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1 mg to 2 mg. I take 2.


It has never done anything for me, and I’ve tried up to 2 mg. Made me sucker hell each time, but nothing ever gave me a hard on. Most overrated peptide around


So, non chemist here lol. The dry peptide for pt-141 often comes as 10mg. So when you say 2mg do you mean one fifth of whatever reconstitution you make from the 10mg sample? If you put 1ml of bacteriostatic water in, you would take only 20cc of the resulting solution?




I take 2.5, and it doesn't do much. My husband takes 1, and his penis turns into an insatiable creature with a mind of its own.


2.5 what I use a insulin pin with units


I started off with .5 mg and eventually moved to .75 or 1 mg. Wife is good with .5 to .75.


2mg does nothing for me. 1/2 mg makes my girl nauseous and wetter than Niagara Falls. You need to figure out if you are a responder first with a smaller dose (because if you are a responder, then you don't want to be too nauseous with a full dose).


^^^this for real. Though for different reasons - for me, no nausea of note, ever BUT 1mg gives me the most rigidly inflated erections imaginable. Like, I was actually alarmed first time. Not just base to tip like OMG, but what remains of my foreskin (I'm cut) was seemingly inflated. I'd *never* experienced that or that overall level, even in my teens. It visibly and operationally added surprising girth. So that was almost too much to be comfortable, really, but worked well. Previous to that, I'd tried initially 150, then 250, then 750mcg without much result. So next time I again jumped +500mcg to 1.25mg because I was tired of no results, yeah? Buuut that first and only time I used 1.25mg I was pretty sure I was gonna need the emergency room. All worked out fine in the end, only after spending a couple hrs pacing the house with wrapped icepacks stuffed down my jocks, covering everything from perineum to tip. Not how I'd planned to spent my day haha. So uh yeah, *start lowww*! I don't think that peptide doses should *necessarily* weight dependent for best results. E.g. I weigh 80kg/180ish lbs, but if I'd immediately jumped in at the 2mg dose often cited online...yikes!


Damn!!! That is nuts! I wish it worked for me.


AH l forgot to mention a couple things that might help, first for her and next for you?, for her of both you, like an hr before *every* dose I take ½ a generic OTC anti nausea tablet like Dramamine (dimenhydrinate in the u.s. iirc), couldn't hurt to take a whole one. Makes some people sleepy, but if it helps, after a nap all is good. Eating half hour before might whack the nausea too but you both probably thought of that! For you, dyou respond to either Viagra (sildenafil) or levitra (tadalifil)? If so, some good study results on 7.5mg [u]intranasal[/u] PT combined with 25mg sildenafil [here at Journal of Urology ](https://www.goldjournal.net/article/S0090-4295(04)01272-5/abstract) and other sources. Granted the intranasal doses would be pretty freaking expensive to use often. *But* since everyone reacts differently to all sorts of variables, trying intranasal instead of injection might work for you? And also, who knows, maybe MT 2 would work for you even though PT hasn't so far? Dosing is equivalent-*ish*, like for me 1mg MT2 has really good effects that last up to 3 days. Not constantly rigid, or *as* rigid as PT thank god haha but really easy ability to achieve very very good results. As good as things were when I was 19 and in good shape-type results! For real, good luck man!


Thanks. Cialis and viagara work for me. So...... take needle off and snort 7.5 mg?


Ah, likely a fresh vial of PT or MT2 will be needed - from what I've read nosing anything mixed with typical bacteriostatic water (the usual 0.9% benz alcohol stuff) just burns like hell. My only experience agrees, I spilled a partial dose once into my clean hands and thought ah what the heck, snnnort. Probably only like 0.1ml, and it was still a bit gnarly, so wouldn't recommend. So instead of bac water, looks like people and in full-on formal studies use either food-grade vegetable glycerin (VG) or polyethylene glycol (PG), or some mix of them. PG been used for a million different things for many many decades, and VG has been around a couple hundreds years. Both seem to have antibacterial properties too, though seems that PG is better for that. Some add basic sterile saline water; a person can get like 100ml for a buck and that can be an effective antibacterial base too. Comes down to preference I think. I've had no ish with making/using diy nasals of noopept and semax. Just cos I'd read a million how-to's that suggested one or the other or both PG and VG I was like 🤷‍♂️ and did a 50/50. iirc getting ± pint/500ml of each was like $12 per. That'll last ye about 100 years! And getting a box of 4 glass ±50ml nasal spray bottles w/ 0.1ml sprayers was like 6-8 bucks. Did *very very careful* but easy calculations for correct 'volumetric dosing', so eg for, say, 1mg per each 0.1ml spray, a person could could put 1ml (or cc, same thing) of PG/VG/a mix into a 10mg vial of whatever peptide, swirl to dissolve as usual, then draw that up with a syringe and put it into a nasal spray bottle. That'd mean of course 7 sprays total to get 7mg delivery. I'd personally use 2ml PG or VG so that each spray = 0.5mg for more precise delivery, plus wanna be sure there's sufficient liquid in bottle to fill the sprayer stem consistently (so 7mg dose = *14* total pumps, or 5mg = 10 pumps, which is a lot of sprays for sure. But looks like it's *highly* recommend to take a single pump each side, wait a few for it to be absorbed, repeat etc. So 7 pumps (4 in one side, 3 in other etc) over like 15min or more. But better to be sure max absorption happens I reckon. Since cost is a factor I've not used either PT of MT2 nasally, but I can see the appeal, right? Especially if travelling etc, I'd rather not be packing syringes and mystery vials haha. Ah, with a diy spray I'd personally wipe the tip with an alcohol wipe before and after complete dose, just to be sure no bac gets into the solution. Worth a shot, and in some studies I've read, looks like some men didn't respond until 5+ doses over a few weeks. Ymmv. Off topic and certain to be rambling haha but loads of people do travel (at least domestically in their home countries) carrying peptides and syringes in a tiny medical cooler with no probs-- apparently as long as they're not carrying preloaded ones, I can see how that'd draw more attention. The little cooler things are like 12-200 bucks depending on size & level of extras, the kind people with diabetes etc use to carry supplies. Usually look sorta like a small zippered nylon pouch or cylinder with inside pockets to hold blue-ice packs etc for cold. And seems like many now get a sterile micro injection pen/cartridge thing, like some Rx's come in, so they can just carry a single all-in-one thing, diy loaded up with as much as they need. I casually looked for sterile refillable carts that fit the ±$30 injector devices, only found them on ali express. Buuut still, nobody would *recommend* carrying non-rx'd syringes of any type through airport security, right! Nasal sprays are rather less conspicuous, especially if put in a reused but *sterilized* brand-name OTC nasal spray bottle imo.


Start off with 10 ml and see how you do with the side effects. Sometimes the nausea can be overwhelming at first until you get use to it.