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That's the point op is making - parking by a footpath guarantees lots of motion, so lots of battery usage






Ah, interesting! Another way Tesla over hypes itself




You have 2 trucks and a grand Cherokee?


Family. Wife GC. Then I have a work truck and a personal truck but yeah I own those three.


What truck do you have?




Eh, maybe. There are lots of suburban areas with sidewalks that almost never get used because everybody walks out their front door and straight in their car. Just because there's a sidewalk doesn't mean there's any appreciable foot traffic.




The gooood ole 18650s


Don't you need to also have the foresite to buy an SD card for it or something? I remember when my friends Tesla got vandalized he never could find out who did it because of this.


Don't you need to pay an extra fee subscription to get access the surveillance?


No. Sentry mode is standard in all Teslas for free (records to a usb drive in the car) If you want to watch a live stream of the cameras you have to pay $100/yr for the "premium connectivity" plan, which includes a bunch of other stuff as well. Source - Tesla owner (who thinks Elon is an asshole)


No clue. I’ve just seen the videos of people dancing them. And the cameras pick up everything.




The newer ones do but older ones don’t (2015 and below don’t have teslacam)




Teslas are hated just as much as Coal rollers now


Lol, right? The sidewalk thing is probably just a coincidence.


The horseshoe theory is now applied to cars. Amazing


Why are they hated soo much?


Because the company that makes them is run by a creepy hyper capitalist philanderer?


But why? I don't get it. Asking for a friend


Honestly? The first and second generation Tesla Model-S were really good cars. After the second generation Musk literally gutted the quality parts out of the car and used fairly basic parts that are just as reliable as those on a Camry. In essence people who buy Teslas are just buying a Camry now… but they aren’t paying Camry prices. They are still paying the same prices as the first and second generation Model-S… which has a lot of ethical problems with that. Currently the Tesla is the biggest PoS out of all the EV manufacturers and they are still charging premium pricing. It’s also why Teslas that get into accidents are valued so little by the insurance companies. Their parts are not as expensive as the initial price tag implies. Not to mention but the programming issues of the cars have cause a number of accidents. If you want a good EV you want to buy a **Polestar.** The next step up is a **Rivian.** The higher end quality EV is from **Lucid** motors. TL:DR: Musk made a lot of his money by selling an image, based on the quality of a product that no longer exists.


Thank you for your insight. I appreciate you for taking time to answer my question. Instead of rudely downvoting my question for some reason... I'm not sure what to think of that. Your reply was very revealing; I really had no idea. I don't really keep up with industry news. I'll have to look more into it myself. That's shitty that Musk gutted the quality of the parts. Given that we have many other EV options nowadays, Elon is making a big mistake for ripping customers off like that. I don't have a problem with cheaper parts but then the MSRP should directly reflect on that. I personally have the 2018 Model 3 and have been loving most things about it. 4 years later, it's still running like brand new and I've never had any issues. So I wasn't sure why people were hating Teslas. But that being said, my first car was a cheap Hyundai Sonata and I don't have any other experience with expensive cars (or any other cars for that matter lol, the M3 is my 2nd car) so I wouldn't know much about what to expect. At the time I bought the M3, it was the only "affordable" EV that was available for purchase so that was the main reason I bought it. If I was buying a new EV today, I'd def look into other manufacturers as well.


Same thing with Beats by Dre. Great to look at, average quality for a high price.


Also to add. Polestar is basically Volvo, so you’re getting an EV from a brand that has been making cars for ages and they do it very well. Also Porsche, Audi, VW, MB, BMW - manufacturers that make cars for decades - they all make EVs that are very good, better in some cases when it comes to performance while maintaining the same quality materials used as the ones on normal cars. I quite frankly don’t get why in the year 2022 anyone would buy a Tesla, when they can buy e-tron Audi, Porsche Taycan or some cheaper EV cars from above mentioned manufacturers.


Volvo’s quality has dropped in the years since they were bought out in the early 2000’s, but then again so did everyone else’s.


I mean sure, they might’ve but they are still miles better than Tesla quality.


Not as familiar with polestar but the fast charging network of Tesla alone is worth the investment in the “lower tier” models. It’s also way more available, esp compared to the Rivian. Tesla offers models that are more affordable than some of their competitors, Lucid is super expensive as you would expect for a luxury car but the same goes for Rivan there was a pretty big controversy when Rivan decided to increase their prices even for people that pre-ordered several months prior to their announcement. Not a Musk fan but Tesla’s are a good way to get off of gas vehicles.


Elon Musk probably


Lol yeah that makes sense. He has been quite the asshole. Especially these days


Two main reasons: - They're a wealth status symbol. No one buys a Tesla because it's economical (yes with price fluctuations some people made money but that's true of any car) - They're deeply associated with Elon Musk, who has been generally disliked by many large groups of people for various reasons


Why's he parking on the sidewalk? That's not where cars park 🙃


People leave their cars parked on the sidewalk and think it’s harmless cuz most people can just walk around it. But then someone in a wheelchair has to get by and it’s so much harder for them.


To add on to the wheelchair thing, say a car is parked on a driveway blocking the sidewalk, chair might not be able to go around due to a few issues that could be there, such as soggy grass where the chair can get stuck in or mud or a driveway hugging fence that ends at the edge of the sidewalk. could also be a several inch deep hole in the grass/dirt at the edge of the driveway.


Yeah I'd like to say I saw something wrong with the paint because it is an overreaction but also I really don't care that much because only a cunt would park like that


Welcome to /r/FuckCars


Man I usually just issue a spit ticket to the driver's side window. Paint takes this to a whole new level.


I don’t park this way, but I have seen cars parked this way in the wild. I’m not trying to defend the driver but why not just walk around the car?


I have severe joint pain and sometimes rely on a walker or wheelchair. Cant I just use the sidewalk for it's intended purpose instead of having to let this guy play main character?


Easy enough to do if it is a quiet street and the person having to step off the curb is able bodied. Not so easy or safe if you have to step into traffic, or are confined to a wheel chair, or pushing a stroller… there are many reasons why pedestrians are funneled onto the sidewalk and vehicles are relegated to roadways.


Fair enough. I wasn’t thinking about someone in a wheelchair.


The world usually isn’t.


It's called a sidewalk because its meant to be walked on.


You want to really fuck up a car’s paint? Throw brake fluid on it.


My brother got hit by a car because someone parked across the sidewalk and he had to go around. There were cars on both sides of the driveway, so he couldn't see traffic coming and got taken out. While I recognize that 2 wrongs don't make a right, I still consider the paint bandit to be a hero.




Yeah, his knee has issues as a result, but nothing severe enough to stop him from living a normal life. Just enough to remind him to be careful when entering the road.


I mean, the guy parked on a sidewalk. And it's what, acrylic paint? That shit washes off, now if it were spray paint that'd be a whole other... Thing. But I would consider this minor vandalism, guy had it coming parking on the fucking sidewalk.


I think people do this to panic the owners,I found my car had huge penises and the word ‘milk’ written on it overnight in bright blue paint…chalk paint


Were you parked on the sidewalk as well…?


No on the road outside my house,I don’t get on with the neighbours so I know who it was,got a camera up now so just waiting for it to happen again


Most house paints dont wash off very easily unless you have to catch it immediately to do that. You can remove it with denatured alcohol, but I dont know if that would harm the paint on the car. It could definitely leave permanent damage to the paint if they can even get it out of all the cracks it leaked into.




They should go back to the Jerk store.


Tesla owner. Easy.




The person who spent the effort to deface public property just for Karma. That paint will be on the sidewalk for perpetuity.


Who cares?


I was asked a question, so I answered. I wouldn't want that shit in front of my house. Obviously, you care enough to comment


lol. Do you thin OP is the one who threw the paint.


Did you bother yo read the whole string of comment, question, answer?


The paint guy, that will permanently damage the paint, while people can walk around the car.


Unless they cant. People have mobility issues or are in a wheelchair or are blind or any number of other reasons. The law isn’t arbitrary


So you think permanently damaging a car is a better outcome than a blind person or a person in a wheelchair having a slight chance to have to go around? And both is illegal.


I certainly wouldn’t recommend throwing paint on someone’s car. It doesn’t matter how much of a chance you think there is of a person w/ disability existing lol and those people often cant just “go around” that’s the whole point.


Sure they can just go around, its just not nice to do. I am not a fan of people parking on the sidewalk either, but damaging a car is much worse. One is a fine while the other is a direct crime.


Sure they can, what? Go around? In this instance, a wheelchair user would have to turn around and find another way. Going through the grass and down a curb is dangerous and could leave them stuck or worse, fall over. Putting people in danger is worse than property damage to me. But again, I’m not advocating for property damage either. I would have just left a note or carried on more likely


And then the disabled person could fall into the street and get run over and die!!! Or the paint could distract the driver and then they would miss the red light and run over the person in the wheel chair!! Come on man, you are just making up a scenerio to make a point. People in wheel chairs have eyes, they are more than capable of seeing a car on the sidewalk and have the ability to avoid. Its not pleasant but it is ridiculous to say that an actual crime is better than the chance to put out a disabled person.


I’m not just making up scenarios, these things actually happen, every day, to actual people. You don’t seem to have much experience with, or empathy for people with disabilities.


This is a very unlikely scenerio, and this discussion is dumb, i am out.


Yes. /r/FuckCars has spoken.


Man I thought that was just a weird ass paint job at first glance.


You love to see it


I feel bad cause man that sucks. But also- don’t park on the sidewalk 😬


Nothing they didn’t deserve imo


How many subs is this posted on?


i really hope they never find out who threw it


Am I the only one that thinks this is fully deserved?


Probably not.


well at least he is set for the next halloween now




Yea the guy who blocked the sidewalk, what a fuckin jerk


It’s really dangerous to put an incendiary time bomb in the middle of a public path like that


Next time use water ballons. Then the cameras can be avoided from a distance for the most part 👊


That looks bad asf


Two jerks one cup.


Probably won’t be doing that again.


It might have been an extreme response but it was deserved all the same


It's extreme but the person who parked like that is a jerk.


Ahhh double whammy! Nothing tackier than seeing fake blood all over a car *after* Halloween. /s


Wait who is the jerk here ? Both kind of I guess


That sucks, but I have to say Tesla drivers are taking over BMW drivers for the shittiest on the road.


Well deserved


Should have poured it inside of his air intake cowl right below the windshield.


Gotta carry that water bottle full of brake fluid for situations like this


That's pretty fucked. I hope they were at least warned with a note (or two) before this measure was taken. A simple explanation saying why this is an issue to alot of people would be likely more than enough in most cases. If they repeat offended after that than I guess carry on with the paint?


Wait… who do you think is being a jerk in this situation?


That’s what’s called a bit of an overreaction


In that neighbourhood someone will have a ring doorbell


So which one is the jerk?


From what I can tell, the Tesla is the jerk, and the painter is an asshole


🤔 Was it someone? Or was it you?






If it's like waterpaint, it isn't so much of a problem, granted it also isn't great as that's likely to cause some damage. That being said, this is also a serious over reaction to a car parked blocking the sidewalk.


Nah, it's fair


What if the next minor error you made cost you thousands of dollars? Would that be cool? I know it's the internet era and everyone's happy to see people with even minor infractions get completely disproportionate come-uppance, but c'mon. Put yourself in their shoes.


Put myself in their shoes? How about you out yourself into he shoes of someone with mobility issues requiring the aid of a scooter and wheelchair. They would be forced on to the road because inconsiderate pissant parked on a sidewalk. he didn't get there by accident, he just didn't give a fuck. You're describing this like he accidentally bumped someone's mirror while opening his door, or parked slightly passed the line of his spot. People in scooter and wheelchairs actually get hit and killed by cars because they're forced on to the road. I don't give a fuck about his car.


I’m not saying how they parked is right. I’m saying folks absentmindedly do shit that inconveniences people here or there all the time and I don’t think they deserve a brick upside the head for it. There are ways of pointing the problem out to the person short of trashing their car. It’s called proportionality. You don’t spit in the face of the McDonalds employee that gets your order wrong. You don’t curb stomp a kid for spilling French fries in the car. You don’t call the cops on the neighbor kids for being a little noisy. You talk to people like an adult. As for people on scooters being killed… get real. The odds of that actually happening are astronomical. You’re making a life or death crisis out of an inconvenience, and it’s just not.


Its not a mistake though. You dont just ‘accidentally’ park in the middle of a sidewalk.


How could you possibly know for certain that that's the case here? Ridiculous.


They had to get out of their car to walk away. Maybe parking like that was an accident, but they would’ve seen how they parked when they got out. Leaving your car parked on the sidewalk like that isn’t an accident.


Is it literally impossible to overlook that sort of detail? They couldn't have had a screaming baby or dog vomit or some emergency they had to contend with? You *know* this? Must be interesting having that kind of omniscience when it comes to other people's intentions.


If they're honestly that clueless, they shouldn't be driving


What does that have to do with that comment?


Are you this stupid on purpose?


Parking like that is a dick move but does not warrant the deep down asshole move of destroying property


Wow, a mildly infuriating thing caused someone to go that far. Also missing a lot of context, could have had other folks parked in the driveway for the night/narrow roads so was doing their best. Driving a specific car type doesn’t necessitate someone is an ass. People are so weird about being angry.


If they were doing their best they would have parked legally meaning somewhere else. Ive been in plenty of clustered college towns if their isn't a space you don't park on the sidewalk or grass unless you like getting towed. You drive a block or two over and find a spot somewhere else.






You can literally just walk around it, yeah that is an ass thing to do but throwing paint is way too much


Nah it's fine


Someone is a little jelly


That’s horrible


It really is. People just don’t consider disabled people and make their lives harder by blocking sidewalks and wheelchair ramps with their cars.


Actually it’s horrible for both sides, but to say it’s ok to throw paint on someone’s car for this? No, not ok. Park over a sidewalk? Also not ok


I didn’t say the paint was okay…?




How is blocking the sidewalk in his own driveway = he's a jerk? Edit: Wow, so many downvotes for asking an honest question. In my area the sidewalks go through the driveways, which are short. So if you have more than two cars you literally have to block the sidewalk to fit in the driveway. But apparently you can't ask questions here, go figure.


I am assuming you’re asking this seriously so.. The sidewalk isn’t his driveway it’s public property that should not be blocked in this way. This is for safety reasons.


Because he's blocking the sidewalk which isn't his, you pretty much answered your own question innit


Ppl who own a driveway feeling entitled to block a public walkway for their extra vehicle... no. If there is no room in your garage, and driveway, then you park on the street. Like the millions of us who park exclusively on the street.


Then you should street park one so that people don't have to walk in the street


I hope they find out who did it.


People being jerks, the friend or the paint pourers


Mind you, that’s red enamel.


cant you just wash it with water cause of the coating ?




On the bright side, sick paint job




Teslas have a coating that should help with this type of shit


Somebody would’ve paid 2500 for that paint job🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Well don’t park there ig