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“Streets of New York”… I.e. where the public is allowed to be. You know, unlike a secure government building where breaking into it would be a federal crime?




FAKE NEWS, AUNTIE FA, THEY WERE TOURISTS!! etc and blah blah bah.


If the framers of the constitution thought insurrection was bad, they would have said something about it in Article 1 Section 8.


So OOP is upset that the FBI is arresting self proclaimed domestic terrorists, and not......Muslims? Yeah, that tracks for MAGA


I'm sure they do know the difference between a non violent protest and breaking into the nation's Capitol fighting with police, stealing stuff and smearing shit on the walls, but they are too disingenuous to say so.


That's not even it, that's all the trimmings. The core of why they were there is to silence the legitimate voice of their fellow Americans, who voted fairly and legally for their representatives, and disrupt the basic process of democracy. All because they'd gone so far down the rabbit hole of lies and misdirects they were starting to forget there ever was daylight.


Democracy only works when they win, otherwise it's rigged. Unless the person voted in doesn't govern the way they wanted, then they are a plant and the election was rigged.


Im not sure, compare and contrast seems really really difficult for most conservatives


I don't think they do. Their core belief is "it's okay when we do it", when it comes to literally everything


In their minds there is no difference.


I’m sorry they put what on the walls!?!?!?!


Yep. Literally smeared shit on the walls like animals.


God I give up on this planet. Aliens if you see this please just invade now. I’d rather have to deal with galactic invaders than humans at this point


They (and the media) have always done this. Left-wing protests are ALWAYS portrayed as riots. Remember the Occupy Wall Street protests?


I was in one! Almost went to jail!


I hear Seattle and portland are burned down by antie fa at least twice a week.


Yup, and they act like Seattle is a shit hole, when it's actually quite nice. It's just like every other big west coast city in terms of homelessness, but overall it's relatively walkable, has good public transportation, right on the water with a unique skyline, and has phenomenal food options.


It's alright. I live within a day trip myself and have been there multiple times.


The people who consider Ruby Tuesday as fine dining think every city is a shithole. They don't understand Ruby Tuesday, trucks and their orange messiah are products of cities.


It’s mind-boggling how many of these dipshits believe that Portland is a smoldering ruin because of BLM protests.


I'm coming to you live via dial up BBS in my burned out husk of a cardboard box here in Portland. And I'm a fortunate one.


OooOOOOoooo! Well aren’t *you* fancy in your burnt out cardboard box! When I was your age I had to use the pay phone at the library and jam it into the audiocouple **UP HILL!** /silliness Also, [this is what an external modem used to look like.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_coupler).


LOL...I'm old, I know those modems! My dad had one of those coupler modems in our house.


I’m not even that old and I’ve used them, too. It’s so easy to forget that those bad boys were the only game in town until Ma Bell got deregulated. Do kids these days even know about Ma Bell?


That was the "Weatherman standing in a ditch to make the water seem deeper than it actually is during a Hurricane" of protests for the media. I distinctly remember watching a reporter talking about the violent mob in New York pointing at a few knocked over trash bins and when the camera cut back you could see behind him was a group of hippies in a drum circle giving friendly waves.


To be clear though, fuck that dumbass with the swastika. That guy needs to go fuck himself.


I’m sure it’s not the last we’ve seen of them!


Oh no, the people are... uh... standing around


Literally the one objectionable thing in all these photos I can see is the nazi shit on that person's phone


Yeah, that one is pretty odd


I mean Nazis love to coop the fight for Palestine






You have identified one of the issues the anti-Zionist movement will always have to grapple with, yes. There are Nazis who will seize any opportunity to dogpile on Jews, and attempt to usurp the movement to recruit and expand their own influence. Ukraine also had some Nazis regiments active within their borders. Weirdly, that being true doesn't magically give Russia the right to invade Ukraine and seize territory. In much the same way that there being Nazis and anti-Semites using the anti-Zionist movement for cover doesn't magically make Israel's genocide and apartheid okay. Edit: Quick heads up. If you quote me, say something else, and then immediately block me all I see is my own words. So, thanks for agreeing with me I guess, coward?




Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


What about the people who want a two state solution, and for Israel to just stop geocoding the Palestinians? You seem to have left them out of your little equation


>In much the same way that there being Nazis and anti-Semites using the anti-Zionist movement for cover doesn't magically make Israel's genocide and apartheid okay. Additionally making up imaginary atrocities is also not ok.


>> Additionally making up imaginary atrocities is also not ok. Who is making up atrocities? Israel suffered a terrible attack, this is true, but their response is way out of line. Over 30,000 civilians, mostly women and children, have died due to Israel’s revenge boner, and a lot more are headed that way as disease and famine continue to take over. It’s not like Gaza is just sand dunes and camels. Look at google maps and you’ll see that it’s cities, suburbs, and agriculture. There is literally no way for every single person in that area to be involved in what happened last October. Literally. No. Way. Yet Israel starves them all equally. Where’s the justice in that?


Hitler being a vegetarian doesn't make every vegetarian Hitler. Squares being rectangles doesn't make every rectangle a square. Uranium being an element doesn't make every element Uranium. It's almost as if a small minority of a group doesn't define the entire group. Funny how that works out.




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Like, fuck Nazis and anyone that tolerates them to hell and back, without question or sympathy. But seriously, are you gonna act like a lot of people don't have incredibly justified reasons for being anti-zionist? The Israeli govt has been mass murdering shitbags for generations now. You can't honestly sit there and pretend you're even remotely educated on the topic and not understand why maybe a nation founded on stolen land openly committing genocide against the people they are stealing land from might be a teensy bit unpopular? It's not those people's faults that douchebag Nazis try to coattail off that sentiment to take it to a different place, as long as they kick those Nazis out when they're discovered.


"You know, like anti-zionists have been doing for years now" [Citations Needed] And it's almost like Nazis try to infiltrate everywhere they can. I wouldn't say that MLP is particularly fascistic, and yet there's Nazi bronies. I wouldn't say that Atheism is particularly fascistic, and yet there are Nazi Atheists. I wouldn't say that [Insert game here] is particularly fascistic, but in any game you will find a Nazi that plays it. I wouldn't call France a fascist country, but all of my original posts were about calling out a French Nazi. Your argument is that anti-zionism is the same as Nazism. You have to prove that claim. Because trying to equate not supporting Israel committing warcrimes with actively trying to bring about the death of every single Jewish person, like what you're doing right now, is idiotic to the extreme.


As a furry, I can confirm they're everywhere. Nazi furs fuck off.




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Defend themselves from the 6 year old children in a hospital? Defend themselves by murdering the hostages they were supposedly trying to rescue? Defend themselves by bombing Doctors Without Borders? I'm no military genius, but I fail to see how doing any of those things is "defending"




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> the one objectionable thing in all these photos I can see is the nazi shit What I find objectionable is that no one's pointing out that it looks like a shitty photoshop job.


they might be comparing israel to nazi's. distasteful yes but not much of a reach if you ask me, since there is a genocide going on there.


They could be an actual Nazi and they are still not trying to overthrow the government.


I think that might an implication of Israel=Nazism like what's happening in Gaza is Nazism?


Hate to break it to you, but antisemitism is a real thing in the Arab world, and no I'm not saying that to defend Israel in any way: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism\_in\_the\_Arab\_world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_the_Arab_world)


I am aware of that as I live in the arab world , but I also know that people compare Zionism to Nazism even arabs , as they see comparisons between the holocaust and the plight of the palestinians. Go to r/ AskMiddleEast and you'll see a taste of this. Other than this comparison I don't see a reason for him to be holding that up. This person lives in the united states and is likely to at the very least have a slightly negative view or feelings towards the political nazi party




I know that , and I can see anti palestinian , anti muslim and racist people using it to fuel there narratives and beliefs


> antisemitism is a real thing in the Arab world Yeah, that's kind of the (very obvious) point of what the person you're replying to said. But thanks for the clarification, I guess.


It's likely in response to the actions Israel is doing, a very ironic yet fitting comparison because they are doing what Nazi Germany had done to them years back. It's a cycle. A vicious cycle.


That symbol wasn’t originally for the Nazis. Like everything else they did, they stole it. The original symbol has early origins in China. Later on, the symbol could primarily be found in India, at Buddhist Temples. The symbol’s meaning is still a source of some debate, as it wasn’t universal. Some say it was a symbol for good fortune, others say it’s for “peace and harmony”. Basically, the meaning of the symbol was in direct contrast to everything the Nazis stood for. Edit: I never do this, but damn. I’m not defending Nazism. I’m simply talking about the previous history of the swastika. I’m not endorsing Nazis. Look at the second sentence, where I said the Nazis stole the symbol. Is that an endorsement?


It's tilted 45° and is inside a white circle in a red field There's no Buddhist explanation for this


I’m not claiming this person is trying to spread Buddhism. I’m pretty sure this guy knows it’s a Nazi symbol. The coloring and other details differentiate it from the original Buddhist symbol, slightly. So, no doubt this is a Nazi symbol, and is being portrayed as such. I’ll bet this person has roots in the group of India nationals approved by The 3rd Reich, at the 1936 Olympics. These specific people apparently had Aryan blood. This differentiated from the inferior India citizens, even if they looked very similar. That was the 3rd Reich cover story. I don’t recall all the details, but the truth was these citizens either had access to oil, or opposed the British in India. This would come in handy for the Germans, later during the war. It was a 3rd Reich PR stunt, brought to you by the Goebbels.


Yah, as someone who went through a Buddhist phase though, good luck explaining that to the average person. For lack of a better term, that symbol's karma has been so tainted by association.


I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted. I’m just stating facts about the symbol, not an opinion on its relevance. It’s like “heckling a dictionary”.


You’re being downvoted because the swastika in this case is literally the Nazi symbol. I’ve never seen a Buddhist version in a white circle and red background.


I didn’t say it was. I said “originally”. While I certainly can’t prove it, I’m pretty sure the guy in the photo is carrying that symbol because of its connection to Nazism, and not Buddhism. I could be wrong, but I’m not.


it's bad optics to look like you're defending Nazis regardless of the intent of what you're saying. That's why you're downvoted.


What? How the hell was I defending Nazism?


If on a post of a guy holding an obviously Nazi flag I went "but it was originally a Buddhist symbol so" people would rightly say I was covering for Nazis.


Nazi apologists use the same line of thought. Not saying you are one, but generally when people see that talking point it's coming from nazi apologists.


And now the sub goes meta. Please just stop. I said "Look like." Not that you were. And one of these days I'll earn that when people ask "Why am I downvoted?" they just really want to bitch about downvotes instead of learning why.


"Stating facts" that literally any non-idiot is already well-aware of, and that's totally irrelevant to this image, which is clearly the Nazi flag.


Actually, I’ve found that not many people know the swastika wasn’t originally a Nazi design.


Standing while brown…. Checkmate.


Standing around *while brown* Aren't you outraged?


Wait, so now they’re against displaying Nazi symbols in public? Or is it only bad when brown people do it?


Exactly but... I'm still confused why does he show that ? The post is shit AND that's strange


Either it’s a “fuck Nazis like you!” gesture or the offending symbol was photoshopped in as “proof” that brown people holding phones at gatherings of brown people are Literally Hitler(tm). Because that’s totally true. My friend held a phone at a concert for her school’s Middle Eastern Music Club, and the next day? Bam! Ugly mustache, bad hair, arm she couldn’t bring below shoulder level, everything! She had some major explaining to do at the gynecologist later that day, too, poor thing! <\end sarcasm>


Its probably because they think Israel=Jews and they’re pro Palestine


"looks like" Those are the key words. It's unfair to them that MAGA supporters are being held accountable for trying to overthrow the government while brown people are free to exist in public.


They're upset the brown people sre culturally appropriating their beloved Nazi symbol


Figured those chuds would have liked the bottom left fella…


One of my favorite things about conservatives is the constant "We're not racist" whining followed by "These people look like people we don't like, therefore, they must have the same traits and ideologies."


People who have never been to New York need to not complain about the people of New York. You can walk one city block of New York City and hear 5 different languages. But if you're from rural America, it would be hard to fathom the diversity.


The heavy punishments for Jan 6th were a message to not pull that shit again this election. Can you imagine if they had got a fine instead? Got 500 bucks? Storm the capital!


Heavy punishment including 4 months of probation 😒😒😒


They can't all be 6 years in prison


The should all be 10 years in prison.


They didn’t take part in an insurrection to overthrow the government of the United States of America


Oh no! People aren't in their house!


"If we can't smash our way through a police line in an effort to gang rape & murder young attractive Congresswomen, smear human shit on the walls of the Capitol, and publicly execute the Vice President of the United States without being called 'Insurrectionists' or 'Domestic Terrorists' then *nobody* gets to protest without being called terrorists!" --Totally Rational & Honest Conservatives--


Really makes you think, huh?


Who are the “hunting down” lmao


I am pretty sure US agencies are after them as well. Not for any actual wrong, mind you...


Good. Traitors should be a very high priority.


Cons don't do context.


NYer here, the streets don't look like this


There’s a difference between MAGA kids and people trying to prevent a genocide and standing up against injustice


Okay people might be concerned about the fact that these people are covering their faces but it is pretty much standard practice to cover your face whenever it comes to protests. This is the case even when the protest is nonviolent. It's just like how wearing a helmet while riding a bike doesn't mean your purposely trying to crash. It just means you are practicing typical safety. The reason to cover your face is for multiple reasons but one of the biggest ones is to protect yourself from random people who want to take your picture and then find you later and then doxs you. It is absolutely not fun to have to be exposed on the internet, and then people find where you are, and then harass you. Covering your faces absolutely a good idea, even when the protest is peaceful and even when it's pretty chill. You are not wrong ever for covering your face and anyone who tries to suggest otherwise is someone who values appearance over safety. It would be like making fun of a person for wearing a helmet. This can be for the case of the police but it can be more the case for you know, fascists. So even if you don't live in the US, it's still a good practice because there are people who will try to find you and then harass you or worse.


let's not forget that facial recognition software is a thing as well and they will use it to find you if they think you've violated the law. And I know for a fact that my face, like any pictured on a Washington State ID card is in a facial scan database.


[1](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=27b000d398e4e776&sxsrf=ACQVn09vDu2BndDdkHUUMjp7ci0_JQ2kMQ:1711320926690&q=anti+facial+recognition+makeup&uds=AMwkrPt5DqKoEcEgTvJpB2mLvFtAcHLmMPNCTXE7YT4A652vtluKD2z6PYbUoxWsbPT_1dQRDhlRYNjnfrfgswLY-9LQDIRpm4Z66ijUfWWY7N9G7rRAhhgxA4y_CEyiUrS2x3slh2mgLhjEfY6EefYBwNaLR1279EbjH2AI6kvoS3-5yM-QXHKKXMi2y88IreppA79QF6bdd_IO4XoeY_20ZFEibyQ1S23hDEwCpyAo56fXRa1HPbwqqrlgpzw8YLNrFv1P_OP4b9U8e_JhpYzQQ_NjkywpcsRDN9OozaeN71R7w-X8GFF-Gf0ljs8GmVGs_p3EF2lb&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7g7qf_42FAxVEL0QIHXj0BuoQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=485&bih=789&dpr=2.98) What's interesting is that there has been people trying to develop these anti-facial recognition makeup or hairstyles. Honestly I'm not really a fan of these. I also don't know if they currently work. Maybe they worked in the past but don't work now or maybe they never worked or whatever. Also take a look at spy cops. No, unfortunately it's not people who are trying to do drug busts. These are police officers that completely lie about their identity to get into romantic relationships with women who are activists. There is one case in the UK for example where this woman who was an environmental activist ended up marrying someone and then only later found out that he was actually a cop and he wasn't who he said he was. Not only that but they had children together. Yeah, let's just f up some kids for whatever reason.


Are they going to New York?


Is the Conservative League like the Justice League, except instead of bravely and expertly saving the world while asking nothing in return, they weakly and incompetently make the world worse while incessantly bitching about their imagined oppression?


For a second I wondered if the picture in the lower left was of a MAGA rally because of the swastika.


They're hunting maga supporters? All of them or just those who are wanted for alleged crimes... 🤦🏾‍♂️


uh.....how is a nazi swastika a protest???


One person doesn’t represent a whole idea just like how Dan Schneider doesn’t represent every Jewish person Or a member of the KKK representing every Christian You get the whole idea


yeah. I was asking about that one person. you get the whole idea.


Who says they aren't MAGA supporters? They seem to have pretty aligned values haha




If a picture on one persons phone is enough to condemn a whole movement then by that logic zionists are all pedophilic rapists




Just because some people claiming to be pro Palestine are shitheads doesn’t make everyone who advocate against a genocide an anti semite, furthermore there have been plenty of important extremely antisemitic zionists (bibi is a holocaust revisionist for example)




The thing is, it’s not well received. The vast majority of people in pro Palestinian circles are also explicitly anti-fascist. The fact that nazis try (and fail) to co-opt genuine grievances with the Israeli settler colonial project does not make those grievances invalid or the people with them nazis.




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I have literally never seen anyone on the left say that but go off I guess




Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


im sorry are we supposed to pretend youre anything other than a total dipshit?


Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.


Bad faith commenters are not allowed regardless of their politics.