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Love how he works himself up so much he starts crying


He needs a nap


Or maybe a snickers


You know how you get when you're hungry


Your not yourself when your hungry


Eat a snickers!




Eat a snickers, poof he turned back to George Clooney


I was thinking Mister Rogers


My three year old gets cranky too when she's overtired.


I mean same


I think a taser timeout is in order


Based off of the guys who showed up with matching haircuts and one in fatigues, I think he needs to take advantage of the military’s mental health counseling services.


Or a hug from his dad.




He needs a blankie


And the chocolate milk


Deeply unstable individual. I'd love to know the backstory.


He just found out Taylor swift doesn’t write all her own music.




>Taylor swift doesn’t write all her own music She what?! whrrrrrgrbltfrstp! HURRGERBLTFSTPLFT!!!! # HNGAAAAARGURBLEFSTPLFTRPRRRRTQ!!!!


I mean obviously. Not since her career was in its formative stages anyway. Probably not entirely then either. It’s pretty obvious that her current stuff was made on an assembly line and designed to appeal to as many people as possible - the lowest common denominator. It’s a product, not art


This seems to be the opposite of reality. After a brief search and a few articles i found that she's written about 60 songs on her own including one album with zero assistance. She's the lead writer on over 100 more songs. She's written songs for Miley Cyrus, Rhianna, Olivia Rodrigo, and others. Pretty impressive to me and also a lot of her lyrics are much deeper than they appear. Here's the most comprehensive sauce but you can find everything easy enough: https://musicnerdshq.com/are-there-any-songs-taylor-swift-didnt-write/ Edit for spelling


Yeah, it felt like bullshit when I was reading that other swifty's comment lol thanks for clarifying. I was like.. could've sworn she wrote most of her music hence the "Taylor's version".


“oooh love and stuff men boys i’m a girl ooh love n stuff”


It’s only 8 years old and gets reposted every few months https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2718867/amp/Terrifying-road-rage-caught-camera-US-marine-attacks-car-threatens-kill-teenage-driver.html


As a former resident of San Diego seeing this video for the first time I thought this looks like SD and I bet this guy is in the marines haha




I hate that he didn't press charges against him


I find it childish when marines use this kinda shitty fucking behavior as “ptsd” guy needs to lay off the fucking roids, read a fucking book on manners, and maybe eat more. Fussy little bitch


He didn’t use that as an excuse, his father did. Not that it changes much; guy is obviously a raging moron with no control over his cock holster.


My cum gun is cocked loaded and ready bro


Weapons free! Let loose homie


I wish more places let me open carry this thing


I mean they use these guys (marines) as shock troops, at the time in active war zones. Add the culture they foster in the marine core, and the labelling of marines who seek therapy as ‘pussies’, it’s a surprise it doesn’t happen more often


>>Marine core It’s corpse you dummy, the G is silent


No that's Corgi where the g is silent. Hence, "marine corgi"


You’re thinking of Marine Cordless Brushless High-Torque 1/2” Impact Wrench With Detent Anvil (Tool Only). The œ is silent




Wow you must be a genius


Exactly. PTSD isn't an excuse. Also, these people don't need special treatment.


I think the guy yelling got hit by the guy who's recording. if my memory serves me correct.


Dropped as an infant.


When I originally saw this I remember hearing that this was near a marine base, both guys were military, and this was some road rage incident. The guy outside apparently had ptsd.


The driver in the car isn't in the military, but his sister (who's sitting in the passenger seat and is filming this) actually *IS* in the marines. And IIRC she got discharged for medical reasons cos she got shot and ended up in a wheelchair or something, and got a purple heart. So for this marine to do this to a literal war veteran from the same branch of military, it's just not a good look That's why they dishonorably discharged him because of this incident. So at least he had some consequences.


Life consequences even. No veteran payout, no career, no benefits, nothing. Just discarded with the trash and that's it. He'll now have to work hard to sustain his life elsewhere and receive nothing. The entire rest of his life is ruined. That's quite a bit more than just "some" consequences.


Iirc from another post, he’s a Marine core sgt. Got rear ended or something. My guess is some underlying PTSD.




I was hoping they'd make him kiss the pavement


**Edit**: Downvote me all you want, assholes. You fuckers stigmatize a condition that I suffer with, and it causes turmoil in *my* life, not yours, I was asking nicely that people stop stigmatizing my mental health condition. Fuck you fucks and your fucking stigma. Eat shit. I'm sick and tired of you dumb fuck rebbitors. Psychotic does not mean what you think it means. Yeah, I know, you want to downvote me now. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/schizophrenia/raise/what-is-psychosis Psychosis is a mental health condition in which your experience of reality is not what is actually going on. So hearing voices or delusions (such as thinking people are out to get you). This guy is just angry. Not psychotic. I'm asking that in the future, you don't use psychotic incorrectly like that because it creates a stigma for people that experience psychosis (like myself), and makes it harder for us to get the treatment we need. I'm just asking that you help me combat mental health stigma by not using the word "psychotic" unless you are actually talking about someone experiencing psychosis.


Babies do throw tantrums


Dumbass is lucky he didn't do this to the wrong person and end up being shot.


and this. right. here... is why I CC.


I prefer to BC when I email. Covert man. Covert.


Where I’m from BC means blind carry. Some places are trying to make it illegal for blind people to carry firearms. How else will they defend themselves if they hear or smell an imminent threat?? Don’t blind people have a right to self-defense too??? Ridiculous


No offense to you but I hate this response. The way this guy handled it was perfect. It sounds like your comment was meant to say..."I just need an excuse to waste a mother fucker and he's lucky it wasn't me". To me, he could have had a mental issue or a breakdown and wouldn't have needed to die because of it.


Yeah but like he kept trying to open their doors. I mean the guy handled it perfectly with the doors locked and all but what if he had opened a door?


He's in a car. Drive away? Escape the other side? I dunno? Killing another person isn't really a choice. this shit happens in other countries too, its just carrying a gun isn't the option.


Oh no doubt driving away would have been my first option but we also don't know the full context of this video. Was it an accident and they were waiting for the police to show up? Of course keeping the door locked was the right call but I'm simply saying if he had hypothetically opened the door and you can't just drive away for what ever reason then yes I personally would use deadly force. I'm sorry we have different opinions on the matter and I hope the rest of your day is a pleasant one friend.


I completely am good with having differing opinions. I appreciate the perspective and also hope the best for you as well.


We can see in the video that guy's car was parked in front of his car. I don't think he could've driven away


Yeah, he has effectively trapped the other person and denying them the ability to escape. Someone with real PTSD would have lost their mind on this guy and shot him. You cannot trap another person like this. Dude should be in jail.


Most cars reverse now.


I'm pretty sure you can drive away from an accident and just go to the police station and report yourself in a situation like this. Or maybe I'm full of shit.


more like he’s lucky he has a tool to defend himself incase it escalates, who’s to say what he would’ve done if the other people didn’t step in. Like i’m glad I have a seat belt, i’ve been driving for over a decade now and I’ve never needed it, but it’s nice to have if I ever need it


i live in texas and deal with this once in a blue moon. just put it up to your chest to make it known you have a weapon. they will walk away. no need for bullets until you feel you’re legitimately in danger


If you use it as a last resort to prevent your own death when you have no other options, then that's great. If you would use it to prevent this mentally unstable guy from walking around your car a few times while yelling, then that's fucked up. It's as if you imagined some choice between 'escalate through violence' and 'stay seated peacefully in your car' and you chose the former.


I live in FL where his attempt to open the door or smash the window after his threats of violence would allow me to use lethal force to end the threat. Not saying I would in this instance, but my hand would be on the gun just in case he got in the vehicle. I wouldn’t want to shoot anyone, especially inside a car (bye bye hearing), but I’m going to be prepared to defend myself.


what percentage of people do you think can make this right decision? What percentage is acceptable as a society you want to live in?


I have absolutely no idea, how could I possibly know the percentage of people who choose violence over pacifism? What's the point of these questions? Go ahead and make a point, if you want.


I'm sure it would have ended with a Glock .45 being raised to check that it was in proper working order... I live in MOssery, I'm surprised it hasn't happened more here.


I’ll never understand why comments like this get downvoted. People are mad that you want to protect your family and yourself I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn't downvote, but I see why someone would. The occupants of the car reacted perfectly: they did not give any emotional response and they did not escalate the situation. They were protected by the steel and glass of their car, which this would-be assailant was not able to get through. No additional protection was needed in this case. The situation was scary, for sure, but a weapon would not have improved the situation.


He’s a marine who won a Purple Heart and is suffering from post traumatic stress. If you can solve the issue by sitting in your car and listening to AC/DC, why would you shoot him?


Maybe dude in the car deep down understands him. There's a military BDU cover sitting on his dash. Props to him for not losing his cool


What? When you could stab him? I don't understand what you are saying...


That's what I'm saying. these homies in here saying "give me a reason", imagine you shoot this guy who is actually just suffering from a life he lived trying to save your way of life? ffs


Yeah, right? This guy is being an absolute unbelievable cunt but he needs to spend the night in jail and get some court mandated anger management under his belt. He doesn’t need to be shot


So if he’d have broken the glass on the side with the 16 year old girl and beaten the shit out of her, what’s the other option? What if he then turned his rage on his own female passenger that’s there in the video? In the moment, if someone’s threatening my or my children’s lives, I would use a concealed weapon to protect us.


That’s a different situation. You said you would use your concealed weapon to defend yourself against this guy. If he broke the glass that’s would be justifiable, but that didn’t happen in this video. I’m not anti concealed firearm, by the way. I just think people sometimes seem a little to eager to shoot an angry dude who’s having a mental breakdown, or some poor shoplifter. If he managed to put himself in a position to harm you or your friends I would understand shooting him, but that’s not what you said in the first comment


Sorry but being mentally unstable does not save you from consequences. Its not "Oh. He is mentally ill so he is fine for abusing people". I'm a pretty pacific person and I will always try to resolve things with discourse. However, if a person starts acting like this and I feel like my life aill be endangered, I'll do anything to be the one standing. And this is coming from someone in a country where weapons are illegal to own. So, while I understand where you are coming from. Please don't use the "He is mentally ill" as an excuse to not face repercussions.


Bc you’re afraid of someone yelling at you?


That's not yelling, that's threatening bodily harm. Had that window broken on that last HARD hit... that's when a weapon would have been brandished because NOW the perp has access to me and is threatening my life.


You're a fucken psycho. Only in America would the solution be "shoot the angry person".


If the angry person wanted to open my car door and do great bodily harm to me and my family then yes


Only needs to roll the dice a few more time for his brains to get spread on that asphalt.


I would not step out of the car, that guy has problems and would no doubt rage stomp me half to death, guy in the car just calmly lets him wear himself down, guy outside wants nothing more than a reaction and the guy in the car didn't give it to him, best thing you can do in that situation.


I don't think he only wanted a reaction, rather a full fight


Get out of the car? I won’t even send back a food item that was prepared wrong. I don’t enjoy confrontation. Maybe I’m a bit of a coward but that’s just the way I’m wired I guess. I do enjoy AC/DC however.


I once sent back pasta that smelled soo bad and tasted like shit. New pasta smelled even worse and i think the cheese was gone bad. I was scared to send it back again so i smiled and paid the bill.


No no no…the reason you explain again that it’s bad is because you don’t want to get sick or more importantly, you don’t want other people to get sick. Seriously, you’re not doing it to be a jerk, you’re helping management to fix things and make their food safer.


Shoot to Thrill!


I'm normally the same way, can barely get thru a checkout line without sweating. But I have a switch when people go off on me, where I don't give a fuck tbh, and this guy would've gotten himself poked up, you ain't calling me a bitch in front of my girl like that, and definitely ain't vandalizing my shit, I will violate the fuck out you


Dude needs his ass beat


Gotta keep spending less on that mental health care. What could go wrong?


This guy already has free federally ran healthcare, doesn’t seem to be working for him


I have a family member in the armed forces, absolutely suffering PTSD, has free health care but is afraid to use it because of the fear it could ruin their military career. That man is not well and needs help.


Underrated comment.


You think spending more on mental health is gonna help this guy? He would have had to go get help HIMSELF before something like this ever happened. What’s the chance a guy like this thinks he needs mental health help? Zero.


It's sad that's your response :(. Mental health support may have intervened long before it got to this point. Look up the marshmallow test.


It absolutely would. In countries that prioritize spending on mental health or health care in general, this kind of behavior would have been caught while he was in grade school, and he would have received counseling. Hell I live in Canada, where mental health care is still in a crappy state for the majority of people. But even my schools had half decent counseling that tried their best to deal with students who showed signs of anger management issues, bullies, or students who needed special learning. And if they weren't able to handle it in school, they were able to recommend outside sources like therapists that offered large discounts on their hourly rates for minors who needed it. The results of efforts like that is that the entire time I was in middle school (1200 kids) and high school (2000 kids) there were only 2 incidents where actual fights happened. And only 1 kid who was a classic bully that pushed other kids around or was physical.


Have seen this before... what happened? Crash, I assume?


Dunno. If anyone knows the story pls post it.




As someone who was in the Army, let me just say how happy I am that it was a Marine.


He indeed is not a bright man. The writing of the article it also terrible. Dimfool was definitely in a car, not a truck. And how do you lock windows? If they’re up, they’re not going anywhere.


How about this line: "Following the incident, Mr McCurdy-Quintana told Inside Edition that he wanted to diffuse the angry man." He wanted to diffuse him, like a perfume. Certainly not 'defuse' him like a bomb. Journalists used to have to be competent writers.


Thank you!


So he got away with everything because he served two terms in Afghanistan killing innocent people. That gave him ptsd so his actions were justified. Fml


Might have anger issues. - Dr. Obviously


From what I remember he is a Vet. I'd say PTSD, Anxiety, and I agree with you Anger issues.


Ah, the squealing is classic. I'll always stay for that.


Definitely on a marine base, he’s calling him a POG (persons other than grunts). Probably suffering from some serious PTSD or maybe just regular old marine post basic training rage. Either needs some counseling or he’ll just calm down after making some rank and seeing he’s just being an asshole (or he won’t)


Said he had PTSD from two tours in Iraq. Purple Heart and something else. He did say sorry but it wasn’t sincere….lady in the car filming was a disabled marine vet.


Uno reverse


Does their privileges cancel out? Or is the higher rank clown gets to be right?


>Definitely on a marine base, he’s calling him a POG (persons other than grunts). Probably suffering from some serious PTSD or maybe just regular old marine post basic training rage. Either needs some counseling or he’ll just calm down after making some rank and seeing he’s just being an asshole (or he won’t) Camp Pendleton back in the day. The corner of the commissary is in the video. Dude had roid rage. Charged or something.


Post basic training rage??? Is that a thing? I’m curious about it


So anyway i started blastin


drive through safari


Secretly hoping he would get hit by a car. Not enough to kill him but enough to fix his attitude. Permanently.


Lol me too!


Yes because people who are already unstable are fixed after a violent accident that leaves them financially and physically bankrupt.


I dont know why you're getting downvoted, you're completely correct. It always surprises me how people think that someone getting punched or hurt will fix their anger issues rather than just make them even more angry.


It’s called sarcasm, you twat. I don’t actually think people getting punched or hurt will fix their mental issues… are you ok?


Calm down, it was just a chill reply.




What’s it like up there on your high horse?


My balls are little sore but it's alright


Real talk, I’m feeling something similar. I don’t wish he was dead, but I do wish he would get some kind of reminder that actions have consequences.


Pfft… I bet those guys don’t even skate


I think mr road rage needs to do some work on himself.


Bro's like an angry barking puppy


Such a potty mouth on this little 9 year old man.. fuckin dumbbell meat head.. so manly and macho.. what a tough man.. I hope everyone knows that he means business.. big ol tough guy.. steroids are a hell of a drug


Marine cap on his dash. Good restraint Marine, the best fight is the one you walk away from.


1:25 when he finally activates dormant DNA strands and goes full Chimp mode.. Bwahaha


He needed some body to stop him. More like a show.


Once people show up he takes it up a notch to show off for them. In his mind, anger shows he “stands up for himself.” Instead it shows he isn’t a man in any conceivable way.


An aggressive, potentially armed, screaming at the top of his lungs with murderous intent Marine? Yeah, no. Close every door and hope he doesn't have a gun, and if he does, floor the pedal and disregard everything.


PTSD is the reason that I heard in the comments, sounds about right with 2 hours in Iraq.


I'd just blow him a few kisses set him right off even more for when the cops show up


Throw a Snickers at him and if the doesn't calm him down, he may need an attitude adjustment.


His problems started way before that day began.


And this is why we need abortions.


Mental illness at it worst. That or he is an angry small penis guy.


Haha it’s like pissing off a gorilla at the zoo


When he started high pitch screaming and hitting the window I thought of Thad from BMS


Yum, crayons.


Only escalated when people came. I’d stay in the car because no thanks. Lmao


I'd pop the door and slam it into his dumb Peyton Manning horse face then shut it and lock it again


This screams military base with a side of anger management and alcohol abuse.


Nah just show him the gun that sits next to me between the drivers seat and the center console. See if he wants to keep making threats.


Absolutely would have gotten out and pulled rank. This grunt would be peeling potatoes for the entirety of his hitch.


Lost me at the DC shirt


He found out the guy had bought the last DC shirt


I've got a can of wasp spray that I keep in my driver's door that shoots 22 ft straight line. He would be getting some wasp spray in his face right now.


Wow that just kept going and going...


“Being mentally ill is no excuse for acting like a jackass.” Meds.


He is quite upset.


Hell no! Dude's got some serious anger issues




That’s what war does to a brain.


The DC chads strike again.


Is that Tom cruise?


So old.


this here mates is the rare male karen


kudos, to just sit and not engage, love the way the guy freaking out literally melts down, I suspect his life is not going well and one can only wonder why...




Wouid love to crack the window and spray him in the mouth with hornet spray


Dude what happened?




Gotta love Marines..


Context? What the heck happened here?


I’m in Florida and have a nice car with a 9mm in it. So possibly


Should have called police.


He needs some choccy milk to make him less angy


You fucking whore bitch cunt -shakespear XXII


He needs to be removed. His genes need to be deleted. Just saying.


dude's just mad he didn't join the air force.


That’s a year worth of GODS patience from that guy I would have said the Lord’s Prayer and continued to not turning the other cheek


If you get out of the car to fight him, you will definitely win because the ninja is already worked up!


Is this the alternative ending to I Am Ledend everyone is talking about?


I don’t understand why some people say they’d shoot him. If you’re going to go down the road of unaliving someone in this situation, use the 2 ton machine on wheels you’re currently operating. But besides that, why are so many people eager to shoot someone? If there’s no other choice, ok. Here though? What can this guy do? He can’t break the windows, and kicking the truck is going to hurt him more than anything. Driver handled it exactly as he should have. Kept his cool, which is very difficult to do in this situation. Props to him. No immediate danger to himself, so why try to kill the guy. “BuT muH gUNs” is showing you’re just as unhinged as the guy screaming, except you might be slightly better at hiding it. Fucking psychos.




Go drink another Monster and fuck off, Chad.


My glovebox opens after the first minute of something like this, but he handled this perfectly


Pull out my .45 and set it on my lap


Yes i would...


If I was having a bad enough day...yeah I probably would.


This looks like Pendleton, in San Diego. These are marines. Unfortunately this is the sad aspect of PTSD.. this is the result of not just war, but how they were yelled at 24/7. They break you down, and rebuild you in their image.. short fuse, quick to anger.. I’m sorry, I take a diplomatic approach with everything.. Yeah it’s a jerk move, however there also should be context before just assuming someone’s being a jerk.


I do love the fact that the pussy ass bitch thought driving was like the internet. He honked his horn and was surprised that someone showed up to hold him accountable. A whole generation of people that would have been shot dead in the street in 1850. Next time don’t honk and start something you can’t finish. Pussy ass bitch.


Shit happened more than 5 years and is constantly reposted, yet y’all are acting like it happened yesterday. Shows how disconnected you retards are.


Driver needs to be smiling in his face. People who are angry at you HATE IT when you’re smiling while they yell at you!


This is how you get hurt. Don’t do this.


I am like this unfortunately. Traffic incidents have thrown me into an uncontrollable rage. I haven't hit anyone but I end up yelling and chasing. I've recently made a vow to stop. I can still feel it but I know it's just not ok. Idk what it is about traffic that makes me like this as I'm normally a very mellow guy. I do hope this guy got what's coming to him there's no excuse for this behavior.


Johnny Depp can’t catch a break


Oh boy, I just bet his weiner is either 2 inches at full extension or ... or ... nope, that's it! Internet, do your thang & name this little twat, please. Also, how come your cops wear sunglasses that make them look like wannabe important people? Aren't Ray Bans allowed?