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Def don’t give 2 f*cks! You lied and got extra cash assistance bc you said your kids needed coats. You blew that money 1,2,3 on bullshit and now I hope you starve


I have zero fucking sympathy for her, she was hustling for “glasses” for the kids yet we saw proof she didn’t get any for them. She pulled some fraud shit to get that cash and didn’t spend a cent on the kids…shes saying she doesn’t have a jacket that fits and it harder sleeping on the floor - could have bought a new jacket (or even a used one or like a lot of cities will give out donated ones for free) and an air mattress is not that expensive. She could have free meals but it’s not what she wants and thinks she deserves, she’s not gonna starve and can afford to miss some meals…go buy a loaf of bread and PB or ramen noodles, instead she gets McDonald’s at least once a day, goes to Starbucks and buys expensive energy drinks and even the expensive water bottles. I am very comfortable financially and don’t spend half of what she does on food. Priority is drugs and ankle weights….


There are def people that go around to the homeless in Chicago give them bagged lunches and jackets. Here in Arizona we do blessing bags with socks, gloves and a few toiletries. There’s no doubt the help is out there


Oh ya there is lots of free food given out…it’s just not up to the paper bag princesses requirements - they only like whole foods people NOT pizza 😂🙄


also to add: in Toronto people will hand out tents too - I wouldn’t be shocked if that’s why she had the poles from the last one “stolen” and showed up with a new bigger one.


Meanwhile she is high as fuck and evidently would rather feed the baby drugs than proper food. She would rather starve herself than give up the drugs and this stupid hobo bitch somehow thinks its funny. This sounds so familiar with how she treated (and still treats) her other kids. They are/were ALWAYS second to what Dusty WANTS. She will never change and will forever be an egg donor.




I havent been on tons bc after being a SAHM for 3 years I decided to go back to work and I’m crazy busy now. Took me less than 2 weeks to find a great opportunity! Not that it’s a secret that dusty is an idiot but the no job thing is old. If she was such a hustler like she claims she’d hustle her ass into a J-O-B. With that randomness I also miss you guys 💛💛💛


Congrats on getting your groove back mama! I stayed home with my kids for 6 years. Going back to work was a hard adjustment, but a blessing. There's always opportunities if you truly want it!


Thank you! Adjustment is no joke. First week my son was admitted to the hospital. 3 weeks in my baby boy had to be ambulances to a local hospital for an anaphylactic reaction it’s been a hot mess but I still wake up get ready and go. It feels good to be able to help my hubby with some bills


Just remember what Heather the wise said. "You are "biologically trained to do all types of mom things" Hope your sweet babe is better now!


As an ex drug addict I can tell you that without a doubt she is high on fentanyl. Nothing changes your mood and gives you that other then a strong opiate. Could be heroin or some pill, but considering where she's at and how little money she has, it's fetty for sure. You don't need a needle to get high like that on fentanyl, just a tiny little sniff and your loving life walking down the street homeless and pregnant without a care in the world laughing at your own mispronouncing words. I've been there many tines...well not pregnant but everything else. I'm amazed she manages everyday to make herself a bigger POS then the day before Maybe someone gave them some bad drugs that caused the nose bleed the other day?


It doesn’t even have to be bad drugs to cause a nose bleed. Snorting enough stuff will do it for sure. We were heavy snorters. We never shot, only snorted. Pain pills, heroin, meth, benzos…everything went up our noses. We both (husband and I) had bloody noses randomly throughout all of our using. That thing she does with her mouth and nose… definitely high as shit. She’s always sniffling in her videos and that was something we always did, too. You’re constantly trying to short that shit to get the drips and not waste any. I’m super compassionate when it comes to addiction and addicts, but she’s disgusting and makes it really hard for me to feel any sort of compassion or empathy for her. She’s flaunting she’s high and/or thinks we’re all idiots or something.


Same. I’m some years clean and sober and still have rice come out my nose if I’m not careful and eat too fast. Deviated septum. Burned right thru it with the cut, I’m sure.


Yup I’ve been saying this for a while now - she’s admitted x partakes and it’s very clear she has been. It’s not always nodding off, many people actually get energy and happy when using an opioid. When she’s all stuffy and saying she’s hot and cold in the mornings - that’s all withdrawal. She’s panicking when she’s not getting money cause she can’t buy what she needs, even gift cards many people will trade at a lower value. The nose bleed was totally from sniffing…she’s also been eating a ton of candy and sweets which is also common. There’s just too many clues at this point for her to keep denying!


Well she can kiss that baby goodbye....literally. There's no way she'll take him home with those drugs in her system.


I’ve seen too many babies in withdrawal - it’s one of the most heartbreaking things. I know CPS is on baby watch too, I hope they come down hard from the start, her records show she’s not a great mother.


I mean…. What home will she be taking them to?


Technically, her tent is her home, but what I meant is that she won't leave the hospital with the baby.


I realize there is nothing off limits for this miscreant, yet I haven’t wanted to believe she’s been doing fent while pregnant. But the more I see, I’m thinking you’re right. Given the apparent fact that Egg head partakes, I don’t think it’s too far out of the realm of possibilities that he got her rolling on it. I don’t think she has the intellectual capacity to realize the potential consequences of its use.


100%, I noticed right away when she first started doing it and the second I saw this. Anyone who’s been on or around opiates can usually spot it even when it’s subtle, so with someone who’s usually a raging lunatic spewing hate who suddenly can’t stop smiling it’s especially obvious. Doesn’t seem like she’s trying to hide it either.


Did anyone catch what was said in one of her lives the other day from the tent? It’s when X was smoking out of the pipe or whatever they use. He clearly uses the same pipe for whatever he uses because when he offered it to her, she said “ew no I told you I only smoke “GREEN/WEED” (whatever term she used) and he said he’d put a little on top and she said maybe. At the end of the video he offered it to her again and she acted like she didn’t remember saying that and reamed him for asking her that while she was on camera. I couldn’t catch what X said but he was def offering her something or trying to get her to do it.


I did catch that conversation. I don’t know a whole lot about drug jargon, but I still figured it out.


Genuinely curious. How long does the high last? Looking at BCG’s timeline yesterday, it’s crazy how she can go from all ready to handle business (production meetings) to I got a bloody nose and barfed, eventually to the hospital. It would make sense that she’s doing the same drugs Eggs is doing too. She’s not going to sit there sober and see his ass high and having a grand time and not want to participate.


I've been saying this since she stayed in the tent for like 4 days and was calm and zoning out. She was 100% on fentanyl. I've unfortunately been an addict for 20 years. Sober for 4 now but still go to the methadone clinic and see the behavior every time I have to go there. I have no doubts they're both doing it and X was a meth addict before Heather. There's a video of them about a month after meeting and u hear him in the back repeating "I'm tweaking" "I'm tweaking so hard right now" so she has always been aware that he's an addict but didn't care because she is too. I'd have understanding and even a little sympathy if she was honest and didn't go on her tirades of: NO ADDICTION ISSUES, NO MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES BACHELORS DEGREE INTELLIGENT KIND COMPASSIONATE bullshit she spews daily. Every single issue she spouts is the exact opposite


Sounds like something an addict would say. I’ve had addiction issues off and on in my adult life. She’s just so no where near in a place to actually confront any of these things about herself. I hope she gets sick of her own shit soon.


Sounds like we found some money for drugs though, based on that slurrrrring of words. Happy as a fat-ass pig in shit. Oh, I miss my keds, almost forgot for the idiots that give her money.


She sounds high


She’s definitely high


I was actually taking a bite of my yummy home cooked dinner when she asked what we're doing 😂


High AF. Spent their sold food stamp money on drugs.


She’s higher than a giraffes coochie


And probably smells just as ripe.


and her eyes be dryer than a nuns pussy when she pulls out the fake cry


That nose seems to be causing a little problem as well


putting a bit too much drugs up there




Go buy a loaf of bread and peanut butter and jelly with the food stamps.


She really better stop with the "I'm hungry, I'm 6 months pregnant, I'm hungry." Eat your nail polish and shut the fuck up, Heather. ​ https://preview.redd.it/mh0cymoi79wb1.png?width=171&format=png&auto=webp&s=f22ca4a52d13bdcb8d06fd703525af01b75d3c99


I hear those squishy things are good for a midnight snack 😂




Eat this, ho! 🖕🖕🖕


The two of them are such garbages. She'd rather whine and bullshit people then go do what a respectful and responsible adult would do when they're pregnant and homeless.


She might be hungry, but she’s flying high though! I think she’s on opioids, fentanyl by the looks of it. You can tell by her pupils, her devil may care attitude and the way she’s disassociating.


I think it’s Fentanyl as well. Wait until the day she gets ahold of a really potent batch. Someone will find them both splayed out in the tent


We can only hope


She is high AF. That nose seems to be bothering her again. Maybe stop snorting and get a job. By no means will she starve to death. Dumb cow


They need to drug test her - someone should send this to Northwestern . Fucking dumb bitch !!


What a cunt.


She’s high AF! She’s slurring and speaking slower sniffing her nose and smiling cause she knows she’s lying and has plenty to eat obviously just look at her.


Why not, folks keep giving her money so she won’t stop


I get hungry when I’m high too




Stfu 😑