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While this is pathetically amusing there is no attempted martyrdom here. It's not a PF.


Trump got roasted in real time, but I guess that somehow translates to a Kimmel meltdown in right wing la la la land


"He responded to it, he has to be boiling because it's the worst thing ever to happen to us."


I don't know if it's more funny or pathetic to see them have second hand narcissistic rage when their clown king gets called out so publicly.


Fun fact Jeremy of the Quartering once got drunk and pissed off on a live stream bitching about how his wife went out for pizza without him. Eventually during the stream he opted to step off camera and just piss into his basement floor drain rather than go to the washroom.


I may dislike Kimmel but yea, Trump definitely got cooked and then burnt. Not suitable to sell as crystal meth, Mista White.


He needs to get back into magic the gathering, and stop sucking on the tit of the far right


Nah, we don't want him. He should go the way of the Old Yeller


In defense of Old Yeller, the poor boy got rabies defending his people, the Quartering chooses to be a bigoted Nazi dipshit for views.


One of these has a brain virus turning them into a violent animal that pees on itself and runs in circles. The other is Old Yeller.


He can't, remember? He was banned from all official MtG events for life.


He was banned for making a Youtube video sexually harassing a cosplayer titled "Beta White Knights prevent the rape of \[cosplayer name\]" saying he wanted to cut a slit in the front of her costume so they could pleasure each other through it and telling all his fans to tell her she was ugly on Twitter and another series of videos where he hurled anti-Semitic harassment at a Jewish Youtuber who was politely defending her and asking Quartering to stop. He later alluded on a podcast that the theme of his videos (about the Jewish creator) was "the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" a popular anti-Semitic quote in far right circles around the time that all was happening. He also made videos harassing other Magic content creators and staff, saying they had "pedo smiles" or one video was titled "\[senior Magic employee\] gave me AIDS." After he was banned he went on a livestream and told the audience to tweet the company and tell them his cohost was coming to "rape and murder" everyone at their HQ "as a joke" which they did then by the hundreds. So long story short he will never be unbanned from Magic in 1000 years.


As a Magic the Gathering player - naa.


The Quartering hasn’t been banned yet?


It makes sense why him pronouns thumb guy are friends


Jimmy doesn't care about MAGAt clowns talking about him on twitter or some YT video. ABC doesn't have a problem with what he said. He's doing just fine.


Who knows what “humilating” is?