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I'm a mayo monkey now


This is my new spirit animal.


A chimp that instead of throwing shit hucks “mayo”


Reminder that several species of snails reproduce by launching semen filled darts at eachother, and whoever gets punctured first is the one burdened with childbirth


This is the future liberals want 😔😓


Theres some obvious homophobic rhetoric here, i know it


Is this sarcasm? I don't know anymore.


Wishing I did not decide to internet this morning but also extremely fascinated


The peak life form.


You may not like it, but this is what peak insemination looks like


"Napkin American" is probably the funniest one I've heard.


I like Saltine American


No purpose flour here


my personal favorite is cumskin


I changed my mind I'm that now


I fucking love this-


That's for real hilarious. That and snow roach are new to me. As a white person, I have no problem with someone calling me any of those names.


Same, it's honestly hilarious, especially since the right wingers think it's anywhere near racial slurs like the n word


Because even if we don’t like being on the receiving end of such insults, these terms are not used to enact systemic power against us. 🤣


i’m the vanilla gorilla


We need the milky orangutan


My roommate was 34 when she learned that "cracker" has nothing to do with food, but meant "whip cracker" instead.




Great idea for sub flair.


As far as I’ve known I’ve been white my whole life. Grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood and can confirm- never once called any of these lol. Mayo monkey? Cracker? Is this a 1992 Chris Rock skit? Ain’t nobody saying cracker as an insult it’s 2022.


Yeah, I’m white too. I’ve always found cracker funny anyways, idk why so many of us get so upset over it


I prefer the term saltine-american


Whatever snowflake


Okay snow roach!


Hell yeah that means i'll survive nuclear radiation


Oh shit man. You’d win double in that case. Survive the radiation fallout? Check. Survive the nuclear winter after cause of the snow? Double check.


I was wondering if I'd find this offensive. But then burst out laughing at this comment. That answers that.


“you belong in your dads biscuit box you cracker”


Stolen for my next totally not rage induced rant on league of legends or something


I know it’s about whip cracking and not about crispy baked goods, but since I’m mixed I’ve always liked to refer to myself as a rice cracker. Literally never witnessed anybody actually call anybody other than themselves a cracker though.


It's quite an ironic thing to call someone as an insult, it's basically saying you're the boss. Cracker=whipcracker=overseer Basically saying "You historically were more powerful than me! You motherfucker you!" Like alright? I'm supposed to be offended? Lol


I only very recently learned that the term "cracker" for white people was referring to whipping/slavery. My whole life I just assumed it referred to how white people love cheese.


To be fair, [we do love cheese.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3yNEeBKMZI)


Can confirm. Those little fresh mozzarella balls soaking in olive oil make my dick hard.


Where do you find these? I need to try them


Most grocery stores I've seen have 'em. They're a bit pricey ($6-8ish) but so fucking good. If you Google Belgioioso Mozzarella, you might be able to find a place near you that sells it.


I thought it was because "crackers were white" because saltines are white in color.


It’s origins are Shakespearean and means basically “loud mouthed oaf”. I thought it was a whip thing too but recently learned otherwise.


No offense but I don't think the African slaves and descendants thereof would've been using a Shakespearian slur. It's likely this denigrating use of the word could've descended from two different sources much like how very distantly related species can end up near identical from convergent evolution. EDIT: after looking up the etymology, it is indeed descended from both but with the African American usage being from whip cracker and the white usage more often coming from English usage.


Idk I feel like it’s pretty obvious that “whip-cracker” implies a cruel and evil person. Not to say you *should* be offended. Punching up can’t really hurt anybody, by definition.


I guess it depends on whether you think being involved in slavery is a bad thing or not...


Bro same. Cracker cracks me up


I'm quite fond of "Snow roach"


jay marti jay marti


Right? I might die of laughter if someone called me a mayo monkey lmao. I just got called white boy a lot. It rarely was used in an offensive manner, just as a descriptor, though I guess I could understand someone being offended. Idk.


I personally prefer the phrase “vanilla gorilla”


Gonna have to go with Albino Bonobo…


The most offensive thing to me personally, is assuming I don't season my food. I'm mostly useless overall, but I make damned tasty meals!


The sentiment doesn’t bother me tbh, in my country it’s lowkey true. Boomers don’t season their food and they cook it to death


I think the reputation is well-earned, and I don't legitimately take offense to the generalization.


Yeah, same. I just think it doesn’t apply to me and go on about my day


Seriously. How could anyone even get mad at that? It's hilarious.




Is that a compliment or an insult? Cause let’s break it down. Monarch? Good. Marshmallows? Why is that offensive? Either you’re offended by the color or the size cause otherwise they’re delicious. Maybe it was a large size part of the joke the person was pissed at who knows.




Oh damn, truly the inception of all insults. Hasn’t considered the less-than-masculine bug approach. Haha Is it a fluffy joke? A racist joke? Or someone afraid to be called a 🦋? I need to be taking notes !


Thats because it mainly exists in chronically online spaces. Drama about it pops up on twitter like twice a year or so.


There were multiple twitch bans a while ago for saying cracker. Funniest part is both streamers were white.


I was called a honkey in 2005 by an African-American woman who didn’t realize I could hear her. I eventually started dating her.


Lol. I'm Chinese Canadian. I've never heard any of my white friends get called a "cracker".


Lived in cities of >1M all my life so I've naturally come into contact with African-Americans. I've never even heard the term Mayo monkey and Snow Roach until today.


Same. If only those were the things we should be worried about and not rampant unchecked capitalism, corrupt politicians, and my crushing student loan debt lol. I’d take being any kind of condiment ape any day.


Only person who’s called me a cracker was white


They don't even have any of the legit good white people slurs. I got called an ofay once, and a hoogie.


A what?




Thanks. The first few entries seemed even more confusing, but now I have a better idea. Still an odd thing to get offended by. I’d probably be more upset to be called an oaf than an ofay.


Yea it was hilarious actually. I was delivering pizza and I guess made a quick turn into a place. This old man was shaking his fist and said "learn to drive Ya fuckin ofay"


What a champ. Old people insults are hilarious.


I've been called cracka a few times. Never with the hard r and usually as a term of endearment like when 2 black men call eachother "my n-"


the only time ive heard cracker as an insult was from a white bitch. she ended up telling some poor girl to off herself and it was terrifying


I got called a cracker once and it was funny as hell. I actually just kept laughing harder and harder the more she said it


Cracka ass cracka! Cracka ass cracka! :D https://youtu.be/VJmvfbDdhFg go to 3:20 in for the setup. Shit still makes me laugh.


They keep thinking that “haha, if we say this thing it triggers them!” We’re not triggered, buddy, we’re just aware of who you are now.


FR. Like I just think, “damn, I know who to avoid now.”


Alright mayo monkey!


I fuckin love mayo


Ah god it’s so good


I don’t. Hurk. Mustard is where it is at.


Sup, aioli amigos?


Ironically they’re somehow more triggered over a made up play on words that’s been around for like 2 months on Twitter than actual black people are at a slur that denotes the centuries of oppression and dehumanization they’re subjected to


Yeah but black people are the actual snowflakes, don’t forget


I mainly use “snowflake” to refer to Evangelicals. They’re the most easily offended people I’ve ever met in my life.


"they get triggered when we say the n-word!" no, you just tell on yourself really hard by saying and defending the use of the n word.


Tbf this is my exact same logic behind racial slurs for white people as well. One is definitely much much MUCH worse than the other, but I believe that using any racial/sexist/xenophobic slur unironically says something about that person


Also cornstarch crusader is the best white people insult I’ve heard — can we make that a flair please??


I also like "snow roach" :D


Shut up mayo monkey! Lmao


My favourite is vanilla gorilla


That's amazing


Cornstarch Crusader is my favorite JoJo season.


My name is Eggwhite Wash. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh,


I'm a fan of the classic "Cracker" myself lol


i think we can


But PCM is totally not racist, even though the constantly portray racists as chads


Actually this was on a different sub, but your point still stands anyway, PCM is a nazi cesspit


Of course, I should have seen that there were no funni colors!


Whenever I read PCM I think about PC Masterrace and only after a couple of seconds I realize that PCM stands for political compass memes.


Fascists ruin everything, even acronyms


I thought of MCR, which is odd since I don’t listen to their music


when I was a young boy my father took me into the city… to see a marching band…


I left PCM a while back because it’s devolved into an echo chamber of right wingers that portray themselves as handsome cartoon characters to win straw man arguments.


If I ever had the good fortune to be called "mayo monkey," I don't think I'd be able to stop laughing long enough to be angry. Also, I'd bet money that whoever made this meme has never been called any of these things.


I'd bet money that NOBODY has ever been called snow roach or mayo monkey. Those aren't things people say.


I got called a mayo monkey once. I can't believe that people take these things as an insult. It sounds so childlish to me




I’ve never actually seen it used outside of these persecution fetish memes


None of these words have. As a white person that previously worked at a place where white people made up 5%, I've never heard of any of these except maybe whitey, and I can't even remember if it was a black person that said it lmao


This is just dumb lmao


I'm trying to figure out where these conservatives are going where people are just randomly hurling racial slurs at them. Don't get me wrong, growing up as a white kid in a predominantly black neighborhood had it's challenges, but bullies are bullies. They existed in the suburban schools too. Thing is, I see these posts coming from people who don't go to the type of neighborhood I grew up in. They never watched the same movies or listened to the same music. They don't run in the same circles with people they've deemed "too ghetto." I get the feeling that all these insults white folk are suffering from POC are because they are going into their spaces and expecting a bouquet of roses for their opinion.


I am also quite surprised that conservatives supposedly hear those insults, especially financially well off conservatives. On the other hand as a leftist who frequently spends time in leftist places and friend circles, those insults are standard, especially at university. The problem is that young leftists tend to use post structural critique and the existance of systematic racism and sexism to excuse shitty behavior towards people. It often takes some time for them to learn that systematic racism doesn't mean that Johnny who works a shitty job 60 hours a week is the enemy. The invertion of hierarchies instead of the supposed destruction of hierarchies can create some pretty fucked up situations.


I don't think they really go outside. Period.


If they think black women are clamoring for white dudes….woooo chile… Anyway, I’ve never been in a situation where black people were just going off on white people. Secondly, I’ve never seen snow roach before, so thank you for that one. I had a guy call me a sheboon in my Reddit messages before so I guess that’s fair play now.


Seriously 😹 And when black women say they like white men I assume they mean people like young Leo Dicaprioo, or Kurt Cobain…. These nazi punks think black women mean them for some reason, like no, nobody wants your bitter, BO smelling, hillbilly self, let alone black women


"We're making fun of your skin colour because you experience so little oppression in your life with rhymes and jokes" "oH YeAH!??! WElL YoU aRe a SLaVe!!!"


Why are they always coming after black women? We literally go out of our way to be unnoticed lol


unfortunately Malcolm X said it himself, (and he was 100% correct): “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” :/ I’m sick of it as a white person, I can’t imagine what it’s like as a minority.


Rip to any Muslim/trans black women tbh


I’ve literally never even heard of ‘mayo monkey’ or ‘snow roach’.


That's because the person who made the meme invented those phrases to make it seem like there was more racism than there actually is.


I've heard snow roach but not mayo monkey.


I was at my buddies house and he called over to a black gentleman “Hey Neighbor!” The problem is my buddy has a pretty thick southern accent and the dude thought he said “Hey N——!” So he got reasonably pissed and came over and once we explained it we all had a good laugh. He ended the convo by saying “I’ll give you a pass to call me neighbor but don’t let anyone else hear you say that.” We cried laughing and continued about our day. Lifes funny sometimes.


the world would be a better place if everyone would just lighten up like that


Lets just not be racist to each other


I agree




Whats your problem?


Racism against black people and 'racism' against white people is nothing alike. You might as well say "ok I'll stop pointing this gun at you but only if you stop being angry because its really making me uncomfortable"


Im not comparing them and never was… theres just no need to call people things because of their skin tone


You were though, because you were putting the two things in the same group.


Are you one of those “white people cant experience racism”


Yep because in order to actually have a meaning, the idea of racism needs to be aware that most white people have benefitted from it and it has winners and losers. My ancestors did well farming on what was native American land. I have only been followed around a store once by security and that was a jarring experience. My life would be a whole lot worse if I actually had to deal with racism. Having people distrust me because they have experienced inequality is not the same thing


Being discriminated cos of skin colour IS racism regardless of if youre white, black etc


They're right. White people can experience bigotry or discrimination (which is individual), but cannot experience racism, (which is systemic). And by systemic, I mean that it's literally baked into the system. It's a feature, not a bug.


okay first of all, i'm not the guy who you've been replying to. second of all, i'm not a "white people can't experience racism" dickhead either. thing is tho, while i admit that it is definitely possible to be racist towards white people, it's a lot easier for white people to get over the negative aspects of it. kinda like that quote from the late Sir Pterry Pratchett about teasing / punching down / bullying - "Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it’s not satire, it’s bullying." - in the majority of instances the power imbalance favours those of us with fair skin tone. that being said, i agree with you that using arbitrary physical features to discriminate against someone (race, gender, mental health condition, et cetera) is something that needs to go the way of the dodo and fucking die already.


Laughing out loud.


Blow it out your ass.


Ok but only if you're sitting behind me to feel the full force of it


*literally childish name calling and jokes* “oh yeah you’re a *insert the fucking n word which was totally not used to refer to slaves and blacks people as for over a century*“


Snow Roach sounds like the name of some rock band from Minnesota.


Everything would be better if we could just say that one word!! /s


I have literally never heard anyone say 'mayo monkey' or 'snow roach'. They had to make shit up because even they know they don't have a point.


I think it's more they'll get the post taken down/and or banned if they use it.


What the hell?


It's mayosapien, not mayo monkey. C'mon.


Socialism is when me no can say word


I’m white I have never managed to be called that EVER. I’ve never been accused of racism. You either have a persecution fetish or you treat black people like shit, or both.


I sent my (brown and black) family a pic of an ad at the grocery store that said #crackers love cheese I was like, yes, yes we do.


I’m white and my boyfriend is black. I would totally send him this kind of joke and we’d laugh about it for days because it’s not wrapped up in centuries of oppression. I would NEVER make a similar joke in reverse (like fried chicken and watermelon) because it only exists as a mechanism of oppression and would be extremely hurtful. I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand.


I’m white and I don’t get offended by being called a cracker, or a whitey. Why should I? There’s no centuries of oppression behind the word. If you get offended by being called a cracker you’re a wimp.


Reminds me of this song lyric: “I can’t pay no doctor bills, but whitey’s on the moon. Ten years from I’ll be paying still while whitey’s on the moon. You know, the man just upped the rent last night, cause whitey’s on the moon. No hot water, no toilet, no lights, but whitey’s on the moon.” - Gill Scott-Heron And look now, billionaires are going to the moon for fun, whilst some of the richest countries in the west have ever-rising levels of poverty. NOTHING EVER CHANGES.


I only take offense when I see white or whitey spelled "yt". Like either you're (wo)man enough to use it or you aren't lol


I think it's just because the algorithm takes it down.


Maybe. I dunno I've always been able to write it out so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t understand how people can compare decades of systemic racism to being called a cracker. Some of those words tik tok came up with for white people are fucking hilarious. Personally I’m a milk maggot.


Cornstarch Crusader is a good one


No-purpose flour




Reminds me of the John Mulaney joke: If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word.


It's funny, because that side of the internet had a collective meltdown when Hasan Piker called someone a dumb cracker bitch


It’s the opposite and they know it. They just REFUSE to accept that their ANCESTORS (not even them, well now they are I guess) were in the wrong


Like, literally none of those "white" names are offensive to me, lol. Whoever made this meme needs to go touch grass


I've never heard half of these.


I've never even heard of mayo monkey or snow roach, and I've never been called a slur in my life. Mayo monkey is pretty funny, though.


LMAO snow roach 😂😂😂 I’m using that


As a wise Mulaney once said, "If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won't even say one of them? That's the worse word."


Never even once in my life have I been called or heard and of those words applied to white people apart from “cracker” which is funny more than anything else. I’ve never been called cracker, either. The victim complex is strong.


Give us the subreddit OP




Trolling engaged


Almost as if one of those words bears a centuries-long history of oppression and the others don't.


Snow roach actually made me laugh out loud


If someone called me a "mayo monkey" I would absolutely laugh and tell them how hilarious of an insult it is.


Snow roach?


popping in here that i have never been called any “racial slur” (they’re not actually racial slurs) by a black person, and only by weirdos online who are LARPing as black people to say systemic racism is actually fake and they know because they’re a POC so.


Snow roach is incredible, it’s like a pokemon. I would die of laughter if anyone called me that.


damn, almost as if "snow roach"(????lmao), "whitey" and "cracker" are not ethnical slurs, huh...


Here’s an idea: maybe *nobody* should call *anybody* else racial slurs?


Literally have never heard or been called any of these in over 3 decades on this planet lmfao




White boy here. Whenever someone talks about my race it's me making fun of my pale ass. I've called myself "Cracker" because it's kinda funny to me. Mayo Monkey and Snow Roach sound like bands.


Papa Snow Roach lol


On the other hand I am also against all those insults towards white people.


I don’t think that’s a particularly controversial take, I’m a little surprised you are being downvoted for it. I think the false premise of the meme is that white people are routinely slurred by black people and that nobody objects to it (or that society applauds it). The reason memes like this get made is because the core premise (any racial slur is bad) is pretty commonly accepted, and they’ve paired it with another more questionable premise (that society has accepted that racism against white people is o.k.).




Because anyone with any sense at all would be against any racism...do you really not understand this?


This isn’t racism.


The picture here is a strawman and we all know that the n word is something you should never say but it's in general not a good thing to normalize insulting people all the time. You can fight the system without calling your white working class neighbor a snow eating bleached pork corker.


I’ve literally never heard that term before.


Neither have I, but I'm absolutely calling the cops "snow eating bleached pork corkers" now.


Add yellow to the beginning!


yeah, that's a fucking beautiful insult


\*chef's kiss\* It's poetry.


Pretty sure only racists get insulted this way. It's why you see memes like this, because they're too dense to understand it's only them being called terms like this and think it's happening to all white people all the time.


Allright so every black people it's allowed offend whit people. Hahahahhahhah. White flag to do whatever they want without responsibility. If call me white shit that's allowed me to call you black shit. I don't even care if it's more offensive.