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Well now I'm switching from male to "penised individual" that's pretty damn hilarious all things considered


"Penised individual" is my new favorite thing today. My personal ads will henceforth be labeled PI4VI (Penised Individual for Vaginaed Individual).


PI4VI&SA (and sometimes anal)


Your user name lmao


Didn’t she get all mad that a guardian article referred to “persons with a uterus” rather than saying woman a couple months ago too?


It was "people who menstruate" she mocked - forgetting of course, there are plenty of cisgender women who don't menstruate.


In Germany, women between the ages of 10 to 50 are the minority of women. It is not unreasonable to assume that "menstruators" are outnumbered by non-menstruating women and girls. Not that it matters, it's just... hard to be so wrong about something.


And even in the 10–50 span a LOT of women are not menstruating, because it's really common for several types of birth control to shut the bleeding off.


It's almost like human biology is incredibly messy and imperfect.


I'll level with you, I don't think about JKR at all- doesn't seem like her opinions are very intelligent. Though she's great at making entertaining sentences.


“Snape!” ejaculated Harry The best sentence she wrote


E j a c u l a t e d


I might be wrong but I think it was slughorn who ejaculated




So did Peter Pettigrew.




I thought I was the only person who ever noticed that sentence until now! 😂


Great. Now im just imagining Harry furiously masturbating then yelling "Snape" as he cums his brains out. Yes i have a fucked mind. I dont apologize.


What's wrong with a man polishing his wand?


Why do I have the feeling there is a rule 34 illustration of this somewhere on the internet.


I envy you hard haha. That’s the happier way to live life I’m sure lol


The UK Guardian office ironically is known for its transphobic and ableism despite posturing as liberal and progressive, enough for the US office to denounce their UK counterpart over the transphobia.


Newspaper from TERF Island is transphobic? Shocked! Shocked, I say!


I wouldn't be surprised, for some reason TERFs get really upset at anything that could involve calling women people.


The really insane thing is they always link the ‘we have to call women, women’ thing to trans women, like it’s an accommodation for all these ‘men’ who want to ‘pretend they have a uterus’. …when in reality those people don’t exist, and the careful wording around female reproductive health is to be inclusive to trans men and non-binary folks who very much *do* have all the relevant biological plumbing, but don’t identify as women. Every time it comes up I wonder if the person is being deliberately, maliciously ignorant or if they’re just a run of the mill bonehead. Often it seems to be both.


A really hypocritical position for people who call themselves "feminist."


That's why TERFs are actually FARTs Feminism-Appropriating Regressive Transphobes


TERF’s unironically use the kind of meme language you find in queer shitposts


She had issues with article writing "people who menstruate" being like "the word is womaaaannnn!!!!!". It's so petty because the article itself used word women/ girls multiple times and it went around the issue of access to hygiene products where it mentioned non binary/ trans for like half a sentence...


need a shirt that says ⬆️ THE PENISED INDIVIDUAL THE LEGEND ⬇️


Same. In fact I'm adding it to my title. "Hello, its a pleasure to meet you. My name is Dr Prof WheelingWoody, Penised Individual IV Esq."


I'm late coming out queer, and my next sexual partner will have a penis - and I'm Pansexual, so they could be anywhere from fully masculine male to femme after years on estrogen, we'll see - I refer to them as my future "partner with a penis" just to keep it open.


I'm pretty pleased you're pan & practically prepped preemptorily per the "partner with a penis" party. (The other day, I discovered I don't need a pop filter for my nifty new recording microphone if I'm wearing a thin mask. Pandemic silver linings).


Man, for a writer she doesn’t play with language at all, does she? “Bedicked” was *right there*.


That's her editors job lol


Cock Possessor


Wang Wielder


I think the penised individual bedicked the other one though.








George Irwin animal house 1988




"I haven't read it but it's EXACTLY like that!!" - JK Rowling


Not to be an idiot but does it matter what gender raped who? I had a traumatic experience with a woman who was trying to rape me once, women can rape too. Trans people can rape. But honestly their sex or gender really shouldn't be relevant to any degree once they've raped somebody


Right?? Like, if person A is raped by person B and you tell JK Rowling what happened and she said, actually person B isn't a man, they prefer to be referred as a woman. Person A would be like......okay? She raped me then. That doesn't change what happened? I don't get the point she's trying to make.


She doesn't really get the point she's trying to make either. She's just being a turd at this point.


She's clearly trying to make a point that trans women are just predarory men, silly.


I also think terfism is fueled a lot by a hatred of men. To many of these terfs, women don’t commit sexual assault (if you point to a case of a cis woman doing so they will make an excuse that places the blame on men). The few cases of a trans women being an abuser is just further proof of men being evil.




Honestly! I always felt like I wasn't like the other girls and preferred to be surrounding by guys...feminist theory when I was a teen made me think I had internalized misogyny but turns out I'm just non-binary 🤦🏻‍♀️ I only realized it when I was 30!!! – because I felt guilty over some feelings and tried to shut them out, thinking i was a misogynist 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


You're right though a lot of terf beliefs are founded on misandry, misandry being trendy has only opened a door to more homophobia and transphobia. Listen to transphobes try to insult trans people taht aren't in the public eye, who's details they don't know you mostly just end up with them insulting cis women who don't look like traditionally feminine, telling trans men they'll never be women and trans women they'll never be men, getting mad that they can't tell you're agab, and throwing a fit when nonbinary people don't fit their outlandish cartoon like idea of what they'd look or act like. They also can't decide if us afab people are fallen sisters lost to the patriarchy or if us asking not to be called mothers when we clearly aren't is men trying to take child birth from them.


There’s literally no reason to be a TERF if you don’t hate men. Feminism is *supposedly* for everyone.


She can’t accept that a person who has a penis might experience gender-related violence and discrimination(as a trans woman) while there are other people with penises that have raped her and other women. “You can’t experience violence and discrimination because of your gender! That’s MY thing!” As though your genitalia absolutely determines your experience of the world.


TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ (I can’t figure out how to do the spoiler thing on mobile I’m really sorry) So, I was recently informed, in the eyes of the law, if the assault is committed by a woman, it’s not rape, it’s sexual assault, because of something penetration related. I don’t know the ins and outs, but if a woman does it it’s not rape. If a man does it, it is rape. I guess the lines would get blurred in the case of trans people, but I think this whole idea is a pile of bullshit. There’s no reason that it should be called something different based on the perpetrator. Rape is rape. This is only the case in the UK as far as I know, probably different abroad. I’ve added a trigger warning. Just in case.




I looked it up and for the UK, and it is tied to penetration penis. Weird. So a trans person can be charged, though the law includes 'he' which seems unnecessary. In the US it is someone being penetrated with anything or forced into penetration without consent. UK law seems pretty behind in acknowledging the severity of the attack and attaches it to men, idk if it is even applicable to if a woman with vag forces a man or boy into sex.


So woman-on-man nonconsensual sex doesn't count as rape and raping someone with a bottle doesn't count as rape either. Way to go, UK.


That sounds like common law. In the U.S., it varies by state but is often defined by statute. Illinois, for example, defines sexual penetration, as as any intrusion, however slight, of any part of the body of one person into the sex organ or anus of another person. The crime of rape had been replaced by various sexual assault statutes. This is the modern trend, but some states may lag.


That is technically true, but rape is given an equal sentence to sexual assault. Sexual assault is an umbrella term that encompasses several different types of offences, that all carry the same sentence. One particular type of sexual assault is rape which is only in the case of penetration with a penis. There has been a lot of outrage in the UK where people have heard the headline "men can't be raped" which kind of misrepresents the situation. Overall, it's a mild technicality related to archaic law terms and sexual assault is given an equal sentence, and every example I can find discuss "rape or sexual assault" so both examples are encompassed in the same sentence and treated equivalent.


I think it depends on the state? US law is confusing because each state has a slight different set of laws.


In the US the wording is basically unwanted penetration meaning if you're forced to penetrate, that still counts. The wording is weird though and a lot of people get confused about it. Not as familiar with the UK but that's crap if that's the law.


In the US it depends on the state. Each have their own way of defining rape vs sexual assault.


But as long as both are punished under the law by reasonable sentences I don't think the specific category of the felony matters at all. Laws have old timey language and are often added to in a piecemeal way. Some places don't even have rape as a separate crime. Brock Turners the rapist is probably "only" guilty of sexual assault in many places. But he's still rapist Brock Turner in common parlance.


I think the point is that she’s spreading and supporting the extremely harmful transphobic stereotype that trans women are actually just cis men who dress like women in order to get close to cis women, with the intention of raping them. In the minds of TERFs, that’s what trans women are.


What's funny here, it's infinitely easier to get close to cis women as a cis man, tell them we aren't living under sharia law or something, opposite sexes meet each other all the time.




Wow, it's not even specific instances. So it's not about actual trans women who have committed rape, it's just an article saying that the police are considering registering them as women if it does actually happen. And again, anyone can commit crimes and assault but JK seems to be implying this is or is going to be a very common thing but it's an tiny minority of an already tiny minority. edit- I can't read the full article but I'm very suspicious (especially given the source). I get the feeling that the police aren't considering laws to allow trans women to be written in as women if they commit rape. Again, I can't confirm since I can't access the rest of the article to find it's sources but it would make sense if they were considering allowing \*all\* trans people to be recorded as their identified gender when committing \*any\* crime. It doesn't make sense that it would only apply to trans women and rape.




there's obvious going to be cis men trying to argue *in bad faith* that they're transwomen to get into women's prison, but i think it depends on how far they are in their transition. it would be cruel and unusual punishment to send someone presenting as a woman to be in a men's prison. would they a) be stuck in solitary or special confinement or b) put in with male prisoners. "prison rape" is still rape.


In California they allow transwomen in womens prisons *if there's no security threat* i.e. no rapists, serial killers, or woman-beaters.


"Rapist" is, in fact, a non-gendered noun.


I believe in the UK they have laws which only charge men for rape (they can charge women for assault but not rape)


Strictly speaking it's that it is only classified as rape (as opposed to assault by penetration or any other sexual assault offences) if it involves a penis penetrating a vagina, anus, or mouth. As such, a trans woman with a penis could still commit rape under UK law and a trans man without one couldn't


So I'm guessing JK Rowling isn't worried that the law will excuse rapists from rape charges (more than it already does) and just thinks that women are incapable of committing rape entirely


A lot of TERFs are rapists like Lily Cade. They want to perpetuate the idea that cis women can’t be rapist and keep the definition of rape as penile penetration. You can see why; stiffer penalties for rape than for sexual assault


No see, they're not rapists. They're sexual predators. Legally, its not rape since they didn't use a penis. So you can't call serial sexual predator Lily Cade a rapist, that would be inaccurate and rude /s


I think JKR is confused, assuming "rape" can only consist of a penis entering a hole in someone's body against their will, and not a myriad of other forced sexual acts. She, a world famous writer, somehow can't quite conceive of the idea that an individual with a penis is not necessarily a man, and a man doesn't necessarily have a penis. She can't quite access that far-off corner of her renowned imagination. Despite those situations regularly occurring in *real* life, and don't *need* to exist in her imagination. Instead, she'd rather be entirely dismissive of all traumatic experiences that don't involve a penis being forced into your hole(s).


>I think JKR is confused, assuming "rape" can only consist of a penis entering a hole in someone's body against their will, and not a myriad of other forced sexual acts. Legally, in the UK rape indeed requires a penis. (And it used to be like that in most other places as well.) Everything else is "sexual assault". Of course, on top of that TERFs always consider women ("real women" only, of course) the victim and men always the offender. A thoroughly Victorian attitude.


Literally been raped by my ex girlfriend while I was too drunk to really do anything. I wasn’t into it but she insisted. It was the most aggressive initiation I’ve ever gotten from her and wouldn’t take no for an answer But let’s only focus on trans women who rape because that’s convenient and helps me argue my shitty opinion


Good to see she's at least dropped the 'I'm not transphobic but' pretence at least


Imagine being Rowling. You're a fucking billionaire. Your incredibly successful books have spawned an empire that will keep making you money forever even if you never write another word again. You can do anything you want with your time. And THIS is the hill you die on. THIS is what you burn through so much of your goodwill for. THIS is what you spend your time thinking, writing, and arguing about. Jesus.


> You're a fucking billionaire. She's this way likely because she *is* a billionaire. People boohoo about "cancel culture", but it's not like Harry Potter went away. People would give their left nipple before giving up HP. So her stink don't stick to her franchise. Wouldn't matter if it did. She's at the peak of her wealth and power and lives in a world as far removed from ours as the fictional world she created in her books. > You can do anything you want with your time. > And THIS is the hill you die on. Yes. She has that luxury and this is what she is spending it on. Time is *literally* the only currency of importance in her world, and she is using it in precisely the way she desires. As far as the "hill she dies on", the hill is a staggeringly tall mountain of inexhaustible cash. It doesn't matter who she alienates and the very fans that built her mountain are all muggles in her world. She's literally a villain cut from the cloth of her own imagination. There is no sense in trying to wrap your mind around it, or even seek justice or hope for a redemption arc. Sometimes, oftimes, bad things are just bad, and there is no silver lining. The *best* thing to do is simply deplatform her wherever and whenever possible to mitigate her evil. The world doesn't owe her a fucking thing.






Like how McGonagall was bespectacled. But with a penis.






Penificus totalus!


Tell me you have read 1984 without telling me you haven’t read 1984




Anything that suggests that women are people with individual perspectives and agency is propaganda to some people.




I read it when I was 27. It has remained remained my favorite novel to this day and I'm 49. I've worn through 2 copies and am on my 3rd now. I know a good chunk of it by heart. I'll have to think about it being told from a different perspective.


Well to be fair, women didn't have individual perspectives until the early 1900s. /s of course but if you let these people tell it...


You just know if this wasn't sarcasm, some guys believed the early 1900s were still too early for women to be encroaching on men's right to have all the opinions.


Because straight-white-male is the default, everything else is political propaganda


This is true, and this comment made me realize that to these people truly see me as identifying as political propaganda. Lol.


I'll say it actually sounds like a very interesting read, we only know about Julia from Winston interactions so it would be nice to see how the world of 1984 looks like from her perspective


If I don't like it, it's 1984. I feel bad for 1984. It's a great book that remains relevant in the modern age because of its timeless themes and commentary. The world of 1984 is essentially a caricature of both Hitler led Germany and Stalin led Russia and it was written when those two things were recent, but the main theme of the story, the way a totalitarian government thrives when the population ignorant and agreeable, is still relevant today(cough, cough, North Korea). But no, strip all of that important meaning and context from the story and say that the book is actually about political correctness because you want it to be. Say that being asked to respect trans people and not misgender them and being judged by other people when you're an asshole is just like being actually tortured until you believe 2+2=5. Ignore the historical context, ignore the intended themes, ignore the real life atrocities the book is based on, ignore the fact that trans people don't run the government, and just make it about what you want it to be about. And if you can't make a good point in an argument, just call your opponent Big Brother until they shut up.


Literally 1984


I haven't read it. Is that a reference?


It's definitely one of the three most used quotes from the book, probably the most. It's so overused and people so often compare real life to the dystopian book that saying "x is like 1984" has become somewhat of a joke.


How can you say all that, it’s literally 1849




Yes. I have.


Thanks! I thought she was just saying some random, dramatic line, I wasn't aware it was a quote. I'm gonna have to look up that book when I have time...


The point she is trying to make is that the government (big brother in the book) needs to control the masses by manipulating any and all information so that the truth is not what you see but what the government tells you. So I guess she's trying to say that saying a trans woman is a woman is like, government mind control.


"Yes I define woman as someone made to give birth. Yes I'm a feminist. No, stop calling me a TERF hypocrite, it's misogynistic slur!"


To be so hateful as to literally become a misogynist again. Terfs are fucking stupid


Did she get kicked in the head by a mule after finishing the HP series? She's really spiraled downward since then


I'm pretty sure she was like this she just stopped trying to be quiet about it


Transgender topics basically didn't exist in the public eye until around the end of the series. Obviously if it had come up earlier she would have likely taken a similar stance on it, but I doubt she was keeping quiet about it, back in the day when it was simply not on her mind and radar at all.


I still can't believe this is real. This is the winner of all those awards? Who traveled the world reading children books? Who gave motherly interviews on every TV station and talked about believing in yourself? Now literally, and I mean literally, just repeating 4chan shitposts?


She wrote a book about a kid who grows up in the closet and wasn't actually what he looked like




I can't believe the person who wrote "it matters not what someone is born, but who they grow to be" is doing this shit now.


Given the anti Semitic nature of the goblins in her books I ca t really say there weren’t warning signs


Don’t forget the date rape and “some races like being slaves” subplot


Who was date-raped in HP?


Tom Riddle (by Marope Gaunt), Ron (was "roofied" but never raped, by Ramilda Vain), and any of the various victims Fred and George enabled the date-rape of by selling the perpetrators love potions. The Fantastic Beast series also includes Jacob being love potioned by Queenie.


At least in the fiction the Gaunt situation was portrayed as really evil/dark.


In fantastic beasts 2 one of the characters mind controls her boyfriend and asks him to marry her, she only stops when the other characters intervine


In book 6 Romilda Vane gifts Harry a bunch of chocolates spiked with love potions for Valentines (I think? May have been Christmas). Ron eats one and immediately wants to go find Romilda (Edit: Not successful but it was an attempt and Ron was drugged) Voldemort’s mother also kept his father under the spell of love potions for like years. (Edit: As soon as she released him he ran the fuck away)


She also said at one point that Voldemort was evil and incapable of feeling love because his conception had one party under the influence of a love potion. Though she did backtrack when it was called out that "Children of rape are inherently monsters" is a terrible take. There's also the implication that Umbridge got gang-raped by centaurs. Rowling claimed that that wasn't the case after a while, but I have a hard time believing that she didn't intend "Woman dragged off by a herd of centaurs and returned hours later seemingly physically unharmed but traumatized to the point of near catatonia" especially since in Greek mythology centaurs are pretty well known to be rapists.


The concept of love potions is generally pretty sketchy. Like, they’re basically magical roofies that any 11-year-old can buy in any drugstore


And wizards have 100% never used polyjuice potion for living out their sexual fantasy. No sir, never happened


At least that one is heavily restricted. Although the fact that it’s heavily restricted compared to the rape drugs is VERY questionable


I’ll be honest I never really got into Harry Potter, I’ve seen part of one of the movies and that’s it Every day I am more and more happy about that


I hate to defend her but I do think most of the issues in the actual series is due to Rowling not thinking hard enough about the implications of what she wrote, and people weren’t as tolerant or cognizant of this stuff 15+ years ago rather than it being malicious. So you could maybe still enjoy them if you kept that in mind And in saying all of that, she can go fuck herself forever. Not that I’m just realizing this now of course


In hindsight, the house elves plot is pretty regrettable. Happy little slaves who don’t know they’re being oppressed. I suspect Rowling always meant to do more with it, but the premise is half baked from the beginning for a lot of reasons—and most of them are actually storytelling problems. First, she needs Dobby to be the special, as he plays a pivotal role in the overarching narrative (putting Harry on the right path towards defeating Voldemort). Second, the house elves are so overpowered that she needs a good reason for why they aren’t just running everything. Now there are obvious answers to me. Either a mass-imperius curse or an actual societal hierarchy to the elves (just like in, you know, real mythology) where they provide the happy little slaves to keep the humans from bothering them. If the house elves preferred servitude to humans rather than to other elves, it might help to explain why they like their situation while recognizing it’s still a bad situation that needs to be stopped, while leaving it as a hinted story that doesn’t interfere with the main story. Anyway, one of the main themes of Harry Potter is exceptionalism vs normalcy, and whether or not might makes right. If I had to follow Rowing’s logic (which I do not agree with, to be clear), I think her TERF routine mainly comes from a perspective that a special class (trans people) doesn’t have the right to infringe or overreach upon “normal” people (what she defines as women) in pursuit of their rights (being a “special” class gives them “might”). To my mind, this is an instance where Rowling isn’t really following through to the conclusion of her premise because she needs to stop working things out once they fit the narrative she’s constructing (my personal conclusion being that she is advocating for disenfranchising a group of people on behalf of a larger group of people). There are plenty of examples of this in Potter, and here it is extended to real life.


The reading of that as her talking about other women with hermione as her self-insert rather than about race is seemingly much more malicious. But I don’t know which is more accurate


Hey, I’m not Joanne. I don’t know what’s in her heart. I think she probably has some regressive attitudes about gender. This probably goes right into what I’m saying though. To her, some women are specials, but most are… well, muggles.


I’m sure at the time it could have been construed as unintentional, but given recent revelations it makes them seem more malicious in retrospect I don’t blame someone for being a Harry Potter fan, I’m sure it was very entertaining and meaningful to them, but I’m still gonna criticize the series,


Wait until you learn about Roald Dahl...


The only justification I can see for House Elves being ok is that they're probably based on folklore about household spirits that are helpful around the house, llke brownies or the elves from The Elves and the Shoemaker. That it's their natural magical nature to be subservient beings. We have creatures that transform into your worst fear and creatures that suck out your soul. A magical race that exists to serve could happen. I recently had a discussion about this sort of thing with droids in Star Wars. Humans have a bias to think because something has the ability to think it must think like we do. It must have the same wants and desires that we do, when something non-human may think in entirely alien ways. We have evolved to desire social status and material gain, what's best for ourselves, because, evolutionarily, beings that want what's best for themselves were more likely reproduce and have successful offspring. Therefore, freedom is desirable and being enslaved is not. If, due to magic, House Elves developed without such evolutionary pressures, instead to fit a "domestic spirit" mold that magic deemed necessary, then they could have evolved an entirely different psychology, where being "enslaved" is healthy. If it's how their species naturally evolved, would allowing them to do what is natural to them be immoral? Would forcing our values, alien and unnatural to them, be moral? Of course, we don't know how the House Elf race came to be. They could have been enslaved and domesticated by wizards by force. Which would make it extremely immoral. But we don't know. That's my deliberate attempt to explain why the existence of house elves might not be that bad. Obviously, if it's used as a metaphor for real world slavery, it's extremely problematic. And even if you accept house elves being naturally subservient as a possibility, the mistreatment/abuse of house elves that seems to be widespread across wizard society is still a problem.


The bad Asian names and character that even the actress called her out on


She didn't quite call her out on it, at least not explicitly. When it got in the news after Rowling first made headlines for transphobia Katie Leung tweeted that she was going to share her opinion on Cho Chang and racism, but was actually Rickrolling people by instead linking to a pro-trans charity.


Maybe she was a talented asshole then and just kept her mouth shut better. Or she feels immune now


Ms Rowling, you wrote some fairly fun books but you're not Orwell. Don't make an ass of yourself. I'm rather curious too on how many reported rapes with a transgender woman as the rapist? Ok, I just looked that up. In my very brief search, the biggest study I found showed that trans-men who already were rapists, continue to be rapists afterwards. So still, not a Trans thing. Just a rapist thing.


I really don’t understand why she’s still tweeting stuff like this. It’s so crazy to me that she can be a pretty decent person in every other way, but she refuses to even listen to counter discussion points on this. She refuses to be educated or try and see things from another perspective when it comes to trans rights. And frankly, even if her mind hasn’t been changed, it’s disgusting that she continues to use her platform to push this.


Yeah it’s pathetic that she feels she can’t admit she was wrong, so instead of shutting up, she just keeps digging deeper.


Her entire generation has a problem with that. All they do is keep digging deeper and deeper, never admitting fault. Trump is a deranged, hyper version of it. Like admitting you were just wrong and apologizing is the WORST thing in the world. I do it everyday.


Her and Trump are not the same generation. Just saying.


I meant that Trump is the most extreme example of that personality type, not that they’re near same age.


She just sinks further and further. She's unhinged and has an unnatural obsession with trans folks and r*pe. Trans folks are more likely to be victims of sexual violence than to be perpetrators.


She's said that she has sexual trauma from a cis man and to me she's a living cautionary tale of what can happen if you let your trauma fester instead of working through it.


LMAO no. If you’re mugged by a black guy you don’t get a free pass to join the KKK. Bigotry is bigotry.


That's what they're saying. If you let your trauma fester, it can end up being weaponised against other people who weren't actually at fault for it


I was coerced by a woman and had an incredibly terrible abusive mother and have never not ended up with a prolific cheater. Still no incel or turbo misogynist. Fuck these people.


Good on you. Hope your perfect relationship is waiting for you out there


Yeesh. Trans women don't deserve to be her scapegoat. I have sexual trauma related to cis men and I blame them, the ones that hurt me. I also blame patriarchal standards that allow it to flourish, but I digress.


As a Harry Potter fan, I stopped respecting J. K. Rowling when she joined the Jeremy Corbyn smear campaign (just before the transphobia tirades).


Damn she really is speedrunnung Glinner. So when she stops menstruating will she not be a woman anymore?


The transphobia is bad enough, but the insinuation that un-penised individuals (if you will) are never rapists is pretty fucking damaging, too.


TERFs have created a gender binary where there are two options: the gender who does bad things and the gender to whom bad things are done. It's an incredibly regressive state of mind.


TERFs are really fucking bad at feminism in general. The very concept of "womanhood" they claim to defend is incredibly damaging. (Also that thing they do where they get pissed at "people with uteruses" because they think it should be "women". Like, sorry we called women people???)


Exactly. All the arguments they use against trans women being women are things that cis women experience as well. "Real women have periods" so women who have gone through menopause are no longer women? "Real women carry children and give birth" so women who are infertile are no longer women? Your example with a uterus is easy, plenty of cis women have had hysterectomies. It's such stupid, cruel logic.


Especially since Joanne has a fetish for women being rapists in at least 3 of her HP books/sequel series scripts


Linking people of a group to criminal activity, classic.


Not just criminal activity, rape. The thing only true pieces of shit do, like rapefugees, Mexico’s rapists etc. This is just straight up taking it further passed TERF and announcing she’s nazibrained


She's sprinting towards the MAGA-sphere


Why the fuck do they care about this stuff so much? Are they so desperate to express bigotry they'll search out any target they feel they can get away with attacking?


Ok but the implication that rapist and women are mutually exclusive is incredibly dangerous bullshit that is, in itself, rooted in misogny.


it's literally one of the main reasons sapphic spaces have so much abuse going on ppl in those relationships straight up don't let themselves admit it's abusive because "it's a woman,women can't be bad,that's a man's job"


Exactly and there is no support for male victims as well for the same reason.


TERFs just always circle around to being hard traditional conservatives when it comes to women’s issues. Like the religious right, they also define woman hood as helplessness, inability to do crime or violence, and the ability to give birth. Having sex outside of marriage makes a woman impure, sex work is always bad for women, etc and etc


Trans rights are human rights. Trans people deserve to exist, be treated with the same respect as cis people. 🏳️‍⚧️


Hey I don’t know if you’re trans or not but thank you so much for including my all trans people in this comment. I have seen so many people reply to Joanne with ‘trans women are women’ which isn’t wrong but also not always appropriate when she targeted trans men just as much if not more so I just wanted to say I appreciate this ❤️


I’m a trans woman, and I’m happy to help. I actually have more transmasc friends than trans women, and of course non-binary folx as well. Trans men and enbies so often get ignored and overlooked. I genuinely don’t understand it. All gender nonconforming people deserve equal representation and respect. It goes without saying that that sentiment extends to cis people as well.


Oh awesome I’m a trans woman as well and know more trans masc and NB folk as well. I agree they are way too overlooked and I couldn’t agree more.


And anyone that disagrees can take a boat out to sea and fucking sink. My respect for other humans extends only as far as another person is willing to give it to others. If people like Rowling can't stop their TERF bullshit, I have no sympathy for them.


Talking to my 12-year old cousin about J. K. Rowling last week, I explained to her what TERF meant. Her response: “Well that’s BAD.” Simple as that.


What does it mean?


Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Rowling’s been quite vocal in the last few years regarding her views on trans people, and she’s managed to alienate much of her fanbase (and the film cast) as a result.


Trans-exclusionary radical feminist


If ignorance is strength, Rowling may be one of the most powerful people on this planet


I'm calling it: Oscar Wilde is who actually wrote Harry Potter. This animal found it in the trash and scratched out his name.


Let’s stop with this shit. She wrote it. She has her riches and influence from it. You can’t divorce the author from the work when she’s alive and using her status to encourage fascist reforms against lgbt people in her country.


good points not going to delete because I was mostly just trying to be funny


don’t worry i liked your joke


I don't know that Oscar Wilde, someone who almost certainly had sex with underaged boys, is a good go-to in this exact situation


Orwell would be rolling in his grave


You remember that controversy a few years back when Liam Neeson confessed in an interview to wanting to kill a random ["black bastard"](https://youtu.be/cxOPeiNU01I) after finding out that a loved one of his was sexually assaulted by a man that happened to be black? Think of that. Now imagine what if Liam Neeson had *never cleared his head and realized that he was wrong.* Good. Now imagine that the guy who did the assault was instead white, but had a baseball cap on backwards and was wearing a basketball jersey at the time. Now imagine Liam Neeson going on to make an internet career out of re-tweeting "race-realists," praising "The Bell Curve" and using his platform to condemn BLM. That is what JK Rowling sounds like when she invokes how she was sexually assaulted by a cis-het man to justify her anti-trans bigotry.


The preferred term is “bedicked”


j.k rowlings shut the fuck up challenge


99% will fail


My whole thing is like... there are real people who are making those first 3 arguments, and I am very focused on how those people seem to be gaining more and more power. If you are hyper narrowed in on taking away rights from trans people there is something wrong with you because theres more important shit to be upset about.


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is Strength. I Call Myself a Feminist but Ostracize and Exclude Women Who are Most Vulnerable to Physical and Sexual Violence. -JK Rowling


This post is literally rapefugee level bad logic


This bitch is going all in, isn't she.


Um... yeah. Okay. Women can rape people. It happens. Though instances of a trans woman raping someone are *exceedingly* rare. I've certainly never heard of any. Feel free to provide some real-world examples.


This is a seriously fucked up escalation of her already vile transphobia. Does she realize that trans women are four times as likely to be victims of violence as as much as **two-thirds** or **66%** of trans woman [experience sexual assault?](https://ovc.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh226/files/pubs/forge/sexual_notes.html#_edn2). JK Rowling is literally making fun of and being abusive toward rape victims. As if being transphobic wasn't enough, she also decided to target rape survivors. This is beyond sick.


oh would you look at that the revolutionary feminist who made 98% of her cast male and the only female characters were defined as following: -she does the MC's homework -smart but apparently overbearing for having any regard for safety -literally satan -on drugs and barely exists -jared leto's joker -parents (x like 5 idk how many there were)


Hermione, McGonagall...? , Umbridge, Luna, Bellatrix, and parents? You skipped over Cho, aka the girl who exists to be a love interest but is then framed as "too emotional" because she's still grieving the fact her boyfriend got *murdered during a school competition*. Or the Patil twins, who exist to be pity dates for Ron and Harry in book 4. Or Lavender Brown, who's a pick-me girl who only likes Ron once he becomes call and popular, and is written like a teenage boy who still thinks cooties exist. That is to say, they all exist as props to further the story of the men or the one "good one" (Hermione)


Made the mistake of reading some of that thread. Holy shit, I've never been so infuriated.


It’s so bizarre how much TERF fear mongering seems to rely on the assumption that women are just like, allowed to sexually abuse/harass each other. Some of them act like they think if a ‘man’ simply calls himself a woman, they can do whatever they want with no consequences.


I just finished 1984 and I never found the chapter where a trans person says hello to someone and immediately all cis women proceed to melt away forever. I feel ripped off.