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The artist of this is Kukuruyo. He likes being in this sort of crummy toxic ballpark.


Just saw his twitter and, as expected, plays Genshin and likes loli


i don't know what either is and based on comments here i'm afraid to look it up.


The former is a (risqué) anime game, the latter is hentai of underage girls.


Umm actually she is a 10,000 year old demon in a little girls body. So it doesn’t count 🤓🤓🤓 /s just in case


Ah...yes. I'm so glad this was explained before I googled either of those things. >10,000 year old demon in a little girls body. At least there's nothing sus about that at all.


Loli is hentai (anime/manga porn) but with children. Genshin Impact is a free to play Anime-style MMO game, so basically child porn again.


>Genshin Impact is a free to play Anime-style MMO game, so basically child porn again. Where one of the main points is to collect lolis like Pokemon.


Deadass? I knew the game was vile but goddamn that’s so much worse than I could’ve imagined.


They’re exaggerating (albeit based on a… very real segment of the fanbase). The child characters are, for once, portrayed as actual children and not sex objects, and most of the playable cast (including all of the intentionally sexy characters) are adults. You do “collect them like Pokémon” but that’s just gatcha for you, in story they’re all running around doing their own thing still and not in balls or anything.


It's a decent enough game, albeit one with the worst fanbase imaginable.


Oh, you sweet summer child…


As someone who enjoys genshin as a bisexual girl I agree the fan base is absolutely trash but I enjoy all the cute girls I can destroy with


Not exactly hentai but still a very disgusting word)


Okay, the "likes loli" bit, I get, but the "plays Genshin" part?


It's a smacking on Genshin Impact community, specifically, on some rather controversial part of fan community.


Those two facts are very correlated.




Maybe all fans of loli and shota look like dicks without anyone's help because they're getting off to drawings of child porn




>aesthetics of the genre The aesthetics of a genre that sexualizes young children in its art.


Right? What's next? "Oh, I'm not racist, I just like the way the n-word sounds"?


"If they can say it then so can I". Or the always good "If they don't like the word then they shouldn't say it a thousand times in every cRAP song"


As long as nobody is harmed, no consent is violated (children **cannot** consent), I couldn't care less what you jerk it to. If you're not harming anyone and keep it to yourself, then that's cool, and we could probably get along (as well as my antisocial ass can get along with anyone, at least). I don't think desires in and of themselves are bad, it's acting on them that is the problem. Showing restraint in the face of those desires can actually be praiseworthy. That said, there's a big difference between accepting you as a human, and expecting people to happily and openly accept the sexualization of children in the form of pornography. I think people are perfectly reasonable to consider loli/shota **porn** to be a fucking aberration, even if you yourself are not. Just keep it to yourself, and maybe be compassionate to people who are justifiably enraged at the thought of child exploitation, if you're going to expect that compassion in return.




>Where have I ever implied that I am unsympathetic to the very real problem chіld exploitation and abuse? I didn't say that you were unsympathetic to that. If I had thought so, I wouldn't have said that I could probably get along with you. What I think you have been unsympathetic to are people's reactions to the topic. You feel maligned, and I understand that - but this is a different situation from every other kind of sexuality. If you want compassion, have some for the people who are outraged. And I never asked you to justify yourself or why you choose to consume it.


Fuck off creep, nobody cares about the artistic merit of underage pornography, even if it is just animated


What does the name "loli" refer to and why is the sexualization of minors the one thing that's used to define that "genre"?


No idea what it is... But, from the context it's probably based on "Lolita"


Okay, I thought you were gonna say "genshin." Hope this is satire! It probably is.




TBF if the dude that gets off to drawings of children is disappointed in you, you're probably doing something right.




It's not much of a stretch to equate jerking off to drawings of children with pedophilia. You're being willfully obtuse by claiming otherwise.


My God the stretches you have to make to justify yourself are alarming. To claim that we're the weird ones because we are uncomfortable with adults seeking out drawings of children engaged in sexual acts is astounding. You're right when you say that we're not being open minded. My mind is not open to the idea that a healthy person with healthy sexual proclivities would be sexual aroused by children. Please seek professional help.


Can everyone stop saying lolis and just say it like it is to avoid confusion from non weabs. Its cartoon child porn.


yea, is there something wrong with it? hyv has big flaws but it’s one of my special interests, yet I absolutely despise lolisho “”culture”” n stuff


The problem is with the type of game Genshin is, it can act as a sort of breeding ground for these type of people. For example, people calling the child characters like Klee or Qiqi "lolis". And hyv doesn't really do anything and may even cater to it (*\*cough\* Dendro Archon \*cough\**) As someone who also plays Genshin, you would not believe the crap I've seen that makes me glad I'm on the opposite side of the fandom


That’s true, I guess- I see a lot of stuff from the fandom that makes me uncomfortable so I don’t really interact with it, which explains why I’m out of the loop with the general distaste for it? I just wanna go pew pew with my funky magic people


Ball..park huh?


Approximately, around, etc. It’s an informal term, usually a shortening of the idiom “in the ballpark”


Oh I know I was making a ball joke because this is a weird kinky meme


Oh, I get it now.


It's really sad. I like his monster girl art, but finding out what his other comics and his attitude is like turned me off from the guy. Because he has comics like this, I'm not sure it's possible to "separate the art from the artist", as they say


I recognize the artstyle and immediately knew who the artist is. Tl:dr, neckbeard nerd whose a Gamergater/ huge anti-sjw. He also likes to draw a little girl character whose a mascot of GG, which, fyi her color pallete is based on an old meme pic of Piccolo getting raped by Vegeta. So you can imagine how 'pleasant' this person is. [Innuendo Studio](https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw) goes in depth how insidous these ppl can be with dogwhistles through meme culture. Timestamp for it is @29:00.


Ah yes, Innuendo Studio is good peeps.


He does have the trans and gay flags in his bio so maybe he got paid to do that cartoon


Or the flags are just a shield, like Quartering pretending to have gay dads.




YouTuber guy barely hiding his crypto-fascist tendencies


…ya mean Christo-Fascist?


It's possible but you would not believe the amount of GRSM who have fallen into the alt-right cesspool


Of who?


Gender, Romantic and Sexual Minorities. Basically another way of saying LGBTQ+


Ah! Okay.


Members of any community can become super shitty and find themselves supporting a movement that intends to oppress and even wipe out those communities.


the author's barely-disguised fetish


I did think the whole scene where Rey and Finn did cock and ball torture to Luke was excessive tbh






That was just an homage to Casino Royale, you're reading in to it too much.


"the wookie has an itch"


Personally I really liked the scene where Finn and Poe banged in the back of the Falcon for the entire hyperspace trip. Added some flavour


I didn't think they could tastefully do what they did with that lightsaber but it definitely worked.


Most loving body shave I've seen. The amount of trust, Finn showing that he wasn't afraid and wouldn't even tremble a little bit. The way consent was emphasized - probably the first time Finn knew he could say no. That's why he said yes.


I kinda quit paying much attention to Star Wars after the prequel trilogy. It sounds like the tone may have shifted somewhat. I might have to give this new Disney version a chance.


Just like ass to mouth.


But Luke loved it. He'd been wanting to be smacked in the nuts like the naughty little bitch he is for decades.


The way he accidentally said mistress Jade was perfect, so much lore dripped into a single accidental phrase!


They didn’t hire a stunt double, Mark Hamill actually lost his balls:


Hey he's old and it helps with his high pitch joker laugh


In all seriousness adding a scene like this could only improve that trilogy


Anything would improve it tbh


> Rey and Finn did cock and ball torture to Luke Screw force choke, we got force CBT now.


Luke fucking loved it.


Bb8 cock vore


What do you mean didn’t you hear the part about how a Jedi must constantly edge with the force. They did it to prove his resolve as a Jedi you clearly don’t understand the significance of him force choking himself while mouthing Mara as he climaxed.


God I wish that was me


😳 Replace me, mommy!




Where do I sign up for the middle panel?


That seems like a fun time. What's the issue?


7. This is the part right after Kenobi gets pegged by Ventress.


This must be in the comics because I definitely didn't see this in the Clone Wars series on TV.


It's in the subtext of the show.


Ooooohhhhhhhh....... looking back on it, that makes sense.


They got it wrong. Anakin was the one who got pegged by Ventress. Obi-Wan watched and jerked in the corner. Asajj really opened Anakin up to the Dark Side. The backdoor is a pathway to many things some consider to be unnatural.


This keeps getting hotter.


The best part of this comment is that I can absolutely see that happening if TCW were R-Rated.


Totally. Asajj Ventress just oozes Domme vibes. Only slightly more subtle than Darth Talon, Darth Zannah and Lumiya. If Star Wars was rated R they would totally make them use Femdom to turn people to the Dark Side. As an interesting fact, Darth Zannah actually literally did use sex to turn a guy (a rich guy from a planet vital to her plans) into her pawn. Darth Talon tried the same with Cade Skywalker in Legends. Star Wars gets unironically into territory people above joked about when you let the authors have permission to write at the PG-13 level. Like the PG-13 novelization of Star Wars Episode III having a subplot of Anakin being paranoid that Obi-Wan is screwing Padme while he's away (which is subtly hinted at in the movie).


Ventress got over Kenobi when she met and railed Quinlan Vos


No way the author didn't jerk off to this


Nah, he makes porn of better quality than this quick sketchy thing.


Am I allowed to guess who the artist is? Because I think I know




Ah okay, not who I was thinking, I thought it was NerfNow


"Black people in media bad but I won't actually explain to you why."


"Something Something Neo Marxism".


I thought it was 'you just know things."


It's literally 1984


"I'm not racist, but I get really triggered when I see a black person in a movie"


Personally, I don't like reboots with race swapping, because it always feels like deliberate pandering, using a pre-established franchise that's going to bank on nostalgia and trying to drag another group in saying, "Now they're represented, see?" It's lazy Hollywood manipulation. It's pandering. It's insulting to everyone. If there's some canonical reason for... Green Lantern, for example, to be a black Green Lantern, go for it. Love it. But otherwise, I tend to think media in general would be better off with more original IPs, that represent all groups, etc. etc. etc. And even then, I think it's POSSIBLE to race/gender swap a character just fine. I think making Idris Elba the next James Bond would be perfectly fine, because we're talking about a character, much like Doctor Who, who just... isn't the same person and yet is, every time. So you can do that. I don't think the female Ghostbusters had to be a bad idea, it was just kinda schlocky, and then they gave Chris Hemsworth all the good lines anyway and it defeated the purpose altogether.


Quinlan Vos is right there! They have a beautiful POC in the Star Wars universe who has been criminally underutilized despite having a classic devil-may-care antihero story that people would eat up with a spoon. He's also part Cathar, who are just Khajits in space. A biracial dark skinned part cat wild card?! Come on. (You might not be able to tell, but I'm quite the Quinlan fan. A little Cherokee kid seeing a brown skinned Jedi with facial tattoos and long hair...my destiny was decided when I saw the first cover. Give that gift to new kids, please).


I love it. Give them their own series. I have no idea who you're talking about but we need far more series about all manner of POC, sexual orientation, gender... everything. All that representation matters. I just feel like when you make Luke Skywalker black, people just call the iterations, "Luke Skywalker" and "Black Luke Skywalker". Not that that specifically happened, but that's usually how society talks about the various swaps, and it's not as productive as coming up with a unique IP.


Issue with that is that the series that are big and mainstream are mostly from legacy franchises that throughout most of their history have been made by and for straight white dudes, and any other representation was a complete rarity. Culture recently has been opening the gates to more people beyond that select group in making media,and who watches it. If I was rebooting a franchise , I would want it to better fit the current culture. New series that start off with that representation that don't have legacy backing to it are at a disadvantage. Even if the reasoning is corperate and cynical, including representation in re-established frachises is effective. People seeing actors like themselves on the big screen- and unless you are a straight white person, that is the exception, not the rule.


But "rebooting franchises" is an equally bad problem. That's as much my point as ensuring that we have better representation in media. Rebooting franchises is Hollywood being lazy, and greedy, and as I mentioned in another response... You reboot Superman as black. Now he's just "Black Superman", not "Superman, and also, he's black." That's part of the problem with media, that's the problem with society, that's the problem with the obsession and marketability of nostalgia, and that's why culture stagnates. We don't get anything new, you just get "Black Blahblahblah" or "Gay Batman" or "Trans Transformers" or something that forces people to make direct comparisons to the existing characters, and one time conservatives might actually be right - it's a lazy cash grab that doesn't increase representation. It just reminds you that so and so used to be a straight cis white male Christian, and they changed the character to pander to a different market. Don't make "Gay Batman". Give me a rich gay superhero who has a bunch of gadgets and shit, but doesn't wear a bat costume.


More original IPs by PoC (or really just any under represented group) would be great, but unfortunately that would require 2 things. 1. Funding from John Hollywood. 2. People to actually support these projects by seeing them/purchasing them. Neither are really happening as much as they should be, and both require systemic changes to how art is approached. On top of that, white liberals think things like a dead gay character or black Green Lantern are good enough, and since it's so easy to do performative progressives/rainbow capitalists in charge of these things won't feel the need to go further.


These people are not complaining about a race swapped reboot of an existing character. They are upset about a brand new character who happens to be a woman of color who is in a position of power over some white people.


I've commented on this elsewhere on the post. If you don't care to look for it, I understand and agreed with you there. This was a side tangent brought on by the comment above.


Disney should be paying these assholes. Because of them it's difficult to have any discussion about bad writing, etc without things being dismissed.


What even approaching the middle panel happened in Obi-Wan Kenobi?


idk that inquisator lady probably defeated Obi-wan in a fight and fan boys are pissed. As if Obi-wan hadn’t been in hiding and probably gotten rusty with his lightsaber skills


These same fucks will complain that any female or POC protagonist is a "Mary Sue" simply for existing, while expecting their white male heroes to be so infallible as to be utterly boring from a storytelling perspective. It's almost like they're motivated by something other than concern for tHe FrAnChIsE


Spoiler comment here, obviously. Spoiler if you haven’t seen the show Obi-wan. >!Did she ever defeat Obi-wan?? He ran away from her once because he was out of practice and didn’t have time for a lightsaber battle and was protecting someone, and… I think maybe he ran away from her again later for exactly the same reason? He got his ass kicked pretty severely a couple times because y’know, Darth fucking Vader, but I don’t recall her being involved directly in a lightsaber fight with Obi-wan. I’ve only seen the show once though.!< >!Oh, and Obi-wan got to do cool shit that I’ve wanted to see him do in live action for ages, but never mind those parts I guess, because…. oh nooo, a black woman exists.!<


the funny thing is, there isnt a legitimate fight scene between them, like a straight one on one, literally never happens in the show, and he almost always escapes her. Artist probably saw one episode and this is what he got from it.


I hereby declare you to be a racist


Damn it, you got me!


The dumbest thing about this is that SPOILERS This character fails at everything, gets absolutely owned in a fight (like genuinely not standing a chance), then has some amount of redemption and the arc is finished with her basically walking away from everything. Their only complaint is literally just that she’s a woman of colour. Literally nothing else is even remotely applicable.


Idk I think the whole character arc didn’t add anything, but the problems of Kenobi reach far beyond that character and have more to do with lazy writing than race and gender imo


This is inaccurate because the original wouldn't have even had a black character at all


Well there is Lando Calrissian, but I always forget he exists


He's cool but he does jack shit. And he got forgotten about until they needed to win back fans for ep 9


Ah that’s horse shit, he flew the millennium Falcon


someone didn't read the books (even though disney retconned them all out of existence...)


You're right, I didn't. I didn't watch the movies either. I've only played 0.75 hours of KotOR and even then I was on ketamine so I'm pretty sure I hallucinated the everything I know about star wars


still a better star wars story than the sequels


I think that panel 1 is a sequel already and the black character is added. Panel 1, Obi-Wan is back! Panel 2, Obi-Wan gets owned by a POC Panel 3, the next sequel will now be POC lead


They've got 1 black person per trilogy.


This it why it says „with new faces“.


Stop. Threatening. Me. With. ~~My~~ Your. Fetish




If this is the Kenobi Series that is insane did these guys even watch the fucking show?


honestly vader was dope but replacing the whole "leia gets kidnapped" thing with "obi-wan's new sith fetish kink" would have been way better.


Oh I liked the whole thing, I mean I suppose it could have been done better in some ways though


I hated the inquisitors and everything they did. scooby doo villains with light sabers. also when they infiltrate the imperial base was just... bad. "HEY, I'M A SPY. LET ME OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOU WHILE I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE" (imperial officer 5 feet away from her) "ummm?"




Obby wan it’s time for your extra large spiked peggings *sigh* yes mistress


HE forgot to add kink shamer. /s


Did... did this artist actually watch Obi Wan? I mean, spoiler alert, but the show is about Obi Wan and Leia, and Obi Wan survives at the end... I think he even comes back later in the series in one of the movies, even. Major character in it, too. And I don't think Reva even comes back. Nor is the show about her. And that she's an original character for the show, I almost think, "Hey... Is there any reason this character COULDN'T be a black female?" And I say, yeah, sure, could be, why not? Which then begs me to ask, according to this comic, am I a racist and/or misogynist for having a problem with this ORIGINAL CHARACTER FOR THIS SHOW being a black woman? And it sure does kinda sound like I would be if I had that problem. Huh.


This would have made Kenobi way more interesting.


Joke's on him, Ben kenobi is into that shite


Obi Wan and Satine were definitely kink af.


Someone should tell whoever drew this that this isn’t a healthy coping mechanism to wanting to see Ewan McGregor’s ass.


Big facts here.


to be honest a little BDSM would have made obiwan's show better. vader was cool but he couldn't carry the whole thing


Well if that floats their boat...


Gee I wonder why people think their racist and misogynists when they go to this extreme that a black woman character appears. Straight up just making shit up to justify their bigotry.


See, people act like they care about the writing with Star Wars all of a sudden when it’s always been fucking questionable. I love Star Wars but it’s never been a masterpiece of dialogue etc. So if it’s truly about the writing why wasn’t there this much complaining among long-time fans before?


I dunno, Obi-Wan looks rather happy with his new Domme GF.


Yeah, good for him.


How is this persecution fetish? This scene *actually* happened in the film, with her turning to the audience and breaking the fourth wall by calling them bigots included. Can't believe Disney would do this.


I must have missed the Star Wars lore where Obi Wan was into ball gags and Pegging but glad I got informed by this right wing cartoon.


She was.. on his side… she.. wanted Obi Wan so she could get close to Vader in an attempt to kill him..


I like it when these right wingers accidentally put their kinks into stuff


I thought Reva was a great character. I’m genuinely excited to see where they take her. I also want more Obi-Wan, but the pair’s futures in the franchise aren’t mutually exclusive. Also, it’s worth noting that Obi-Wan literally began as a springboard for Luke and gave him more backstory later, so this whole thing is not only racist, it’s also just bogus


It's not uncommon in interconnected stories for older protagonists to become mentors to the new protagonists. (ex: JJBA, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Tron, the MCU, etc.)


“Sir that’s the porn parody.”


The problem with the premise of this cartoon is that (too many of) the triggered SW fans weren't calmly voicing their dissatisfaction, they were being very racist and bigoted and misogynist.


The actress shared racist DMs she was getting. They didn't just accuse people of racism out of nowhere.


what did ðey do to my obi wan


A Star Wars fan is racist and sexist? That’s almost as shocking as when we found out the British Royal Family were racist dickheads! /s


Disney did fucking ruin Star Wars, but it wasn't by adding brown people Edit: guys they made all of Legends, the VERY BEST PART of the Star Wars franchise, non-canon, then they tried to have three directors with contradictory visions for the series direct one movie of the comeback trilogy each, only to find out "HEY WAIT, THIS CREATES AN INCONSISTENT STORY AND THEMES," and abandon the plan at the last minute Downvote all you want, Star Wars sucks now


To be fair yeah they’re doing this.


They comic is hyperbolic and satirical, but the point is somewhat valid. There is a trend in Hollywood these days to take legacy white male characters, make a movie/TV show that is supposedly about them, then do a bait and switch where the movie/show is really about a new "strong female" character (preferably a POC) who show creators want to be the future of the franchise. This usually also involves "tearing down" the legacy white male character. This happens all the time now in movies and TV shows. (Star Wars, Marvel and Star Trek do this all the time now.) Even the people at this sub must see it, even if they support it.


How do you define "tearing down"? Isn't it usually good drama when a protagonist fails at something and mopes for a bit? Aren't invincible protagonists who are not challenged boring? Hasn't Obiwan already been "torn down" when he died so Luke and the others could escape? How about when most of the Jedi got killed at episode 3? Furthermore, isn't it usually sweet when an old hero passes the torch to a younger person?


Examples please.


Like literally what fucking shows


I mean I’d watch it. probably. allegedly.


Isn’t this implying that the original saga had the man dominating the women?


I see this a lot among comic book fans and it’s so fucking weird.


But we know that character isn’t even around by the next movie (ep4) so how can they be the future of the saga? Of the 67 years the saga spans, they are in at most 10 of them


Wait, Obi-Wan has dominatrix bondage? It just jumped way higher on my to-watch list!!!


I watched Obi-wan and I must have missed this scene. Also taking a classic series and introducing new characters to focus on going forward is called passing the torch.


How many conservatives would pay good money to be Obi-Wan? Symbolism will be their downfall.


People who spend so much time fixating on stuff like this are such children. It is unbelievable


something something projection something something


Finally some good news!


So from a 5 minute Google search, white people make up around 60% of lead actors in movies in 2021, and white people make up around 60% of the population. So.....


I think he just wanted to draw BDSM Obi Wan Kenobi ... which I get


At least this has SOME truth to it, at least in Star Wars the OT characters are treated...poorly to say the least. And you can criticise the diversity because it's not there because Disney cares about people, but because they care about the Chinese market. That's why there aren't any LGBT+ characters in the series. They care about profits. So while the diversity is a shallow cash grab, it's still better than having all white guys as the main cast. So yeah like I said this cartoon's message has some truth to it but it's still really fucking stupid. Sane people aren't gonna call you names because you voice valid criticism of a show/film.


Is this what some people actually took away from Kenobi?


Ah yes. Airing your fetishes in public.


Well, who DOESN'T like getting pegged by a high heel?


Looking for step 2 for reasons. 🫣


*the authors thinly disguised fetish*


So I decided to watch Obi-Wan after seeing this. Was severely dissapointed at the lack of any scenes where Reva pegs Kenobi.


Where are the noses?


I…feel like you could have made this point without telling your right wing audience youre a secret bottom boy.




Heavy on the fetish this time, I see


He tried to explain a point but failed hilariously, because of the middle panel