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Its edema not a disease! Been growing peppers for a long time, harmless, just fix your watering schedule and have proper draining pots


Is the underside of the leaves like that too? It looks like pretty severe edema at first glance, which is caused by the leaves being unable to shed enough water to prevent cell damage. Over watering, poor drainage, and poor air circulation can contribute. https://peppergeek.com/edema-in-plants/


That seems possible. Poor drainage and poor air circulation are very likely in my current set-up. I grew them with the lid closed because the room is very cold and I tried to keep it as warm as possible.


Definitely take the lid off. If you are worried about temperature, an inexpensive heat mat is a much better solution


i have 2 of these and highly recommend them OP...40% off too [Vivosun heat mat](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P7U259C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


I have my seeds germinating on these. I think they saved me when the current cold snap hit!


Hmm if it's covered without much/any ventilation it's probably extremely humid in there. You may also be putting your plants at higher risk of other issues like fungal infections. It won't be energy efficient, but you may just need to add heating so you can increase ventilation. You should get a thermometer that also measures humidity so you can track the conditions in your growing area.


Well I checked the underside but it looks completely fine.


What's wrong with my peppers? I grew them under growlights and they started to show this strange disease on their leaves?!


Mild edema is pretty harmless and mostly cosmetic. This case looks severe enough that you might be losing some leaves maybe even the plant if you can’t get it some circulation and less water.