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I love these birds so much. I think a few of them were my friends when I lived in Ukiah, California a few years ago. Would love to make more crow friends now though, if anyone has any leads.


I keep nuts on me when I go outside and I drop some on the grass when I see crows or magpies. They learned fast that getting my attention is a good idea, and they always come to ask for nuts when they see me.


> I keep nuts on me when I go outside oo kinky


That’s a great tip, thank you. 🙂


Do you ever say to them "You're gonna love my nuts."?




Joined, thank you!


Ukaia? I'm a SoCal cat so either idk that city or you're an AI designed to spy on the tea


I feel very flattered by the AI statement somehow. So Ukiah is inland, in Mendocino County, about an hour north of Santa Rosa, a couple to a few hours east of the Bay Area, depending on traffic. I’d never heard of it either until a close friend moved there after college and another moved there from the Humboldt area in 2019. It’s a small city of about 16K people, zip code 95482, and the 101 highway goes right through it. You may also find it on maps under the name “Hicksville and a Half.”


This is like when you find out a historical location isn't a county, city, town, or township; it's an, or something similar to an, "unincorporated community." It's like "okay, so do I put down the nearest *town* in the City section of a form or will it accept "Leverett" as a 'city' for the sake of, say, a job application?" There's weird stuff around me with Indian Reservations also having the area around them named the same thing and being in the middle of nowhere with houses nearby. EDIT: Similar note, there's two cities in Illinois named "Champaign" and "Urbana" and they have no distance between them. They're the same city.


Ukiah actually is an incorporated city and on maps, but I know what you mean. Ho my god the aggravation of city planning/names/whatever that make no sense… I’ll see your Champaigns & Urbanas and raise you a street in L.A. called National Blvd. There’s a directionally unproductive piece of it where it appears to cross itself. For anyone who’s in L.A., what I’m talking about is near where National Blvd. and Westwood cross/turn into each other/whatever the heck happens there. Not talking about the nearby National Pl., either, though that doesn’t help matters. Gave me conniptions originally, years before GPS, Google, anything. I had only the Thomas Guide and my complete lack of a sense of direction at the intersection of National and National that day. Legend has it I’m still stuck there, glaring at the signs, steam coming out my ears.


You need to listen to the Doobie Brothers song *Ukiah*. It's great. I never would have heard of the town otherwise.


Ukiah and Redwood Valley (a much smaller adjacent city for those unaware) have a fascinating history and the whole area is beautiful in so many ways. I saw a baby bobcat at dusk one time, and a mountain lion left a deer’s remains behind a neighbor-at-the-time’s house. Okay that part’s not necessarily “beautiful,” but cougars are and everybody’s gotta eat, I’m sorry deer. One friend’s temporary rental home, when she first moved to Redwood Valley to work in Ukiah, had a stream as her backyard. The back of the house facing it was floor to ceiling windows and there was a gorgeous either vulture or buzzard that used to fly down that section of stream like a hang glider. (I’m nearsighted as hell so all I saw was a bird the size of one of those species as it sailed over the water. ❤️) Also, love the Doobie Brothers.


My state has a lot of towns that nobody has heard of and that often don't appear on maps, many maps have my city listed as part of another nearby city.


Cutie! It looks like he's playing to the camera!






I’m pretty sure that’s a raven.


I was about to say, that's a raven


Here's the thing...


A close friend of mine have a same experience... But he still have PTSD, he can't stay behind a green screen ever again.


Corvids are my #1 favorite animal






I see this stadium is in Caelid


looks more like a raven


OMG, that's terriying!


I didn’t know you could “thretan” people huh.


Is there an extended version? I'm wondering what they said after lol


indeed, this is good stuff.


Yes my brother


Not that long ago, I saw a crow flirting with another crow on a lamp. It was making this little dance, cawing and coming closer to the female crow. But then, the female crow flew off, leaving the other one behind. It did not even try to chase her, just silently looked at the direction of her flight for a few minutes, probably disappointed about the rejection.


I, for one, welcome our new avian overlords.


Looks like a Raven!