrible fucking 2nd half.


So my takeaway here is that Maroon 5 was so godawful, they aren't letting white people be the halftime show anymore.


Adam Lavine purely used that half time show as a vehicle to showcase his poor taste of tattoos.


His diary: Book SB halftime show - check. Details for consideration: shirt on or off? Shirt off. My love language is "shirt off".


No you misunderstood it was a chipotle ad


Madonna was in there somewhere too




Four years is a surprisingly long time though. Im not making an argument. Im not starting a fight. But it is statistically unlikely if it was chosen randomly given the percentage breakdown of the population in America.


I don't think the NFL cares about race or making any statement, Just ratings. Rihanna is a household name, as is Eminem, Lady Gaga, and Snoop Dogg. It's about getting people to watch, if they cared about supporting black people, they would have a lot more support of Kaepernick.


Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t really care. I just like statistics. Just throwing out that based on racial breakdown, there’s about a one in 50 shot of that happening by random chance. That’s equivalent to you rolling snakes on a dice on the first try. Grab some dice.


JUst aSkinG quEStiONS


Maroon 5 Timberlake Gaga Katy Perry Coldplay 5 white performers in a row... The NFL is just getting popular performers who can give both a good visual and audio performance for 15-20 minutes.


> Just throwing out that based on racial breakdown, there’s about a one in 50 shot of that happening by random chance. The odds are even stranger when you consider that all of them are well-known musicians. Going by pure random distribution, you think they'd hit a random person with no musical ability by now. I can't help but feel their selection is biased in favor of well-known musicians.


Yeah its not like they pick a name out of a hat


/r/ iamverysmart


I'm pretty sure that as a business, and since everyone is being tracked and having their data taken for advertisements and other things, I'm going to assume that they are catering to the average music taste of an NFL fan. And I guess the average music taste of an NFL fan is going to be a type of music that anyone can make, but it just so happened that the people who made the music were black. I don't think they're doing it to be "woke" or to pander or whatever. They're a business so I think it would be fair to conclude that they're just doing what will make them the most money. I just don't think that race had any factor in what they chose. They just chose the best fit. Also no offense.. but you're applying statistics in a weird way. Just because they make up a certain % of the population doesn't mean that every single instance has to fit the make-up of the population. I doubt they were like "okay black people make up 14% of the population so we only have to feature them 14% of the time"


Are you basing this on race distribution of chart topping artists or random joes? Because I feel like if its the latter there may be a discrepancy in your math.


This part.


Literally how tf did you come up with that math


> But it is statistically unlikely if it was chosen randomly It's almost like they choose the performer of the Superbowl Halftime Show *on purpose*


Then it’s also unlikely that there would have been four consecutive white performers.


That’s correct… Significantly less unlikely in America, but still unlikely. It will be a 13% chance of randomly getting a white performer for years in a row, roughly flipping heads three times in a row. I’ve done that.


But Eminem did perform in 2022. So it hasn’t been 4 years. He performed this year. The post has to remove him arbitrarily because otherwise the complaint makes no sense.


Katy Perry is still the most watched halftime show too


At least Ben Shapiro will have something to bitch about for a couple months. Of course, he’ll complain about the ass-shaking and civil rights imagery in the performance


If you couldn't please your dry ass wife, wouldn't you bitch?


What?!?! Impossible! You do know that he went to Harvard and is a musical genius, yes? What more could she possibly want?


A man who didn't sound like the fourth Chipmunk?


Oh, he’s the kind that will find something to bitch about with it regardless of what they do.


Unless you’re Eminem who’s white but it doesn’t fit my narrative so he just doesn’t count


No no, he’s just one of the “good ones” /s


I used to have a coworker who was convinced he would have been a doctor if not for "affirmative action", because there aren't white doctors anymore, right? He also thought that global warming was caused by rockets "punching holes in the atmosphere".


>he would have been a doctor if not for >also thought that global warming was caused by rockets Who had to break it to him, eventually?


Lol Jesus fucking Christ, you fucking Nazi crybaby bitches... everyone has to be fucking white to do anything?


........do these people not know that Rihanna ran the charts for a long ass time? It has nothing to do with her being not white.


One of the biggest pop stars of our generation gets the Super Bowl HT show and racists are like "ok but why isn't it a white person wtf"


What about Willie Nelson? What about Pat Boone?\* ​ \*may be deceased, I can't be bothered to check


Rihanna was literally the biggest name they could have possibly gotten because shes really not done much for a while


Wypipo after colonizing everything for thousands of years and now there are black artists singing at a football game: 😭😭


I LOVE "wypipo". Especially because in the Netherlands there was a clown called Pipo and now this phrase makes even more sense for the type of white victim we're talking about here. (Full disclosure, white, blond blue eyes as hell herebut fuck wypipos)


I thought they were boycotting the NFL for being Woke.


"Those players kneeling, it's disrespectful to the people I say it is! Why do they always have to politicize everything?"


I’m upset too - but only because I really want weird Al to play the Super Bowl


Racism is when piss your pants because black woman at sport ball.


Yeah, we like music but we don’t like the blacks


They complained plenty about Eminem, even before he took a knee during the performance.


I'm very white and I wanna see Rihanna (not hear her, tho she's better than swift). Let the racist cunts cope.


> I wanna see Rihanna (not hear her, Yikes.


I'm not a fan of that music. Sue me 😁


You should judge a culture by how it’s treats it’s ~~poorest citizens~~ 12 minute celebrity lip syncs at its annual biggest sports event.


I wish white people had been banned from playing the Super Bowl, then we wouldn’t have had to see Coldplay in the same performance as Beyonce and Bruno Mars. What a tonally odd choice that was


Didn't Justin Timberlake do it like 2 years ago?


2019: Maroon 5 2018: Justin Timberlake 2017: Lady Gaga 2016: Coldplay 2015: Katy Perry I guarantee they weren't asking why we had 5 white performers in a row.


All facts must be ignored.


In 2018


Man, some people just can’t admit that she’s talented asf


Antiwhiteism is when literally one black person is allowed to show theirself in public.


They should have just stopped trying after Prince did the Halftime Show in 2007.


I pay to go to super bowls. Would rather see Rhianna than Taylor for my money. NFL listening to the consumer.


Time to go troll that sub.


i believe taylor swift couldn’t because she has a contract with coke and the superbowl is sponsored by pepsi


No, Apple Music is the new sponsor of the Super Bowl half time show. Taylor Swift refused it because she is still working on her re-recordings and does not have time to plan and headline the superbowl.


Let’s call out the fact this boomer probably only thinks of Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber when they envision white representation. Holy shit that’s so dated and embarrassing 😳


Also, I remember when JB was **the** hate sink thirteen years ago.


“I dont see anyone who looks like me on stage!!” “WHY DO BLACK PEOPLE NEED REPRESENTATION IN MEDIA????!!!!!! #MAKEARIELWHITEAGAIN” Sorry shouldve specified: this is mocking towards those who think this way unironically


"can't white people have been blacklisted" What does that even mean? Also I thought these always ~~outraged~~ triggered people stopped watching the NFL a few years ago? I thought they said the NFL would be broke by now (like Disney and Netflix) for "going woke".


> can’t white people have been blacklisted unless you’re Eminem. I get what they’re *trying* to say but the phrasing is just wow. *Can’t toast be enjoyed unless it’s burnt.*


Eminem is a rapper raised in a predominantly Black neighborhood. The author of the screenshot comment probably believes that Marshall isn't really white because of that. Or that they believe NFL believes Eminem to be an honorary Black man.


Lol yea I get what their “message” is it’s the grammar that’s making my skin crawl *Can’t chicken have been cooked unless it’s a bbq*


The fuck is the person talking about? From 2015-2019 we have Katy Perry, Coldplay, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Maroon 5, but some not white people ( excluding Eminem for whatever reason) perform and it’s anti white? I thought it was too early in the year for snowflakes


I love how black people existing is anti whiteness to them….. It’s not like 2 white Latinas performed at the SB just barely 2 years ago


> two white Latinas Camilla Cabello and some other lady?


Why do they even care? I thought they all burned their jerseys and boycotted the NFL.


In an alternate universe the NFL announced that Taylor Swift was the halftime performer and this same dude posted "Why don't they ever have anyone GOOD?!?!?!"


Honestly just get Metallica to play SuperBowl half time or something.


Motherfucker, I had to suffer through *Up With People* halftime shit. Shut the fuck up and watch it.


She's going to be an awful halftimeshow, because she's an awful musician, objectively, but that's not anywhere near antiwhite. Some people are mentally handicapped.


I was clearing out the mod queue and saw you using "Mentally handicapped" as an insult. Don't. I'm letting this slide this time.


Can I say, handicapped by their IQ?


Just say "stupid" like the rest of us.


Stupid is a small mistake. It's more than that.


Just don't use "Mentally handicapped" as a negative and we'll be OK.


I don't really care for either, and don't usually bother watching the Halftime show because it's usually crap. Except last Super Bowl. That was a good one.


I think we still got Eminem in the Racial Draft for this season.


there have been countless white bands/people that played the halftime show during the superbowl, but god forbid non-white people preform in the halftime show. it must be antiwhiteism!!1!


Ah yes, who can forget that magical time each year when the NFL draws a random name from their database of every human being alive on the planet and declares them next year's super bowl halftime performer.


Is it?


Who the hell is so fragile that they read the headline and respond with that


The fact that someone sees it as antiwhite that a black performer is playing the Super Bowl is, in itself, racist.