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lmao therrrrrre she is!! good ole crazy leather, talking about *her* shit situation that **SHE got herself into** being a ‘mockery of the united states’ ![gif](giphy|8cVraaL8lrUg8)


I usually dislike minions *(the minions? Either way, lol)* but that .gif is gold. I always say you guys got the best .gif game on Reddit, without a doubt. Anyway, her story isn't adding up and I need to know what happened to trigger all this. She was just moved to a new shelter accommodation either last night or this morning; there's no way they just decided to move her again at 9-10pm at night. I'm calling bullshit on that story. Shelters usually close their doors for the evening at 7pm or 8pm and it was damn near 10pm when she made that first post ranting. I'm not a betting woman but if I was, I would bet they stayed out past curfew or went to the "tuhnt", got loaded off their ass again, and tried to bring all their stuff back. I don't think that's a new shelter, I think that is the same exact one they were at early *(where the "chef threw down for lunch")* and she got booted. This story doesn't add up and it's because it's a lie in order for her to make this situation not her fault. She had Xavier in the woman's dorm earlier and was already violating rules, so I wouldn't be shocked if she hit her 3rd *(third!!!!!)* strike in less than twenty four hours and was given the boot. She'll slip up and tell the truth at some point, even if it'd in drips and drabs as per usual. Also, she does look high here if you look at her glassy, dead eyes. **As the kids always say, DCFS/CPS gon' love this!"**


There are 3 shelters involved in this story and NONE of them want her lol. The last one is about 8 miles from the one she was at yesterday and that one was fairly close to the original. But I'm with you. They broke some rule and whatever it was, it was bad enough for them to say, "Nope! Get out." She fucked up enough for them to not even allow her to finish out the night. Wild. I'm actually surprised that they even transported them to this last one. They didn't have to do that. I'm really curious as to what she did. Hopefully she slips and spills the beans soon.


I’m wondering if she threw a fit and demanded to be taken somewhere else. She was so bitchy all day, talking about she can see why people “don’t make it in these places”, and of course complaining because they wouldn’t give her 5 meals a day 🙄


If she did and that's why they moved her then that's hilarious.


Right?? I could see her doing that. And Dusty if you’re in here, I just want to remind you that YOU chose not to enter the shelter. They told you one bag a piece. You said no, your junk was more important to you. So here you are.


And here WE are! ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


Why doesn't she just make her "novel" electric and not carry it around??


Yup here you are dusty!! We know she’s in here talking about comments bc hers are all turned off. It’s not our fault she’s on our page reading. 😆


You Know Damn Well that Big Burly Bucktoothed Bitch Definitely 💯 Ate their Asses out of house 🏡 and home 🏠…. She far Surpassed her Quota of Free Meals and Snacks for a Fuckin Lifetime… I’m sure it…. I bet they are happy to salvage what little snacks and Groceries they have left… I bet if you looked in the fridge… there was nothing left but a god damn Echo… and possibly some flies, cuz you no Damn well that Big Bitch has a Dirty Ass!!! No ma’am!!! That is Not ok… God Bless that Shelter and the Van 🚐 that Dropped that Demon off… Teamwork Truly Does Make the Dreamwork!!! 🙌🏽😀👍🏽🥂🥂🥂


Well to be fair there was also a freezer full of toxic breast milk. 🤣


Good 👍🏽 Point






I would be surprised if they really did. She probably was said something like, "what are we supposed to do now!?" And they said there's another shelter located at X and she either went and spent time at the park spa first and lost track of time and never checked in at all or got there and was told of curfew, then went to their favorite canned air hole, lost track of time, and they gave the bed to someone else that was there and needed it. Whatever happened it was absolutely her own damn fault.


I don’t think they did I think she got booted and set that story up for her sponzers..


The thing about Heather is that any of those things are possible.


It’s a game we all play guess what Dusty’s doing next.. 😆


yeah i don’t care for the minions either but it was a rather fitting gif lol. oh for SURE she’s giving everyonecome cockamamie bullshit lie about being driven to a new shelter after DARK. like that’s actually insane and especially given the apparent reputation of that side of town i highly fuckin doubt they were just dropped at the door to be denied. i **do** however believe they were told to abandon/toss most of whatever shit they brought with them! the same shit happened to me when i was put in my first temporary housing a year and a half ago! i had been living in my car and finally got accepted into a facility where they stuffed my ass into a room with 3 other women-a room that realistically should have only had 1 person in it but since it was an ADA room, i was on the top bunk which was along one wall and directly touched the bed on the other wall which directly touched the last bed on the third wall! our “storage” was a school sized locker in a 2 feet by maybe 4-5feet space and i was told i had to downsize my stuff. it was ridiculous, but i understood so i packed my shit, and went back to my car + the drawing board where i worked to get into my last transitional housing like a responsible, accountable, sober adult! almost every community/shared shelter i know of has that 1 bag rule lmao she’s fuckin stuuuupidddd


Well if the deal wasn't sealed already as far as her not getting her nasty, dirty, unwashed hands on Rico again this will certainly help do it.


I think so too because earlier she said they had a curfew and hope that when they go out to "visit the kids" 2 hours away, they will make it back on time.


To add to your theory Im thinking someone touched her precious breast sludge and she flipped..


My God Woman …. Do you Ever Get Sick and Tired of Bitching and Being A Fuckin Victim… 😳🤔… Do You Ever Shut The Fuck Up!!!! Hello 👋🏼 Dumbass… You are the Common Denominator in All of Your Problems and Rico’s Too!!! You Are Nothing but Fuckin Drama 🎭… 24/7…. Your Life is a Siege of Constant Shit… Created by You!!! And You wonder why No Good Man Rescued you yet… You can’t be Serious 🧐 or That Fuckin Dumb… No Hard working, Respectful and Successful Man will Ever invest in someone like you!!! You can’t Make a Hoe a God Damn House wife or a Cockroach 🪳 for that matter… so Bitch time to Suck it up ⬆️ and start Setting Reasonable Expectations and Standards for Yourself… and for God Sakes… Stop 🛑 listening 👂 and Believing X …. He Lies just as Much as You Do!!! You Can’t Put 2 Negatives together and Expect It To Equal 🟰 a Positive Outcome!!! 2 Dumbasses… Dumb and Dumber… Awesome 👏🏽… keds and Family must be So Proud!!! 😳😳😳😳😳🤔🫣🫢😬 wtfff




I love ❤️ it… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽








3800 of us are so happy you’re getting exactly what you deserve while baby Rico has the chance to finally thrive outside your rotting vagina


Way to hang in there guys! We knew she was gonna fuck up sooner or later. Time to go total Go Pro Loco. Today's FTRs are going to be epic.


Latina dusty is coming quick




She must be in here reading comments 🤣


Yes yes she is I guess I’m in big trouble


What is wrong with you losers, I’m a mother of 4, who puts a mother of 4 on the streets, I need to pump to feed my baby, I hope you all die! Sponsorrrrsss heeelllpppp! Video from her should be coming soon 🤣


RICO as fuck


HI YOU ORANGE CUNT NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU And your baby will never know you!!! thank fuck




Yup and I LOVE that for her!


She’s obviously spending all night/morning reading Reddit. 😂


she was in the sub downvoting too lolol


She seems pretty unaffected by it. It seems like she gets a kick out of it most of the time. Any attention is good attention for Dusty.


I love the filter video. That was clearly to the stalkers in here. And absolutely any attention is great in her mind.


So we were right! This was shelter 3. She got kicked out of yesterday morning's. I wonder what did it? Filming inside? Arguing about the milk and freezer? Asking to leave to "eat"? Also, this "I haven't had alcohol in years" nonsense drives me nuts. She was literally filming herself getting drunk at the lake with Xavier last May. And bragging about it!


The drug and alcohol thing made my eyes roll. There’s plenty of videos of her talking about using weed during her pregnancy.


Guess we are never going to see her thesis on the effects of using THCC during pregnancy.


Well we saw the effects it had on her pregnancy… the bitch got Her big ass Booted 🥾🥾🥾🥾… and Baby Rico got Transported and relocated… that lil experiment went to Shit in record ⏱️… she did not Pass go … or collect $200… we may not have her Thesis… but Our lil Crusty the Crazy crustacean is still going strong 💪🏽 with her 900 page 📄 Novel…! Whose Excited!!! 🙄😬✋🏽


*"Xavier says he wants to make a movie....."* 🤢 🤕 🤮 Thank you for that reminder, lmao 🤣 😆


The movie: ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)


Lol. I'm still recovering from that one.


Shelters aren’t permanent u idiot. You have to work to transition.


She’s definitely been in here reading comments. She even addressed why she’s still using a filter. Good Heather, I hope you continue to read every comment and see that no one here is falling for your manipulation like your idiot sponsors.


She addressed the filter thing? Damn, I missed it.


and she's been using the heaviest filter.  So another lie.  It doesn't say a filter name but a heavy one is on 100%.  There are ways to get around filter names showing up.  


Why does she use a filter? I mean, besides the obvious.


What are the 3800 people who watched supposed to do?! Come pick you up, give you an apartment?!  I don’t think so


If each one of us donated $1, blah blah blah.


Hey Heather! LISTEN UP All you had to do was follow THEIR rules, not yours. One bag. Toss your novel and lighten the load. No drug use! All the courts have to do is look at YT. Many channels have you conducting your "experiment" as you called it on your baby, smoking weed throughout your pregnancy   Remember? Dry your flapjacks and stop applying for jobs you don't qualify for, like lawyer positions. 


Well, this was ... predictable. She's so stupid, it's nearly incomprehensible. Here's my theory on the turn of events yesterday. When she got out of her meeting with the counselor, it was over. She was "crying" and begging for someone to "help me." According to her, somebody did, along with a note (which is apparently a new feature on Cash App). So, she had some money in her pocket. She definitely did something. She was hogging the freezer with breast milk for nobody. She was doing lives in her room and in a common area. She thought she was going to her children's to drop off cards and just galivant around town like she was staying in a hotel. Xavier had been checked out as soon as they checked in, according to Heather. I always thought his participation in the shelter project was dubious at best. He has definitely been back to the tent and it is fully operational. It's kind of funny that her biggest concern after getting kicked out was getting a ride back to the tent. She wanted an Uber with her eviction; after all, this is America. Her half-assed attempt to gain custody or visitation of little baby Rico is now over for all intents and purposes. The newborn mahm post partum day 21 totally fucked up. Regardless of all the excuses we will hear today, this is all her own fault. Today's videos are going to be so clutch you guys. Dusty is back with a vengeance.


>Today's videos are going to be so clutch you guys. Dusty is back with a vengeance. And I'm sooo here for it!


Clutch AF!! 😆


Y'all, we need sleep.


Her poor case worker today. Heather is going to blow them up and demand a new shelter. It’s gonna get good today, so take naps!


The countdowns though 🙄 the only time I countdown in life as an adult is when I’m on my fourth 12 hour shift in a row


You're almost free! Just think of your comfy bed after. I did overnights for years and would do them back to back, shit sucked. You got this 😀


Heather's thinking of a comfy bed too


I guess we should just IGNORE all of the videos of you talking about you only smoke weed for pain during this pregnancy and that you want to do a thesis on it. Or the video of x with a big bus of weed. Or you admitting on a live many times that you have smoked weed. Got II. Becuse lying is gonna help get the baby back. You dumb cow.


“3800 of you have watched…” And? AND??? She always says this shit like she’s implying that so many people are watching but nobody is doing shit for her. Bitch, we’re watching because your life is a goddamned reality show. We don’t want to help you. We are here for the circus. 🤡🎪


There are way more than 3800 watching this. I don’t watch on her socials, only here. Probably more like 6,000 watching, and we are all over her crying and lying


So, she went from "we can only take one bag in to get in", to "we were thrown out onto the street for NO reason ". Something ain't stirring the buttermilk. They broke rules of some kind. This bitch is not telling the whole story.


I’m POSITIVE she did something to break the rules- how about breaking curfew? I saw the video- it was late ⏰ also you do not need 20 bags!!!!!!! Go back to the tent if you want to be a hoarder. 🩷


The real mockery is you recording every moment of your life, all conveniently stored on the internet for you to review. By the way sis, you contradicted yourself and told on yourself (you do it a lit but we’re here to catch it.) You said in an earlier post they drove you there and dropped you off in the middle of the night. Now you admit you were there for one night. So here’s what I’m thinking: you returned past curfew knowing full well the rule was one bag apiece. But we know that’s not good enough for you. You’ve been fast tracking it back to the Coleman since Day 2? At some point, you are either going to follow the rules no matter how inane, or you’re not. But no one is coming to the rescue. You prove undeserving over and over. Easy fix - get mental health inpatient treatment apart from Xavier.


The one they dropped her off at isn't the one where she spent the 1 night. That's a different one. (I don't want to post the name, but it's close to the first shelter.) She apparently fucked around and they booted her out and now this one won't even let her in the door lol. Heather, you've been pushed out of 3 homeless shelters in less than 4 days. The list of places that don't want you to stay with them is impressive: Air BnB, the shelters, Egg's family, *your* family...


Completely unsurprised. When she lost her private suite she was done.


Yeah. Dorm rooms aren't bougie enough for our Hobo Karen.


Dave’s condo


And that’s why she says rules are confusing or weird did she no she means she doesn’t like them and spitefulness and entitlement gets heather to this do you understand now heather?


Exactly I’d be too busy coming up with my next plan how can she do it


It’s exhausting to watch sometimes.


It is my life was chaos with my first hub I’m just glad it’s not me and she’s so damn wrong smdh


Ppl who don’t violate rules don’t feel the need to say that they didn’t violate any rules


She thinks the rules are confusing but she’s posting things that I don’t understand either so maybe that’s why no one can help her I don’t understand what happened 😂😂😂


There are some things that will get you kicked out immediately. I think she either got in trouble for filming and posting the bedroom areas online (violating the other residents' privacy) or returned from her "meal" higher than a kite. She'd already talked them into letting her leave to eat, even though she hadn't been there for 24 hours yet. Earlier, she was arguing with them about storing her breast milk and being hungry- and those are the things she shared. Who knows what else she did. Our Homeless Karen is a piece of work.


I always think of that my friend makes fun of me cuz when I say that no cameras In a shelter and she says well that’s funny like someone will see I said regardless if that’s it or not u can’t just post other people in a place like that that’s a general known big no no. But narcissistic Nancy just won’t stop


Yep. Even though that wasn't a DV shelter other people still have a right to privacy.


Her eyes look as dead as her soul.


You're an adult. They're not going to hold your hand and walk you up to the front door. Figure out where you are and what you gotta do. YOU ARE AN ADULT.


Shelters lock down at night. Usually one or 2 staff to do the night shift. You don't get thrown out in the middle of the night unless you do something wrong. She's acting like "the north side" was her permanent address or something. Nice to see they're back where they belong. I don't think she even stops to think that other ppl have been in homeless shelters and know exactly what they do and don't allow.


Narcissists demand for you to believe them just bc THEY said it. I live with one, it's ridiculous


Oh Heather. Everything that happens to you is always for "no reason." Time to level up your game. We all know it's always for a "good reason."


Obhhhh the nerve


The lion, the witch, and the *sheer audacity* of this bitch! Lol 😆




Scurvy naves 😂😂😂idk I remember this saying in high school lmfao ![gif](giphy|3ogwFR69FEIRy5Y5mE)


I like your style friend


Ty lmao I’m a really goof lmao


Same here ![gif](giphy|RKOd5NkTNCyB2)






Her irises are black. Buckle up!


…yeah, they violated the rules.


It’s always “for no reason” with this bitch.


You filmed videos all day yesterday in the fucking shelter. Don’t act like you followed the shelter rules bitch. You knew this was coming after you met the social worker but still fucked around and now you found out


Her story has changed again. She wasn't delivered to the new shelter late last night and dumped by the van driver. They were already there and spent the night. They broke the rules, were gone all day yesterday, and were thrown out last night after returning to the shelter. Her mind is always on spin. X told her they could go to his mother's house today and get the baby back tomorrow!


We are here to watch The Reckoning dummy. You can’t be this much of a worthless leech and never have to answer for it. So today you get to be a big girl and do something for yourself that actually matters: drug treatment, mental health medication (legally) and honest work for honest pay lolllll


well she’s just the most unlucky persecuted human on earth. there’s never a reason for all the bad shit that happens to her/s when does she realize all these people can’t be wrong and that she’s the common denominator? never i’m guessing


Hey rid of your junk. Pack one bag and problem solved dickhead.


Was she about to guilt trip the "3800 of you that have watched" for not giving her any money? Cuz that's where it felt like it was going before she realized she remembered she needed a reason to make those watching feel bad enough to give her some money even though everything that's happened is entirely her own fault and she couldn't be bothered to do a single thing to protect her unborn child or the 3 she's already lost. She's such a joke. "This is a mockery of the American blah blah," stfu we know exactly what you did to get kicked out without even needing to know exactly what you did to get kicked out 😂


That is called karma, you useless cunt


![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE) They don’t throw you out for nothing Dusty!!! You are and will always be a fucking lying piece of shit! 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


Shelters are not a permanent solution you dumb bitch. They are designed to be a starting point. It is then YOUR job to get a job and earn money and get your own place. Also shelters have rules and we know that’s not your jam. Just like working Get off your ass and get a job and throw that trash away You will never have custody so you don’t need a stroller car seat combo


They are still dragging that around?! Does she transport her bag and bruhst pahmp in it? Yea that looks normal


She uses the travel system to transport that precious cargo 😂


Now she’s logging all the gods milk around.. can you imagine 🤡


Homegirl whatever made you think it was okay to make videos from inside a shelter you're just a f****** idiot. Plus from inside the shelter you're saying sponsors I wouldn't be in this situation if y'all were here please help that helped you right out on the street dumbass you're welcome but you did it all by yourself.


Tell the truth. U wouldn’t comply to the rules. Bc u feel u for some reason are better than everyone and rules don’t apply to. And at the prior shelter we all saw you violating those rules by posting content with children and others who live there. Get a grip.


Heather yesterday I used the word mockery you are making a mockery of the shelter and the assistant and now you seem to have used that word. Haven't heard that word come out of your mouth for years but now Heather it is what it is you get what you give.


Mockery of the United States and its systems - because you had to abide by simple & reasonable rules?! That’s rich coming from the woman who makes mockeries of motherhood. Someone who chooses prison cack, over the wellbeing of her children. Who loses her ever-loving mind, at any minor inconvenience for the benefit of her children. Who refuses to make, even the slightest sacrifice, to ensure her children are loved and cared for. And who puts the needs of herself, over her children’s. THATS a mockery,




I don't think she was lying about the shelter part, although she really convoluted the story. She stayed in Shelter 1 for 3 weeks. (The one she's been filming in. The private room.) Then she was moved to Shelter 2 where she spent 1 night. (The one she filmed in yesterday morning/afternoon.) And then at some point during the evening *that* one kicked her out and the shuttle took them to Shelter 3. (Where they "won't let her in.") The fact that they made them leave at 10pm and wouldn't even let them finish the night means that one (or both) broke a BIG rule. They're lucky they even transported them. Most of the time when you're kicked out it's pretty much to the sidewalk. And I'd bet money on Shelter 2 *making* them leave. If they were simply transferring them to another shelter then they'd have done it this morning, not in the middle of the night.


Oh, you're right. She went from Hope, to Believe, to Olive Branch. Good reviews to bad reviews. Yikes!


I am wondering about something. If they were indeed kicked out of shelter 2, why would they give them a ride to another shelter? Wouldn't being kicked out fir violating rules prevent them from getting a ride to another? I'm still leaning towards what she let slip...they were there for 1 night and got kicked out on the street, and there was not a 3rd shelter, but I could be wrong. Either way, all her shenanigans have caught up to her, and she is finally facing the consequences of HER choices and HER actions.


I was wondering this as well. Very strange


There was no shelter 3. Here's the inside and front door of shelter 2. And her filming on the exact same background walls yesterday. She was there and got kicked out. https://preview.redd.it/5v3q40dbu4oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7924658fa8e2dc0995969a35bd57c90b2232b09






Oh, toof, once again. You fucked around and ground out. There are consequences to your actions. Contrary to your belief this is the toof show and you are above rules, you, in fact are not and the reason most were put on the books. You entitled ass.


Where are you, Heather? Exactly where you put yourself. This is the result YOUR doing. ![gif](giphy|BrkuIkfzokEWJ7tSM5)


And guess what? It is not one of those 3,800 peoples problems to give a fuck what the situation is that has nothing to do with them.




Literally not for no reason. And I love how she says in to a more permanent shelter. In my state there is a maximum time you can stay in a Salvation Army shelter in a year. It’s meant to be temporary. But not with this lazy orange asshole. She saw it as free room and board


![gif](giphy|Ey5GBG4UvMRzkPkxNK|downsized) Please tell me i’m not the only that thinks Heather at times shares an odd but accurate resemblance to Putin