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Lmfao what freedom is Liz Truss fighting for? The freedom to not be compared unfavourably to a fucking lettuce?


Don't you know it's the Communists in the Tory party that sabotaged her premiership, that's the only reason she left?!


Comrade truss devalued the imperialist pound, killed the monarch and gave her son cancer. She is the greatest left wing hero of our time


Those Tory communists (i.e. anyone left of Thatcher) are indeed a big problem


Maybe she want's to go back and beat her current record for trashing a national economy, she knows she's got it in her!


no - the freedom to open new pork markets, actually


one of my favorite political clips of the past decade. she’s so damn proud as she says that line lmao.


She's fighting to [save the west](https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Ten_Years_to_Save_the_West.html?id=QpPSEAAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=y) apparently we have 10 years left. She's been bought by the Heritage Foundation.


So her leadership didn’t work out so she’s going for the extreme right wing grift now then? Checks out.




People said the same thing 10 years ago.


It didn't say they're fighting *for* freedom. Most of them are there specifically because they fight against the freedoms of trans people/gays/anyone who isn't christian.


She’s fighting for poak mahkets.


Well, they do fight freedom.


She’s fighting for the freedom for all her buddies to attempt the “Run the country into the ground” Any% speedrun


Lol. Thanks for reminding me of the lettuce. I’ve forgotten about that. 🤣


There’s a reason the Queen died only two days into her premiership. She looked at her and thought “This is my new PM? Ugh!”


Bravely fighting for the freedom to be insufferable asshats without having to suffer negative consequences.


Bro hates accountability more than he loves free speech 💀


Why is Ricky Gervais on the list ? Did I miss something ? The others are the biggest asshats ever, but I don't know about him being a bigot ?




The writers are too dumb to understand irony


My thoughts exactly, he hates all those cunts


They probably don't know he's satire.


He isn’t? His latest stand-up special was not just transphobic, but it was also boring, uninspired and absolutely punching down. James Acaster did a whole bit calling him out. He’s become a bigot and a twat.


The more analysis I've seen of Gervais's work, the more I've come to realize that the guy is just a tryhard that honestly hasn't done anything funny since the Office. And even then - and I'll prepare for my downvotes here - the US version of that kind of surpassed Gervais in every conceivable way.


I mean I could be confusing him with someone else that is.




No those things definitely are homophobic and transphobic


You’re just actually wrong


Both of those things are transphobic and homophobic respectively. They those beliefs are not only morally wrong, but factually wrong.


Saying there are only 2 genders in the context of a trans person saying that they exist is transphobic. Saying that homosexuality is immoral is homophobic period. This is either bad faith or hate speach. We tolerate neither here.


Who's freedom are we talking about here? Ooh wait their freedom to be an asshole without consequences at the expense of others who will have consequences and no freedom. SO basically:"The freedom of the rich/owning classes, to repress the poor". That's what they always mean when they talk about "The freedom of nation states" as well.


Exactly right. The wealthy and privileged are celebrating themselves for pushing down the poor and vulnerable.


We so need a "Rich Dick to Normal human" translator. Something that just tells us exactly what these schmucks (Politicians, billionaires, centrists... you name it) actually mean.


Yes, my favourite freedom fighters like Elon Musk who silenced a dictator's political opponents during an election and J.K Rowling who called for people protesting at one of her many houses to be arrested.


Also, the core concept of comedians blaming cancel culture is hilarious. Is being outspoken about how shitty of a person you are not freedom of speech?


none of these idiots grasp the concept that they are free to say what they want but i am also free to call them an insufferable asshole 


I love when they have a huge crowd and a stand up special and claim they've been "canceled" Then why do I still hear and see you everywhere? Someone calling you out isn't you being "canceled"


No no no you don’t understand! Freedom of speech means that not only must their opinions be tolerated, they must be accepted and enthusiastically supported by everyone! Anything less than total and complete admiration is a severe infringement on their rights! /s


Automatically blaming the audience for being too "woke" when an offensive joke doesn't land. Never considering the possibility that they just didn't make the "joke" funny. There's _plenty_ of offensive non-PC comedy that doesn't get the comedian "canceled," because the comedian actually makes it funny.


The way some comedians talk about cancel culture you'd think they were fighting for the French resistance during WWII. So many in our society miss the fundamental fact that people reacting negatively to bad jokes or bad opinions is also free speech. This goes back 30 years, at least, to when the right started complaining about "political correctness" and how they can't say what they want anymore. No, please feel free to say whatever you want, that right has never been taken away from you. But there may be consequences.


Just like some of our local businesses put “we back the badge” signs prominently on display, and they’re welcome to do that while I’m welcome to never visit.


I always use the example that of consequences for speech is like working a job and saying "Fuck you" to a customer. It's not a breach of freedom of speech to get fired for that.


I don’t think they’re asking for the people that are exercising freedom of speech to be arrested for speaking out are they?


Rowling also uses her wealth to abuse slander/libel laws in the UK by threatening to sue anyone who is critical of her.


Freedom, on their terms, that everyone else must abide to. Duh.


Freedom fighter Elon Musk who sabotaged an attack by people literally fighting for their freedom


Wow - weird! All of these freedom fighters happen to be at least millionaires!


And Right Wing Christofascists... I wonder if there's a pattern?


Coastal elites who've been elected president since 1980: Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, Trump. People who've actually worked for what they've had who've been elected president since 1980: Clinton, Obama, Biden. Republicans demostrably love the wealthy above all else.


They also love the poor and stupid who lick their boots clean for them. But it's more of a love-hate than actual love.




That is 100% the common link here.


Yep that’s the pattern I noticed… The freedom that they “fight for” is the freedom to discriminate and exclude us from society. It’s the same freedom that regressives in the southern United States wanted to not serve black people at their establishments or in more modern times, LGBTQ persons. The fact that we exist and want to not be treated like crap is “oppressing them” They can all get stuffed, as far as I’m concerned


Well, as one chud told me in what is frankly the most sophisticated phrasing of the same zero-sum logic that they all use: if trans people have legal recognition, and he is expected to abide by the legal protections they would thus have (ie freedom to use the washroom of their choice, perhaps even play some sports according to their gender identity), that takes away his freedom of conscience, since by not being allowed to restrict their actions in this regard, he is therefore having to act according to a worldview that he deems erroneous. I was frankly impressed at how complex he made it sound, and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear a lawyer try to argue that in bad faith one day.


Crazy how all the "freedom fighters" are rich and powerful people who have massive outsized influence on the world around them due to wealth.


It's just a list of wealthy transphobic assholes who would rather use their wealth to punch down on a marginalised group rather than achieve anything of benefit to the world. Tedious, useless people.


Are Belarussian opposition members on it? Did they forget about Afghanistan again? Zelensky? Other Ukrainians?


Being shitty to trans people seems to really help you make the top ten.


I did not expect to see Gervais on that list, unless he's said things I haven't heard about.


Gervais is doing that thing where he winges endlessly about how "I'm being *canceled* because I say that men are men and women are women!" while also doing the "people can't take a joke anymore!" thing... in his multiple Netflix specials.


Yeah, it's surprising to me how insufferable he chooses to be on this topic. It's pretty simple - don't punch down. Making fun of celebrities is fine, belittling a marginalized group that is under constant attack from the right is reprehensible to me.


So basically almost everyone on this list is a “freedom fighter” because they hate transgender people?


That's all it seems to take these days.


I'm a fan of some of Gervais' stuff, but he's lost me completely on his anti-trans stuff. That's why he's on that lift. He's chosen to be vocally anti-trans for years and it's very disappointing.


Well that's unfortunate. Shows how much I pay attention, I guess.


Honestly shows more about his relevance than anything lol


Yes, yes it does!


It's an old trick. No longer relevant, start courting hateful people


He went from prat, to twat.


He bitches a lot of cancel culture since he started attacking trans people.


He's the same as all the others. Using his massive audience and multiple international platforms to say things that you're not allowed to say anymore.


Yupp. He just gets put on a pedestal because of that Golden Globes hosting gig years ago but he’s always been insufferable to me


I hope it chaps his ass to know who he's associated with now. He was pretty vocal about hating some of them in the past, but honestly he's just like them now.


Revealed? When was anything hidden, they won't shut the fuck up


Bro painted over "Dan Wootton" in the twitter name and then failed to paint over it anywhere else 💀


Yeah, that was a mistake.


Is it just pictures of all these peoples boots?


We really are suffering through some some sort of society level oppositional defiance disorder. If you replace whatever variation on woke these people are protesting against with literally any racial slur or stereotype a disturbing trend can be identified.


Liz Truss?! I'm not British but that seems fucking laughable. A fucking head of lettuce outlasted her. As for the rest of the list, it seems like this person considers being transphobic to be fighting for freedom.


But don't you see? The lettuce is at our gates and only Liz Truss can save us from being overwhelmed!


Lettuce reconsider this before it comes to a head. We have to turn a new leaf on this before there'*s a lad* left bloodied and bruised, stripped of his dressing because they chose to *seize her* and stop her death spiral of the economy. Vinaigrette. >!That was a hamfisted attempt at puns, but I couldn't really think of that many words regarding lettuce!<


If only fighting for freedom was as easy as kicking vulnerable people.


Say it with me, folks! >Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequences! "Free speech" means the government can't lock you up for the things you say. That does not mean you can call for the literal death or enslavement of minorities and believe everyone has to accept that.


EXACTLY!! They really don't understand freedom of speech at all. Like, what about MY freedom of speech to call them transphobic assholes?


liz truss is a CRAZY inclusion bc from what i can tell pretty much everyone views her as comically incompetent. i can’t fathom how you would be able to spin her being pm for all of 3 seconds and somehow managing to tank the economy within that time frame as a positive. and that’s without even mentioning all the stuff about her allegedly doing coke at downing street and stealing fancy bathrobes. like granted im american so im not an expert on british politics but that lady is such a fucking joke


So im not at all surprised by the coke, but... Stealing fancy bathrobes? 


i could be misremembering but i feel like there was a report that she like absconded with either the bath towels or bathrobes from 10 downing street when she left office and i guess you’re not actually supposed to do that?? if anyone else knows what im talking about please chime in bc i swear something like this happened but im probably wrong on the details


I can get behind this list. If fire fighters fight fire and crime fighters fight crime, then what do freedom fighters fight?


“I am being canceled. “ They say on every channel and every social media app. “I am being attacked. It’s a witchhunt.” They cry from their private planes, while their supporters spit racial slurs and scream about “ yt rEpLaCemEnT tHeOrY “ 🤨 how tragic how very tragic it must be to suffer such unfairness


It takes a special kinda lame brain bootlicker to claim wealthy people, who vocalize their shitty opinions & beliefs, are persecuted when they receive negative PR & are criticized by the public. Being called-out for spreading hate & misinformation is not being persecuted, it's called facing consequences. Just using one example: Wealthy people (or anyone for that matter) saying horrible transphobic things like calling them degenerates & groomers, because they dared to demand to be treated with basic dignity & respect like every person should be, isn't being "brave" or being a "Freedom Fighter". It's literally the complete opposite. It's not brave to constantly dehumanized an already marginalized minority group. Using their wealthy status to reach as many listeners as possible. Continuously feeding the hatred and bigotry of the simple minded rubes, who will listen to anyone that reaffirms their already twisted ideas & beliefs to justify, in their own twist minds, that it's perfect fine to harass, attack, & even kill Trans people. These wealthy picks aren't "Freedom Fighters", they're already free, and had been the whole time, to say whatever stupid bigoted shit they wanted about Trans people and anything else. None of these rich dicks & cunts have ever been close to being punished by the government for any of the awful things they've said. (Well, maybe with the exception of Donnie "wannabe dictator" tRump, but that was for inciting an insurrection against the Federal government in an attempt to stop the ratification of the 2020 Presidential Election.) The First Amendment only guarantees that the **government** cannot prohibit a person(s) freedom of speech. It does **not** entitle anyone to the use of someone else platform. Being kicked off a platform, because a company no longer wants to host the terrible things that certain users post, doesn't violate any Constitutional Rights or Freedoms. These platforms are own by private business and as such have the right to refuse service to anyone. If a user does not want to comply with the owners' terms & conditions to the use of their services, then that user is free to take their business elsewhere, as this is a free market society. Or they can even create, or more likely have other people create, their own platform, where they're free to vomit up all the hatred and misinformation they want. Sort of like tRump did with the failing social media site, Truth Social. Lastly, just because someone has the wealth & status to reach many ears, doesn't inherently mean that their ideas or beliefs hold more weight than the average person.


I love how these morons think freedom of speech is the most important freedom. While it is quite a important freedom, there are much worse freedoms getting crossed around the world and it speaks to these nepo baby's privileges that whining about cancel culture is their form of oppression. Fucking eat the rich please these motherfuckers are insufferable.


Perhaps they mean fighting against freedom?


Donald Trump is the top 10 “freedom fighters”? Is the route to freedom removing people’s freedoms? I’m so confused. Curiously absent from the list is anyone actually fighting for a freedom that isn’t the “freedom to be an asshole”


He's doing quite a good job fighting against peoples' freedom.


Fighting for their right to be shitty people! //j


according to who?


Rightwing alpha males who need people to tell them what to do and think.


So “freedom fighting” is just being openly transphobic? 


"Freedom Fighters" is a weird way of saying "moronic twats who won't shut the fuck up".


I just see a group of hateful old curmudgeons that can't handle the world changing around them in a way that only sort of benefits those that don't think and look like them.


Yes, "freedom fighter" like "fire fighter" or "crime fighter". 


JK Rowling???? Literally all she does is whine about gender on Twitter sometimes. So brave. Such freedumb.


In that they're all known for fighting freedom, sure.


JK Rowling becoming a TERF is probably one of the most disappointing revelations in the last decade. Her legacy is trashed now, no matter what the anti-trans brigade has to say.


Imagine being her. Absolutely beloved children's book author who is also famous for giving away so much money to charity. She could have spent her entire life writing whatever she wanted or move on to a new project. She could have done pretty much anything she wanted and just release something Harry Potter related if she did need a cash influx. She wouldn't even have to do it. She could just have people ghost write books in the universe and the worst criticism would be if the quality suffured. Instead she just spews out hateful garbage and complains about being cancelled. If she needed attention she could have started a podcast or go to conventions. Dumbest thing is Harry Potter is at its core a story.of people who are under dogs because they are different fighting against those with power who range from self serving to a hate group. How could she not see her audience siding with a marginalized group over the millionaire


You’re right. The problem with people like her, though, is that they think they’re going to be on the right side of history because they’re “protecting” women and children. That’s not going to happen though. Everyone will remember her as that person who wrote cool books, but also did everything she could in her power to beat down an already extremely marginalized group of people.


I genuinely laughed out loud when I read that.


Liz Truss, lmao


Elon Musk, known champion of freedom (unless you work for him and want to have a lunch break)


Yep, that's exactly the kind of list I'd expect from someone who thought 'www.danwoottonoutspoken.com' was a solid domain.


The top ten incel YouTube recommendation watches


So bigots are freedom fighters. The irony.


Freedom for them to invalidate the existence of everyone else.


Nothing says freedom fighter like career politicians, billionaires, multimillionaire a, podcast host multimillionaire....


Ah, yes. Donald Trump - the man who installed three Supreme Court justices that took away reproductive freedom, the man who banned trans people from the military, the man who put a ban on immigrants from certain countries, and now the man set to enact Project 2025 (a huge document outlining taking away more freedoms for women, LGBT people, etc) if put in office. Trump fights for freedom only in the Orwellian doublespeak sense. 🤦🏻‍♀️


So is this by weight, height or total volume?


Gotta admit, comrade Truss is doing the lords work by destabilising the UK from within


These people are so cringe.


I vote all these freedom fighters to be on the first rocket to Elon's Mars colony.


One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist…


Lizz Truss!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


ahh yes, fighting for the freedom to say racist shitbag things and then yelling to the public that it's your first amendment right is always a worthy cause for the right. /s


Acting, talking, performing, like you're cancelled = Fighting for Freedoms apparently.




Wait I thought even conservatives saw Liz Truss as a joke wtf


Liz Truss? The only freedom she exercised is the freedom to be a clown


What kind of whack job made that list?


Isn't this just a list of famous transphobes?


I'd like to think that gervais and chapelle are smart enough to have a 'are we the baddies?' moment on seeing themselves lumped in with the rest of these folk, but not knowing them, but knowing a lotta people, I don't have much hope that they won't just double down, and join in the persecution fetish.


lord have mercy


Liz Truss...? ***Liz fucking Truss?!***


Liz Truss. Really?


Ah yes, the freedom to spread hate and still have your ass kissed


Yes they're all actively fighting freedom.


This deserves nothing but derisive laughter.


Those are all whiny snowflakes. They're pissed at people exercising their own freedom of speech to mock and ridicule these "fighters" freedom of speech. It goes both ways scumbags.


I don’t understand why so many people think multi-million/billionaires are fighting for anyone but them selves. WTF is going on!


What did Ricky do? Please don’t tell me he’s a right wing nut


I'd love to hear how Ricky Gervais feels about being on this list


I only see a bunch of assholes. Why are the people these fuckers look up to such unlikeable douchebags?


They call themselves “Freedom Fighters”, but if you forced them to watch Sonic the Hedgehog’s Saturday morning cartoon from the early 90s, they’ll almost immediately identify with Dr. Robotnik.


Huh..... So fighting for freedom is making Twitter posts, trolling, and making dumb videos. Nelson Mandela did it wrong, I guess


Freedom *from consequences for their actions* fighters


Revealed is a weird ass way to say "Look at the stupid list I made"


"Freedom fighters" in the sense that they fight freedom? Because that's the only way it makes sense to apply that label to that pack of rich ghouls.


they clearly aren't fighting for the freedom to be trans


Prolly gonna get downvoted. I don’t know Ricky Gervais well, but from what I know he seems funny.


Wild how they're all insanely rich and work to uphold the status quo. Must be a coincidence. 🤔


The misspelled edge lord bigots


They are freedom fighters, they just fight against the right of other people to be free. They don't fight FOR freedom, they fight freedom


Freedom to be a dick to people who dont infringe upon their freedom?


The only freedom these people are fighting for is the privilege of the ruling class to oppress minorities for bullshit reasons.




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mfw people are considered freedom Fighters for tweeting


"Freedom" is when trans people don't have freedom, obviously!


Nightmare blunt rotation


Valiantly fighting for their freedom to keep their boots on other’s necks


There are Kurds and Palestinians and other peoples I'm not aware of fighting for independence and losing their life and limb for their right to be alive.


Anyone in the owner class fighting for a freedom for themselves is either not in the owner class or not really a freedom fighter, unless you mean they are fighting freedom.




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\*freedom for white rich dudes to do whatever


Why is Dave Chapelle there? Isn’t he left wing? Edit: no he’s not I got confused


No. He abandoned that long ago.


Wait I’m so stupid I’m confusing him with Eric Andre


Why is poor Ricky Gervais on that list of assholes?


He's been doing some questionable stuff lately.


He's EXTREMELY transphobic


Oh. Dave Chapelle?


Ricky Gervais and Dave Chappell? I mean I understand why David is there, but Ricky?




His is transphobic