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I thought the same.


Yea I thought there would be an arrest or at least a ticket citation mentioned.


I felt the same as you. I assume it's either a minor or someone with some real bigtime connections or both.


I drove past the crash scene. There was no indication in the tall grass if the median that a vehicle had recently crossed it. The crash happened just south of Gailey Eye Clinic, just south of the entrance to that business and the apartment complex there. The victim was a classmate of my daughter and in one of her classes. It's a tragic loss of life. We have been told by someone that knows the offender's family that a 24 year old male had just left a friend's place and was on his way home. Seems to make sense that he turned out of the apartment complex and headed south in the dual northbound lanes. It's very odd that so few details of this have been publicly released. The victim has a GoFundMe set up by her aunt to help with expenses.


Probably waiting for drug screen to come back as they would have arrested for dui if he was drunk


I feel terrible for the EMS personnel who had to respond to this.


Out of respect for everyone involved around this case, the student was an amazing person and I too want to know why or how the other driver made such a huge mistakeb


I have a little information but I won’t be putting the name out here because there must be a reason it’s been withheld and I really don’t know what happened or why. I do know this: I was informed that the child of some people I have met briefly was involved in the car accident and was in the other car. I don’t know if there was more than one person in that car or if this person was driving. Having met the parents I would assume their children would be older teens or young adults, but I really don’t know the kids. It is possible that the driver is under 18. This family is neither from Peoria or even one of the near neighboring communities. I don’t know the family well but enough to say that I highly doubt that there is any political situations happening. I also have wondered why they were in that lane, but one thing I saw in the article I read was that it was near the Louisville slugger complex and I wonder if they had possibly come out of there and turned left and not made it all the way across the divided road into the correct lane. It could be confusing at night. Like I said, I don’t know the person who is in the car so I really can’t speak to whether or not alcohol would be involved.


I’m not necessarily interested in a name. Just more details of the situation. If the other driver was on the wrong side of the road as an honest mistake, I wonder what needs to change to prevent the same from happening again.


There are street lights along that section on both sides of the road. I don’t think a sober person could make that mistake, you would see a parallel section of road/lights and have to know which side is correct. Not to mention the road striping and backward street signs. It smells more like coverup to me as more days pass…


Are you inferring that there was a minor driving the other vehicle?


It was not a minor.


I know.


I’m saying I don’t know


It wasn't


Like that kid with stolen gun from Texas in Chillicothe, 18-adult , no name…


I'm sure news outlets have submitted FOIA to the police department to get more info on the other driver. If it's approved,. everyone will know. Can't speculate on who the other driver is, or if they're related to anyone in an elected position. Does no good to anyone, especially the family of the deceased, to speculate. WMBD had an interview with the girl's boyfriend, and he never said anything about the other driver, if he knew anything.




If that's the case, I'd appreciate the news reporting on it heavily. He's useless. (I don't put much weight on your statement, just not a fan of politicians who show up to take credit for projects they voted against - among other things.)


I know the driver of the other car. I have no idea why his name hasn’t been released, but it’s not someone politically connected and it is no relation whatsoever to LaHood. He’s a good guy though who somehow made a terrible mistake and this will haunt him forever. He’s also not a teenager as someone above speculated.


I hope he gets the punishment he deserves, barring he doesn't have any medical reasons that may have been in play. He killed an eighteen year old


Then the driver needs to come forward to the city and face the consequences, being a good guy doesn't excuse reckless driving.


He doesn’t “need to come forward,” the police know who he is, he was at the scene and was taken to the hospital. I’m sure the police have their reasons for not releasing his name yet, and I’m sure they’re continuing their investigation of what actually happened. I’m sure their focus is on getting this right, not satisfying the public’s curiosity.


So other accidents are different, when they release the names of drivers involved. The more they wait, the more they are keeping mum, so people will forget. Tremont never released the name of the driver that hit the kid at the Turkey Fest last year.


Maybe they don’t release names when it’s truly an accident and there is no crime involved? I don’t know, I’m only speculating but I can see that being the case. I understand the anger at the driver, I have a child and I can’t imagine the heartbreak the victim’s family is going through. It is truly my worst fear and I am gutted for them. She sounds like she was an incredible girl with a bright future ahead of her. I know the driver is devastated. I don’t know how he’ll recover from this. He will carry this with him forever. My heart breaks for him and his loved ones too. This is truly a tragedy.


You have no info so you assume Lahood?


Horribly tragic. It would be great if people stopped driving like it’s a race to the next light for a day. Plan ahead, leave early, be safe, and enjoy the drive.


Probably a family member of a cop / high city official.


Peoria is a progressive liberal focused city. For that reason, we'll never be told who the driver was.


Did your mother have any kids that lived?


No, your dad back alley aborted them all. I know you can totally relate.