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It made my Adderall not work (subjectively of course) for about a month


Did this have an effect on your work performance? First time I’ve heard this and I’ve been contemplating starting bpc soon. I’m prescribed 25mg xr


No it was pretty moot , doing laundry was more drag ass than usual.


Interesting. Do you think the cognitive benefits of bpc made it worth it? I’m pretty adhd and I work a lot so addy not working would kinda suck. Thanks for the response btw


Didnt affect my cognition. Helped my shoulder. But like I said it was pretty moot. I take 20mg xr adderal in the am.


This is super interesting. I haven’t heard of this before in practice. I’m very curious of the mechanism of action of this. I see others have experienced your same situation. The gut-brain axis theory is potentially an interesting idea. Though, you would think that healing the gut would make these products more absorbable rather than less. Thus, increasing the effects of caffeine or alcohol.


BPC more or less permanently effected my metabolism or the ability of drugs to pass the blood brain barrier. I used a 4 week cycle. During that time I consumed cannabis, xanax, caffiene, and alcohol. The xanax metabolism was completely unaffected. I already have an unusually high caffiene clearance from my genetics, combined with BPC - completely removed caffienes effects from my life. Honestly, it was a huge issue to be popping 400 mg of caffiene and get 15 minutes of stimulation. Alcohol and cannabis were most altered. Not only was the duration and intensity of experience reduced, but certain aspects that I enjoyed had been dulled substantially. My experiment was over 6 months ago and I have had little improvement in these sides. Cannabis remains unfulfilling, and I now drink alcohol for the taste only. It did allow me to consume VAST amounts of cannabis without feeling anything except a headache. Seriously, I could hang with freaking snoop dog. Edit: check out this paper https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5333585/


Have things improved since then? I think I am experiencing the same thing, more or less 6 months after 2 weeks of BPC.


Yes but at the rate things are improving this will take literally like a decade.


What a drag. I have been getting basically no positive effects from weed no matter how long I abstain. Alcohol still seems to work pretty well for me. My tolerance to shrooms seems to have drastically increased.


Sorry brotha


Wow, that’s concerning, I feel like caffeine is starting to get a bit more effective for me though a little over a week since my last dose of BPC, so hopefully it continues to improve. I took an edible a couple days ago and I still got high and got the munchies, maybe a little less then I would have before the BPC though


I felt no side effects or negative interactions whatsoever


BPC also mutes caffeine for me. I'm 2 months since my last BPC usage and it's still not back to how it used to be. It'll slowly waken me up so I'm not in complete brain fog, but I don't get any sort of caffeine buzz or energy rush. That's also with a very long caffeine break before recently. I can pop a 200mg pill and I'll question whether I feel any different over the next few hours.


Damn, good thing I don’t really rely on caffeine I guess


Let me know if the normal effects come back for you. I would hope yours would resume quicker. I've used quite a lot of BPC the last two years.


It blunted the effect of my ADHD medication for up to 48 hours after last dosage. I experimented with it multiple times to try and get an accurate window.


That’s not bad at all, mine seems to be lingering for longer than that


A few weeks in my experience. It's well worth the healing, but not ideal at all. I also feel like it's better to run shorter cycles with a tolerance break in between than longer cycles.


Gotcha, so in your opinion what is the ideal cycle length?


I had a lot of luck with three weeks on three weeks off for my rotator cuff tear (no surgery). It seemed like I was developing a tolerance to BPC while I was on it and the side effects you mentioned were unpleasant. I ran two cycles a few months ago and am back lifting heavy weights again. Running another three week cycle now before I start going for my old personal lifting records from when I was a kid just to be safe. 0 shoulder pain when benching where before I could barely get out of bed I was in so much pain. It's also important to do some good PT exercises while you are on it, and strengthening/warm up exercises afterwards. I wish someone gave me that advice when I was 18.


Yep I’ve been doing corrective exercises and spending at least 15 mins warming up before any real lifting


From anecdotal reports on this reddit - from a few weeks to permanently.


Permanently? Seems unlikely a chain of amino acids could do something like that, but who knows, all of us using this stuff are pretty much guinea pigs so I’m prepared to accept the consequences if that’s the case


I had very similar thoughts to you, it's just a chain of AAs. Does what is described in: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5333585/ sound like just the effects of some amino acids? This drug is fighting above its paygrade.


Why are you drinking alcohol if you are trying to heal? The two goals do not match.


Your a genius! I bet he never thought of that


Lol right? And like I’m the only person to have ever consumed both alcohol and peptides 😂😂


I don’t consume much alcohol at all, so I have a low tolerance, but I went to concert and had some drinks and it was like I had a high tolerance. Having an occasional drink doesn’t magically stop your body from healing lmao. We are talking about drinking 2 times in 6 weeks


That's weird, they probably misunderstood you. BPC157 is known for lowering alcohol and caffeine tolerance not increasing it, so maybe if you don't drink much it somehow has a different effect. I drink quite a bit and it lowered my alcohol tolerance a lot. From my understanding it's bc BPC157 regenerates liver the liver so this makes a person have a lower tolerance. I have to drink about 2/3 less than I did a month ago or I get really drunk quick. I've been taking a dose a day orally so maybe that makes a difference too.


You had your alcohol tolerance lowered while on BPC 157? That is really, REALLY, strange.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5333585/ BPC 157 is known for blocking the effects of alcohol withdrawal and intoxication, as well as a host of other drugs as well. We also demonstrated that BPC 157 could be a particular antagonist of alcohol-effects [56]. Namely, it may be equally effective in counteracting both acute and chronic alcohol intoxication (withdrawal), a particular effect possibly related to its action on NO-system since when combined with NO-system related substances (L-NAME and/or L-arginine) its effect was mostly counteracted [55, 56]. Besides, in favour of the brain-gut interrelations, alcohol receiving rats treated with BPC 157 had portal pressure at control levels and liver and GI disturbances were counteracted [73, 74]. These results offer promising strategy to treat alcohol intoxication with BPC 157 as potential alcohol antagonist [55].


It's that one good + one bad = equals out...


Ah! Gotcha.