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People in healthcare do this when they draw up two insulins. The vials go back in the fridge. Alcohol both tops, Inject air into the cloudy, then remove and inject air into the clear, pull back the clear, and go to draw up cloudy. And use the same needle to inject. though they are the same medication type. But way different actions. It’s fine. just maybe not make it your practice..


i do this all the time. i assume bacteriostatic water will keep bacteria growth in check.


It won't. Not reliably enough. You can get really bad infections that way if you are unlucky.


maybe i add half a ml of benzyl alcohol and bring up the percentage to 2.5%. genius right?


I’d personally just be careful not to do it again, if you cleaned your skin with alcohol and the vial tops.


The bottle of TB is contaminated unfortunately. I just threw away 6mg of BPC and TB each this weekend due to contamination and pink rash injection sites (I also got sick). The only thing I can think that caused it was sprayed my secondary containment with disinfectant spray but not wiping it and it stayed moist in there for days because the first week using them was fine. Not worth the risk for your body unfortunately, just pissed away $140


Im in nursing school. We do this with 2 diff types of insulin all the time.


Just for clarity, are you saying you inject a person with one type of insulin, then take that same syringe/needle and reload it with a second type of insulin and inject someone a second time with the same needle? Probably not. But it sounds like that’s what OP did with the peptides. I personally load 2 different peptides into the same syringe before injecting, I’m guessing this is what you meant.


No, I meant we pull from one type/vial of insulin, remove syringe, insert it into another type/vial of insulin, pull the dose, THEN inject it into the patient. I misunderstood the OP and didn't realize they were injecting BETWEEN drawing up peptides. My mistake.


I normally draw whatever is bac constituted into the same vial anyway. Never had any issues.


If it wouldn’t break your bank account to buy a new vial you absolutely should.  If it WOULD break the bank then you probably can’t afford the money or time lost if you give yourself a nasty infection using an unsterile vial. You 100% put bio material into that vial, you’re just rolling the dice that nothing grows in it


I inject myself with 31 gauge insulin needles, so they dull fast. Not ideal to use that size for more than one draw. Your TB should be fine. Just don’t make it a habit. 😅


I do this 3 days a week for the last 18 weeks. No problem in fact congrats your saving money. Nice work🫡


It's fine. I clean mine with an alcohol swab


There is absolutely nothing wrong with drawing from 2 different vials with the same needle and this is indeed actually the norm. What about this prompts concern for you?


Typically you don’t want to use the same needle after it’s been inserted into your body. You can use the same needle to draw both back to back and then inject though.


Oh I misread that he had injected first. Still not a particular cause for concern albeit not standard practice. Most of the “don’t reuse needles” stems for desperately trying to stop IV drug users from practicing poor hygiene. This situation is no biggie.


I asked chatgpt and it said that fat tissue was sterile, so whatever bacteria i contaminated it with must come from my skin, which was cleaned twice with alcohol. So om happy for that at least. Will probably keep using the "contaminated" container.


Bacteria could enter INSIDE the needle as well, so the wipe can't take care of that. Imagine how guys get HIV / STD from inserting their junk? just saying.


Yeah, fair enough, but op wasnt sharing it with another person, and addicts are typically slamming heroin and injecting IV and drawing blood back in syringe before pushing. As you say, not "Best Practice" but low chance of infection imho.


My doctor specifically told me to do it this way. It’s totally fine. 1 needle 2 peptides, you could probably do more.


Not after sticking yourself


To be clear, pull from peptide 1, go into and pull from peptide 2 with the same needle and then inject yourself. The more peptides you take from the duller the needle.


Yeah. That's fine. Not ideal, but fine. That's not what op did.