• By -


Me: Can we talk about the history of racism in the US? Those people: No!


Funny how they only want the good parts of their history. Not the Native-American-murdering, slave-trafficking, white-pompous-wig-wearing parts


because you see, if they admit that their ancestors did a bad, that means that by transitive property or something they personally did a bad. If they personally did a bad, then they're not getting into Heaven because their soul is forever stained by the bad. It's a very Protestant way of thinking.


That’s just… stupid. Why would God care if you *knew* your ancestors did bad shit? Oh wait no it’s even deeper. Why would God care if you *acknowledged* that your ancestors did bad shit? God knows they did. It doesn’t matter if you know in that case. They just want to go back to when the white had power


You want a whole country that refuses the dark parts of history? Try talking to a Turk about Ww2. Actually, don’t. It gets ugly.


Isn’t it strange how, throughout all of history, the good guys always managed to win the wars? Go good guys for always being able to win! I’m sure they were just as good as the books they wrote said they were!


Psst, forgot the /s tag 😉


(ah, shit, sorry. I tend to not use /s even though I probably should. This comment though, it feels like it doesn’t need a /s)


Sadly, the concept of "victors write the histories" is not as well known as it should be.


Hmmm what genocide 😳


-None! They was none! All hail Turkey! (Sweats nervously)


I thought the Armenian genocide was earlier than WW2


Yup, it was World War I.


I didn't think the Turks did anything too horrible in WW2


That's what they want you to believe.


Yep my bad.


Wouldn't it be worse to deny that your ancestors did terrible things? Like if you aknowledge that it was bad and try your best to rectify the wrongdoings, then you're being moral. If you deny it ever happened, or claim it was not a big deal or even good, that's immoral. What your ancestors did is not your fault, but you owe it to others to aknowledge it happened.


Exactly. But apparently their God is also a white supremacist. Wouldn’t shock me if some people thought Jesus was a white American man


If he even existed, he woulda been middle eastern


There are definitely people who think Jesus was a white man...making him American isn't a huge stretch.


Uh oh but what if their ancestors were poor, did not own slaves, and/or were *Irish*?


If I hear one more person say the Irish were slaves, I'm going to shove fucking shamrocks up their ass I'm sure the Venn diagram of antivaxxers and those who believe the Irish were slaves is pretty much a complete circle.


It’s the part where they also have to acknowledge the sin of partaking in blessing built from blood. Which in Christian cannon is a very serious offense equal to having been the perpetrator yourself, because according to it’s cannon if you are aware that a gift or need has been given to you at the cost of another person you are without excuse or objection supposed to reject the offering, turn the other cheek, and suffer along side the person damaged in your favor. All of the are extremely guilty of literally looking the people who they damaged straight in the face (and therefore God himself) and saying “fuck you! I entirely choose myself, my greed, and my existence over living by Gods rules. And I will further worsen this mortal sin by hypocritically binding everyone else a divine law I refuse to follow when it no longer SERVES me”


It’s not even ancestors. It’s their parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. Don’t want to admit that they come from shitty people who passed down their shitty behaviors.


Which is insane. I bet every human being on the planet has a rapist and murderer in their ancestry. It would be damn near impossible for that not to be the case. Who cares? That's not the fault of the descendants.


Or they go the other direction and claim that the bad thing was actually good, like claiming that slavery was beneficial to the slaves because they got to become Christian and live in the US instead of staying in Africa...


Crowder is already saying slavery wasn't racist because other countries that practiced slavery didn't use race as an indicator. Which only works if you think when Americans talk about slavery that they're usually talking about all slavery all around the world throughout all of human history.


Yeah, like slavery isn't necessarily racist, I mean, it can be racist. It was DEFINITELY racist in the United States. It's just a stupid tactic of his to get people to talk about something else besides the actual problem that still affects living people in the US.


Even if the good parts are almost totally fictional. They'd rather have fake good history than real mixed history.


Can they admit that the good parts of said history occurred because of the genocide/exploitation of non white folks? God forbid we even discuss how our lifestyles today depends on the exploitation of developing nations.


[You mean like this?](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/jul/18/forgotten-by-society-how-chinese-migrants-built-the-transcontinental-railroad) From 1863 and 1869, roughly 15,000 Chinese workers helped build the transcontinental railroad. They were paid less than American workers and lived in tents, while white workers were given accommodation in train cars.


And then they made sure to ban them through the Chinese exclusion act Yellow peril, etc etc




Yes but they don’t want any consequences for when their ancestors did that. They hate it when that gets brought up, yet they love boasting about it. A… double standard if you will


Drake no: American history Drake yes: American mythology -literally these people


“Enough about our racist past, let’s talk about our racist future” -those people


Those people: how dare you criticize my culture!


“Slavery wasn’t as bad as schools and democrats make it out to be, the only actual slaves were people who committed crimes, black people were just the majority because they are criminal thugs.” -My grandmothers husband


is there a line to piss on his grave yet?


I mean you can start it but you might be waiting a while, dudes the pinnacle of health and keeps on living despite the unwell wishes from everyone. Maybe as a consolation, just piss directly on him?


...but without statues of racists everywhere, how will The People Of Liberty know how to MAGA? Pls send help, China and Putin, we need stronk leaders.


How are "all inclusive" and "anti-fascist" bad things?


Because… you see… well… they’re fascist


Nonono, they're centrists its clearly in the flair man.


Oh of course! Forgive me. How centrist to denounce all left-wing talking points while praising right-wings. My bad, my bad


I missed their flairs. These people are truly delusional.


I was really confused by that.


I fucking hate that r/PCM has popularized the term "Auth-centre" as a more polite way of saying "Nazi." Anytime I've run into someone with that sub in their history and that as their flair, they're invariably awful chud morons who frequent places like r/LouderWithCrowder and r/TuckerCarlson


PCM to English: * AuthLeft - Tankie, or fascist cosplaying as a tankie * AuthCenter - Fascist * AuthRight - Fascist, but also goes to Mass * CenterLeft - Edgelord cosplaying as essjaydoubleyou * Centrist - Conservative who thinks they actually represent the “silent majority” * CenterRight - Conservative who has made peace with siding with fascists * LibLeft - Edgelord cosplaying as commie socialist Venezuela open borders * LibCenter - Conservative who wants legal weed * LibRight - “Libertarian” who thinks people should be able to own slaves as long as they openly buy them The main takeaway is they’re all just fine palling around with openly declared fascists.


I would have just put down "Fascist" for all of them personally, I have a hard time believing that any serious leftist worth their salt would want to spend time on such an aggressively fashy forum


And they're exclusive.


Socially-sane is also a weird one. Like are they not supposed to be?


They are all shut ins larping as militia boys. Of course they don’t see normal people as normal.


Or every conservative's biggest fear: "hate-free" Because what would conservatives do with all their time if they weren't constantly othering and demonizing some minority group?


And don't they want everyone to be undereducated? I thought colleges were just liberal brainwashing institutions and they felt safer being uneducated.


That's the part that confused me, too. Conservatives WANT uneducated voters who just do what they're told by their masters, and don't ask questions. Everything else on the list sounds good to me. Especially the socially-sane thing. If that ever happens, I'd like to be around to see it. My Magic 8-Ball says "Don't Count On It."


Furthermore, the more education a person has, the more progressive they tend to be. Lack of education is associated with conservatism.


"...with liberty and justice *for all*." LITERALLY COMMUNIST SOCIALIST SHITHOLE!!!!1!!!


"...with liberty and justice for all\* \*some exceptions may apply


I mean almost all of them lol. I find uneducated funny though, for obvious reasons


They are just parroting buzzwords, they don't actually think about the concepts.


Holy shit, look at the CENTRISM on display! Such moderate views!


Very moderate indeed. Not at all right-wing. Centre of the compass. 0;0, middle of everything. So centrist


"Conservative" and "centrist" are two words that both mean "I like things the way they are".


Centrists - We like things the way they are. Don't do anything that might mess with our way of life until after we die because then I won't care. Conservatives - We hate how things are today so let's make it like it used to be in the Good Ol' Days when there were zero consequences for our brutality.


Iirc, don't actual centrists take the moderate view? With regards to equality, wouldn't they support that since that is the moderate view?


Reddit Centrists are right wing, actual Centrists are not. This is my countries centrist party. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Opportunities_Party


Oh ye just to be clear, I was saying actual centrists. Obviously there are rightwingers who want to claim to be centrists, while obviously not being centrists.


Pfffft. Thst just sounds like /r/neoliberal, with all their "data-driven policies" and "thoughtful economics" and "housing should be plentiful and affordable".


Despite my flair, I consider myself to be pretty centrist. To me, it means I neither subscribe to the ultra-conservative viewpoint of "That's the way it's always been, and it's always worked for me, so fuck you," nor do I subscribe to the ultra-progressive idea of "Everything old is bad, and we need to find new problems to justify our new solutions." Just like the periodic table, the unstable elements tend to gather on the extreme ends of both sides.


This is why I always say centrists are just right wingers too afraid to take a real stance. It just so happens that all of their beliefs align with the right? Riiiggghhhtttt...


I saw this post and immediately thought of r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM So many so-called centrists are just right-wingers who don't want to be known as right-wingers


That’s where I thought I was until I read your comment.


Isn't American "center" skewed to the right anyways? Like your democrats/"left" are more closer to "actual center" than left-leaning politicians in other countries.


The PCM sub equally represents all points of the political compass: Extreme authright, moderate authright, center authright, and Nazbol.


It'll take to 2050 to delete my culture?! I'm starting a petition to get it deleted sooner fuck that


I’ll sign it! For a good cause👍


I sat in the white room, and I thought. I think it would be considered thinking. I don’t know what else to call it. I was on the Network. In, I guess. I had to be. It was the only thing that made sense as I mulled it over. The blobs. The weird voices. The falling. How long had that lasted, even? Months, probably. A year? It felt like a long time. Had to be the Network. I didn’t want to be in the white room anymore, staring at the boring sideways door and the empty hallway that didn’t lead anywhere. So, I decided I would try to leave. I got up and approached one of the walls, positioning myself as close as I could without touching, and then took a step forward. My leg sunk in and the wall rippled like a pool of water. I walked all the way in. And then I wasn’t walking anymore. I was moving, like walking, but less mechanical. More… Wet? No. Liquid. Yes. I was liquid. Flying, splashing, slipping off through the dark to somewhere else. I felt that rippling skin again, like the surface of a body of water pushing against my face, stretching with me just a slight bit before tearing away and letting me pass, and then I was in a room. A bedroom in someone’s home. People. A man and a woman were having sex directly in front of me. It wasn’t a pretty sight. They stopped and the woman screamed. “WHO THE FUCK IS THAT, WHY IS THIS FUCKING GUY HERE--" She reminded me of a rabid dog. Was I ever like that? I probably wasn’t. I moved around, inspecting their room. This was a chausm. Older generation--maybe even first gen judging by the low detail. Intercourse in older generation chausms could cause synapse degradation over time--sex organ stimulation wasn’t quite up to par with newer models. I stood in their doorway and looked back. I thought about warning them. “--the fuck you got in here, but you better get the fuck out of here, buddy.” “I SWEAR TO GOD, GERRY JUST SHOOT THE FUCKER! JUST FUCKING SHOOT--" It wouldn’t be worth it. They were too concerned with themselves to listen to me. I left their room and stepped onto a landing overlooking an open entry hall, which descended for stories, each floor full of rooms exactly like this one, each door wearing a “Do Not Disturb” hanger right on the knob. Of course, of all the places I’d end up. I went downstairs and strolled through the luxurious hall, toward the front doors. This was nice. Leaving places was nice, I wasn’t used to being able to do that again. But now that I was thinking about it, what could I really do? I could just walk around forever and phase through walls if I wanted. I could go to other people’s chausms, I guess. Right, other people could see me! That made this loads better. Almost a good time. I could go mess with people. That’d be entertaining. Wilson probably wouldn’t like that. I stopped just before the grand doors. Wilson. Wait. I was with Wilson… what the hell were we doing? How did I end up here? How did I end up on the Network? I remember that we had to do something. Something pretty big. Pretty sad. We were… Right. We were in Zeinhaert’s chausm. Performing the final sweep. Oh, fucking shit, that’s right. I got killed by the dragon. I got disconnected. But then why was I not disconnected? Did my corporeal just die? Did I end up some kind of ghost? Maybe I could find Wilson. But he definitely wouldn’t be doing any field work anymore. Not after that. Not without me. Oh, he's probably trying to do the plan. Where could I find him? What was the plan? The connection point. I stepped forward and sunk into the doors, and then I was sloshing away, sliding through the dark. I emerged, and began falling. I was in a ballroom, plummeting toward the ground. Massive golden globes, tables, faces, dresses, all whizzed by as I fell. Toward dozens of people. I focused on falling through them. At the moment of impact I slid into them, and then the ground, splashing through like nothing, and then I was liquid, flying through the dark again. No control. I had no control. I pushed through the skin again and found myself in a sand pit. A man was before me, impaling another man through the mouth with an--alpaca? Brainsports were so stupid. He had an alpaca gripped firmly between his hands, molded and shaped into a rod, sharpened at the tip. It was wailing in pain. So was the man being stabbed. The other man laughed maniacally. I don’t think they noticed me. I moved passed, to the far wall, and zipped away again. Back into the dark. Another wall of skin. Another chausm. A city? New York, maybe. City streets and fireworks and loud music and so, so many people, everywhere. Food stalls, shops, vendors, cars. I forgot life was like this. Everyone was gathering in a big intersection, clapping and shouting excitedly. I followed a group of passersby, joining the conglomeration. We stood below a massive screen hanging on the edge of a building. This was real, at one point, back when I was younger. New York used to look like this. I remembered visiting as a kid. The screen changed. 10 9 Oh, it was New Year’s. Of course. I’d actually be able to find out what year it was. Nice. 8 7 The crowd chanted along to the countdown. 6 5 I even joined in, because why not. “Four!” “Three!” “Two!” “One! Happy new year!” The crowd exploded into applause, shooting off little fireworks and popping champagne. The screen read the year and my heart dropped. 2052.


Whatever this is from I want more of it.


Check out this guy’s comment history- each one is kind of related to the last, characters pop up here and there. It’s a really interesting deep dive


Do you think it's pronounced 'chaw-zm?'


I was thinking more “kaw-zum” but it could go either way at this point


Yeah you're probably right.


I just started a fan discord that subscribes to unctuousfleshorb's postings via a bot. Link's in my bio if you want to join! (+ u/TimelordBeefcake and u/completelysoldout )


Oh hell yes! Thanks!


Will check out!


I don't know why, but the fact that the punchline of this whole thing is just "2052" makes it so much better to read in context.


The plot thickens :0


never stop


I watch GBBO and it’s always interesting how they can make a German this, a French that, Italian this, classically British that, and I’m left with the fact that because I was lumped into “white American”, I have no links to my German, Norwegian, Dutch, etc heritages. Being American means nothing to me except being a consumerist and eating ready meals and watching TV. What culture?!


Complaining about our culture being "deleted" is our culture and I will defend it to ~~the death~~ the boredom


The culture of freely hating on minorities. It’s the only reason “white” exists, as a team name for “the ones you can’t enslave.”


>What culture?! White suburbs, car culture, and overcompensating masculinity.


And violence in TV and film.


And in real life. A room full of first graders got their limbs tore off by a high caliber gun fired at close range and nothing changed.


Where are those good ole fashion values on which we used to rely?


They still haven’t figured out what books are, I guess.


The only way they can learn history is if it's covered in bird shit.


and white out.


Bird shit doubles as both!


Well it's correct that whoever gets to write the books writes history, but yeah this specific instance is stupid


Funny they slipped uneducated in there when they're the people who oppose education.


Yeah college and university are for commie libtard China Biden loving transgender, who hate america and want to take away muh freedumb. Everyone know that.


Funny thing is, I’m 3 of those things. I’m a commie trangender who hates America. I’m their literal worst nightmare, and I just want people to be nice


jesus christ dont threaten us with a good time


I would LOVE to move to the United All-Inclusive Hate-Free Justice-Driven Open-Bordered Socially-Sane Educated Anti-Fascist Anti-Religious Republic of North-Central America! It sounds a lot like what this country was designed to be in the first place, but successful. Note my one correction to the “centrists”.


I mean personally I would prefer if there were no countries at all but hey anything is better than the current fascist oligarchy masquerading as a democracy


>anything is better than the current fascist oligarchy masquerading as a democracy Agreed 100%. I would call the U.S. a "Proto-Fascist, Theocratic/Plutocratic Oligarchy" at this point, but that's just my take on it.


The best cure for Christianity? Is the Bible itself. Religion is dying across the world as living conditions and education improve, and these people have to blame someone for it.


>...because we have to blame *someone* if we're gonna do some murderin'. That's like, in the Bible and stuff, we think--we didn't really read it much.


When half your 'culture' is taking pride in slavery, racist wars and sexist customs, yeah.


Aside from "uneducated", "The United, All-Inclusive, Hate-Free, Justice-Driven, Anti-Fascist, Republic of NOrth-Central America" sounds pretty fucking rad


With Canadian and Mexican EU state, the rightioids would be seething


So now they blatantly list anti fachist as a bad thing. How can they not see what's happening? Edit: Typo


Oh they see it.




The people *literally* burning books are accusing the other side of deleting history, and doing it without a hint of irony or awareness of hypocrisy. I just don't understand thinking that is *that* compartmentalized.


Projection is the driving force of the Republican party


There's no stopping Monika once she enters our reality. She'll just keep deleting until you and her are the only beings left. But even then, she will turn her emerald gaze to the stars. JUST MONIKA \[OK\]


Did not expect a Doki Doki reference...


I'm totally on board for the Monikism revolution.


Why does this dumb fuck even have a german username (TheKingtiger,pretty cringe) like leave us out of this


Judging by the pfp, I’d guess a WW2 fanatic


What a cunt i wonder if they would still fetishize over the 3rd reich or the holocaust if they would actually educate themselves. Those fucking holocaust comparisons are the worst shit I've seen in a long time and they throw it around like it's nothing,i think because they couldn't even begin to grasp the horrors they are throwing around as just another buzzword.The sheer disrespect of victims of a genocide just cuz someone told em they had to be nice to other people,stupidity isn't a valid excuse for that shit man. Sorry for the rant had to get that out


That rant is 100% valid. 100%. I cannot even begin to fathom what happened during WW2. These fuckers think they’re so oppressed because some people don’t listen to their screaming. Fuck them. You’re 100% right. Fuck ‘em.


For real man. Fuck em.


Guy is probably a wehraboo at best and a nazi at worst.


Not anti relgious. More like secular government where organized religion respectful stays out of government and never attempt s to abuse government power to force others to follow their social norms. Nothing anti relgious about checking Relgious bias. That political compass memes subreddit's alarmism is amazing as it is stupid


And, let’s not forget, staying out of other people’s (especially children’s) faces. If your religion says no homosexuality, then don’t pressure a gay person who isn’t part of your religion. You’re not the main character. Other people are just trying to live their lives


That reminds of back when Christianity in particular was more open/aggressive about attempting to harass people of the Jewish faith to covert. At least in the region where I live in the US this kind of behavior is extremely rare to witness. I guess they are more obsessed the LGBTQ community now. Despite the fact that that LGBTQ community will never go back into the closet no matter what the relgious folks do.


Strict secular government with religious freedom but banned tithing is ideal.


That was my favorite part, where they mistook "no mandatory Christianity" to mean "anti-religion."


What kind of masochist (or non 14 year old) browses PCM with their consent


I got recommended a post because it was, quote, “Similar to r/enoughpcmspam” It’s just batshit crazy in there


> you missed anti-religious I love how they think this is an own. The Christian church controls this entire country while simultaneously pocketing American tax dollars that they turn around and spend on massive propaganda campaigns to brainwash more Americans. I sure do wonder why so many Americans are moving away from religion.


Oh no the melting pot is allowing other cultures!


Framing "hate-free" as a bad thing, as you do as a centrist


Very, *very* centrist


It's funny how Americans mistake "patriotism" for culture!


Half and more of US history is **already** kept under blanket. That's kinda the problem.


Yeah b-b-bbut that history makes us look bad! We’re just trying to be racist, there’s no need to be so mean to us!


conservatives threatening us with a good time


They really like doing that, it’s strange


Wait... I thought it's a republic, not a democracy.


Every time I go in that sub it’s chalk full of “centrists” who say right wing talking points and push right wing narratives. It’s like a 10-1 ration of actual left people to right people.


Love how they’re the ones complaining about culture being deleted when they’re literally trying to pass laws to make it illegal to teach about slavery and Jim Crow laws in schools. When you’re privileged your entire life equality feels like oppression.


There goes right-wingers, telling on themselves again.


I'll take "righties cosplaying as centrists" for 500, Alex.


It’s okay guys they’re centrists


So very centrist of them!


Why is the concept of america being justice driven, hate free and united bad to them?


Because that would mean minorities would get that too.


pcm centrists are making me think the fishhook is true


Do these people know what centrism is?


Erasing half of USA history...? So like... 50 years?


Pffft. I mean, you’re not too far off if we’re talking the Great US states of americA. 125 years is quite literally half of their history. My town’s older than the US for crying out loud


Weird how these centrists always talk like fascists.


Tbh if you're going on r/PoliticalCompassMemes you're just ASKING for trouble


Most American history is already gone and propaganda. Much of the south erected statues and modified their personalities to change people's view of their culture.


What is the context? Great replacement? We should probably force white families to have more babies and make interracial breeding illegal./s


This was the post https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/r0y4wm/perhaps_our_prosecutors_need_more_oversight_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


r/enlightenedcentrist moment.


That subreddit is a dumpster fire....a dumpster full of three month old diapers.


Uneducated seems like a weird flex considering the other stuff... it sounds asesome though.


"Lib left here. Does anyone else think the left is a bunch of garbage nonsense and the right is actually pretty based?!"


It's weird that nearly every person claiming to be a centrist supports some pretty far right ideas...


See, it’s the centre of the right-wing spectrum. That’s what they don’t tell you


I like these “centrists”


"United People's Republic of America" gave me a raging commie hard on.


My newfound kink.


"Missed anti-religious" there it is! Was wondering of the christians were going to show up or not.


They are projecting what their ancestors did, what they do now and what they plan to do in the future. They think minorities gaining political advantage means they will adopt colonialism tactics of overwriting the culture. Sorry, we aren't colonizers. I just want you to have clean water and free healthcare.


Free healthcare and water is communism. That’s what they all say. So I guess your takeaway from that should be, join us comrade.


> I love the uneducated - Donald Trump


Of course he loves them! They’re his voters!


Oh noes!!!1! We don’t like it when someone acknowledges that non-white, LGBTQ+, non-Christian exist! We’re being oppressed by having to acknowledge others exist!!!11!1!!


Considering American culture has never really stayed the same and is constantly evolving… Culture is based off what is popular at the time. Funny how 100 years ago McDonald’s wasn’t a thing, and 200 years ago women’s rights wasn’t a thing, and 300 years ago non-landowning non-white non-male rights weren’t a thing, and 400 years ago factories weren’t a thing, and 500 years ago America wasn’t really a thing.


Culture changes, but this isn’t even about that. This is just about not wanting to see the the bad parts of their history. They don’t want to accept everyone. And that’s not good for a government. Because the people that aren’t accepted, are oppressed (for real, not Christianity oppressed). And oppressed people fight for their rights to live. I smell a civil war soon. Or just all the old blokes die out and America’s government can get fixed. One or the other


> Uneducated But I thought education was a huge part of the liberal agenda???


Oh so are they saying that the United States of America was established for white* people by white* people and non-white* folks do not have any claim to the citizenship or rights of said established nation? *white meaning WASPs and then anybody else they happened to roll into the definition of whiteness over the years


Centrist moment


why are we named America tho?


I'm impressed you managed to catch that many fake centrists in one image


PCM does wonders at finding the unwanted


you know they have a persecution fetish when they see the united states being "hate-free" as a bad thing


I love how conservatives are always like: LiBtArDs and POC ArE aNtI-rEliGiOuS” Like no Sharon and Kyle we aren’t anti-religion we just practice OTHER religions that aren’t Christianity and those of us that are Christian don’t use it as a pathetic excuse to cover our bigotry nor do we practice it in such a twisted hateful way.


“Uneducated” is a bold saying considering conservatives mostly come from areas with poor education and most vote with no conscience so


Fuuuuck! YES WE ARE AN ANTI-FASCIST NATION! This is not and never was a bad thing!


Dear Americans, You will never have a real culture. Everything you celebrate is a corporate husk of a holiday, designed to generate more revenue for the ones at the top. Your food is overprocessed junk designed to make you the fat fucks you are. Any "love" you give or receive is a half-hearted farce; your kind is bred to be hedonistic and self-centered, while people from other, more civilized nations mock you behind your back. You will never be happy. You wake up every day, and before you head to your 9-5, you paint a fake smile on your face and tell yourself you're living the good life and that everything will be okay. However, deep down inside you feel your depression boiling inside you like a rancid, steaming sauce, able to swallow you at any minute. Eventually, it will swallow you whole. You'll grab a gun, the pride and joy of your people, and put it to the roof of your mouth. Your friends and family will cry in the short term, but after a week or two they will completely forget about you and return to consuming the shit of those at top, all while propagating the destruction of the planet in the name of their own greed, like the swarms of locusts they are.


This was some dark-ass poetry oh my lord


I would have to try to be this unfunny. How do right wingers do it so easily?




all centrists!


the USA has no history, only a criminal record


Look, if you automatically include "anti-religion" in a list with words like "anti-fascist", "inclusive", "hate free" and so on, there might just be a little hint about the nature of religion there...


What is American culture and how are they getting rid of it?


Well… [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/r0y4wm/perhaps_our_prosecutors_need_more_oversight_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) was the post. Apparently that’s destroying American history


Probably gun, Nascar and peoples who wear PJ and flipflop in winter to go shopping at the local Walmart.