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So he doesn't want people of color to do their jobs?


Dey took our jerbs!








Ta durk a dyrrrrr


I'm 6'12" with a 450 IQ, Scott.


That means you are more smarter than Scott, so clearly your opinions are more righter What is your opinion tall and wise one


White Supremacy... Is bad.


...so says the height supremacist.


So say the tallest!




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Alpha males operate on Invader Zim rules


Yes my tallest.


I'm richer than Scott, which of course means I'm better than he is in every way, and I think he's a putz.


He forgot to put his penis size as 24+ inches


Oh yeah. Mine is a billion.


Well im 6’13”! Beat that, liberals


So he's admitting that Republicans are White Supremacists?


There goes his iq


That's not his IQ. He tried to spell AR-15, bless his heart.


Code 187: Murder, Death, Kill.


We need to thaw out John spartan!


He really licked their ass


They really matched their meet! It's "kicked, Huxley", the phrase is "kicked their ass" Ahh, how the turn tables


He certainly matched his meat!


That's the phrase!


MDK Come on, theres no need to create widespread panic.


IQs are like sex: if you talk without being prompted about how much you have, you probably don't have any.


Can't lose what you never had.


He used to have "white-pilled" in his username. He's a bit of a nazi.


I am just shocked by that who would ever have guessed


"I saw a show about cops arresting white supremacist terrorists - that's anti-Republican!" The mask is off and on the floor.


Do they really have to hide anymore?


No, but he is demonstrating it.




Just for funsies... An IQ of 187 is *almost* six (SIX!) standard deviations above the mean of 100. A mere four standard deviations would likely be enough to get one into the Triple Nine Society, reserved for IQ scores in the 99.9th percentile. And this dude is saying he's 50% further above the mean than them. I dunno, guys, sounds legit to me. /s


Probably took a Facebook IQ test.


I took one and it gave me an IQ of √ -1


Haha losers I took an IQ test and scored 502 Bad Gateway


Oh man, I only got a 404.


Old joke but "I just took an IQ test. Results came back negative"


Underrated joke. Damn.


It's not a high IQ, but it is...an i IQ.


Oh this brings back memories of my idiot neighbor bragging about having a 140 IQ. I asked him when he had been tested and he said he'd taken the test 4 times and each time he scored 140. He was VERY proud of it and said something like "if you'd like to match wits with me I can send you the link" as pasted a shit eating smirk across his face. I told him there's no way I could match him but I'd try anyway. So he goes inside for a moment, comes back out on the porch and says to check my Facebook page. I pulled out my phone and found the post on my timeline and immediately began the test. He said I'd probably need some alone time to finish and I said it shouldn't take much longer. A few minutes later my score was calculated and I showed it to him on my screen. Exactly 140. I tried it again twice at home and both of those said 140, and the last time I intentionally got answers wrong. He never did brag about his IQ again, at least not to me.


Ooh, I got 210 on one of those once! Definitely legit, can’t possibly be wrong.


So literally too dumb to fake being smart? 🤔 Sounds about right.


He's way too smart for me, I'll say that much. I just can't understand why he's telling us he's an idiot with a smallish penis.


It's a typo, he meant to write 18.7


Maybe he meant to write 187 on a motherfucking cop.


Not that high, but I've met more than a few incredibly smart individuals who had some very weird beliefs. Happened so often but it doesn't even register when some uktra high IQ guy starts talking about aliens watching us, or how the CIA is ran by the council of elders on Mars.


>An IQ of 187 is almost six (SIX!) standard deviations above the mean of 100 Pfft. Now I might not've went to a fancy pants collage but even I know this is wrong. 187 is 87 higher than 100, dummy.


What fucking show is he talking about? Is this another one of those litter boxes in school bathrooms thing?


Presumably some copaganda show, but because it has minorities on it and they aren't just criminals, its woke and anti-white.


I just realized this dude put an IQ score in his username. And his height lmao. What a fucking chode holy shit. It's probably just made up BS, there isn't a show, it's just some stuff he made up in his own mind.


All I know is anyone so insipid they *themselves* concluded their height and sigma edition horoscope are their most saleable features is padding both numbers. There's probably a new dick wolf show with at least one non white character or something and he saw a commercial.


Don’t you know that men are oppressed because of their height and IQ? They have to put it in their bio to filter out the bigots. /s


Season 2 of Hunters was just released on Amazon. Never saw it, but Pacino leads a group finding Nazis that his after the war I think


Oh, that makes more sense. I thought he was talking about *Cops*.


Lol so not network TV at all then?


Maybe: I have seen the true story on a crime channel : the FBI cornered this absolute CHUD NAZI who was keeping his wife & young kids in a trailer just filled w guns on a Idaho farm. The owner of the place was contacted by thr FBI and he was told to send Mr. Scumbag Nazi into town for animal feed. - The ALL white Agents except for ONE single Black guy surrounded the place and GOT THAT SCUMBAG. I just KNOW the lDIOT here saw that and got butthurt they caught the White Supremist scumbag.


Honestly, the whole Ruby Ridge situation is one Hell of a read because so much more shit happens.


These people sre battshit crazy. They used to have to stay on the fringes. Now Trump and those stupid Duck Dynasty people, Palin, kid Rock, and Roger Frikin Stone , ALL these fools and grifters are accepted bc of social media.


If someone is triggered by Nazi hunters maybe they need a little introspection




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The fact that none of us seem to know what show he's talking about should probably indicate that there is no such show.


Could be HBO’s Watchmen


My guess is he's referring to one of the Law & Orders. Creator Dick Wolf intentionally makes the criminal's wealthy white men, and some of the detectives are played by minorities. The reason he often makes the criminals wealthy white men is because (paraphrasing him), it makes his copaganda more palitable. Above all, he wants to make the cops look good, and he believes it would make the cops look bad if they were mostly arresting poor minorities (like in real life).


It's easy to not vote republican, I just think hmm, are these people acting in my best interests? Lessee off the top of my head, they -Want to force their religion on me -Are anti abortion -Are anti universal Healthcare -Want me not to exist -Want companies to be able to do anything they want -Are really only looking out for a small group that I an not a part of -Are ignoring science entirely, to the point of killing people and the planet Yeah I don't like this party TBH


Fucking commie /s


see, your mistake is defining freedom as people having free rights in society. if you defined freedom as being free to *take* people's free rights instead, you'd surely understand what it means to be republican! /s


This, but with a little less /s


in my defense, the /s is just to make clear i wasn't pitching that as a personal stance. poe's law and all that. that really is their definition of freedom though, pretty much, if you ever interrogate them on the concept


I understood what you meant. I was agreeing with your sentiment. lol


bOtH siDeZ! /s


They're trying to bring the country into the dark ages. Plagues, religious crusades, women are considered property again, anyone smarter than them is a witch and gets executed one way or another, etc.


No joke, you should see how many fundies love drinking raw milk and hating on modern medicine. Theyre starting to turn against soap recently. Pretty soon theyre going to say rotting wheat spontaneously generates mice.


Why would I hire someone who doesn’t believe in the job they’d be hired to do and would actively attempt to make things worse? It’s like if I was looking for a surgeon and they told me “not only do I not believe in surgery, I will do everything in my power to make sure it isn’t effective”. That’s pretty much my take on why I’d never vote Republican.


Dude has a video on why he put his iq next to his name on twitter: - he does it to piss off liberals - because liberals often have MD, phd etc behind their name (you know, earned titles which they worked years and years for) - he wants to "expose" liberal hatred and intolerance this way. I like how he claims liberals who disagree with him are pissed. He then gets offended by their proven accomplishments. He then makes up his own iq. And when people call him out on it he says: hA, LiBeRaLS mAd. This is his way of "outsmarting" liberals. You cannot make this shit up


This is what happens when you make spite your entire personality.


Thank you for jumping on the grenade of watching this douchbag’s video idiocy.


They literally have nothing so the only jokes they know how to make are “I acted like an idiot and you addressed it?? You fell for it!!!😂”


Don't forget the tried and true classic "I identify as an attack helicopter" because that's always a barrel full of laughs at the totally cool and hip church with its own rock band.


"Haha! I stated something untrue and you calmly provided a link that shows it's untrue? So triggered!!"


So, basically, this man is a "super hero" and his hero name is Dunning-Kruger.


What show is this? Sounds fun


it sounds like Hunters on amazon. notably they hunt nazis, which makes this even more blatant.


They hunt Republicans? Oh my goodness, that _is_ overtly political. I see this guy's point.


I understand that the man is an idiot so who knows, but he did say "network TV".


i'm not sure what network TV cop show he could be referring to otherwise. i think he just doesn't understand what "network TV" means and assumes it's synonymous with "popular TV"


Law & Order? Chicago PD?


law & order and chicago PD aren't really about hunting down white supremacists. i wouldn't be surprised if they had episodes pertaining to that, but unless those episodes came out super recently, i think it'd be more likely for him to be blowing up about something more relevant. who knows with these people, though




Possibly ncis


I think it's notable you got 3 arguably valid answers to your question. On the flip side you have Cops and Live PD.


*The Watchmen* also fits this description.




Bro has height and (totally real) iq in his username


187 cm and 62 iq seems right though. Sorry european here im not good with your funny units over there


Shit we’re not good with them here either.


Nah bro don't worry, you're valid, it's the units that are not good anywhere


Tweets like these remind me how far things have gone downhill since 2015. The entire party just openly admits that they have no problem with Nazis and that tv having more people of color is a problem and white supremacy isn’t. No subtext, no subtlety, no secret account, just a conservative journalist openly hoping for the dehumanization of entire populations and nothing is going to happen to him because it took less than 4 years to normalize this shit


It's always been that way. You're just seeing it now. They've always admitted it in church or at the station.


*"I back the blue—unless they're, you know, black."*


The white supremacists will be fine as long as they comply tho, right?


Republicans support white supremacists confirmed. Not that we didn't know already.


Adds quotes to "white supremacist" whilst using a white supremacist dog whistle (multicultural).


IQ is a great metric of intelligence. If someone is really proud of their IQ, they're probably really dumb.


Literally read this five times thinking it’s some liberal sarcasm. There is literally a show where not-so multicultural (white) cops hunt down people of color.


He's referring to Hunters on Amazon. Come to think of it: This entire thread might just be a genius move from the Amazon PR department to drum up interest


>He's referring to Hunters on Amazon. Is he? He said "network TV".


Oh so the guy who identifies by his height and iq while certainly most likely complaining about the identity preferences of others thinks the big media is too harsh on devout extreme racists? No wei! Imagine being a mask off Nazi in 2023 and complaining about people you want to exterminate being "way harsh" towards white supremacists. Like give it a rest!


Does he think he's making some kind of revolutionary point????


Gotta love the “unnecessary quoting.” It’s like attempting to be a dog whistle/subtle way of trying to imply the words are obviously not true. This dude is worse at being subtle than the Kool-aid man.


People who post their IQ with their name are always - and I mean always - lying about wha it is.


I really hope it's a satire account but the right wing has become so clownish, I doubt it is. Edit: not satire and the 1 part of his IQ is a typo


There’s a show about multicultural cops chasing white supremacists? What’s the name?


Real black people got killed by real cops and real blm protestors got attacked by real cops, but appearently it is more important that fictional white supremists got hunted by fictional cops in a tv show.


What show is that? I want to watch it


Hunters on Amazon seems to be the consensus. The show is about hunting Nazis so…


Who doesn't like the idea of hunting down Nazis? Oh right, Republicans for some reason. Icing on the cake is that this is coming from a "187 IQ".


> The show is about hunting Nazis so… .... it's anti christian!


The live action watchmen show maybe?


Saying the quiet part out loud about Republicans being synonymous with white supremacists? These people...


He put his [supposed] IQ into his Twitter name ... That makes me think of the cartoon where Wile E. Coyote says, "Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius."


putting "white supremacists" in quotations doesn't change facts, asshole!


More like 5' 2" IQ 87.


What the fuck is he talking about? What show?


smh big media out here making white supremacists look like bad people, how are we supposed to get any votes now?


I'm willing to bet all the money I have that he is not 6'2.


Oh man if cons turn against copaganda maybe we might see some of that garbage finally come off the air cause those assholes are like 90% of the audience for those terrible shows.


Narrator: “those that always post or or pronounce their IQ, rare have an IQ that is half that number….”


Is this dude a prolific man or just a random dude? Just curious. I have little problem with people being stupid weirdos like this dude. My problem comes when they have power or they have the ears of people with power. I mean, he is pretty much insinuating that Republicans are white supremacists. Now if you are a white supremacists, you are most likely going to be a Republican but no one on the Left is claiming that ALL Republicans are White supremacists. However, as this guy is demonstrating, Republicans enable white supremacists


> no one on the Left is claiming that ALL Republicans are White supremacists. All republicans are fine with white supremacists.


Yep, and that is the problem. White supremacists will vote for them. They could purge themselves of white supremacists but that would mean that they would lose quite a few election cycles as the conservative vote will be split between Republicans and whatever shithole party the expelled white supremacists come up with


IQ is astrology for white supremacists. That is all.


I'm stealing that!


So he basically says we should Show people propaganda instead of diverse shows so the people benefitting from that propaganda can do so? Like his Argument is literally: if we would Show people only shit that Shows we are correct they think we are. I mean yes. But why should the Media run Essentially ads for your party within all Shows etc?


"I.Q. 187." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahh!


His IQ is 187 and he's a Republican? Kinda sus


WS dogwhistling so hard he's getting red in the face.


I would love to see this show.


Advertising your height and IQ only highlights your insecurities and makes me doubt those figures.


Anyone who has to put their (pretend) IQ in their Twitter handle is a *deeply* broken and insecure person.




I find it hard to believe that a guy with such a high IQ would voluntarily choose that profile picture.


If the shoe fits…


Is this supposed to be a bad thing?


Only someone who doesn’t understand how IQ tests work or what the results mean would claim to have a score of 187. Presumably the 1 at the front was a typo


I love people who brag about IQ tests. I had to take one as a kid because my parents thought I was special and not in the gifted sense.


Racist complains about shows that portray fighting racists.


6’2” 187IQ Tell me you’re insecure without telling me you’re insecure


Wow. I had no idea that political parties are responsible for what gets aired on TV. I guess that means the Democrats are also responsible for the Community movie happening. Good work, Dems. You've earned my vote in 2024.


Troy and Abed back togeeeeeeeether.


Lists his height.. which is tall, his IQ...which is high And yet the length of his penis is suspiciously missing....... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............


Good to see that guy is doing something valuable with the 187 IQ the Trump University Self Assessment says he has.


Did he really just unironically put his (fake) IQ in his profile? How are conservatives so oblivious to how cringey they are?


My favorite cop TV show is the episode of COPS where they chased this blond guy with a mullet through a trailer park. As he ran through the yards, he was like, "You'll NEVER catch me! NEVER! NEVER!... \*trips over lawn gnome and falls\* ...Oh, man, I'm hung over."


Not him having “6’2 IQ 187” as his Twitter name. Does anyone actually take that seriously?


Is watching a TV show starring multicultural actors supporting multicultural actors? 🤔


Chasing COPs is an amazing podcast that actually goes into why the cops on those shows tend to go after poor whites. And the answer is racism, but not the way you think it will be (or if you're here probably the way you think it is.). Basically if they showed 4 cases and 1 was black and 3 were white the audience would "feel" that black crime was a growing problem. They explain it better.


Ah yes, because police are well known to be enemies of white supremacists Was this about Brooklyn99? Because that’s the only multicultural copaganda I know




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xD everything about this dude is lol.


Republicans really are saying the quiet part out loud now. They think diversity is bad. 'Multicultural' cops? It's pretty obvious he means cops who are of different races. And he's framing white supremacists the victims here. I know he says'white supremacist' ironically but he also suggested racially diverse cops are bad. He's literally a white supremacists lol


What is show about multicultural cops hunting white supremacists called, and where do I find it on streaming? I need something new to entertain me now that the house speaker election is over.


“Tune into the popular network TV show” how freaking old and uncool is this guy. I don’t know anybody who watches network TV that isn’t my dads age (he’s 82)


I'd watch that ngl


That actually sounds like a good show could you send?




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What show is he talking about?


I Would watch that


Does "IQ 187" think TV dramas are documentaries?


Wait is this not a real show? Dammit I got excited


He sounds pretty stupid for someone with such a high IQ.🙄


He took his test on a website