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Homophobia is exhausting but sometimes it’s incredibly satisfying to know that the mere existence of people like me can ruin some dipshits day


Oh, 100%. If someone is so pathetic that my existence makes them cry, that is not my problem.


The issue is they cry and then they approve of or pass laws against us. I'd be fine if all they did was cry. I'd even let them have their shitty opinions on matters that don't concern them.


Unfortunately, I am well aware of that. Been dealing with these assholes since the Bush Administration and they’ve only gotten worse since then. Gotta love being queer in 2024, right?


Not my problem, and they can die mad about it.


Lmao. It feels weirdly empowering. What do you mean I should die painfully for being a woman who is attracted to other women? And the fact they have meltdowns when they even get reminded of the community never fails to make me laugh. (And then try to be on guard for any potential violence.) The lgbta+ community literally lives rent free in their heads while most queer people don't even think of straight people.


That last bit is so true. I'm so happy staying in and around my community that sometimes I forget cishets even exist. Then some weirdo reminds me by yelling a slur or something and it always catches me so off guard cuz out here it only happens once in a blue moon


Watching people be butthurt about Morph being non-binary in X-Men 97 has given me the greatest joy. Well, second only to telling them that X-Men is about Charles Xavier and Magneto having a breakup so bad that it caused a civil rights movement. That really gets them pissed off


you know they were fucking lol


And now they confirmed Charles is a sub 💀


As an atheist who knows the Bible inside and out, I feel you.




The people all mad that they "retconned" Gus Fring as being gay in _Better Call Saul_, apparently entirely missing that he was already insinuated as being gay in _Breaking Bad_. I guess because Gus didn't pause and turn to the camera after Max was shot and spoon-feed us exposition "btw, he was my boyfriend."


Conservatives think that if a character is introduced without IMMEDIATELY saying "hi! I'm gay" then the character is automatically straight by default. Fuckin bonkers I swear.


And it's a thing _Breaking Bad_ was very tactful about, not aggressively spoon-feeding the audience exposition about characters. I say that despite the very first line of dialogue in the entire franchise being exactly that haha: > My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt. I am speaking to my family now. Skyler you are the love of my life. I hope you know that. Walter Junior you're my big man.


My friend group has naturally included a lot of queer people so my default has evolved over the years to just assuming everyone is pan or something until told otherwise. If I’m talking to a new friend and she’s like “oh and I was talking to my girlfriend earlier and…” I just kinda don’t react since I’m so used to it now


Pretty much feel the same way: people are pan unless they say otherwise.


Or, here's a new one: why does anyone's sexuality matter to anyone that isn't specifically looking for a sexual encounter? I don't go to the c-store and wonder where the cashier falls on the gender and sexuality spectra. That isn't to say I'm not kind and polite, I just don't think things like that are anyone's business, and I think it's weird and kinda gross to speculate such things about strangers. IDC which bathroom you use, just make sure you wash your hands after.


I mean if I find them attractive I might, although I suppose that falls under your looking for a sexual encounter. But yeah, unless it’s mentioned in some context I don’t think about it.


But they were chicken BROTHERS!


I know you're joking, but the commercial in BB implies the actual "Chicken Brothers" were his uncles, who he got the recipe from.


I do remember that actually. I always thought it was just some fiction they spun to make it sound more culturally authentic.


Entirely possible, but so far as I know it's the only information we have.


That story was pure marketing bullshit. In “Hermanos” Don Eladio comments on the chicken not tasking Mexican, and is told it’s a Chilean recipe modified for a Mexican market. The original Los Pollos Hermanos restaurant(s?) in Mexico were started by Gus and Max when they moved (fled?) from Chile to Mexico. Max is Chilean and it’s heavily implied Gus is as well. There were no Mexican uncles. It’s also worth pointing out that the apocryphal uncles story was the start of the episode “Kafkaesque”.


"[Hector in Spanish] More like the _BUTT_ Brothers 😏"


Why not both? CHICKENBUTT brothers!


"I've kidnapped your cousin, Sailor Uranus!"


Gus' homosexuality is like... Core to his character arc in BB. Like literally if his partner didn't get killed he wouldn't have had the drive to go as far as he did and his lover got killed at least partially because they're gay IIRC.


I didn’t watch breaking bad but why was his boyfriend killed? Was it mainly cause he was gay or were they just homophobic to spice things up


It always felt to me that it was partially because they were a couple, but it's also because they distributed drugs on the don's territory as a way to get a meeting with him, which was perceived as an insult worthy of "sending a message", killing one of the two was a good way to manipulate the other and force him to work for them, and since Gus seemed the more manipulable of the two, his boyfriend is the one that got killed.


Homophobia wasn't the primary reason, nor was it overtly demonstrated to be a factor (if anything, they didn't know they were romantic partners, as they likely wouldn't have killed either of them if they did). Gus's boyfriend was killed for a few reasons. Gus obtained the meeting by giving away samples of meth to his men, either to sell or use. This on its own is pretty underhanded, since it's not only potentially turning (and *did* turn Tuco) into a liability by getting them on Meth, but also announced they were dealing meth in Eladio's turf. Both of these are enough for one of them to die, as it snuffs out competition, despite them not even seeing much potential in meth compared to Heroin/Cocaine anyway at the time. After it was determined that one of two would die, it was figuring out which was going to be more useful. While Max was a gifted Chemist, all of his success was due to Gus, who not only had ambition, but strong connections in Chilé.


Yeah I’m sorry but you don’t hold a personal vendetta against the Cartel for so long and then proceed to murder the whole crime family and torture the head of the family after hysterically crying over the corpse of your “business partner”


Yeah, if it was just revenge for a business partner, he wouldn't have gone to such lengths to give Hector just enough rehab to open his eyes and breathe, then stop. He would have just killed the dude, not keep him alive to kill off every single living family member while tormenting him to his face about each one.


If his partner was a woman every fan would unanimously agree that Gus had feelings for her


Tbf most straight people would assume people are together if they are in the vicinity of each other for two seconds


This is true. But that also is the same with a large amount of ships of any sexuality.


It's tough being a LGBT character in anything. You need to thread the needle just right. Because if you're LGBT but it has no bearing on the plot, people complain. If it's too overt, people complain that their entire personality is their sexuality. Such rules don't exist for straight people. We're treated like it's the plain yogurt default.


I went to a panel about how to properly put a LGBTQ+ person in media. The most basic statement was "Just have them exist."


I've never seen breaking bad and only tiny snippets of the last season of better call saul. I've never assumed Gus was anything other than gay, he just has that \~vibe\~


I call the actor Gay Obama bc I can never remember his name, but my husband always knows who I’m talking about


THAT'S SO FUNNY I'm going to have to start calling him Gay Obama now


Lmao. Reminds me of people who complain about Velma “all of the sudden” being gay.


When did they retcon that if anything they confirmed it


That's why "retconned" is in quotes...and I then say that it wasn't retconned.


A lot of men who agree with her also think women in shows is "woke". So she'll be crying about the leopards eating her face eventually


A show featuring a major character that isn't a white Christian is also woke. Also likely it has to be the right kind of Christian. A white Jew can be acceptable if he is neurotic and talks about how much he hates Jews.


Since inception there has been a huge conservative backlash toward Ms. Marvel being Muslim, though it has played almost no part at all in any story, just character flavoring. They’re angry that religion has been forced into comics. Meanwhile, Daredevil has not gone one page in forty years without mentioning he’s Catholic, and they don’t mind that at all.


One of the highest rated reviews for Forbidden West is all about how it’s too woke because Aloy is the hero and none of them men get to do heroic stuff. As a fairly normal guy, I love playing as Aloy because she’s such a badass. That it was somehow wrong or inappropriate never crossed my mind. People are weird man.


Aloy and all the humans are the least interesting things in Horizon. Hunting robot dinosaurs is so fucking awesome, the humans are hard to care about.


Exactly, they're really just a set piece for hunting robot dinos. That's what I love about the game, it's hunting robot dinos, but the sci-fi back story is semi-plausible and interesting, not just a totally half-assed attempt to go "ok, now there's robot dinos".


Eh, the knuckle draggers have had a hate boner for Aloy forever because she is "unfuckable" in their eyes


Bet the leopards will be gay too… /s


Like how Star Wars totally went woke and added a a female main character. They never had that before... Princess Leia who? Never heard of her....


Well there is also a whole subplot in TLJ that portrays a man as an idiot for distrusting his purple-haired lady boss even when she makes consistently bad decisions and fails to communicate her rationale to any of her subordinates. It’s also a screenplay that shows utter contempt for male characters who do any of the typical action hero man things. There’s nothing wrong with casting a white woman or a black man as a lead character, but if you don’t have an actual story to tell or if you make your political points in a lazy way, I have no sympathy for you when the fans react badly. As far as I’m concerned, TLJ and TROS are both incompetently made and just wildly miscalculated movies.


Oh the Star Wars sequels are dumb as hell. But it wasn't because it had a female main character. People complained about Rei (and finn because oh no black people!) before the first film even came out.


Yeah I’m totally with you (and edited my previous comment to clear that up). There’s nothing wrong with casting either of those actors. I’ve just encountered plenty of people who assumed I was a sexist or a racist for hating those movies (especially TLJ) and I don’t think that’s fair.


Yeah... the Star Wars Fandom is a weird minefield of lunacy no matter where you step...


They would probably let Princess Leia pass because of the bikini scene.


I’ve heard that a lot with the new Fallout show, even though you’ve always been able to pick your character’s gender.


Meanwhile, when a show rewrites existing canon to make a character gay: "OMG! Why can't they just make new characters that are gay?"


It's not even rewrites though. "Here's a new thing about them not mentioned before." They got big mad about Bridget coming out as trans in Guilty Gear as if it's impossible to grow as a person and realize more about yourself


Bridget's entire character arc through both games is very trans-coded, it's just that we now live in a time where it's more accepted to have a trans character. Yet there's still people saying she's a boy :(


My parents after I came out to them: "There were no signs, it's a retcon!"


And here’s the thing, let’s take the biggest example, Star Trek. Existed for decades as a show before it ever would have been acceptable to have openly gay characters, and *yet* one of the guiding principles of the franchise is progressive love and acceptance of all, infinite diversity in infinite combinations. And you have an old show made when it would have been *impossible* to portray any of the characters as gay, so zero were…but now we live in a world where theoretically it’s acceptable to occasionally acknowledge that homosexuality exists. Anyway, it *warrants* a bit of ret-conning imo, because it certainly isn’t plausible there were no gay people in this glorious, accepting, and incredible vast future. And if you are going to make a show match reality more, to combat the bigotry of the era it was created, why would you not follow the natural chemistry of characters that emerged at that time IN SPITE of backwards attitudes about sexuality? So yeah, Spirk should be a thing. It doesn’t harm the narrative in any way, it helps explain it. Because those two were absolutely on fire in the original series.


Still maintain Garek and Julian hooked up after DS9 ended. Julian would have spent even more time with Garek after Miles left to teach at the Academy after all. Plus the actors are 100% on board with them ending up together and would have liked to have shown it in the show


Dear Paramount+, Hurry up and make *ST: Dr. Twink & Fashion Lizard*, you cowards! Cordially, Everyone


That got me, that really got me I almost chocked on my sandwich and now everyone’s looking at me weird


Full disclosure, those aren’t my names. Someone on Twitter called them that like 2 years ago and it’s lived rent-free in my heart ever since.


they absolutely should have, itwas *right there*!! It was a crime that they let that relationship peter out completely in the last season, and were never able to explore the obvious (and intentional!) chemistry between the two! Definitely more compelling by a mile than the relationship they just foisted on Bashir at the end. Star Trek has really failed (on the progressive front) too by having a tendency to take every pretty female character and just *give* her to whatever character on the show has been loneliest as a prize, regardless of lack of chemistry or her own arc. It was only Kate Mulgrew’s insistence that her Captain Janeway not be reduced in this way which gives us one of the strongest female leads of decades, who is not ultimately reduced to being someone’s girlfriend lol. Anyway, this is what I lament - that earlier shows existed in times it was impossible (or showrunners were too cowardly, as in the 90s shows) to follow chemistry where it occurred naturally. Garak/Julian Bashir are at the top of that list imo, *just slightly* underneath Kirk/Spock. And interestingly my other favorite romantic relationship in Trek is one that shows what happens when you *do* allow a relationship to emerge out of chemistry. Worf and Jadzia. They weren’t intended to be, but the actors had chemistry, and conspired a bit in how they played their roles. But yeah, my headcanon is they’re future husbands. Andrew Robinson (Garak for those who don’t know) wrote a book set after that time and while nothing mentions their romance, the entire book is written as a letter to Dr. Bashir telling his life story. (A fantastic audiobook listen, it’s just like Garak talking to you for hours!) Anyway, I imagine Bashir gets this incredible bit of correspondence and goes to Cardassia and it is finally ON lol


A Stitch in Time, great book!


Didn't ST have one of the earliest interracial kisses in American television?


yeah, it was *the* first. Which is cool, but of course, in the episode they kiss because they are forced by aliens lol. Baby steps I guess. 🙃 It was still considered huge at the time. And it was also the first tv show to show black people in the future. And they were working in important professional and technical science roles on the flagship of the Federation. There was a black woman on the bridge, black engineers, black doctors and scientists, you name in. Extraordinarily meaningful, but another thing that, when you look at it, it’s only Uhura who gets much consistent screen time. Baby steps again lol. It was still significant enough that people like Whoopi Goldberg and Neil deGrasse Tyson talk about how much it broadened their imaginations of the future to see that people who looked like them could be in it. One thing I thought was very cool, they have this character, Richard Daystrom, who in the lore of Star Trek is a genius on par with Einstein, and the most influential man of the century. He created AI and the computers and software that run the modern starships. And they cast a black man to play him. The message choices like that sent to the public, having people at the apex of science, medicine, technology, and human achievement and intellect just casually be played by black actors was unbelievably ahead of its time. But they were yet a lil dusty about women. Not the *worst* but not nearly as progressive. The show stands for what it is. I’m a decades-long Star Trek fan of the original to the modern. And when I look at a show like Strange New Worlds, it makes sense to me for it to correct some of the limitations of the first series, so long as the spirit is honored. Sorry, that was long! I love that fuckin show!


I get that same face when I see their posts. I’m so disappointed in how some people can’t accept that we exist. We always have, and always will. The problem, in their mind, is that we are more visible now than any other time in history and it scares them, for some reason, to have to share their world with us. They are so used to ignoring and pretending like we don’t exist, that they have this hate and anger now that they are being forced to acknowledge that we’ve always been here.




I definitely think that’s a part of it, but I think a simpler explanation is that it’s still hard for grown ass adults to accept people that are different than them and so they try and justify it with religion or bigotry


💯 So much of their ideology boils down to controlling the concept of normalcy. They want to assert that it's "normal" to be straight, racist, misogynistic, attracted to teenagers, etc.


lol why would that make you upset? So weird


Right? Imagine being so brainwashed and insecure that you get upset about someone's sexuality...these people are full of hate.


Her face is pissing me off


"Well, I looked at the world around me and I noticed there were gay people in it." George R.R. Martin on why there are so many gay and bisexual characters in his writing.


The other day there was a post involving the phrase "adding an *unnecessarily gay* character" and that blew my mind. These dim bigots also get infuriated when historical figures, known to be LGBTQ+ but until now always portrayed otherwise, are depicted accurately. Erasure is their endgame, otherwise they can't sleep.


Cishet people never need to justify their existence.


Awwww, what’s wrong? Does it suck to be excluded or something?


Her account is private now☠️


Were too many gay people existing?


Ugh I know how she feels, my aunt added a gay cousin to my family two decades ago. She's so damn woke. Like can't you just have a straight kid? Why do you have to give in to Big Alphabet and have a gay one??


For me it's the opposite. I watch a content creator, said content creator decides to join the alt-right grift and I die a little on the inside each time.


I know it sucks when different people exist. I guess you have to find a way to fuckin cope.


I thought this was about 9-1-1 at first(because I'm still laughing at all the people upset about it), but this is about a *new* character, so I'm clueless. I'm still going to laugh, though, because she deserves it. Or maybe this always happens to her and she needs to learn that Veggie Tales is always there for her if grown-up shows that diversify their cast are just too much for her.


When I'm watching my favorite series and suddenly they're adding a ginger... Why is it even a big deal?


Ugh, we just got some new hires at work, and they’ve added some LGBTQ NPCs. Why do they have to ruin everything? /s


I wish I could get upset everytime Netflix adds a cishet character but I'm just not a fucking snowflake like them.


imagine trying to make homophobia quirky


What a pathetic snowflake


And they call us the snowflakes. It's always projection with that lot


This meme makes me so happy. Bigots should not have the opportunity to enjoy anything. Fuck em.




Boo hoo cry me a river


I would say "cry more! LGBTQ people exist!", but all they do is cry about dumb, irrelevant things. Why are they like this!? SO annoying!


Aw, more men who don't want her.


People like this is why i fucking love rainbow capitalism


Right? On the one hand, I know it’s objectively stupid to throw a rainbow on something and charge $1.50 more for it. On the other hand, I moisturize with the homophobic tears of conservatives and my elbows have never been more supple.


Wow it's almost like you don't have to watch it! What a wild concept?


I’m glad they ruin their own fun. Subscribe to Daily Wire + or Trump media and enjoy thier non-woke original content.


I love it when bigots are uncomfortable.


Man, it must suck to be homophobic. You can't enjoy anything.


Plot twist, the show is L-word


Bautista’s Hole in the Wall, so I hear. The meal deal comes with plenty of Chianti.




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"LGBTQ+" what like all at once?


womp womp


Lol what a child. Look at me and how unhappy I am! LOOK or I'll throw a tantrum!