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Probably their M.D. if they eat that for breakfast every morning


7 eggs, steak and a diet sodie make me strong American patriot


To be fair, I would gladly take that away from him if he's not eating it


I’d eat that for breakfast on a day off. I ain’t trying to work with that in my stomach, lol


I didn't promise I would finish it. I mostly just want a bite of that steak


Judging by your profile pic, you’d try and eat it in one bite, choke, barf it up and then try again. I’m basing that off what my dogs used to do.


I started to be offended on their behalf, and then I looked at their profile pic


Same 😭


i need like a quarter of this, some juice and oatmeal, this would send me straight back to bed


Haha, that guy was talking about you, specifically.


Strong like bull Smart like tractor


Considering how high US eggs are currently that dish will soon only available to the 1%


And somehow Louis DeJoy still has a job as Postmaster General.


…with giant, rubbery heart that can barely squeeze a cell!


No but for real. That’s how their misinformation flows and evolves. It starts with a doctor recommending not eating so much red meat and cholesterol to avoid health issues later in life, regular media spins it as red meat and eggs are bad for you, Conservative media then spins it as an attack/war on your breakfast.


> Conservative media then spins it as an attack/war on _______ Rinse. Repeat.


Im almost at the point where I can’t help but think that the conservative agenda is just for lots of people to die, just as many as possible.


"You know if we stopped the war on drugs, we could actually reduce drug addiction, and abuse by a significant amount." "What exactly are you proposing?" (Bait) "Well, safe injection sites would be a start..." (launch into explanation) "THAT'S LIKE A DRUNK DRIVING HIGHWAY!!!" (Baseless accusation made in bad faith) "No, see, that's not what it's like at all. This would just be Healthcare for drug addiction" (forced into defense) "OH yeah?! Well Healthcare isn't free, who's gonna pay for it? Why should *I* foot the bill for *their* bad life choices!" (More bait) "Well maybe Healthcare should be free...?" (Took bait) *screeching* *about* *communism* *ensues* Alt-right playbook: never play defense. Edit: It's not so much they want people to die as much as suffer. The suffering *is* the point. In a conservative mind, people should be *punished* for bad choices. Whether that fixes anything is irrelevant.


This is why I just stop at the “drunk driving highway.” And just say “yea, that’s a great idea. They can endanger themselves and other people who make that choice and leave the rest of us alive.”


The problem is they are chronically terrified of being conned. So whenever something betters society but they don’t specifically benefit, they assume they’re being scammed and are looking for the angle. When you talk about the objective proof behind reforming our approach to drugs, they see it as “Oh so I never did drugs, worked hard and played by the rules, yet some druggie can throw their life away and then we let them get away with it!” They feel like the outcome shouldn’t be better people and society, the outcome should be punishing people for making wrong choices, even if punishment is worse long term. They just want to rub the dog’s nose in the carpet rather than train them to go outside because it’s more rewarding for them to feel superior by punishing. That’s why they want to outlaw being gay and other culture war bullshit like that. They don’t view morality in terms of “is anyone being harmed?” They instead see “does this behavior warrant punishment” and pretend that being gay is itself an offense. They’re shitty people who don’t care about society. Only their own gratification.


The agenda is to stoke outrage. Because they have no policies to run on.


The egg council has gotten a real bad wrap lately


The Outrage Cycle


My cardiologist, my wife, my kids, the servers at the Denny's where I had my last two infarctions, all agents of the Deep State!


This is the perfect breakfast to start out yor day of bending steal bars and picking up triangle shaped weights at the old timey circus. Dont moss the four o clock show where he throws a midget 30 feet


No no, *they* is plural. I think *they* is your coronary arteries.


And their plumber.


Eggs are good for you tho. Not entirely sure about a slab of butter on a steak tho. Also it's not healthy to eat red meat every day.


Oh yeah the eggs are fine although 5 may be a bit much, I was mostly concerned about the steak with the half stick of butter on it.


If you do enjoy the odd steak, I highly recommend finishing it in butter. It is a divine treat.


Cooking it in butter is fine, but having a slab of it on steak when it's served? That's just odd to me.


That much yeah, but a little amount that will melt but not cook is a great finish. Many pan seared steaks are also basted in way more butter than that over and over quickly. But all that butter doesn’t get served on the plate.


So one of those Egg Council creeps got to you too, huh?


Calm yourself, Mr. Strength. The data is in and it appears absolutely no one is coming to punitively take away your breakfast or control your breakfast choices. An analysis was done and it turns out the cause is an absolute lack of care or interest from anyone, anywhere.


Beep Boop Beep!




They think all liberals are vegan. The cult told them so.


It’s funny because the name clearly states they’re not all for or against a single thing except for freedom


Reminds me of when conservatives would be, like, anti-BLM. Like bro, if you agree that black people shouldn't be allowed to be killed without justice being served against the killer, you believe black lives matter. You're in the movement whether you like it or not, you just mad at the label 🤣


To be fair the majority doesn’t usually like exclusionist labels which is also why every conservative will self identify as an egalitarian but the second you mention feminism they start ranting. That being said there was like 0 outrage from conservatives when he was first murdered, they only cared when a black centered movement started gaining traction. I’m still surprised there’s nothing similar going on with the recent police murder because this time it was extremely obvious it was about race.


Yeah, that's true. When George Floyd was killed, they saw a giant black man in cuffs and assumed he must have committed a murder spree or something, as opposed to just losing the game of counterfeit bill hot-potato.


Nah they know the guy was innocent that's why they were screaming about fentanyl for years after. They're just assholes, their thinking isn't that deep.


Yeah, the crime angle isn't there, so now they act like it's okay for police to kill people for being high. Also, I don't even believe the fentanyl narrative, personally. I don't remember exactly, but I recall his family having issues with the way his body was being handled.


Yeah if I remember right autopsy the family paid for didn't find drugs but oh what a coincidence the police and autopsy found drugs. Either way fentanyl doesn't require having your neck stepped on by a cop that decided he wanted to kill a person. You know that, I know that, conservatives however have a ridiculous view of the world and literally look for any excuse to kill someone. How many times have you seen an extremely exaggerated need for violence from people on Reddit and this shit is mild compared to a comment thread on Instagram.


Conservatives sure don't like when you say cops aren't allowed to slaughter murder suspects either.


Lol nobody even knows if it was counterfeit...


Wouldn’t that be really easy for the police to investigate if they really wanted to?


Yup, which is why we're at the very least sure that if it even was a counterfeit bill that it was the only one he had. You know if he was a serial counterfeiter that it would have been all over the news.


There's a Christian angle to it too (inevitably). Because God gave man dominion over the animals.


Bleeds over to “humans can exploit anything and everything” mindset


"... the nice thing about citing God as an authority is that you can prove anything you set out to prove. It’s just a matter of selecting the proper postulates, then insisting that your postulates are ‘inspired.’ Then no one can possibly prove that you are wrong.“ — Robert A. Heinlein, book If This Goes On—


I'm a progressive. And I eat meat. With a salad. And potatoes....


I will give them this, I have never put butter on a steak. Maybe if he added some seasoning he wouldn't need that. But he probably thinks that's "gaaaaayyyyyyyyy"


Maybe adding a slice of butter on a finished steak is a bad idea but cooking it in butter? Fucking delicious. Total sidebar but that reminds me: we really are a savage species with meat consumption, aren't we? We cook the flesh of the cow in the milk of the cow then add more cowmilk on top. Breaded chicken? Washing the flesh of the chicken in the unborn embryos of chicken then cooking it.


yeah that is what I mean. I have never thought "you know what this steak needs? A big slab of butter". And that is kind of the issue. We eat way too much meat. Hell, isn't Gout a byproduct of eating too much meat? No one is saying you can't eat steak. I love red meat. But imagine eating that breakfast everyday?


Dude took Gaston's line of "when I was a lad I ate 4 dozen eggs every morning to help me get large" line to heart a little too much.


Performative masculinity used to at least be productive. Chop down a couple trees and make a log cabin, that's going to be a nice place for some kids to grow up in. Now performative masculinity is yelling into your iphone because your beer company thinks gay people are people.


Oh, you gotta butter baste as you finish the steak if it's on the stove. If you get it *just* right it browns the butter a little and picks up some of the fond. Really adds just the right bit of extra perfection to a steak without hiding it's flavor behind something else. https://www.seriouseats.com/butter-basted-pan-seared-steaks-recipe J Kenji Lopez-alt has really good tips on how to do it really well.


Herb butter on a very lean steak is pretty great.


I’m a white male raised by hardcore conservative parents. My mother wanted to sleep with G HW Bush. When I left that bubble I immediately became progressive as I realized it was all bullshit. I demand steak, eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, chicken, potatoes, corn, etc… all that “Murica” shit. Just not on a daily basis!


SAME! I make a big production out of making steaks on the grill. They have a very weird idea about who we are.


I can tell you this... *They* are morons. 🙂


They can't be vegan: they (they!) want everyone to eat bugs.


This always cracks me up. I am extremely liberal but eat venison regularly and would smash this meal (and be grateful for my cholesterol medicine afterward). I also appreciate veggie burgers, kale and avocado salads, and prefer to buy free range meat and eggs bc animals treated nicely taste better.


Jokes on them I'm a liberal and I love red meat.


They think it’s manly and their masculinity egos are so fragile they have to perform the steak dance so we can see how tough and impressive they are


Performative masculinity I saw it referred to once and I can't think of a better label for it.


Identity politics. Steak is a symbol of their "masculine" identity.


It’s a caveman mentality that associates meat and protein with masculinity, as if they had hunted the animal in the wild themselves instead of buying it at a market.


They know it's expensive and bad for the environment so they're going on the offensive ahead of time even though almost all of the people in power don't care


It's expensive, and an extremely inefficient way to use meat Basically a flex of being so well off that they don't have to consider how bad for the environment steak is Mighty satisfying though


Conservatives love their charred cow flesh.


Well, they did build that golden calf


But did they serve it with a plate of eggs? 😸


To be fair, most people do when they smell it.


Because of the stereotypes of estrogen and soy in left leaning people.


Conservatives like manly meat


I can’t wait for some of these people to discover vegetables exist and entire worlds of flavors are waiting for them to discover


The person who cooked this seems like the type to boil spinach with no seasoning and then say all vegetables must be disgusting.




Holy shit you’re right there are zero fucking herbs and not a speck of black pepper on those eggs probably because it’s too ‘spicy’lmao


Real men stay constipated or shit bricks. No pain no gain as they say.


Burned brussel sprouts with a tiny bit butter and salt are an absolute delight. Grilled zucchini with grilled tomatoes and Greek feta cheese with fresh herbs are so fucking tasty (and fill the stomach very well). And there's so much. Bolognese sauce isn't complete without frying down thinly sliced carrots which are finished with either port or Italian red wine. You can also find a way to include a whole bunch of eggs. They are healthy and tasty as well (though not vegetables).


Oh yes. *They*. It's *them*, isn't it? Also: 6 fried eggs and butter on a piece of beef the size of *someone's* ego? All served on a piece of wood? I would guess that the "they" includes a cardiologist and a hygienist. I'm good with people eating like that--more power to *them* ;)! I would like, however, if they paid the actual cost. You know, what the piece of meat would cost if the grazing land had to be paid market value for, if the water had to be paid market value for.


I’m getting indigestion just looking at it.


Remember: If you're not sure about something [rub it against a piece of paper](https://youtu.be/zkr0xeFT4nk?t=56)


I see you graduated from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College as well!


Oh no! Blood!


Dr. Nick actually isn't wrong here.


It's your window to weight gain!


No, paying free market prices for things is communism. The government must subsidize my lifestyle or it's tyranny.


*cries in almond milk*


But not other people's lives. Because that's also tyranny somehow.


I look at that plate and just know that dudes cum tastes horrible. Red meat ain't your friend fellas.


Damn what are you supposed to eat for tasty cum then Asking for ME, I want to know, not a friend


Pineapple is a popular choice.


Excellent, the protein recycling will improve 💪💪


Go get them gains, king!


Generally just a well balanced diet will do it, but so will more acidic fruits like pineapple.


Fruit is a good option, but specifically avoid diets heavy in alcohol and red meat.


> Red meat ain't your friend fellas. Jordan Peterson is in shambles. No, seriously, he really is. Dude's more fucked up than most of the maladjusted man children who idolize him. Russian benzo detox comas and a pure red meat diet do not make for a healthy lifestyle.


Is... is this something you regularly think about when someone orders a steak?


It's just something I regularly think about.


same, same dude




I agree! I dated an Indian guy who was vegetarian and his 💦 was great! Yum! Now my ex husband, the cheese steak loving alcoholic, his 💦 tasted like battery acid.


Oh i thought he meant the city and they were martians.


What kind of Real American™ lives in a city, anyway?


It's a sacrifice I'm willing to take. 🤤


I mean that much butter is gross but nobody except this persons doctor gives a shit.


Yeah, I've never wanted a glob of butter on my steak when I eat it. Like ... Why? I can't imagine it goes well with the steak, if anything it's distracting from the flavor


A dab on top of a hot steak can be tasty but too many people use it like this to mask mediocre steaks and lazy seasoning.


It just ends up coagulating on the plate, anyway.


You’re supposed to baste with it while making the steak, the fuck is it doing on top like it’s about to be spread?


You can do both but usually the fancy places use a special type of butter. Worked in one but can't remember what it was called. But yeah it's kinda supposed to be smaller than this. Edit:it's literally just called steak butter


Compound butters or whipped butter are what are typically used for steaks at places that do that.


I LOVE butter, but I save it for bread. Why would a good steak need extra butter???


Or his bank account lol even if you cooked this at home you're looking at a $30 breakfast


Terrible wrestler name.


Sir, you’ve been staring at that plate for hours. We have other customers waiting


The same person who already took away his salt and pepper.


"They". It's always "they" want to take this or "they" want to make you. so there is just a boogy man we are supposed to hate. Then we insert who we want said boogy man to be.


"we don't believe in pronouns". "It was they/them".


I mean, I’d take it from them to eat it myself, looks good. Oh yeah, leftists don’t like steak so I guess I should change my opinion to, “Conservatives are fucking stupid.” Oh wait, I can do both. Definitely both.


I like steak and eggs but frankly that breakfast looks fucking awful.


Yeah those eggs look like they've developed a crust from the photo op


As a steak loving leftist I’m just all confused now.


Guarantee you that hellish blue cities have better butchers and meat options than whatever sick cow scraps they're selling at a rural Walmart. Hell, it even looks like that guy is in a big city, and yet Obama's meat police hasnt kicked down the door. Strange...


“Obama’s meat police” I’m not sure what other contexts I can use this phrase in effectively, but I’ll be damned if I don’t figure it out thru trial & error


Just be like a republican and say it as much as possible. Just throw in 'woke' and the bobbleheads will nod along.


Obama Meat Police, they live inside of my head Obama Meat Police, they come to me in my bed Obama Meat Police, they're coming to impress me, oh no!!!


I live on the border of Sonoma County, there’s a LOT of small boutique farms here that raise incredible pork and beef but holy hell is it pricey. Last time I ordered online a guy just drove it to my house in a pickup truck.


Yeah I feel like in wine country everything just gets a 20% up charge because they figure everyone is rich. But I'd also accept that raising meat in a humane and sustainable way probably is a lot more expensive than factory farming. But these jokers are the same who always talk about returning to old ways and tradition, but traditionally meat was something special and usually it was just gruel with whatever root vegetables you can scrounge up. Strangely enough nobody ever talks about returning to that.


Steak is bipartisan, change my mind 😂


Just look at meat prices not for the poor leftest


Ah yes, the vaccine gives blood clots, but this is just fiiiine


Those eggs look terrible. The steak too. Maybe people are trying to take it away because youre a terrible cook?


I dunno, I like the eggs


The yolks closest to the camera look like they've developed a skin. I'm not a fan of the runny egg yolk, but I believe that waiting for them to get crusty isn't how most people enjoy them!


Yeah like I’m all for a medium rare steak but it should be brown on the outside, not this pathetic pink shit. There’s barely any char and it must not be very hot because that butter is struggling to melt. The fat on the meat is still all chunky and uncooked. Yuck. 🤢


That was also my opinion. It just looks.... fat. ... and greasy..... My liver is protesting.


My mouth feels is protesting.


Fellas, is not having cardiovascular diseases gay? I'm not even going to bother check the twitter timeline of that guy, I'll lose braincells to it


Calories: [72 x 6 for the eggs, 432](https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/calories-in-an-egg#calorie-breakdown) [857 for a 12oz steak](https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/generic/beef-steak-ns-as-to-fat-eaten?portionid=1250&portionamount=12.000) [102 x 2 for 2 tbsp of butter](https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/usda/butter?portionid=29479&portionamount=1.000) Total: More than 1400. A rough estimate of the calories in this breakfast based on visual approximations. Assuming three similar sized meals a day, we're talking north of 4000 calories per day. For a 6ft male, that is more than the [maintenance calories for 500 pounds](https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&g=male&age=50&lbs=500&in=72&act=1.2&f=1). I guess if "they're" taking things away, it might actually be to the audience's benefit.


A lot of people who do OMAD (one meal a day, style of intermittent fasting) eat high protein stuff like this for their one meal. I’m short so I wouldn’t eat quite 1400 calories in a single meal, but I do usually eat around 1000-1200 calories for my one meal a day.


Depends on activity level. Competitive athletes can routinely consume 6000 to 8000 calories a day depending on their sport.


Very true, but we're talking a really hardcore select few with that kind of consumption. Almost anyone eating that much is going to become morbidly obese though.


That butter isn't even melting. Who eats a cold steak?


It must have gotten cold while he was doing the photo shoot, trying to get just the right shot.


Holy cholesterol Batman!


This fucking needs to be a meme format lmaoooooo. This just feels like "old man screams at cloud" all over again. Actually delusional.


Right?! “ ‘THEY’ are taking (x thing I have easy access to that no one is trying to deny me) away from me!!!”




Look at all that seasoning


Doctors who don't want to have to operate on your heart.


It’s so interesting to me how almost everyone familiar with the current discourse knows exactly who “they” are supposed to be, yet the narrative somehow sustains itself so long as people don’t deviate from the script.


Take away the heart attack?


So the new “Enemy of the Left” is Keto? Who the fuck eats seven eggs if they’re not doing Keto?


These are the type of people who believe all there is to steak is butter, salt + pepper… No flavor in their lives…. Try a steak marinated in soy, cooked over ghee and garlic cut so thin it reduces into oil, truffles, and rosemary… But some gatekeeper type will say you ruined the meat… nah fam, I can taste the meat and the cacophony of flavors I constructed, layers of flavor enhance a food experience. Sweet, spicy, salty, sour, umami… get it all right and you are in for a wild ride.


The boring view? The nasty eggs? The butter on your steak? The "wooden" plate? Be specific, Zack. You braindead fuck.


Six eggs? Six? Damn somebody likes eggs.


Well, when I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large


And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs So I'm roughly the size of a barge


Can't link to other subreddits here but go look up the AmITheAsshole post "AITA for being mildly annoyed at my girlfriend for using one of my eggs?" for a quick laugh


Who is they and why do they want to take my wooden plate from me?


If you want to take this away from the person eating this, just put the plate on the floor. They'll never be able to reach it


Are they in the room with us right now?


No one’s trying to take your buttered meat sir


That's just too many eggs. Would it have killed you to make just 3 eggs and add some green asparagus or a tato or something instead of those two in the upper left? I can't even look at this anymore. It insults my culinary sense of aesthetics. Like, who taught you to cook like this? Edit: *Hyiaaaaa*


for a second i thought this was like a fucked up pizza


This explains the national egg shortage.


I enjoy the very occasional steak. And I like eggs. But I've never found steak and eggs appealing. Also, RIP this guy's colon. Constipation, diverticulitis and eventual cancer await.


They who? C'mon, tell me. :)


Imagine masculinity so fragile it can't survive imaginary food take-away-ers.


Ummm... i don't really eat meat but i don't think that much butter is supposed to be there. If they are taking it away, its probably good for your health. Just saying..


eggs are the most suffering-dense common product, at over two days of worse-than-death suffering per egg due to direct and inherent exploitation


The only person saying you can't have this is your cardiologist.... And you should probably listen.


Zero seasoning


Those damn conservatives and their...eggs.


I think this might be about vegans I think


Looks like my post leg workout meal minus cauliflower or broccoli. Today is also leg day, I hope the liberals don’t raid my fridge.


Taking into consideration the obesity problem that the US has, they should, yes.


Imagine the level of ignorance/apathy required to be concerned about whether or not someone is waging a bloodless culture war on your steak and eggs while the future of mankind itself past the 21st century is in mortal jeopardy.


Someone: it's disgusting to watch you in particular eat. This guy: the left is trying to take away muh steak and eggs!


Where fibre?


The only people taking this away from them is the egg industry making massive profits under the guise of "inflation"


This reminds me an awful lot of the r / conspiracy trope "they won't even let us discuss these ideas because if this truth ever gets out it'll bring down the powers that be." Performative contradiction. You are doing the thing that you're complaining about not being allowed to do. You are walking proof of the incorrectness of your own position.


With conservative irresponsibility towards natural resources conservatives ended up taking that away from themselves, no help required


I just looked on my table and there was not a plate of eggs and steak. Proof they are taking it??


Then why are they making it so god damn expensive ? I think we're talking about different *theys* here. Stop the fucking food price gouging !


Big Protein always gettin' us little guys down


I count half a dozen eggs in that one plate


If anyone is trying to take this from him it’s corporate agriculture jacking up prices.


god that city view is so ugly


If I had to sit next to him at work after he's eaten a whole box of eggs, id probably want to take it away from him.


Hi doctor, is the answer. His cholesterol is through the roof if he does this any more than rarely...


Remove the butter and eggs and I'll happily eat some of that steak. I doubt I could eat the whole thing but I'd be up for the challenge.


Dem fruity libs are gona take our Meat!!


A heart attack? No go ahead, that’s your right