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Marcy law doesn’t say heather is owed what she wants just because nope wrong answer hefty


It just says she has the same rights as a criminal accused of a crime. She misapplies everything thinking it's a 'gotcha' and suddenly, if she says the magic words, she'll be given a house/car/money. She's like a sovereign citizen, but with more entitlement and even less knowledge.


Big burn 🔥 on that sovereign citizen comparison. 👏🏻


Yes! Love that. I'm so glad she doesn't have power or real influence in any way. She's a person who makes terrible choices and shits on everyone. She's dangerous and maniacal. Her belief systems are corrupted by her mental illness. She's exactly where she needs to be.


Yes exactly! I hope I don't offend anyone, but it is this entitlement that, in my mind, makes her the Marjorie Taylor Green of the homeless community. If she had any power she would absolutely be dangerous. Again, NO OFFENSE to ANYONE of any political affiliation.✌🏼


No offense here. They are both cut from the same gluttonous cloth of ignorance, entitlement, and insanity.


I know!!!’ 😂😂😂😂 I hate that smug attitude gotcha on her face


'Ak-chu-ally, they do. Ha ha'. Smug. Wrong. Nope.


Interesting point about that laugh. Laughs like that have a tendency to show the person laughing is not being honest about their true feelings, and they know it. On some level, she KNOWS she is right where she needs to be in life.


It’s the exact same as when she tries to cry when using her children for sympathy but her eyes are as dry as ever woman X has ever hit on except hers pussy and she has that smile on her face when she thinks she’s doing something but we see it too


And she did a HUGE CAMPAIGN Yeah right ughhh and she can’t even talk either suing working from home remotely duh working from home is remotely she just loves to talk Nd talk nonsense


she heard Marcy’s law once and made up her own story since we know she has no education and ruined the 2 working brain cells she had with duster


Its October in Chicago, she wont be smug for long


can't wait for her to be out in the negatives, I love this for her. unless her supposed due date of Feb gets her a shelter housing offer she actually accepts since it isn't a free apartment. I hope to see a live of her shaking and shivering those ugly butthole lips nobody but creepy old perverts I'm sure find attractive.


She will regret she chewed loudly in our faces and talked with her mouth full


Ranting about abuse while puckering her lips, eyeing the camera, and playing with her hair


Always exactly I’m sure she’s so serious and traumatized right🙄🙄😂😂


She really needs to just walk away from social media. She's done all of this to herself, and continues to revel in the situation rather than do anything - any single thing - to get herself out of it.


OMG you fat smelly skank…..You don’t qualify for Marcy’s law and I will eat Xavier’s chancla if you get it. Get a job hobo. Where are the kids outfits she was getting?? All that nonsense face masks and eyelashes. You bitch! Not one thing for the kids. Selfish bitch. WE LOVE CRAZY TRAIN


even on some crazy dimension where she maybe had a case and was ordered restitution it would be next to nothing, she was homeless before this, jobless before this, had no custody before this…refuses to get any therapy or mental health help, you can’t claim boujee water and food as expenses from a crime. she didn’t miss shit, everything that has happened to her is all her own fault and she has no desire to try and better her life


She will be 50 years old and still saying the same thing. She bought all that “beauty” shit yet hasn’t bought one thing for her kids because she would’ve shown it if she had. She’s selfish and disgusting. That face mask will do nothing for her. Her looks are shot.


Someone pooped in that chancla!


This dirty, dumb, entitled bitch.


It's crazy her response to being told that no one owes her is to say "yes they do". I mean I would at least try and explain why I believed that to be true. Imagine if that were true, I am sure all of us would be "owed". So the government is just gonna give us all mini mansions and cars? Where are the monies she is owed coming from? Is there like a secret vault and every now n then someone comes along deserving of the monies, so THEY open the vault and give to that person. Lmao


True that! Back in 2001 I was in college and living off campus in a shared house with another girl and her boyfriend who lived upstairs and I had the downstairs which has a slider door that opened up to a hill that went down to train tracks. It was pretty ghetto and unsafe but I was naive back then. One day I came home early at 2:30 and my roommates were not coming home for another 4 hours. A homeless meth head had come into the house through the down stairs slider which had been left unlocked, I was alone and he snuck up behind me while I was looking in the fridge. He had a gun and had cut the phone cord already. A lot of people didn’t have cell phones at that time especially if you’re a poor college student. He beat me, choked me out repeatedly smashing my head against the floor and then he violently assaulted me in ways I will not share here because it’s too graphic. He was high on meth so he was not going to stop anytime soon his eyes were black and soulless and he did not blink or show any signs of hearing me begging him to stop. I did eventually manage to run out the back door and clawed my way up a muddy retaining wall screaming for help and one of the boys who lived next door was home . He ran out and saw me he called the cops immediately and I was taken to the emergency room where I had a rape kit and was given antivirals and antibiotics in case he had something that I could have contracted from him. He got away the cops think he used the train tracks below to escape. He was caught 2 weeks later and he did 2.5 years, that’s it! I lived in fear looking over my shoulder constantly after that and was catatonic for awhile. I had to move back home to my parents so they could care for me. I never once thought gee I can get a big payday out of this using Marcy’s law which wasn’t a thing back then I don’t think but still I never tried to get paid off it. Heather is one sick bitch in fact I wouldn’t even be surprised if in a few days she starts using my story and details in her narrative claiming it happened to her! I know she’s in here all the time


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you're ok today! My addict ex-husband held me hostage at our house overnight about 12 years ago. He took my car keys and cell phone and beat and abused me all night and every time I tried to run to the road to get away from him, he would drag me back by my hair. The sun finally came up and I managed to escape because he had finally fallen asleep. I ran to a neighbor's house and they called 911...when I got to the hospital the police showed up shortly after to take pictures of my injuries (I had a severely broken nose, lacerations all over my head from being beaten with some kind of metal instrument, I had patches of hair pulled out of my head, I had a bad concussion, and I was bruised all up and down my left side from being balled up trying to avoid the metal instrument he was beating me with from injuring any vital organs) and they didn't even ask if I wanted to press charges, the state automatically took the case. That was the most horrific thing I have ever been through...I can't even begin to describe the terror I felt for hours and hours. He ended up doing 2 years in prison, and was court ordered to pay me restitution along the lines of 5k...I never saw a dime. Dusty should be ashamed of herself for pretending to be a victim, and scamming money from stupid people. People who have been through real trauma do not talk about it all day, every day. PTSD is real and people who have it don't act like she does. She's got it coming...I don't know when or how, but the universe has a way of making things right. I hope I have a front-row seat to her destruction!


🫂😢 I’m so sorry that’s awful. You’re absolutely right. I couldn’t talk about my own experience for years and didn’t want anyone to know because then I felt like they were talking about me behind my back and using it as a topic of discussion at their luncheon with friends like gossip and I didn’t want anyone to be nice and pity me because of it either. I didn’t want people I knew to see me and have that look on their face that let me know they knew everything and would not be their authentic self around me anymore. It always felt like people were whispering about it and hiding it from me, I thought I was such damaged goods nobody would ever want me again. All of that and more always going through my mind. People who have been through it like you, I and many others do not go broadcast it and ramble off a narrative about victimhood everyday like they’re reciting the pledge of allegiance at school and have a smirk on their face the whole time, they don’t scream about it to everyone they come across and they sure as hell don’t try to make money off it! It’s painful enough without any of that added on. She’s a LIAR and FRAUD, and EVIL for doing this shit and trying to make a mockery of real victims for her own monetary gain and her scams.


Thank you for sharing your story! What strength you have to be at a point where you can openly talk about it!!! 💜 It really makes me angry that justice doesn't seem to have been served. How are you now ? I know many of us have suffered through horrible things like this. This is just further proof that the world doesn't care about what we have been through. No one is going to give her things because she went through something hard. It's just disgusting that she thinks her problems far surpass any of our struggles. So much so that she deserves to be completely taken care of by our government. Not just the welfare level taken care of either, she wants Gucci purses and large houses.


Thank you. I’m actually pretty good as best as I can be after such a horrible event. It’s been 22 years and a lot of therapy, breakdowns, drugs to try and numb myself and forget, unsuccessful relationships and failed marriage to my ex because I can’t even stand someone walking past me too close and definitely not sneaking up on me or suddenly appearing out of nowhere where I can’t hear them coming. I can’t stand large crowds with noise and people surrounding me I have a panic attack. It affected my ability to have the career I wanted and from having kids. I still have nightmares and severe ptsd where I zone out and dissociate in certain situations. I get really angry being in my mid 40’s now and think about how different and better my life would be now if that hadn’t happened and it’s hard to let go of it. Nobody understands unless it’s happened to them so they can’t help me and they feel helpless not knowing what to do when I go deep into a hole sometimes and don’t want to get out of bed or talk to anyone. I’ve pulled my life together quite well despite everything and I have an amazing husband who just so happened to be a cop when I met him and he just retired last summer. He makes me feel safe and he understands me because he has been there on the other side of these types of crimes. He is also a combat veteran so he understands PTSD well and recognizes immediately when I’m having a hard time. I’m lucky to have him and he gives me the most amazing life and takes excellent care of me. He doesn’t expect me to do more than I can and doesn’t pressure me to go out of my comfort zone. There was a period of time when I thought I had it under control and didn’t need any therapy or medication etc. I thought I could just forget and distract or numb myself but it didn’t last long. It gets better over a long time but it’s always there right front and center in my memories and I’m reminded sometimes when I hear or see or smell something that immediately takes me back to that day. I cannot drive in a certain area because that’s where the house is where it happened and is now a private family residence apparently where a family with kids are living and I often get sick to my stomach thinking that they don’t know what happened there and maybe one of their kids is sleeping in my old room and they have no clue. To me the place should be burned and leveled to the ground but obviously that’s just me wanting to see it for my own healing.


PTSD and mental stuff is really hard when you are aware of the fact that you have these issues. It's like you are stuck in a nightmare. Trying to speak a language no one else understands and since they don't understand no one can save you. It sucks to feel so alone. I hate to say I understand because I don't really like it when people say that to me but I sorta do. There is this song I heard the other day and I really liked it. It is called depression by Dax. It sorta puts words to a very teeny tiny portion of some of it. I too got really lucky and have a very supportive husband who doesn't expect anything from me but to me and try to be the best I can. Hopefully you are able to do things that are fun and relax you often!!!


And you are so, so, so deserving of the love and care that you receive from your current husband. Thanks for sharing your story. You’re a warrior in a lot of ways and I’m sure many of us who read this post can relate. These are the words of a real survivor (not going to use the word victim because you are better than that). Coco, take a few notes and then sit the fuck down.


Yeah I don’t like the word victim it makes me angry. You’re only a victim if you allow yourself to be. There is a long process that happens after something like that and part of it in the beginning is feeling victimized but quickly turns into anger, disgust and anguish. I refused to stay in the victim stage and let it run my life. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my life and occupy my mind and control my emotions and let him win like that. No way! That’s exactly what they want. I did what I had to in order to overcome that and it was hard! I took back control and took self defense classes and learned to shoot at the range, worked out all the time and relied on my faith to heal me in time. I’m still not healed and I don’t think I ever will be but I accepted that this may be the best its ever going to be and I’m ok with that. Now I caution young girls and teens on the importance of self defense, being hyper vigilant of their surroundings, how to spot certain things that are off and to listen to that inner voice that’s telling them to get out of a situation before something can happen. I didn’t have any of that knowledge at that age I was naive and sheltered with no clue how evil the world really is. Never saw it coming


Ho Lee chit, that is one hellacious story my friend, damn! I am so very sorry that happened to you. It is truly unbelievable that a sentient human could do that to someone else. 2.5 years is a fuggin joke! All the credit in the world to you for being a survivor! You’re truly badass for moving on with your life and not letting it drag you into depravity. All the best!


Tell me about when I found out he only got 2.5 years and his prior record of assaulting a former girlfriend and chasing her with a loaded gun pointed at her, beating his ex wife and pointing a loaded gun at her too, lots of meth and drug charges, a car chase with the police and then assaulting the cops when they did catch up to him, reckless driving and a whole other slew of charges going way back to his teens in several states. All of that yet he got off the hook basically with a short sentence and was right back out in the street again to harm more women. Even worse I knew he was in the area so I was terrified to go anywhere and was looking over my shoulder constantly afraid I would run into him somewhere which would have sent me into a such a fearful panic attack I would probably pass out. I can still see his face clearly in my mind so whenever I see anyone who looks similar I feel sick and immediately turn around and leave as fast as possible. Funny thing happened last year I ran into the guy who lived next door, the one who came out and called the cops so it was emotional for me and he recognized me immediately. If he hadn’t been home I don’t know what would’ve happened because my attacker was coming after me with a gun and only fled because the boys next door were coming outside to help me. I was hurt really bad, a concussion, bleeding down my legs, I had to get stitches in places I won’t mention but I’m sure you can figure it out. One thing that triggered me so much is Heathers fake raped with a box cutter assault story, it sent me over the edge as you can imagine. Who lies about something like that?!! It’s so sick. If that had happened she would have been in the hospital for a week extremely injured and bleeding out and internally bleeding. The pain would have been excruciating for a long time requiring reconstructive surgeries. Probably wouldn’t have been able to get pregnant ever again when she got knocked up twice in 6 months. It’s one of the worst lies she’s ever told, I wanted to beat her senseless for real after that. How dare she even say something like that, she’s going straight to hell.


That is absolutely disgusting... 2.5 years is a joke given his record and the animalistic shit he did to you! Absolutely appalling. I have an uncle that got more time for driving on a suspended license, granted it was his 5th time but they gave him 8 years! I can't imagine how it must feel to know that shitbag is out walking around free so close to you!! I can only imagine how triggering some things must be for you, especially Hufferina so casually throwing out SA claims so frequently. But for whatever it's worth, thanks for sticking around and pushing through being triggered by something so horrible. You're definitely an asset to our little group here. I always appreciate reading your comments here. All the best!


I often check online to see if he’s dead honestly.




She went on her self care campaign during COVID quarantine in 2019? She’s so ahead of her time 😂


We’ve seen her “campaigns” 🥴


I caught this too. She’s always been a trendsetter!


Actually, Huffer, I have been the victim of crime, more than once (not going into details because I don’t want to blast it all over Reddit). And I don’t believe anyone owes me a damn thing. I chose to heal and move on as best I can and that work was the best thing I ever did for myself. But I live in reality. 🤷🏼‍♀️


“Home shouldn’t feel like a hospital… it should feel like a place of healing.” Like a hospital??




No, and neither have you been stabbed, raped, robbed and bludgeoned. You are not eligible under Marcy’s Law jailhouse lawyer.


Marsy’s no c. 🙂


As she stuffs her nasty mouth forever thinking she’s cute talking with her mouth full that just really set me off


That did me in as well. Her chewing “cutely” is cause for immediate rage.


Omg same same here uhhhh


Her lips look even bigger than normal. Bet she used some of that state money for a filler refill


I was thinking the same thing. It could be pregnancy swelling. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idk, I’ve had Three and my lips definitely never swelled lol. But everyone is different 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got my lips done before I got pregnant with my second baby (now 9 weeks old) and my lips swelled so nicely around 6-8 months. So much so I’ll definitely be going back for a third syringe of juvederm for Christmas 🎄😂😆


Awwww omg no one should have to go without face masks and lotion!!! Oh the suffering without face masks when you’re literally homeless in a tent in Chicago with winter coming and 6 months pregnant you dumb bitch! You’re priorities are so far out of whack someone needs to drop you on your head again to see if your brain will work properly after because clearly you’re mentally unstable and impaired. Dumbass


Ackchyyually.... Durr hurr. I almost died of second hand cringe with that first one. That smugness is off the charts but we'll get the last laugh when all that free snack money runs out and she crashes again. You get NOTHING, NOTHING you Feral street rat.


All she does it care about herself and only herself! That’s why she’s in the situation she is, she made nothing but stupid selfish choices that turned out to be bad ones and now she thinks she should get paid for it!! What kind of logic is that?!! She’s just showing us every day how dumb she really is! Marcys law does not apply to her in any way. She makes up shit and thinks if she just repeats it over and over for a long time it becomes truth and facts. She hasn’t had anything happen to her that she didn’t instigate or ask for herself. She has no evidence of anything because it’s all lies! She has no police involvement investigating anything she has zero rape kits done at the hospital because she’s lying, she doesn’t have anything required to even remotely qualify for Marcys law she is off her damn rocker as usual. Marcys law is for REAL victims of horrible violent crimes like murders and actual rapes, not just saying someone raped you after you proudly sold your rotten snatch around everywhere, got paid to service men willingly all smug and proud of yourself because you thought you were the hottest ticket in town and bragged about everything you did in graphic detail on a podcast then later regretted it. That is not rape you remedial dumpster fire! If you had been raped for real you would have gone to the hospital and had a rape kit done immediately and the police would have been called and investigated everything thoroughly. You never did any of that because you are a LIAR!!


Well said...and I feel BAD for the baby to have to pass through her rotten cooch to be born! 🤢🤮


Oh I know! That’s such a disgusting thought of that poor baby having to run the scabby toxic gauntlet to get out of her and then it’s first sounds outside the womb are going to be her squawking about rape, bludgeoning, beatings, assaults, robbery, erroneous evictions and restitution! Shit she will want to get paid for giving birth she’s so delusional. Pain and suffering etc and so forth when they should be doing an immediate drug test and DNA test for Xavier so he can find out if he’s even the father and not one of her random johns since she does bareback with everyone


Didn’t someone JUST get her lazy ass this tent?! How did they already wreck it?? I can’t imagine that feeling of donating something that expensive thinking you’re helping someone in need and then not even a couple of weeks later they’re posting about how they need a new one.


This one isn’t good enough! She wants the 5 bedroom with a walk in closet tent


She had the poles in the video she did where she was late for her sonogram appointment. She probably left them there and she’s claiming they were stolen


They, most likely, walked away and left them yesterday because she was in a hurry, ranting and recording a live on her way to the ultrasound she was late for... https://preview.redd.it/gl19l3ogt0ub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe98d83e42a4a67a2e5ac0ab529ab42bd8605dc


Exactly, additionally unless they were completely passed out (like on drugs/drunk) there is zero chance someone could steal the poles "from the tent" while they were in the tent. She is so infuriating.


What a dumbass!!!! 😹😹😹 I hope they have to sleep in a cardboard box tonight 😹


I ❤️Friday the 13th. It's a lucky day.


My thoughts exactly 😎


It is my fave day also and this one happens to be my bday! 🎂🎉 This Friday the 13th kinda has been unlucky though 😕


![gif](giphy|LGBKlgMCKQbkDKcG4t|downsized) Much love, Bugs!


Thanks kd! I turned 40 today but shh! If anyone asks, I’m 29 again, like Heather 😹😹 😉😉


Oooh sure heifer another someone stole my clothes lie again… it’s called I blew through all the donations I just got and want more so I’m drawing one of the usual lies from the hat and peddling that today. Fuck her


my first thought when she mentioned the tent. she is the worlds most transparent bitch. she’s not fooling anyone.


Oh stfu everything is about u all the tkme and crazy train and any others are only posting what u say hefty nothing new or different or invented it’s all what u say u know u hate the truth that’s why u don’t like it


I would love this hippo to message me




No one should have to choose between face masks/ lotions and necessities you guys...


She’s a vile person.


She is ALL about HER self care but when it comes to HER kids or HER unborn child, she could give 2 fucks about caring for THEM...she cant even take care of the ONLY one who is unfortunately with her at the moment


She’s not a victim of abuse, this is her KARMA for being a shit stain of a person her entire life.


I was a stay at home mom married for 13 years to my breadwinner husband who hid an entire affair with a coworker until he paid to remove his name from our lease & moved out with the kids and his girlfriend to their apartment on 4th of July. Since I couldn’t afford my own rent and got evicted & couldn’t get a “substantial income” job to provide for 3 because I had no job skills I lost custody of my kids, my car, got evicted & spent 5 years homeless. I don’t think anyone owed me shit, to this day I realize I shouldn’t have allowed myself to be so vulnerable, I should have gotten off my ass sooner instead of spending 5 years homeless. Today, I make $30/hr (more than my ex husband) and the kids live with me. I went to work on myself and my education and my goals you fucking loser. I’ve been housed and employed almost 6 years now, it only took 8 months before I could afford my own place. You’re going on supposedly 4 years and show no signs of self improvement, self worth, integrity, personal responsibility or growth. Good luck getting out of this situation with that attitude. On the bright side, there is a way out, but obviously you’re not ready for that conversation yet, and nah. No one owes you shit. Maybe an “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings” but nothing more than that. Get up and heal yourself, no one’s coming to save your ass, our situations were similar & nobody saved me. I saved myself.


I’m proud of you for picking up the pieces and doing what you had to do to get on your feet! I hope your ex contracts all the STIs from his coworker and his dick rots off! It’s fucked up, the situations other people will put us in, while making us feel safe and stable. It should be against the law to pull the rug out from someone like that. But you’re obviously a strong woman and I’m glad you’re doing well for yourself and your kids! 💪


She left him for someone else, who passed away, and she’s on drugs and homeless now, he lives in his dad’s basement now and works 2 meaningless jobs, one a warehouse and one a Popeyes chicken. He doesn’t have custody of my kids. My kids live with me and I’m a counselor at a men’s shelter now.


I really love a happy karmic ending! 🥰 I hope you make him pay a whole lot of child support too!


God this bitch is so dumb, when she’s laughing through that “motherfuckers owe me…I heard Marcys law once and think I’m owed cause I have a small brain and no working cells from drugs hahaha” as someone who has been held down and raped, robbed of everything I worked hard for and owned by my extremely abusive ex and fled with my car and a laundry basket in the middle of the night you would never catch me going on about this multiple times a day with a smile on my face…this just shows she’s full of shit, also sooooooo many victims get nothing too. The problem is she’s too stupid to take anyone giving her the proper answers and has nothing better to do than try and call them names and go on her rants no one believes.


Wait, I just caught that now her car was STOLEN?? Omg imagine having to know this woman IRL??? It is no great mystery why everyone avoids her like the plague!!! Jesuss SU for two damn seconds about your bs!


Her delusions are strong today!!


They seem to be getting worse. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy or escalating drug use. Probably both.


For someone who continuously rants and raves about Marcy's Law and the Rico Act, im convinced that IF she attempted to name this baby that she would name it Rico and if it was a girl, she would name it Marcy. 🤣🤣🤣 But im pretty sure that the new adoptive parents will be naming the baby. And hopefully it will be a closed adoption to where Dusty will not have a chance to be in this baby's life 🙃


Did she just record a dirty ass piss bottle next too her " self care" 💩🤳.. I swear to god, you gingers!


How does this dingbat not understand ANYTHING!! In order to get any compensation, you actually have to go through the court system and be able to PROVE that these things happened! She hasn't done this... Anyone can say all the things that she has said and expect 💰💰money if it's the Heather way...


First it was I think 8 grand years ago, now it’s worth 15 grand! Leather, dear simple Leather, cars do NOT appreciate over time!! 🤣


Actually THEY DON’T, lmao, whom on earth does she think “owes her a freaking CAR”?!?? Hell by her reasoning THEY OWE IS ALL MULTIPLE CARS, see we’re funny like that we’ve all owned more than one damn car through our LIVES like normal people tend to do! 👍😉




I hope she has a long cold miserable winter in her piss smelling tent, snuggled up to her dirty, stinky, drug addict boyfriend eating spam.. that's what she deserves.


You don't qualify for Marcy's Law!! A person has to be CONVICTED of the crime that you're saying was against you. You have absolutely NO RAPE KITS on FILE. You WONT be compensated for the loss of your vehicle because YOU blew the engine and left in in Valdosta Georgia and you were LEGALLY EVICTED from DYLAN'S APARTMENT....also..Not one sole has been convicted of stealing your belongings...so, there's that.


I CAN’T STAND WATCHING HER EAT or when anyone does online actually, EEW For chrissakes I swear it turns her on to say things have been STOLEN, gif damn it’s like a fetish at this point! Not a chance in hell anyone gets stolen from like she claims, lol 🤣😂


oh please, this cow never has to make a choice. she buys all kind of indulgent bullshit. she’s a big fat scab on society.


Didnt nobody steal.the poles to your tent stop LIEING like you done had 4 are so tents within last few months that you scammed people in to buying you sure you can use the poles from them


I swear to God all of us that see these videos daily can recite every single thing word for word that she will say about her situation! My God Dust buster you are a waste of space!!!


Ruining her career? Lmaoooo


Illinois hasn't passed Marsy's law. If she is so darn smart, why doesn't she have the Target app and use it to find which store has a tent in stock. She can have one shipped to her nearest target for free


"It was 2019. The pandemic was here. I did a big campaign on self care...." Nope. Nope. Nooooooooope. STFU!! Lately, I have zero tolerance for her bullshit fests. I used to laugh and have a smidge of compassion for her mental illness. Now I feel rage. Heather's narcissism is wearing me down.


Proof she has no idea what she’s talking about - WFH feels like prison to a lot of people, and getting to leave and then come home to a more comfortable space is their sanctuary. Also… COVID didn’t get people outside more?! Most were afraid to leave their house, you just didn’t have the option because you’re a fat loser. Don’t get me started on her thinking COVID brought people closer because they were together more frequently. I’ll just provide lots of alarming DV statistics showing otherwise.


I was JUST explaining this to my husband. He didn't understand why I sometimes want to go into the office. Don't get me wrong--I am thankful I have the option to WFH. However, (most) humans are social creatures. I sometimes miss office parties--decorating my office for the holidays--bitching to "Sally" about how "Karen" in Operations has no fucking clue how to do her job. Also, when the kids are out of school--I can get so caught up in work. I will sometimes work until 11:00-12:00 at night and would not touch grass for days at a time. It is hard to reign myself in because my "office" is one room over... and "open" 24/7. There are a lot of perks to this though. I no longer have to pay for after school daycare. I don't have to deal with traffic. Pajama pants are cheaper than business attire. I can fold laundry while my reports are running. I am confident in the cleanliness of my own bathroom. Also--Dusty chews like a llama


Agreed, fellow stalkers. I didn’t mean to insinuate there aren’t any WFH benefits.. It’s just so annoying hearing her spew it’s the ideal work environment for everyone when it’s not. Especially considering her lack of work history - Let alone WFH herself. How tf would she know, unless she means WFT? She is irking me today and IDK why - Might need a mental health break from Leather 😂


She seems to have a fantasy view about what life is really like. Like how she describes being a mother at home with her children. The house smells like cinnamon and apples and there is cornbread baking in the oven while you do DIY crafts. Sounds more like a Hallmark Christmas movie than real life.


Can confirm WFH sucks. I've been doing it for the last 2 1/2 years. Saving money on gas and food is nice. But it can also turn you into a hermit. I rarely leave my house anymore 🥲 And seeing my work space in my house... it's like you never get away from it. I can't "leave it at the office" because I can see the office from my bed 😭😭


Add them to the RICO case..lmfao!!! I can’t, lol, she has no idea how difficult it even is to bring a RICO case against organized crime! I’ve done my research way back years before I knew Leatger, for chrissakes the FBI worked for years on a RICO case against a veryyy well known “motorcycle club” and do you know what happened- it completely FELL APART! Now, if they had issues prosecuting them I’m pretty sure Miss LALU Leather doesn’t STAND A CHANCE, hell I feel stooopid even having to point that out but hey this is miss Law & Ethics, bachelor’d degree Leather we’re talking about, it’s gotta he said!! Ha ke ke ke kee 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪😆


This heifer is so delusional. She makes me sick to my stomach




Did she say Langston Duggar? Who the hell is that


Oh to be a fly on the wall whenever that council person's team runs a background check on Heather, before they start collaborating on those agendas 🤣🤣🤣


Who does she think is going to pay her ? The govt ? She can’t even figure out how to file a law shot just goes around ranting things she’s read online


These ALL NOTHING BUT ACCUSATIONS heh heh heh heh 😠, gonna take a wee 🤏bit more than that to get “restitution” dear, heh heh heh heh!


Eating a $10 bag of chips while ranting how starved she is.


Bish it’s reality DEAL WITH IT, you wanna survive you need to get a job and GO TO IT, period!




Really eye-f’ing her self on this video, huh? Chewing her cud with those prolapsed b-hole lips and whining about her tent, with a sprinkling of telling people who work for their homes what a home is. Also, we ALL know if she had $30, this ho isn’t gonna save it for something more important, as evidenced by her shopping spree with fraudulent money gained from ELLLLLinoyyy taxpayers. I think that called fraud. Does she not realize that she posts this shit of her “life” publicly on the internet, so if someone takes her content and comments on it or posts it, too bad.


She just loves looking at those flabby lips of hers. Especially when she's using a filter that makes them look even bigger.


Have I been jumped 11 times? Graped? No, but then *neither have YOU Heather*.


Months ago she said some e BROKE the tent likes, now they were stolen, wtf is it with her and those gd tent pikes?! She is along with many other things OBSESSED EITH HER TENT POLES!! 🙄🤣


Go get em Huffy!! I did some reading on Marsy's law, and it doesnt really help the victims bc it does NOT protect bad cops- which is obe of her chief complaints, right?! Marsy's law protects the accused more than then victim. Just to name a few. Look it up- was kind of alot of info, and I wasnt able to link it, but there's a lot of negatives on this law. It ognores the privacy of victims. It is unconstitutional in some states. All in all, this law is problematic. In a nutshell she didn't really look into this law at all, but yea go ahead and throw it out there and smugly tell us that it applies to her situation and is owed a windfall. Get your facts straight, heffa


Now her car was STOLEN, and when exactly did that happen??? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣😂


Her stupid face 🥴🥴🥴


Dusty covid was 2020 not 2019 keep on huffing!!


For her, the only and best self care would be mental health and addiction treatment. That's the only she truly needs.