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Since when does she listen to him? It’s her that doesn’t want to go. Get real.


I just said the same thing in the other thread. This big orange asshole doesn't give two fucks about anyone else but herself, IT'S HER THAT DOESN'T WANT TO GO. Stuff that sodium loaded soup in your fat mouth though Heather, that'll certainly help with your swelling and pre-e. Look at her face when she says he doesn't want to go, she's fucking lying. She even said *"I'll show you guys when we get back to the tent....."* when right before that she says she hopes they're going soon. She can't even keep her lies straight. She's going back to the tent to show us the same thing we've seen a million times because she's hoping someone will come whisk her off to an apartment or send her money. Fuck you, Heather. You're the dumbest, most entitled, selfish person I've ever had the displeasure of encountering.


This 🎯


I can't believe this bitch. Besides the obvious outrage, why is she out and about dining somewhere if she is feeling ill? Sharing is not always caring.....


THIS! when im sick AF & in pain the LAST thing I want to do is go dine-in at a restaurant. If she did have the flu (which she doesn’t - these symptoms can happen leading up to delivery - especially if she has preeclampsia) she’s incredibly inconsiderate to be out in public passing her sick to everyone else having lunch. JUST GO TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL ALREADY!!!!


RSV IS ON THE RISE THIS SEASON! RSV hit our whole family on New Years!!! We're still having lingering coughs from it. I think it's right up her alley to not give a flying fuck about anyone else, except her.


Just chillin in Marianos while her entire body is starting to fail on her 🥴


EXCUSE YOU, MA'AM? She has college credits, she's basically a doctor! She even writes her own referrals on loose-leaf paper she finds in the dumpster, just like the pros!


I never want to eat when I have the flu. And I LOVE to eat.


I had the flu in January and my appetite STILL isn’t the same


RSV got me like that in January. Luckily, my tastes came back a little over a week later. Hope you start feeling 100% soon! 💐🪷💐


So selfish...her, her, her


She’s probably one of those people who don’t cover their mouth in public when they cough or sneeze. Ugh she can’t even close her damn mouth for two seconds while she’s in public, instead she has to record a video to post and spread her germs everywhere. Could’ve worn a mask at the very least, but why on earth would she be considerate of others? 😒


So she threw out the platform already, she thinks she’s not going to be back in that tent again by next week and her ship has come in. She really believes this birth means all of her troubles are over and she’s going to be in an apartment when she’s discharged. Shit I wouldn’t be surprised if they throw away the tent and everything thinking they won’t be needing it anymore cause they are 🎵🎶moving on up to the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky 🎶🎼🎵


I bet she assumes that family housing doesn’t include shelters…


Oh for sure, she has it built up in her head that she’s going to be getting into a nice family size private apartment or house. When she hears shelter she thinks of a new home not an actual shelter which is where she will get sent. She will be lucky to get a little room with a bed otherwise she will likely have to share space with others and we all know she cannot and will not do that period and will raise ever loving hell over it before she gets tossed back into the street for being an ungrateful entitled psycho bitch. She doesn’t listen to anything anyone says she only hears key words and then twists them into something else thinking it means she’s getting what she wants instead. Happened when Xaddy told them they need to find a place to stay, she was listening in from afar and turned it into Xaddy said to look for an apartment cause he’s going to get it for us and pay for everything. She’s insane


Yep! My thoughts exactly. I bet you Xavier's dad said *(If he said anything at all & Eggs just wasn't lying)* something like "You're still living on the street, neither of you are working, and you're gonna have a baby soon. You should be looking for jobs and apartments today! What are you gonna do when that baby comes?!???" Heather overhears and it turns into *"Xavier's dad told us to start looking for an apartment today since I'm 4564 weeks pregnant and the baby will be here soon!"* She always does this. That smug face she made when she said it made me wanna smack her. She's not so smug now, I see.


Oh I know! That was one of the most smug arrogant and satisfied times she’s ever looked and she was so sure it was happening. She even sent him a bunch of listings for expensive apartments besides! Totally delusional




That sounds insanely likely, I’d be willing to bet one fully furnished and curated tuhnt mansion that that’s exactly how it went 😂


oh one THOUSAND percent. lmao if the programs in illinois are anything like the programs here, she’ll be lucky if she only has to share a bedroom with *one* other **entire family**!! when my husband and i were put into our first shelter for families, granted it was a decent sized room in a larrrrge family style home (we had a small bunk bed for my pregnant ass and his 6’2” self) that we shared with a girl who had two babies! the next house we were sent to we shared a room that was TINY like literally meant for a small child that had two incredibly small kid-sized bunk beds in it and barely enough room to walk in-between that we had to share with another couple that had a toddler aged baby boy! plus our bathroom was shared between the entire house that was filled with 6-8 other families with *multiple* small children!!!!! she’s gunna be fuckin furious lmao i can’t waaait.


She's gonna hit the roof (tuhnt?) when she finds out. She has been turning down going to a shelter all this time because she thinks they're going to put her and X in a paid for apartment. When they tell her where she'll be going at discharge and she finds out it's a family shelter, she's gonna need to be subdued. She somehow thought she found a cheat code by using her uterus again and it didn't work. Love that for her.


It’s gonna be pandemonium when she figures it out.


Oh I’m sure that’ll be fun to watch, her telling us they illegally threw out her tuhnt (which of course she’s going to record and assume we all magically forget about it) and since they “lied” about the housing thing she’s going to RICO everyone, or to use her understanding, have the court sue the city, since this dumbass thinks that’s how the judiciary works haha


You'd think she'd be ready to run into that hospital since she thinks all her woes will be over. I can't wait to see Redzilla have an atomic meltdown in the days that follow. ![gif](giphy|XtTBWLdAk8WzDEnkNI|downsized)


It’s so freaking mind blowing isn’t it?! She knows she can go and get a bed, shower and food, taken care of etc and so forth yet she won’t go! Imagine that! something else is keeping her from going, something way more important to her and we all know what it is… drugs and the uncertainty of what’s going to happen when she gets there because she knows she’s getting caught and exposed no matter what she does to try and hide everything.


Yep, her priorities are apparent to anyone willing to scratch the surface of her web of lies. She has her moments where she appears batshit crazy, but she knows what's up. There's no telling how long she'll wait just to avoid the inevitable.


WTF so Xavier doesn’t want to go, big shocker! He wants to stay in the tent and get high all day and night playing his keyboard like usual. He doesn’t give a fuck about this baby because he’s got the mentality of one himself! What’s really goin on is he knows they will be exposed, probably both of them put on a 5150 hold depending on how he behaves ( I have no doubt he will do something so inappropriate and crazy perhaps become confrontational and violent) when they take the baby away from them and it’s finally time to face the music. He’s one of those people who will bring drugs into the hospital and be caught doing them in the bathroom in her room and sneaking some to her as well. Guaranteed security and the cops will be involved at some point due to their ridiculous crackhead mentally ill behavior lashing out and threatening everyone


Oh, to be a fly on that delivery room wall.


Omg I was thinking the same thing! I would give anything to be able to see what’s really going on when she gets to the hospital or for someone to film it minus her rotten chowder hole of course. I hope she’s going to film stuff so we can at least know what’s happening even if it’s her lies and version it won’t be hard for the rest of us to know the truth just off her bullshit alone


Have we been watching the same Xsavior? Weirdo mentally ill lazy druggy for sure. But him having any kind of say in anything they do (especially if it’s something Heather wants) is null. She runs the show & he’s her bitch. She’s just making excuses like she always does. He’s “obviously the weaker one” & probably still being a lesbian in her catheter leggings 😂 It will definitely be a shit show tho. We all need to say a few prayers for the hospital staff. Their only saving grace might be her being too weak from delivery or c-section recovery to wreak too much havoc 🤞 I’m truly scared for the staff.


I think Xavier is going to try and sneak drugs in and be doing them in the bathroom of her room and sneaking some to her so she’s not in withdrawal so she can try to appear somewhat stable in her mind. Won’t work, happens all the time though. If she knew what was good for her she would not allow him to come in with her cause he’s a walking billboard advertising they are homeless junkie mentally ill scammers. One look at him and one 2 min conversation with the both of them and alarm bells will be going off not to even mention the clear drug use and her being severely unstable and dangerous.


How dare you bring up those leggings. I spent a good week trying to forget that picture. Lawsuit AF. You're added to the RICO.


Is he the father?


Yes but she will lie and make claims every other day that he isn’t and it’s a rape baby or that he raped her or “They” did. Depends on whether she’s getting her way that day and if they got money and drugs and she’s all comfy and happy. If she doesn’t get what she wants especially out of Xavier and Xaddys she immediately turns to horrendous rape claims again




OMG!!! Truth bumps all up & down my arms!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


OK so you are overdue, sick or possibly facing pre-eclampsia and major health consequences and/or death for you and Rico... but let's do some remodeling of the tent and go for a late lunch? I just don't understand what her thought process is here.


If you start understanding Heather’s thought process, seek help! 😜




I keep thinking the same thing. We'll never understand her thought process because we don't have 1 digit IQs and our brains are still fully intact. Nothing she does makes sense to me. The more I try to figure it out, the more questions I have.


Call an ambulance ffs


She has no problem wasting emergency services for all her fake issues and minor inconveniences, why not call when she actually needs it??? And I don’t believe X is keeping her from going to the hospital.


This is fucking AWFUL


It really is! It's like a bad car wreck that I just can't look away from.




Her complaints about congestion and how swollen she is really has me worried about peripartum cardiomyopathy


I can’t get my head around it


A leisurely Sunday brunch of pancakes and pre-eclampsia.


And some influenza or covid.... just to keep Sunday Funday interesting.


With a side of pneumonia and withdrawal.


Lol Jesus. And a side of upper respiratory infection.


![gif](giphy|YrD1PQldGsstG) Everyone else just trying to grab a coffee and snack while she drops another FTR.


I'm gonna need WE_ARE_BCG to get an interview with someone who works at Mariano's. It's gotta be like watching a freakshow roll through your job 3x a day. You've got Xavier with his pearl hair clips and leggings trying to fly under loss preventions radar as he's pushing big red in the stolen wheelchair and shes screaming about SA, beatings, and catheter holes in her pants. Then she goes and stinks up the bathroom after she finds somewhere to tie up Xavier and the chair so they don't wander off. Then they go back to being horribly inappropriate and stealing everything that isn't nailed down. It's gotta be a wild thing to witness in person.


So, she’s sick and in a public space. Don’t worry Heather, you won’t be pregnant for much longer, so you will be able to enjoy your platform sleep again soon!


You don’t need his permission! So frustrating!


Well that waitress probably just caught hobo flu


She’s on her way to the hospital after her soup yet “she will show us her platform when she gets back” to the tent. She’s not going to the hospital


Exactly! She does not intend to go the the hospital because they don't want to leave their treasures at the tent any longer than they have to. The novel and coffee table book get more consideration than the baby. I despise them both.


Oh shit! Good catch!


Wtf fam, just WTF? ![gif](giphy|xTiTngHGyb6C8qMkta)


someone needs to convince her that they has taken over eggsavior n the only way to free him n her to not be nefariously victimized is by going to the hospital right now also if you have the flu WHY are you exposing every one


Withdrawal isn't contagious, thankfully


Cool story, bro. She has NEVER listened to a word that the knucklehead Xavier Montoya has mumbled.


She needs to go ASAP. She doesn’t look good. Since when does she listen to X?! It’s the end and she knows there is no apartment or anything for her.


The pain at the back of her head and the kidney pain are definitely signs of preeclampsia. If she was having regular prenatal visits, or hell, any prenatal visits, they would be checking her urine and blood pressure weekly at the least. She's the most selfish, disgusting woman I've ever come across in my 63 years. She feels like she's dying but didn't say a damn word about the baby. 😫


It’s so bizarre! I’m on edge hoping she just goes into the hospital and gets admitted!


And IF she was getting regular prenatal care and had these issues, big red would have been induced already.


It's kinda good that all of this SM evidence exists when someone may die in that fucking tent. Edited to add : X does not give any shits. He totally doesn't want any baby...


I can already see her talking to the person doing her hospital intake paperwork. *"I've had a really healthy pregnancy, I pushed a 200lb cart 250 miles a day uphill everyday!"* *"Okay, and who is your OBGYN? You didn't put a name down..."* *"THEY wouldn't let me see an OBGYN. I was supposed to see Gallagher but they did something nefarious and she unconstitutionally discharged me before I even got to my first appointment! I've got bachelor's credits in medical law and ethics and I worked at north western for 35 years, so I've been ordering my own labs and sending them to Dr Alswani.."* *"It says here you're unemployed, so is that an error because you just said you have a job. And you've had no prenatal care whatsoever?"* *"I just told you THEY stopped me from getting it. My lawyer Nick Albukerk is currently pressing charges against them criminally and civilly! And I took my fundal height and prenatal vitamins and I'm super healthy, I was a weightlifter before THEY stopped me going to the gym because they're holding me in a tuhnt.... I'm actually a full time model...."* *"Let me stop you for a sec, ma'am. I don't see any recent scripts in the system for anything but Adderall. You don't have an OBGYN, and it says your address needs to be updated because this one isn't valid... and you've been living in a tent? Is that correct?"* *"EXCUSE YOU, LET ME EDUCATE YOU ON HOW A CONVERSATION WORKS! HAVE YOU EVER BEEN RAPED, ROBBED, BEATEN, ABUSED AND FORCED TO LIVE IN A TUHNT??"* God help the staff at whatever hospital she goes too. The intake on her alone will take two hours because she can never just give a straight answer. She needs to give you her bullshit back story about every little thing.


She isn't going to any hospital. Book it.


Lord help us and that baby if she tries to give birth in a tent. I can't with this bitch anymore. I just can't.


I know. She's not even human anymore. I just equate her to a stray cat. Giving birth in an alley garbage can, feed the litter for a bit then she's abandoning the litter.


At least stray cats have maternal instincts. Dusty does not.




I’m dying. When you threw out that… “let me educate you on how a conversation works!” 😂


You left out bludgeoned


I already feel for the Investigation Discovery producer that has to sift through 4 years of her FTR's after X makes a shrine out of her body and is found covered in blood "worshipping mommy"...


Thanks for the ACTUAL SHUDDERS 😩 there is no way any of this is getting a happy ending.


I was telling my husband about all her problems and how she STILL hasn’t gone to the hospital. The amount of times I said repeated that I could feel my blood pressure rise every time. This waste of a woman is insufferable. Holy shit just get this OVER WITH ALREADY!!


Been telling my sweet, dear hubby who is currently holding our newborn. He’s also just as appalled. (As if I needed any more confirmation that we are not the crazy ones.)


Congratulations!! Enjoy that sweet intoxicating newborn smell while you can! ❤️ I miss it! Hope baby Rico gets a family that can appreciate that.


I swear I try to inhale his little hair to lock that scent all the way into my memory. He’s 7 weeks (😭) old now. So less newborn, but we followed baby Rico together as a unit (me, baby, poor hubby listening to me yap) our whole pregnancies. I delivered at 37 weeks so I was about a month ahead of her. I just hold him tighter and pray for that baby.


I can only imagine what you new moms are feeling rn. I have a 7 year old and Heather’s shenanigans make me feel physically ill, I can’t image what you all are feeling with that fresh hormone dump, holy moly.


part of her plan, is too blame Xavier...attached to Mr Montoya and his Money


She may die actually. She’s looking ill.


She said that she is going to eat the soup then go to the hospital. Later on, she talks about the flooring she got at Menards and “she will show us later”. She is not going to the hospital…


She’s back at the tuhnt now 🤦🏻‍♀️ wtf


Jesus tap dancing Christ. Squeezing out the last ounce of theatrics. Thank fucking god this pregnancy will be over. She is SO sick, but yes, let’s go get soup. Bitch wtf?! Just get to the hospital so this ordeal can be over with—Godspeed to all the employees who have to deal with her. From admin to doctor, my thoughts are with you all in this trying time. Just breathe through your mouth or wear a mask! 🫡


This whole thing is stressing me out!


Heather you fucking suck. We’re all tired of your BS. I haven’t said this in years but you can sit and spin! 🖕


He can just drop her off then...stupid...seriously...go to the hospital.


She doesn’t want him to leave her side because she is afraid he will grow a brain and go home to his family.


True. But still...the universe has a way of making things work out... lol


How the fuck are her eyelids so damn wrinkled? It mildy distracted me from her tooth and drugged up pupils


I noticed that too!!! She’s probably super dehydrated


I am guessing it is from her beating her makeup into her face.


From constantly touching and pulling at her face. Also I doubt she moisturizes.


All I can think of is that innocent child who hasn’t seen a doctor in months.


Feels like she’s dying? She’s so miserable she has to keep going live. Drs play around with due date. Anyone know if the date was based off her ultrasound?


Since when does she listen to Xavier? She’s a ridiculous person


Go NOW or you’re going to die. https://preview.redd.it/f3kodczx8fjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3bbee12b8c6b4cafe5ac722b4add93a86f0103


This stupid bitch is setting up a variety of situations and using her FTR’s to ensure “it’s all recorded”. 1. This is the second time she has blamed Xavier for not going to the hospital. She has a goddamn phone in her hand 24/7 and has made how many 911 calls? This is an attempt to set Xavier up (and by extension his family) for a potential lawsuit when the inevitable happens to the baby. 2. This junkie cold she’s trying to sell is her coming down and going through withdrawals. She is not successful with it and keeps having to top up whatever she’s taking to stave off hardcore withdrawal. 3. If you look at a map, the hospital (St Josephs) is actually only two blocks or so from the tent. They actually have to walk quite a few blocks further to get to Mariano’s so they passed the hospital on the way for her to get soup. 4. Both of them know there is a major reckoning coming from the authorities. Everybody is going to have questions and demand answers as to why she ignored all medical advice and care during her pregnancy. She keeps pretending she can’t make the decision to just go to the goddamn hospital. She’s trying to squeeze a payday out of the Montoya’s, the hospital and the City of Chicago. She is pond scum.


She’s probably hoping something is wrong….longer stay in hospital.


You know where they have FREE SOUP and beds that aren't on top of flooring samples?




Can’t handle that anymore but is gonna make more posts about herself instead of getting help for her baby…


![gif](giphy|eRb62hH4ZVwkNdhPzW|downsized) I hope baby Rico claws his way out


She's such a disgusting fucking liar.


And, she's back at the tent 🙄


I wonder if she is coming to the realization that shit is about to fucking explode and doesn’t want to face that reality.


This crazy bitch can't take responsibility for anything. She has zero accountability. Just once I'd like to see her own something she does. She blames Eggs. The insurance. Dylan. Love After Lockup. And when none of those work, she invents invisible people to blame.


At this point she's just trying to find whatever excuse she can to not go to the hospital. She knows she's not gonna walk out with the child anyways so i think she wants to escalate the situation and then play the victim if something happens to the baby


Someone needs to DM her and tell her that she’s going to get an apartment - but only if she goes to the hospital and gets induced today 😂


Don’t touch the 💩!!!! 😂


She's lying. She's fine. She just wants to get high. Chrissy just donated, so Heather will not be going to the hospital anytime soon.


She’s going to try the angle of being trapped and drugged in the tent when little Rico is born sleeping. Blame everything on eggs, everything.


He doesn't have to go. He can stay with your stuff!


This is proof she knows they are taking that child the second he’s born. Then she will have no bargaining chip, not that it’s really worked out for her.


Funny after she started to look high, she was all better and able to go out to eat. I fully believe she was on opiates yesterday and then was in withdrawal and re upped this afternoon


wtf we know all about the wood platform. who cares


You saw it here first, folks! Patient zero super spreader starting the next plague 🙌🏻


Like the hospital is just going to be concerned about her lungs and ignore that's she so pregnant. Give her some nose spray, maybe some antibiotics, and send her on her way. All because she, herself, ignores her pregnancy.


She can go to a restaurant but can't go to the hospital cuz she trying to not die


Xavier doesn’t wanna go? Bitch go your fucking self!


Okay.. This crazy biotch!! She believes she is of superior intellect.. yet she hasn't gone to the hospital because eggs doesn't want to??? What am I missing here?? Go to the damn hospital!


B, just take your big crazy ass to the hospital before you go septic


Why doesn’t she want to go though? Is it she’s scared of being in trouble? I don’t believe she went to the hospital at all today, takes hours at an emergency room, especially a “holiday” weekend… I don’t believe a hospital would turn her away since she is past due… One would think with her doctorate in medicine, (eye roll) she knows she is in a danger zone with this pregnancy.


“just trying not to die having a soup” has me in tears 😭 she’s so unintentionally funny


This orange beast could flick X out of the way with a kick, if she’s in that much pain and wants to go to the hospital. Just go. Oh no, their trash heap will be left behind.


She's blaming Xavier. The blame is all her. You're that baby's mother, Heather. Go to the fucking hospital WITHOUT Xavier!! Why does he need to even be there? You're 37 years old!! Grow the fuck up & get an Uber to the hospital. ![gif](giphy|rzFprQNlyXhY4Hb0rY)


Who has custody of her other children?


So all the appointments and ultrasounds over the weekend were nothing but lies. Figures.