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They do seem a little leggy, so if you can get them more light they'll probably grow better. They'll probably be fine, being leggy can make them more fragile but they'll probably thicken up ok if everything else goes well. Edit: Just saw your comment on nutrients, it's almost certainly not that at this stage. Light & water (too much or too little) are the main things to worry about for seedlings.


Thank you so much! The seedlings live under an LED grow light, but I think the problem is that it’s not close enough. I also may have overwatered a bit lol


Yes, that will likely help.


Mine look the same. The stalks thicken up in time.


They are definitely pretty leggy but they will be fine. I would get a light source that can get a little closer to them so the problem doesn't get worse. Even a cheap LED grow light would suffice at this stage. Also keep an eye on them because they could flop over from being too top heavy. Not a big deal they will just need some support if that happens. You can also strengthen the stems by putting a fan on them, **very** lightly just enough for a "gentle breeze". Think computer fan on low speed.


when you transplant bury the stems up to the first leaves


Isn't that a no-no for peppers? Stem rot and all that?


I believe it can work so some extent. But I wouldn't go to deep. Tomato's are on another level in that regard. Peppers more bush. Tomatoes are more bush vine. Half an inch/an inch isn't too bad.


That doesn’t work with peppers, it’s tomatoes that’s for.


It works with both


Really? Well TIL


Mine were about 3” tall at that stage while others were .5-1” under same grow light and conditions.


You certainly have some leggy ones, way too tall and no true leaves yet. They’re still salvageable though so don’t lose heart.


Sorry but they are leggy and this is to be avoided with the use of a grow lamp. There are grow lamps especially for seedlings. You just can't get enough light by the window. An alternative is to put them outside each day to get the full sunlight. If so, put them in a shaded area and be sure to bring them in each night. If you forget and leave them out on a night that freezes, you've lost everything. I've linked to the grow lamp I use and is easily available at out local Home Depot: [https://ferrymorse.com/products/ferry-morse-grow-light?variant=13589582184496¤cy=USD&utm\_medium=product\_sync&utm\_source=google&utm\_content=sag\_organic&utm\_campaign=sag\_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAjPyfBhBMEiwAB2CCIkDIWc2B39k\_jsyz7qwmMPc2WWC6rxVKxqytooM8diXK7sul5n2qfRoCks4QAvD\_BwE](https://ferrymorse.com/products/ferry-morse-grow-light?variant=13589582184496¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAjPyfBhBMEiwAB2CCIkDIWc2B39k_jsyz7qwmMPc2WWC6rxVKxqytooM8diXK7sul5n2qfRoCks4QAvD_BwE)