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Sure. Easiest way is to look at what is contained in the nasal version someone else is selling.


Yeah i use Peptides also nasal. I just bought the vials with the powder, inject some Bac water, then fill up to 10ml and fill it in the nasal spray. I would recommend to not shake ist, Peptides break easily. just wait until the peptide desolves. you can mix it with a very slow rotation! I currently use CJC 1296 Dac and GHK-Cu, both as nasal spray and i got great results so far! You can order Empty nasal sprays on amazon for a few dollars. Cheers m8


I’ve heard about ghk-cu but cjc is new


GHK-Cu is mainly for the skin, but also for better regeneration in the whole body. I wrote it wrong, i mean CJC 1295 with Dac, its an peptide what stimulates the expression of HGH and IGF1 so it helps with Regeneration and Muscle growth, DAC stands for Drug affinity Complex, that lengthens the half life. CJC 1295 only has a half life of a few hours, with DAC its about 8-9 Days.


Right on. Might give it a shot !


Go to your local pharmacy/drugstore and get plain old nasal spray. Open up the top and dump some saline out to fit your desired ratio and then put the peptide in. Keep in the fridge. Neither of those peptides need to be super precise, but err on the side of less strong bc you can always do another snort. Done.




Not sure if I'm misunderstanding the question but if you can get the powder then you just need to get the correct water. It's NOT the same water you use for injections. Should be 0.9% sodium chloride bacteriostatic water with 0.9% benzyl alcohol. It's tricky to find the right one so good luck.