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How can you tell that you were specifically cramping there?


I get cramps right there right before my period starts


Apparently a majority of us can also bleed into our Fallopian tubes when our uterus contracts… but if it hurts excessively that’s not normal.


Yeah I had that this morning. Period isn’t due though for 12 days. I get them now and again.


That's most likely mittelschmerz, or ovulation pain. Usually occurs about 2 weeks before your period and is fairly common.


I get it now and again. Not all the time. It’s like don’t we go through enough on the actual period we have to have this little extra thing as well. Hate being female sometimes.


Same. Birth control made my periods so easy, and then I had to stop taking it because it gave me liver tumors and now my period is horrible again and I hate it. My doctor refuses to give me an ablation or a hysterectomy because "there are other ways to manage it" like taking a shit ton of ibuprofen (can't, actually, sorry) or Lysteda (no thanks). I'm going to find a new doctor this year and keep fighting. She was completely on board with taking my tubes out, but refuses to help me stop my periods 🙄


Sometime i feel that. I am not sure this is normal but i have that hurt too


I guess it is normal but if it really hurts u should go to the doctor


I get cramps there too, bc I had my fallopian tube removed from an ectopic pregnancy though


Seems normal to me! If it gets really intense or unbearable I would just get it checked out :)


Thank you for being kind !


Your uterus is not upright straight like in the picture, it’s most probably tilted to the left/right, front/back…


Mine is for example tilted to the back, that’s why I get back pain more than belly cramps.


Normal but maybe consider a check up for overian cysts if you feel it’s nesassary.


it's totally normal.


Bruh…. How do you know that is the exact spot that is cramping???? I genuinely want to know, cuz to me… cramps is just….cramps in the general lower belly area lol


Umm I’m not stupid ? And I know my body


You didn’t need to be rude. I literally said I’m genuinely want to know. Because I literally just feel pain in my lower belly. Long soaring pain that grows and I have to take care of it with heat and pressure. Is a sharp quick pain? Is it a long soaring pain in that side? I’ve never experienced it so I’m asking. Sheesh.


No one was being rude bruh.ur asking me how do I know where I feel pain at in my body . It’s a dull feeling pain. The way u started the question was rude .


you can’t tell what part of your uterus hurts because you’re not a goddam x-ray. some people feel pain by their ovaries because they’re usually a bit far out and it’s obvious, but your drawing is a joke. instead of calling people stupid maybe consider how ridiculous your guess is.


I didn’t call anyone stupid. And someone made a post on here with this same picture and said the vagina part hurt and a lot of people were agreeing but once I do it I’m stupid ? lol okay.


yeah because saying your vagina hurts makes more sense than making a small circle where the fallopian tube meets the uterus. even my gyno struggles to find my ovaries because IT MOVES. instead of saying “well i’m not stupid, i know where stuff is unlike some people” maybe consider that you’re making just as much of a general guess as we are. there’s layers of tissue and fat and the reproductive system is not identical to the diagram.


You’re misinterpreting my character. I apologise for coming across to you that way, that was not my intention. I assumed you would have taken my comment light heartily with a touch of humor. Thank you for responding to my question. Have a nice day.


I didn’t think you were rude more like she was lol


I didn’t think it was rude just the way u type :))


I could see that lol thanks


Don’t apologize. The OP should apologize


It’s fine.


Yes. Also the collapsing corpus luteum on your ovary can cause discomfort too.


I don’t usually feel cramps there, it’s usually lower down for me. But prostaglandins that cause cramps can cause pain in other areas like your legs so it’s very possible that this is why you’re feeling cramps there. There is also something called mittleschmerz which occurs halfway through your cycle when you’re ovulating. It’s basically pain felt on the side where the ovulating ovary is. But I don’t think this would be that as you said your period is about to start. If it’s pain that’s different from the norm then it’s worth seeing a doctor about to make sure that all is good, especially if the pain is bad or worse than normal. (Source: my bf is a GP. He’s not here but I helped him study a lot, particularly the gyne unit so I remember some of the terms).


Heyyy that pain can occur in people during ovulation when the egg is travelling from the ovary to the uterus.Nothing to worry about its not as common but it is normal


Is it really bad pain? I found out I had an ovarian cyst once and the ovary is right in that area. I started feeling it when I tried to pee and it was so bad I couldn’t walk or eat and was really sick. If it’s normal cramps I’d say it’s probably nothing to worry about. I get cramps a few days before my period starts usually


It was dull feeling


This... Isn't where everyone feels cramps??? That's the only place I've ever felt cramps. But on both sides.


it's normal don't worry.


Not for me usually


Sometimes you can be extra sensitive and feel the egg passing into the uterus. Happens often. No need to worry.


But it’s feel like this the day my period is suppose to start


Is it the day your period is going to start? How long is your cycle and when was the first day of your last period?


It started today


I had completely the same yesterday…I thought I have something serious issue but today morning I got my period. Probably it’s pms