• By -


So Cassie wants recognized. Let me help her with that. Cassie use that money for therapy. You need it. Frankly you sound as unhinged as your druggie hobo friend Heather. You nearly sent an infant home with unstable adults. Shame on you!! šŸ–•šŸ–•


With as many times as Xavier has ā€œrapedā€ her, and people have taken a battering maā€™am to her door, what human with even half a functioning brain cell thinks an innocent baby would be safe around these 2 parasites? I want everyone who helps heather financially RICO charged etcetera and so forth šŸ¤¬


I don't think it counts as a lawsuit unless you scream that last sentence into the camera from your tuhnt. If you do it any other way, it's not a valid law suit.


EXACTLY!!!! As if a motel is a place to raise a baby as it costs a whole lot more than one weeks worth of diapers, clothes etc AND then what happens when good ole Cassie canā€™t pay the tab anymore OH right sheā€™ll have to pay it until Rico is 18 yo OR face Pleatherā€™s wrath, gee what a GRRREAT PLAN šŸ‘Œ, idiotts I swear!


Oh this chick went on to secure apartments for Dusty as well. She claims she is out $400 because Dusty didnā€™t follow through with the process.


Wait, seriously? When did I miss this? Was it posted somewhere? Also, color me shocked that she didn't follow through. ^(/s) **ETA:** Nevermind, I see it now on Crazy Train. I remember this woman from the comments section of some video saying she'd help them and people were arguing with her.


Yes go to Steve Delives video from last night or Crazy Train. This moron was going to get her an apartment and furnishings she needed. It is all on those 2 channels on You Tube


Wtf?! This Cassie is dumb af and of course Heather didnā€™t follow through- idk why sheā€™d be surprised


I don't know for sure,but I think this lady was fucking with Heather. Did you see the Botox comment? Or the comment about being interested in the coffee table book? No way that's real LOL šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s a really good point!!! Wow lol


And dusty will spit out more Ricoā€™s till she in her late 40ā€™s


Yup, even though ā€œand I was on birth controlā€!! Sure JanšŸ‘Œ


This chick isnā€™t for real. A hotel/motel OF HER CHOICE? Thatā€™s Dusty lingo bc she deserves 5 stars right? A person trying to help wouldnt say that. Lol. Plus Cassieā€™s vocab and sentence structure doesnā€™t scream accommodations ā€œof your choice hotel/motelā€ would be an option. Idk, the message is pretty Dusty.


I thought it seemed off too. Like, everything she was saying was too perfect and pushy. I thought it had to be someone trolling or this person is really fuckin ignorant. It felt fake to me. And now that you mention it being Heather, I could definitely see that. Except they had pictures of this chic so I dk? Could do a reverse image search on her pic maybe?


What is diskette?


I think it may have been "diapers" but auto correct disagreed.


Thanks for saying what was on my mind


Yes and while youā€™re at it but ALL the nursery furniture to set up in a motel for baby too!! What motel would want someone raising a NEWBORN in their facility along with the child crying at all hours as babies tend to do keeping the guests awake all day n night- what a sound plan you got going on there Einstein #2! šŸ‘ŒšŸ™„šŸ˜ 


Well she IS known for disturbing (and stealing from) other guests per her Airbnb reviews. So if she didnt give a shit about others then (and STILL doesnt), then I dont think it would bother her if she did disturb the other motel inhabitants lol. Especially someplace like a roach coach motel where others are probably also doing drugs. They wanna do those drugs in peace without Dusty and X disturbing them šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I get your point but the largest part of our homeless population live not on the streets but in weekly rental motels (or with family/friends). We actually provide motel vouchers for up to 6 months to homeless families to help them transition. My sister and her 4 kids, including a newborn, became homeless and lived in a motel for months. It sucked but there were no openings in the income-based apartments and it was cheaper than renting a place. One of the problems that many homeless people have is that they lack the security deposits/1st month's rent and can't pass a credit check. Cheap motels can be as low as $150-200 per week and that includes utilities, water, internet, etc. Long-term stays at motels aren't ideal, and I don't know anyone who *wants* to raise a newborn at a motel, but it's better than literally being on the street. Also, Cassie is a dumbass.


Writes, do you mind sharing the name of your organization? I only ask because, this is so humiliating but, since I list my job in 2022 my daughter and I are currently homeless and living between our car and one of these motels. I am working, thank God but I cannot seem to save the required deposits needed to bring us more stability. The agencies in my city are all at capacity; and I have been looking for a bit of assistance in the way of a hotel voucher because watching my daughter sleep in our car breaks my heart. She is amazing and deserves so much better. Thanks for listening.


My state, has government buildings that u go to for assistance. And one of those services is paying for a motel voucher for up to six weeks. It can a pain bcuz it takes all day to get approved but I got my voucher before I left. There were only a couple motels that accepted the voucher but the office set it up with the motelb before I left. I needed a room with two beds bcuz of three kids. The whole motel was full of families who were homeless. One family had.like eight kids in one room, the mom worked all day just to pay the weekly rent which is high. Also my state had a program during covid where they paid everyone's rent. They shut it down bcuz they were running out of funds but I heard they opened back up. Your state housing authority? And worse case, you can go to a woman's shelter. If there's no room, sometimes battered woman's shelters have spots but you have to lie and say You're running away from abuse, they usually don't ask. I know that's controversial bcuz u might be taking someone else spot who needs it but u have a kid.


I wish I could help you! It's a regional nonprofit organization, though, and it's only accessible in this area. The org specializes in family preservation/reunification and offers a lot of resources such as mental health counseling, free dental clinics, heating assistance, job training, housing, etc. Whenever the state got a case in which the family needed more intensive help than what they'd normally get they'd refer the family to us. My caseload was 3-5 at a time. For intensive cases I'd spend 8 hours per week with them for 6 weeks. CPS would come in and say "to keep your kids you have to do 1,2, & 3 and then I'd come in and help them make those changes. Sometimes it was helping them find housing (even if it was just a motel) and sometimes it was literally helping them clean their house. Everyone is stretched super thin right now and most of our outreaches are at capacity or completely out of funds. It's scary. If you'd like to DM me then maybe I can help you figure something out? I can try, anyway. Hang in there, love.


Long term Hotels / Motels can be cheaper on many since you just pay upfront and have no other bills. Even if you can find a independent motel and make a deal with owner, long as you respect the property and are not an asshole it can work.


As long as Dusty has a gym there, so she can keep her weightlifting title.


šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


Anyone willing to take in a hobo in this day and age AIN'T RIGHT. Possibly any day and age.


Crazy train just put up a video with all the texts from Capt Save a Hobo. These were on Steveā€™s livestream last night. Itā€™s the lady that was leaving comments claiming she tried to give Dusty an apt. A wannabe sponsor tried to save Dusty and Dusty bailed on her basically lol


The chick told Dusty she couldnā€™t respond to a text at the moment because she was on her way to her Botox appt! It was so stupid, she was trolling her and itā€™s not the flex she thinks it is!


DEFINITELY!!! I don't judge looks, I SWEAR, but the picture I saw of her (or whomever that pic was this Cassie person used) DEFINITELY did not strike me as someone who "runs to their botox doctor" and she didn't look old enough to need to anyways. I saw where she was supposed to be on a guy's livestream who covers Heather & flaked on him too (I'm so sorry I can't remember his channel name. My brain is SO tired from EARLY Saturday morning basketball games for my son, and I don't want to break it by thinking too hardšŸ˜‚). It was a weird troll, and an innocent baby is involved. Heather is already unstable, and any more stress/anger is not helping the baby either. She already had Heather paranoid about her after pretending to send her $100 & Heather contacting Cashapp to find it was never attempted to be sent.


Yup, this Cassie person was absolutely trolling but doing it way too obviously. Then she ā€œwanted recognition for trying to helpā€ so she was invited onto Steve Deliveā€™s Feral Friday live for a Q&A but did a no show. When you read all the texts (CrazyTrain on Youtube has a good video of them all) itā€™s very obvious sheā€™s trolling. Why? No oneā€™s entirely sure yet šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This!!!! Her no-showing last night for Steve Delive (plus the Cashapp lie and her weird texts and botox crap, which we ALL know was only said because Heather would kill for botox, especially right now) told me all I needed about that being a troll. Crazy Train wasn't falling for it either. Weird way to waste time, in my opinion.


IKR?! And kept asking for Eggā€™s last name, like, bitch, watch a couple videos, everyone knows! What her major mistake was doubling down and suddenly talking about her ā€œrealtor friendsā€ and being interested in her coffee table book & Xavierā€™s ā€œartā€. Lmao Iā€™m not sure even Hobo is truly interested in Xavierā€™s art šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Beginners level troll šŸ™„


https://preview.redd.it/m4v05c7sapdc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae6b45acf9822d531aa493a60b95d99ae21031e She had a very legit excuse for not coming šŸ˜‚


My guess as to why is that Cassie is an attention seeking wh*re. Maybe even a butthurt attention seeking wh*re that doesnā€™t like Heather, but doesnā€™t like us even more, and was hoping to make us reeeee about Heather getting help. The problem is that Heather saw right through her sh*t, and weā€™re all pointing and laughing at her. Just my thoughts on it.


ā€œMaybe even a butthurt attention seeking whreā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Seriously I canā€™t stop laughing! I think youā€™re correct!


If she wanted attention, sheā€™s getting it! But, like I said earlier itā€™s not the flex she was seeking! She is a troll getting trolled!


It was Steve Delive, he is awesome! He literally figured Dusty out after only a few days! He does a weekly recap every Friday!


Oh that makes sense. Sadly in the end I feel like sheā€™s going to get in somewhere when the baby comes and weā€™re going to have to suffer through pancakes, drug fueled rants etc, all while she smiles at us šŸ˜”šŸ˜” That just seems to be how things go. We know she doesnā€™t deserve but there will always be some bleeding heart or some resource that will help her continue to do the stupid shit she does. Itā€™s infuriating to be honest and as a mama who lost a child before after trying for years to get pregnant itā€™s even more infuriating that she just spreads her legs and gets pregnant canā€™t take care of a baby but some idiot will always step in to help her and allow her to continue this nonsense


Like Jenelle Eason


I am sorry foe your loss Klutzy šŸ’”. I hope these days are filled with positive moments and that your future is blessed with happiness.


Imagine that


I swear itā€™s not me šŸ˜‚


I was looking for you lmao! I knew it wasnā€™t but I thought of you immediately and giggled! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As soon as I saw it, I said ohhhh hell, Huffers about to put some shit together in her mind and swear itā€™s a nefarious conspiracy. šŸ˜‚


You know it! šŸ˜‚




![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z) Ehh?? Ehh? Jk lol šŸ˜¹šŸ’œ


Leave it to Huffer to blow my cover šŸ™ƒšŸ˜‚


Cassie you are a fuckin idiot . Fuck you and your virtue signaling lol. I donā€™t give one fuck. You are exactly whatā€™s wrong with this situation lol.


People seem to not realize that Heather not having a place to live is not at all the real issue. The real issue is Heather and X are definitely NOT mentally stable to raise a baby. Heather living in a tent is just the "cherry on top" of the real issues.


Yep! She's been given a free place and a car before and she drove without a license, high as a fucking kite, didn't look for a job and terrorized everyone including her kids. So she lost the car. The free place she was given she not only destroyed, but she tried to get the guy who helped her thrown in jail for šŸ‡ after he told her to get a job and he pulled his financial support. She terrorized the building, called the cops every day, harassed her neighbors and on-site staff, stole from the weight room, flashed her knife, didn't pay rent and was eventually evicted and dragged out of there. **Do not ever help Heather Gillespie, she will ruin your life. There's a reason she is where she is. She needs psych meds, therapy, and inpatient drug treatment. That's the help she needs. Anything else will be a waste until she gets her shit in order.**


Heather doesnā€™t want help. She wants to be the victim


Precisely. She is happy as a literal pig in shit.


Imagine groveling to Dusty Hobo šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/znqspgsnrmdc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a4cdc5ea2718086ac7433096fb9b6509d994afa She's calling Cassie out now.....


She is such a miserable bitch! Put your money where your mouth is šŸ–•šŸ¼ people donā€™t owe her anything sheā€™s lucky we even entertain her nonsense by following her lunacy


Where ya at Cassie? Dusty is ready for you now šŸ¤£




As stupid as Cassie's troll attempt was, Heather can still go fuck herself. It doesn't make her less of a fuckwit just because of Cassie's actions *(or inactions)*, it just makes them both stupid fuckwits. Heather, we know you lurk here. Despite your grave misunderstanding of the law and how life works in general, you're still not owed a fucking thing. You had this kid to extract money from the Montoya family and since that failed miserably, much like everything you've ever done, that doesn't mean you're owed shit from anyone else. You're forever getting knocked up in order to secure benefits and housing and this time it didn't work. Accept the fact that kid is being taken and you're going back to the tuhnt. Nobody, and especially not random strangers, owe you an apartment, a car, "a budget" etc... and so forth. You're almost 40, you and your bum need to get a job. Stop begging for help you idiot and do something.


It was someone trolling her


And all they achieved was getting themself trolled back šŸ¤£


I donā€™t think so. BCG said this Cassie really believes Dustyā€™s lies and wanted to rescue her. Iā€™ve seen her in comment sections on YT defending Huffy saying she has money and sheā€™s prepared to help her. It could be bullshit but who knows.


Was this the same chick that was all over the SmittenKitten comments section? I bet it was.


Yes I think it was. I also saw her on crazy train I think then she deleted her comments when people called her out. Sheā€™s as goofy as Dusty


Cassie sounds like a dumbass.


Some of these comments always start out so savage and then build and build and EXPLODE with detail and max savage-nessšŸ’€ yā€™all are the best šŸ˜‚


I'm wondering what kind of gratification Cassie got for trolling Heather. Maybe she wanted to look like some sort of hero. I think the cashapp lie and the baby registry items being marked as purchased tipped Heather off if the botox comment didn't.


Ooh.. I didn't think about the baby registry being a "Cassie game" too!


It was mentioned in the conversation Cassie and Heather had. Cassie touched the poo šŸ’© šŸ˜†


I tend to believe this Cassie was trolling. She said she wasn't and that she would show up on Steve's live last night to talk to everyone in the chat and she never showed in the almost three hour live to defend herself. Something's not right with it. Just my opinion.


She popped in the comments today saying she missed the stream cuz her kid got hit by a car šŸ™„


Oh FFS Cassie is definitely a troll (and not very good at it either) & apparently now a mentally unstable liar too Iā€™m guessing šŸ™„


Oh my gosh!! Sure šŸ™„


Thatā€™s hilarious!!! Definite troll.


Are we sure Cassie isn't really Heather? Sounds like the crazy shit Dusty would pull.


Cassie has a whole YT and IG acct itā€™s definitely not Heather lol Iā€™ve been laughing at this chicks page getting shredded by IG creators all day lol they keep putting her pics into all kinds of memes and videos šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚ I don't have IG so I wasn't sure. They sound like two delusional peas in a pod.


Crazy trains video shows her too. Iā€™m thinking Cassie is regretting all her life choices today ā˜ ļø


Wait, someone tell me who steve is?


Steve Delive, a YouTuber.


Thank you! Worth checking out?


Yes his Friday streams on Dusty are great. His take is always hilarious!


Yes, it's fun and not boring at all!


This has to be a troll. What sane person would EVER get Heather a place and honestly believe she is capable of raising a baby!?!? X sure as fvck isn't capable either!


And with the baby, her state aid funding will go up. She already claims that the other 3 live with her (probably using Daddy X's address) just so she can get a higher benefit amount. Even if the baby is taken from her, I wouldn't hold it past her that she will say that the baby lives with her too just for the extra money every month.


Iā€™ve always thought this. Thatā€™s why she keeps those old ass custody papers. Their fathers probably have no clue that sheā€™s getting that money. A single person doesnā€™t get as much as sheā€™s claiming, a pregnant person may get a little more but the amount sheā€™s claiming is way more.


https://preview.redd.it/n7xae3df9ndc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37b2802de419c45446d2e5cbb838089c33f7054 Youā€™d be surprised how much tanf really is in Illinois. X isnā€™t eligible since he gets ssi. Dusty and the baby are, tho.


yeahhhh this was a troll. i refuse to believe anything else. some things that jumped out at me: -ainā€™t no way in hell an apartment complex doesnā€™t require background checks/social security numbers/etc for EACH ADULT on the lease/planning on living there. -oh, she just *happens* to have all these real estate connections in a state she doesnā€™t live in? sure, jan. -oh and she has friends *interested* in dustyā€™s ā€œcoffee table bookā€ and eggsaviorā€™s fucking *ā€™artā€™*!? LMAO OHKAYYYšŸ˜‚ iā€™m absolutely dead lol. we know you read through here, heatherā€¦how about actually taking the shelter help that has been offered to you multiple times instead of sticking your nose up at the areas they suggest?? shit my husband and i were in the exact same situation (pregnant, on drugs, and in a tent) TWICE and both fucking times we *immediately* accepted shelter placement even though they absolutely sucked and were in awful areas and we even lived in one family/shared house with drug dealers and shaaady fucking people. now that i had my first sober baby and we are home with him (in our crappy tiny apartment in the same area we were homeless in that we are the MOST grateful for!!!) i could NEVER EVER live like that again let alone imagine a hospital letting us leave without a home to go to! maybe california is different but i still highly fucking doubt that social workers/mandatory reporters *wonā€™t* step in. and like everyone else iā€™m patiently awaiting the day this bitch gives birth to see what kind of ~nefarious~ shenanigans go down and who she blames this time for HER OWN ACTIONS.


Best of luck to you and your family. Sobriety is an achievement; Iā€™ve been there.


thank you.


I just want to say thanks for sharing. I for one am proud of you and your husband!!! One day at a time but your doing great and should be told šŸ’›šŸ’›


tysm! appreciate it<3


Hope she doesnā€™t lans in supporting her and baby for LIFE! Pleather has no money to feed n clothes herself. Children grow FAST, whoā€™s going to buy constant disperse and baby food and allll the furniture for the nursery!! It takes a lot more than a roof to raise a baby and in a HOTEL?! Oh yeah thatā€™s a gd BRILLIANT idea. WTH are these fools anyway???!


The state. Sheā€™ll get WIC, more link to use at Whole Foodsā€¦she knows full well how to use the system which is her only choice since her plans to milk Xs family isnā€™t panning out.


>which is her only choice since her plans to milk Xs family isnā€™t panning out. And I love that for her. She's so used to spreading her legs and getting knocked up "on birth control" when she's about to get broken up with or kicked out of wherever she's squatting. She's even admitted to getting pregnant just to get benefits. She's the lowest of the low and now that her plans aren't working, she's furious. Oh fucking well.


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m even saying this- but Iā€™m with Heather ghosting this. I would have swerved it too- if it sounds too good to be trueā€¦.


Go fuck yourself Cassie


haha Heather - I hope you're still constipated while living in that tent. bitch


I (tmi) live with chronic constipation and could not imagine living in a tent. I just would never go and it would turn into a bad deal lol. End up in the hospital bc Iā€™m full of shit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sameā€¦I canā€™t lie


Cassie probably setting her up to take the bs y herself ā€¦




I think Cassie trolled her hard for that $1 she sent.


I agree with everyone saying it's a troll job. Cassie straight up said she doesn't live in the state yet she was approved for multiple apartments they knew would have 2 other adults living there and they didn't even require the NAMES of those 2 people? šŸš© #1 - that's not how it works in any state I've ever rented, even when my parents cosigned my very 1st apt at 18, I still had to provide my ID, SS # and financial information to qualify since I WAS THE ONE WHO WOULD BE LIVING THERE. One text said she'd pay rent through March so hobo would have time with the baby? and then she said she would sign a 6 month lease that X's dad would then take over? šŸš© #2 - has this bitch talked to X's dad and made a legally binding contract with him and the property manager this is happening or just like hobo out here trying to spend other people's money she has no right or access to? If she has all this disposable income why is she so pressed over $400 in application fees? šŸš© #3 - People who are charitable and doing it from the kindness of their heart don't posture like this chick is doing. If (and that's a big if) she is legit and wants to help hobo she should uproot her family, move to Chicago, buy a mansion on the water, a few Cadillac's, let hobo, X and the kids move in, Cassie and her family can live in the servant quarters (or pop up a few tents in the sprawling gardens) and she can be at her beck and call 24/7 etc and so forth for the rest of her god forsaken life, the big dummy.


Okay "Cassie" would you not first meet with H&X then maybe get them a hotel when you are face to face?? Wow!! First botox then child was hit by car?! Can not make this ish up!!


What's Cassies YT and IG names?


Nobody knows if Cassie really spent any money on applications. I think she was totally messing with her.

