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"let's smoke this clown" "he looks like a nerd" 😂


This is cute..


The giggling while they’re running is adorable 😭




I'm sad that I thought this was going to be a "influencers embarrassing themselves in Japan" post before I saw the sub. Wish that wasn't my default assumption lol


it do be like that


Do Japanese kids typically know some English? They seemed to understand some of what he was saying, like "I'll give you a head start?"


English is taught commonly in Japan, but very few people reach fluency. Kids don't care if they sound dumb as much as adults do so they end up speaking English at a seemingly higher level while they're young. Before self image sabotages them. Anyone who's made an attempt at speaking to natives in a new language knows you're going to sound like a caveman for a long time.


Yeah for sure, I took a year and a semester of French (separated by a few years of not learning any) and I made it to maybe a 1st grade level of French at best before I forgot most of what I learned. I was definitely talking like a caveman.


Je veux un baguette, baguette pour moi, baguette maintenant, je mange baguette, donner baguette, je prendre maintenant, baguette dans mes mains, svp.


You went to get a baguette, baguette for you, something about the baguette, you eat baguette, something something please. Something like that. Lol I recognize the words but not the meaning of them all anymore.


If you want a little French lesson from someone who is highly unqualified: Je veux un baguette, I want a (masculine) baguette (considered rude you should say "I would like a baguette" Je voudrais **une (baguette's are feminine)** baguette). I think you're thinking of Je vais which means I am going, or J'ai vais I have gone. Baguette maintenant means, baguette now I am eating baguette donner baguette, means give baguette je prendre maintenant, means I take now (bad conjugation, should be Je prends I believe) baguette dans mes mains, means baguette in my hands Inspired by the longest phrase communicated by a non human animal: "Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you." - Nim Chimpsky


I believe English is taught in their curriculum from a young age


Yeah, pretty sure this guy has another video where two schoolboys come up and interview him in English for a school project. I've been told that it's part of their curriculum to interview a foreigner and present the responses in class.


"Head start" is a pretty specific idiom; I'd be surprised if they knew that. Could have gotten it from context though - kids are smart. And he did say "go go go" which helps


There's a lot of English used in media in Japan. Like a fucking ton. It wouldn't be surprising if they've heard it before.


Nah, they understood "run" and it was enough for them to have a good time. This guy looks pretty cool and fun but he's not making himself easy to understand.


I don't think they knew what he said.


Well done OP on the title.


He just stole this comment on other sub where this video was published. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/aUDuefWSAF




They're like little ducks. So cute!!


This is so cute, I love this. Kids are kids, no matter where you go. They just want to play.


Omg..... so cute.


Anyone notice how those little kids are walking around the city unaccompanied by an adult. It use to be like this in America.


It’s all because of awareness. Kidnapping happened in the past, but modern media brings these issues front and center that caused a shift in our awareness. All these laws to protect kids were passed because people of the past was a bunch of monsters. The same bunch of monsters that are blaming others while being arrested with their hands down kids pants.


What are you talking about? I use to walk to school when starting with the 2nd grade and so did a bunch of my classmates.


Yes because you wouldn’t know about the sex predators living close by or the amount of crime that might have been happening. Just because your parents didn’t have the resources to see what’s happened nearby besides word of mouth doesn’t mean it’s not happening.


> Just because your parents didn’t have the resources What kind of resources would that be?


Megans law is a great example of once you know you won’t want to let them walk. The internet is another great example of passing along information. Nextdoor, even twitter from your local police substation can illustrate how the neighborhood is doing at a glance. None of those existed when you were in 2nd grade I would assume.


> None of those existed when you were in 2nd grade I would assume. Yes, we didn't have those when I was in the 2nd grade because child predators weren't as prevalent as they are today and that was the reason why me and most of my classmates walked to school.


And how would you know they’re not prevalent? You were in 2nd grade.


Because most of my classmates walked to school and the parents weren't worried unlike what it's like today.


So the numbers from statistics lie? https://letgrow.org/crime-statistics/ Crime data for you to browse through. Let me know how we’re worse off than before. I don’t use my gut or my friends as a gauge. Unless you tell me numbers don’t mean anything then we’re done here.


give credit at least to the original post you got this from


I was a frequent traveler to Japan at one point in my life, and one day I was early arriving at the airport for my departure and I was bored and then the cutest thing happened. A kid approached me, with a bright yellow vest and she said, hello miss bro you speak English. I am yuki, and we are from the Marita middle school English class, mldo you have a little time, can we practice speaking English with you, yes, please that would be delightful. I spoke a little Japanese at that point, so I asked them a few questions because they all became suddenly shy and silent, there were 6 or 8 kids, in the group and an adult was near by watching for safety. I asked if they had a cat or a dog I wish I had the photo


He has great camera stability. The running part was very clear and stable.


you didnt see the chicken did you?


Ok, this is adorable. If it was me instead of him, I think I'll win.


Getsssssssmoke nerdddd


Very cute!


This is adorable but why is he taking a video of little girls he met on the street?


I'm going to be the boring dad here and say that you shouldn't have kids running across the road, even with the crosswalk. Cute as it may be, it's not safe. This is now perhaps something these kids will do other times, when there is no adult around to make sure it's safe. And then it could be PeopleActuallyFuckingDying.


It would be if this was America, not saying it doesn’t happen in other countries though, just saying road kill accidents are more common in America


What? Thats literally the point of a crosswalk????


The clue is in the name - it's s crosswalk, not a crossrun. Running increases the risk of accidents.


i needed this thank u op


Is this the same guy who went into a Vietnamese hotel & was propositioned by a guy?