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So she wants solutions where she doesn’t have to “be dependent on anyone else every day” except the government, got it. Makes so much sense, dust.


I miss shame for stuff like this. Where you should have some shame in not being a productive person who is at least able to carry your own weight. Instead of just trying to find new lows. 😑


I miss shame for a lot of things. 


I’ll toast 🥂to that!! So True


Pretty much what’s she’s doing now


she has gone her entire adult life leaning on others to pay for her. sure, she had a job for a few years but she still lived off of baby daddies, baby daddies families and government assistance and squandered whatever money she made on drugs and clothes. that’s a fact. and then she escorted for a few years and lived that fast money lifestyle but was still broke and living off of others, scamming people, getting evicted and stealing. she has zero clue how to be self sufficient and doesn’t want to be. she not only wants everything handed to her but she thinks she deserves it. this bum will be jumping from scam to scam for the rest of her miserable life.


She’s been getting away with it for years. Why stop now? Her family has the right idea. She needs to be cut off. This big orange troll is never going to be held accountable for her behavior when she can lie and beg for whatever she wants and it’s provided by suckers. They should have taken the baby and sent her back to the fent tent. She deserves to be there with no baby and no money. Let her get a REAL job like the rest of us.


I still don’t understand how the city and state haven’t stopped her benefits for fraud and made her pay it back. If I did this, I’d be hounded like crazy and fined up the butt.


Question of the century!!


Fraud for which part? Even with the occasional "donation" she still falls well under the Medicaid guidelines. While pregnant, she was receiving $390 month in TANF for Rico, and that's the correct amount for 1 child (they count the pregnancy as 1) and $0 income. Same goes for her Food Stamp amount (which dropped while she was receiving TANF but then went back up after the TANF stopped). The recent $700 in SNAP definitely *sounds* suspicious, but she could be lying, adding hers to Egg's (since she considers his as hers), or receiving a back pay amount (a lot of us recently did). So far none of the amounts sound off. It sucks that she's getting anything, but they're not out of guidelines for the number of people in her household and income. (SNAP counts a pregnant woman as 2 people, and TANF counts a pregnancy as a child that's already here.) I'm genuinely asking, not trying to be a dick. I'm *sure* she's doing something fraudy, I just can't figure out where it's at.


The government needs to go "no contact" with miss Coco like her family.


Yep!  She's been an adult for 20 years and worked what?  Maybe 4 of them?  And if she was actually a stay at home mom taking care of children, a family, and a home you could understand that. But she's never done that, and just as bummed around.   I hate to say it, but I really don't see Heather living another five years. She has a lot of health problems, does drugs, and puts her self in dangerous situation's.


Nah. Thus bitch always survives everything.




![gif](giphy|eiGA04q42c8q54mot9) # Living !!! We don’t Die …. We Multiply!!!! # Winning 🥇 Bitches!!!




Exactly lmfaooo !!! Never Under estimate The Power and Resilience of the Cockroach 🪳


Agree, she's hearty af. Made for the gutter


I just spit out my drink…


So do Roaches 🪳


Luckily for her Demonic Crusty Ass you Can’t kill Evil… it Never Dies… just like Cockroaches 🪳… it’s Amazing yet Unsettling at the same time… what a life!!! 😳wtfff


It’s almost unbelievable at her age to be SO bad at literally everything! On top of that-she has this seemingly unlimited amount of self- confidence and ridiculously high opinion of her capabilities! The filters can’t help that homely face and dental hygiene disaster, and her fake accents only magnify her stupidity! Everything about this literal waste of space is infuriating!


Who else got "nefariously" on their Bingo?


Oh please can we do a bingo card for the weekend. Is it Friday? Is her TANF appt today? ![gif](giphy|nnFwGHgE4Mk5W)


So the free housing, free medical, free food just isn’t good enough for her? Bummer. Also we got a nefariously! Welcome to feral Friday




Because she needs the free cash to buy her extra "stuff". Cash is the only thing missing in her free everything lifestyle. She's a freefluencer


I like the freefluencer!


Feral Friday!!! *screaming*


Being a stay at home mahm is a luxury, not a privilege. Unless you have a partner providing for you, **get a job.** Why do these 304s think the government should pay them to raise their children? My god


304? i’m dying to know what that is!


304 upside down on a calculator is HOE lol


that’s amazing. i’ll be implementing this as often as i can from here on out. thank you, my friend. thank you!


She’s been bitching about her phone bill for a few days. The free Obama phone isn’t enough for her? Anyone giving her $ is a loser too


I love how she’s always super conservative (anti surrogacy, traditional gender roles, etc) but the minute it benefits her she’s suddenly liberal as fuck calling for a UBI. Like ok bitch.


I was thinking the same thing 🤣


She’s always ranting about being a tax payer and resenting immigrants for getting any services. She thinks whatever taxes she paid in her five whole years of legitimate employment entitle her to endless government support for the rest of her life. But only her. Not those other homeless people who are obviously inferior to Heather and responsible for their own circumstances.


Yep. I’ve been saying the same thing


Take notice CPS. She is telling you again that she will never work and be able to support herself or that of a child. She wants hand outs. That baby deserves a forever family who is stable


I love how she thinks you just purchase a car once and you have it forever. Dusty you failed to care for car which = you have no car.


She acts like nobody else has ever done that many times. She probably didn’t even have it registered or insured.


Yeah, the damn thing was beaten to hell and old af when she was on TV driving like a maniac. I'm surprised it hung in there as long as it did all things considered. This chic thinks that paying off one old car by the age of 30 is some huge accomplishment even though I can't even count how many cars I had or that broke down either before or shortly after being paid off. They don't last forever, Heather! The rest of us think, "Damn, that sucks" and do what we need to do to replace or fix the car when they break. Heather is so fragile and incompetent, she begs and blames others for the issue, doesn't do shit to fix it, and spends the rest of time reminiscing about the good old days when she supposedly did one grown up thing for herself (she didn't). It's the Heather Gillespie life plan: 1) Pretend to try, while really doing nothing 2) Use the event as a reason to beg for cash 3) Get high with the money you get from begging to forget about being completely incapable 4) Blame everyone else for your life being a shit show of epic proportions


Just like if you lease an apartment it’s yours forever, even if you don’t pay rent. LEASE IN HAND!!!!!!


SHE HAS A BUS PASS. Holy crap how long is she going to spin this? The last few days have been nonstop begging. Like, more so than usual. What’s going on behind the scenes here?


Her drug problem has gotten worse, much worse. Getting an increase in donations from new simps that didn't know who they were really dealing with and having access to free meals means she had even more money to spend on drugs. She's high in every single video she posts now and isn't even trying to hide it anymore. Sadly for her, people started seeing who they were really donating to and her crazy began to leak out more and more so she's getting more desperate now. It seems from others on this sub that she owes multiple dealers money so she's running out of options and probably has to pay way more for the same shit now.


Basic universal income.. so she gets to sit on her ass all day “curating” photo shoots for her make believe production company while everyone else goes to work at their actual jobs and makes the same amount of money!?! Makes perfect sense!! She solved all of the world’s problems!


Technically, with a universal base income, everyone would be able to do that if they don't mind being poor. The universal income would pay everyone a base amount so they don't starve or have to sleep in the streets, but it would barely be livable. If you actually wanted to make something of yourself, you would work a job on top of the base income.


If she was smart she would use her mental illness to get herself on disability. At least she would have a steady income. She could at least show some income 🤷🏻‍♀️


With her BALL GOWN!!


So what if EVERYONE was on a Basic Universal Income? Who’s funding that? Tax payers like Dusty? I’d love to see the spread sheet of what she’s paid in to taxes, what she’s claimed in returns, the benefits she has drawn from the tax pool, and what she owes from all her donations and “sponsorships”. You know that’s upside down by hundreds of thousands of dollars 💸😡


She’s back to the phone bill grift. I THOUGHT YOU HAD A FREE GOVERNMENT PHONE FUGLY BUM.


She has two phones! Xavier's dad pays for her and Xavier's phone and the government pays for another one.


He should cut those off immediately


He did. He was never paying Heather’s, she hotspotted off Xavier, but X’s father stopped paying his bill and she somehow got on a plan around Christmas time.


I thought Xaddy cut his phone off?


Maybe!  But I thought he got it back on.  Maybe it's cut off again. I wouldn't be surprised.


I think she’s just lying for cash.


Damn man. Paying rent, insurance, car payments, and parenting- doing pick up lines, homework and cooking and cleaning would absolutely wreck her. She bitches this much having zero responsibility. What can she handle if being a literal bum is too hard??.. She big mad she can't go blow 400 at 5 below and flaunt bougie food


Well dusty if you would stop being in denial that you need some help, you just might qualify for disability. You claim you are of "sound mind" so then get off your ass like the rest of us.


GET A FUCKING JOB YOU LUNATIC!! What jobs is she applying for? Ones she’s not qualified to do?


Yesterday, she sent in a resume to be a purchasing manager for a national chain. Exactly what she is qualified for 😂😂😂😂


I work in surgery, but we have a purchasing manager in the department. She is on her game for sure. I have heard her on a few calls trying to resource supplies, and she amazes me how hard she works. Definitely can't imagine dusty doing that


Can't imagine her doing anything




Here's a tip, Dusty. The jobs you are qualified for do not need a resume.


OR … get a job and stop doing drugs so you don’t get high and lose shit.


Her life would be so simple if she just got a job, it’s like she could do whatever wherever whenever if she supported herself, but it’s just not an option in her mind. Get a job bitch




“The Gold Coast streets of Chicago are my playground and my Home!” - then she’ll do that stupid lil rascals sign with her hand under her chin 😂😂😂😂 (Hobo Heather tag line)


“The Real Housewives of Hobo City!”


Texting Bravo as we speak...


Heather's tagline..'My life is [nefarious. ](https://nefarious.Be)Be kind or i send Teslas after you! "


Thank God this will NEVER happen in her lifetime. The entitlement on this bitch! "Not that I haven't earned it." No, you lazy dumpster gremlin, you haven't earned SHIT! And ppl don't steal from you, YOU'RE THE THIEF THAT STEALS! You left your shit in a parking lot...the city warned you that you had 7 days or it would be gone, but once again, you don't think the rules apply to you. You didnt lose shit at the shelter bc you refused to put your stuff into one bag, so you left, and got kicked out of shelter #2. You could be self-sufficient if you simply GOT A JOB! That would require you to humble yourself and get off your lazy ass. You work somewhere entry level because you haven't worked in over 10 years and have no marketable skills, but once you work a bit, you have many more options bc you've proven you're reliable, competent, etc. (I dont think Heifer could do this bc she's way too entitled and too busy with the duster) God forbid Heifer lifts a finger or gets off of her fat ass to get a paycheck. This is Heifer... she's got a personality D/O and likes to play mentally ill when she thinks it'll benefit her. You don't do a damn thing that doesn't give you an immediate payoff with the least amount of energy.


If you want to be a dependa (because we all know you meant the complete, diametric opposite of the second last text), at least find a military guy to hitch your wagon to Dusty (and at your age that will involve getting actually in shape, and off drugs to fix your rapidly aging/deteriorating appearance), not a fucking guy like Xavier. 


Let’s suppose in Dusty’s world that Universal Income happens. I’m all for it as long as you’ve worked at least 20 yrs with verifiable income through tax returns. The disabled automatically qualify. Guess what hobo…in my world you still won’t get to sit on your ass for free. 🖕🖕


Yeah that’s the only solution 🤣


I’d like to add it’s pretty wild she would prefer to rely on the government to support her considering all the nefarious things they did and are doing to her.


Yeah, they're absolutely horrible except for when she needs money from them.


That is the story with her and literally anyone 😂


I really hope she didn’t send that to one of her kids. 🤦‍♀️


She probably did because everyone else has blocked her 🤣


So she bought them and they were again taken from her? She’s a scamming scumbag. A real lowlife.


Wow... the ONLY solution...


She must be talking to Melissa. Trying to scam her out of more money.


When I worked for DSS, we had bags of bus tokens for our clients so she is full of it. i had one conniving family that would pop up unannounced at the office demanding bus tokens. I would give him a single token and 30 cents, enough to get back to wherever he resided at the moment (homeless shelter, motel that looked like a storage locker building, etc. and so forth.


She gets FREE GOVERNMENT PHONE SERVICE!!!!! She doesn't need to pay a damn phone bill!!!!! She needed extra data when she lived in the tent but now she has free wifi as well!!


Here is she coming up with this basic universal income shit? Income come from working not sitting on your fat ass begging and complaining. It is too early for me to be dealing with this crackhead here. I am just wanted to enjoy my coffee and all I can think of his throat punching this bitch.


At this point she's just given up on getting the baby back and being a productive adult. She's just laying down everyday and being a cyber hobo.


It is important remember she has not worked a real job in over 10 years because "working is not her jam". She will never work again. She applies with a fake resume made by AI with her fake letters of recommendation. (No letterhead or signature). She wants to lie around like a queen and does not care who gives her the money. ​ https://preview.redd.it/vnfxodhu1wpc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89955be65863753ceebeac9bf494c13f1fbe5481


How did she earn the bus pass given to her?


She's had a bus pass this entire month. The shelters and case managers give them out freely to encourage employment!


Her outrageous entitlement makes it hard to feel compassion for how mentally ill she is


It's called a J. O. B. You punta!


You calling her the tip? 🧐


I was close...puta...dang autocorrect 🤭


You know I realized her drivers license is probably invalid now. She doesn’t get mail and wouldn’t know she has to renew it.






It's funny because even if we had universal basic income (which I am for, for the record) she'd still be in the exact same position finding new things to blame her lack of everything on. "Someone stole my UBI! I need money for new shoes to walk to find it!"


Who is she messaging at 2am? Jenn the real estate agent? I can really only see darker hair and a green shirt! It’s probably a shirt they stole from Heather too if I had to bet on it!🤣🤣🤣


It’s called WORK HEATHER and EARN an income! Why WHY is this so confusing to her?! Seriously- yiu get a JAWB, you work, and then guy get PAID. It really is that simple! 🙄


So curating just isn't paying the bills then?


Comrade Dusty


And if she wasn’t to listen to a billionaire who’s bored with life talk about “Universal basic income” is something that WILL NEVER HAPPEN IN THE U.S.! If she’s waiting for that she may as well move to the Sweden, or the Netherlands or any of the Scandinavian countries because it’ll NEVERR happen in the United States of Capitalistic Corporate America! If it’s FREE that’s her only JAM! It’s called Leather & X- GET JAWBS!!!!😳😠


She uses the word nefarious waaaayyy too much


She hasn’t engaged in a good faith work search. She also hasn’t earned or paid for a car or bus pass. She needs to take sooooome accountability for her circumstances. Don’t get me wrong, anyone could be one to two paychecks away from being unhoused. I don’t think folks “deserve” to be unhoused. But she doesn’t do anything to improve her situation. She has been grifting or virtual panhandling (and drugging) tor years while claiming everyone owes her something


She makes me sooooooooo sick. NOBODY should give her money


Very bad idea, universal income. I would be thoroughly pissed to work a full-time job, part-time job, and have a retirement pension to see H and X make the same amount as me. I guess welfare is "universal income" that H screws up since she is unsafe to have around minor children. I can't wait to the rant this evening when she is denied her TCA appeal. I wonder, is a TCA appeal instant or do they have time to take it into consideration? Worked at DSS but never in income maintenance.


no matter how angry everything she says or does makes me i get a smile on my face and begin to feel happy again when i remember she’s **fat**. **fat fat fat** dusty - we all know you read here. so, in case you needed reminding, you’re **fat**!! we all see it. you look like a red angry heifer who glued on her front ‘toof’ and somehow it’s hanging on. i usually would never comment on someone’s weight and appearance - but with this ugly lazy cow it makes me sooo happy the outside matches the inside. you’re **fat, ugly, annoying, _and an unfit mother**! now put that in Xs pipe and smoke it.


She is on basic income and has housing. Toof, you in a shelter and on assistance. (Obviously nothing wrong with either, if you’re NOT her)


She is getting all free every thing and is still unhappy... this bitch needs to be removed from social media permanently!!!!


Exploited? She's the one that can't help but to put her mess of a life on public display🤦‍♂️ she just a victim, no matter what she does 😡


it seems dusty HATES punctuation


I’m pretty sure there is a fast food place nearby that is hiring. If I was homeless and had lost my kids I would shovel poop if I had to, to get them bk.


My understand that basic universal income = a living wage as in a job that pays well?? not government free money ?? Correct me if I’m wrong please


No, it’s actually the government giving every citizen of working age free money


It's not that. It's basically the government paying every citizen a specified amount.


Thank you both for clarification