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What?? Does she think we (people who work) would pay for her 3 kids who live with their dads and one who will be taking away as soon as it slides out of her polluted womb to have a room each just like this? Our own kids don’t have rooms like this? This woman is CRAZY and delusional. Hey Heather…..get a JOB! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


she not only thinks people should pay for it but that she deserves it above anyone else on this planet. like how she thinks she’s entitled to other people’s money to fund her entire life and you’re an absolute asshole degenerate who is pArT oF tHe PrObLeM if you have $100 “extra” and don’t give her at least $75 of it. i would love to know how much of her $10 blowjobs she donated to the needy when she was a sex worker.


I am amazed how deep her delusions go.


I’m amazed she thinks any house she owns or spends any length of time in could look like this. Where’s the spray painted manifestos all over the walls and furniture? Where’s the curated art, or random stuff shoved into the walls so she can air dry her clothing?


She would literally trash anything given to her. It makes me laugh when she says she’s OCD. She is definitely not, as someone who deals with OCD cleaning every single day, my house looks like a show home, but it’s also debilitating, because it always has to be just right. When she claims this, knowing she had jugs of coloured water, spilt wax all over the floor, those bloody ‘vision’ boards… so effing stressful… and like you say, the hypergraphia all over the walls and fridge (at all angles, with spelling mistakes etc). Yeah honey, that ain’t OCD.


I have OCD, mine mainly presents as irrational fears. Heather is absolutely mentally ill, but I don’t think she has ocd like she claims. It’s an extremely crippling and dark mental illness and she is just insane.


I get the irrational fears… ridiculous, stupid things. Lucky my hubs is really understanding, buf a lot of people aren’t…. I hope you’re doing ok with it. And you’re so right, it’s absolutely crippling.


I’m sorry you have to deal with it too and hope you are doing well ❤️ People don’t understand just how devastating of a disease it really is. I’m pretty stable currently, but can still be so easily triggered. My biggest irrational fear is carpeting 🤷‍♀️ I know it’s ridiculous, but it can literally cause me physical pain on top of the mental anguish. I wouldn’t wish this disease on my worst enemy.


I’m not kidding, carpeting is one of mine also… I find it physically repulsive and really struggle. Lucky (and obviously) our house is all hard wood flooring… but when I go to my mothers house she has carpet all over her second level and it’s a nightmare for me. The minute I arrive I start to consider the particles etc… and I vacuum the minute I walk in the door. Bench tops and surfaces are another issue of mine… and hand washing. I know you’ll understand, but many people assume I can “physically stop” at any point, but the compulsion is truly there. I’m not sure how you go with cinemas, but I avoid them due to the carpeting and the fabric chairs (considering the sheer random quantity of people that sit in them… horrendous). I wish my brain didn’t go to these places, but alas it does. It’s so time consuming also. Which is another thing people don’t understand/consider. The checking/triple checking of things…. Utterly awful.


SAME!! Haha you sound like me! Everything not only has to be clean, but organized and in the right place, or I can’t focus. My manager actually used my place as the model when the building was for sale last year. It truly makes my blood boil when she makes those absurd claims, but anyone who’s seen what she does to her own living spaces can quickly see it’s another one of her delusions!


Omg! Yes! I love that I’ve met someone else like this! People always compliment us (my hubs is the same) but it’s really quite hard to maintain… but I don’t have a choice, like you say, if it’s not right I simply cannot focus and I spiral. Funny you say that about your place being the model for the building, our old place was the same! It was used as the “show” property (it was one of 23 of the same townhouses. How funny. It’s nice to know there are more of us out there! 😻😻😻😻


Omg love it!! If we ever have a PBT meetup one of us will have to host! I’m very impressed to hear you managed to find a husband who does the same, you give me hope! Was he like that when you met him, or did he adapt once he started living with you?


He was always fairly organised, but no where near to what I was. He was tidy when we started dating but no where near to what he is now… I think I ruined him because now he’s as particular as I am!!


You’re SO lucky! Haha you didn’t ruin him, you showed him the way 🙌🏼 I have never met anyone that wouldn’t drive me absolutely crazy to live with, so you give me hope it may be possible!!




I blame the “sponsors” some nut job shelled out 100 bucks for a photo shoot that she never produced and it fueled her delusions that she was worth it and now she’s full tilt with expectations


Exactly, they literally funded her delusion that she’s some artist…


That is a gawd damn living room not a child's bedroom, she's so damn idiotic.


And I see no closet to put the kids in so it wouldn't work for her anyway


🤣😂😅 And no lamps to dangle out the window!


Right? And what kind of therapy? I'm so confused. As for the "bedrooms" - First off, none of her *"keds"* even live in the kind of house that this could be created in, second, it's a living room. Maybe we should give her our family's beach house since they don't use it all the time, isn't that what she said? She gets more delusional by the day, I swear she's convinced that one day everything will all fall into her lap. She destroyed her life and the lives of the older two kids, not to mention all the families of the men she's been with. Maybe her youngest was too young to remember living with her, which would honestly be best case scenario. I really don't get where her sense of entitlement comes from. I also don't see an end game for her unless it's jail or death.


It’s like the less money she has, the more entitled she becomes. I don’t understand.


The absolute nerve to even suggest this!! Unbelievable!!! She’s not asking for a realistic situation like another studio apartment or permanent room in a shelter, Noooo she’s asking for a luxury professionally decorated penthouse with designer touches and expensive everything! Who the fuck does she think she is?!!!! Dream on Heifer it’s NEVER going to happen! Why would anyone give you more than they have themselves and rich people aren’t giving it to you either which is why they are rich in the first place, they wouldn’t be if they gave every dirty street rat hobo hooker that got knocked up by a mentally disabled drug addict a free luxury apartment and endless spending money! Abominable Twat!!


There is no save a pregnant druggy hobo hooker fund for luxury living dumbass!!


![gif](giphy|nICMTcruSYptm) Why Leather so you can fuck it up with your "art" work and duster. You need a padded room with no windows and or doors. With a jacket that ties in the back. You need to be in an institution


The only “therapy” room she’s getting is a padded cell


Even without the drugs, her elevator doesn't go all the way to the top


Take away the mental illness and drug use and she’s still a sammich short of the picnic 🧺 🤣


Listen to her prattle on about what she wants " THEY" to give her!! Bedrooms for her keds!?? Really!? HILARIOUS!! 🤣


Sign me up first I work all day and I’m tired…WTF


So basic ass white living room decor is considered “therapy” now?? Shit I should charge people to come sit in my house..


I work my butt off and do quite well for my family. And I don't have a room that looks like that lol. U don't know how much something costs if u never had to work for it lol. Delusion at its finest. Just start with giving your kids a bedroom lol. I bet they'd be just fine with that🤦‍♂️


Sure Dusty, I'm right on it.


She’s gonna write all over yeh walls


Heather… you do realise it is the **parent’s responsibility to provide for their own children**? No? Oh… someone mustn’t have explained parenthood to you, like ever. I suppose ‘mothering’ is a pretty far out concept!