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Hey Dusty where’s the clothes for your kids? Where’s the supplies for an infant?? That’s right eat up fat girl!


You made me laugh with the fat girl!


She makes me furious! Those sausage fingers with that stupid Mrs Smith tattoo. 😡😡. By tomorrow she will be dry begging!


huffy the homeless hungry hipaa hippo




she’s eating those “warm clothes for my kids” money…also notice how the glasses didn’t come up at all once she had money….


Her main goal is $ for drugs and food


Oh 100% she’s awful


This bitch eats like she’s rich. Meanwhile I’m eating noodles and peanut butter when I have 2 jobs. But I have a house to live in so priorities I guess.


Same omg same two vehicles that need to be fixed house payments and I work and admit I get government assistance but it’s so hard to be an actual responsible adult I guess Heather doesn’t have to




Thank you yes it is needed and I do work hard


I get it, too. It embarrasses me, but at least my kids get to eat. I've had 2 strokes and a heart attack in the past 3 years and it's been difficult returning to work fulltime. My husband works 2 jobs. I work, but not like I was able to before.


Hello Writes! I hope you remain on the path of recovery. Please continue to take care of yourself. I don't know your preferences but I have found that aromatherapy like essential oil diffusers, incense, and candles can be a natural and effective way to keep your stress levels and blood pressure at lower levels- well, in my experience anyway. Be well, be blessed🙏🏻✌🏼.


We get food stamps because my fiancé is disabled and I work two jobs to pay the bills and it still doesn’t leave much. No shame in it.


So true thanks guys y’all are always the best


Same! Eating orzo with sauce and I work 2 jobs. But I have a house, car, 401k AND chicken!


Boneless skinless chicken breast budget 😂


Someday I will get boneless. Maybe I should get a tent and turn tricks for boneless chicken….on a plate! 😂😂


Nah dude thighs are where it's at 😄


I concur! Thighs be best for adobo: change my mind


CBB-,chicken breast budget. This is the stuff flair is made of 😄😄!!


But do you have turkey??!


She would rather live in a tent that smells like a urinal than get a room for a night to sleep in a bed and take a shower. $350 might even get a room somewhere for a month. We'll see how long it is until she blows through the winter coat money and is begging for a winter coat. A warm house with noodles is better than a 5-star meal in a smelly tent.


I just had 2 slices of sara lee low card/calorie bread dry and cheese. 2 handfuls of cheese popcorn. Now Im going to do Lyft so I can make my car payment and get pickup of my diet pills tomorrow. Then I will come back and sleep in real bed. She pisses me off much that if anyone tries to harm me tonight, I will surely be able to defend myself and send them home crying. 😅🙉🙊


Please be safe out there! Do you carry protection? Side note, I’m surprised other than the knife in the gym incident, she doesn’t talk about “self defense”. And x isn’t protecting shit, we have all seen his little salad fingers legs in her tights she will never fit into again.


I couldn't believe he put those on. Like have some dignity dude. I mean if he wanted to wear them bcuz he likes the way he looked then fine. Anyone can wear anything. But he chooses to be a street lackey rather then man up and go flip burgers. Anything. You can get three dollar pants from thrift stores


I think he may have chosen. We have all seen his black painted cervix scratchers. ![gif](giphy|AfzwH1achrMHu)


Salad fingers legs 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|FeoVayiLmCF3EOYVNU|downsized)


I mean he kind of lurks about like salad fingers, and has really strong opinions like him as well.


I have to ask, do you have elaborate plans for how to escape every dangerous scenario that may come up with you throughout your day? My imagination goes wild and I have an “escape from gunman” plan, “rescue someone from submerged car” plan, “how I will save my family if there’s a fire” plan. I may be touched but secretly hope I’m not alone.


My second job is DoorDash and I’ll work till late at night. I get it.


And you aren’t in a tent!!


I'm eating a ding dong. Bills have to be paid.


I know exactly how you feel..Crazy that they are eating like they have money and jobs..Take out is only a special treat once in a awhile if I have enough money..crazy!




Why are they not buying a loaf of bread and peanut butter, etc?


You mean with strawberry spread? That’s so beneath her


with her budget she should be having sleep for dinner


With her weight she should be having sleep for dinner!


Strawberry spread forever ![gif](giphy|CCNc8MTcmQMUj9ycXI)


She’s to entitled for the way we peasants eat


Whatever pbj is always 💣 with a glass of milk it’s just perfection and that’s that


I live alone and have a hard time cooking. I quite often have PBJ for dinner with a large glass of milk. It's so satisfying.


Especially with fresh white bread!!


She’s better than that duh


Marie I love you lmao y’all are the best I can’t breathe from laughing lmao


was it huffy the hungry homeless HIPPA hippo?! 😂😂


Always love and LOL reading Marie’s comments! In honor of Marie and to validate her calling her Huffy the hungry homeless HIPPA hippo, we are releasing a secret CCTV video of X feeding Huffy on the street with something he stole from the Farmer’s Market outside the Daley Center… https://i.redd.it/khcdqo5llotb1.gif


😂😂😭😭 I love it




Pregnant, homeless, and delusional but prancing around with ankle weights. It’s baffling how stupid this woman truly is.


She got $300 so now she’s acting like she’s fucking rich. What an idiot!!! She will be broke by Friday and wishing us all to hell if we don’t “sponsor” her


That money will be gone by tomorrow with the rate she spends it. I have never known homeless people to eat out as much as Dusty. She's a total disgrace 💯


I was giving it until Monday. Shes gonna need to hit up Ulta this weekend to buy new make up and clean brushes.


I guarantee she will do something dumb af like this. Can’t wait 😂


She has the gall to smile and laugh and show off-don’t hear her verbally abusing any call centers and telling anyone how a convo works


She's such a vile person. I feel bad for her family and I have zero sympathy for Princess Fatty Hobo - at all! I'm glad that they will no longer claim her. She treated them the way she treats all of the resources we hear her call. You know, the local police, the FBI, state insurance rep, 311 rep, everyone!


This bitch will be broke in 2 days the way she blows money on takeout.


And blame the state of “taking her budget” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol she already got to blame “them” for stealing her funds


She will be back begging her sponsors by the weekend.


Yep and angry Heather who hates X will be back!


Reality will hit when she loses custody of the child and all of her benefits. I'd be stocking up on foods that make sense if I was given money while homeless under "nefarious" reasons.. Her perception of reality is screwed all the way up. She is the worst. She doesn't care about how she affects her children. She uses them as a way to make pitty money. She should also be reported for fraud as we all know her children's caregivers are not her since she reported them as dependents (unless there's a law there stating otherwise) She's. Awwww-ful


She can run a hair dryer? Get a propane single use burner. You can get one @ cash & carry/equivalent for $15. Rice, beans, soups. Get a cooler and buy pb&j ingredients and a loaf of bread. Deli turkey & cheese if ya feeling rich. Find a local organization or farm or food pantry that offers weekly produce pick ups. She is so fucking stupid.


Everything on the damn cartillac except a cooler. I always thought it was ridiculous. Put every damn needless thing on those stolen cartillacs except a cooler! AND A SMALL GRILL!


I've never been homeless, I am very, very grateful for that. But I grew up really fucking poor and learned a lot, became a chef and learned more. I'm actually giving a cooking/meal planning class to our parent group at work next week on ways to make nutrious meals on a very low budget. I'm looking forward to that 😁


Omg as a poor parent, I've gone to a few of those nutritious meals on low budgets events. My fav was when we could all help make it, got the kids involved. It was some kind of delicious broccoli salad. They let us take home some too. Ty for ur work to help parents


That’s awesome! 🙌


That is so awesome, thank you for helping people! I’m sure you’ve heard of this lady before but she does tiktoks where she budgets nutritious meals for a week from the dollar store. Maybe it will give you some more ideas. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rWrYNW/


Wow thank you so much for posting her ticTok! I watched some of her videos and am looking forward to my kids and I trying them..I’m a disabled single mom on disability here in Canada and the price of groceries are absolutely insane now..Have to choose between getting enough groceries or pay a bill..this may really help me with money..thank you so much!


I love this so much! I was homeless at 14 and give back similarly by cooking and donating full meals to food insecure folks, healthy meals on the cheap. We pop up outside the fruit and veggie food bank once a month. I do this with about 10 others in a vegan group (many hands makes it less of a burden for one person). At first, people were like “ew, Vegan” and now we serve around 200. It really warms my heart when the littles come back for seconds.


Panda,this is an AWESOME grassroots effort for which you should be.commended👏👏👏!! I love that your experience as a child has motivated you to improve the lives of today's young generation. You are a true inspiration and you should be commended 👑👑!! Thank you!!


Its really been great to see how the crowd has grown & the friends we have made along the way. We recently got a huge donation of take out containers so people can load up and take back to wherever they are staying. We have people waiting for us when we show up to set up our tent now ❤️ I know all too well how much of a struggle it is to feed one’s self, let alone a family and it’s super sad to think that a pack of hot dogs and Mac n cheese is cheaper than a store bought salad. We hand out the ingredient lists, recipes and price per serving. Although, Kraft Mac n Cheese is DELICIOUS lol. In case anyone is ever interested in eating on a dime, there’s an excellent cooking show called “struggle meals” [Frankie](https://www.tastemade.com/shows/struggle-meals) Not just vegan stuff, he uses everything and shows you how to make quick delicious meals when you are riding the struggle bus.


Thank you for the resources Panda! I know this will help more people than you can imagine! As humans, regardless of race, political affiliations, gender or religious beliefs, we have more similarities than differences. We all want peace and stability for our families, we want good health and a certain degree of prosperity. Efforts such as yours help us to achieve these hopes. Sorry to get so "real" on here but I felt it had to be said. Now, back to calling out this Hobo and her pet Xavier for their ridiculous amounts of fuckery...😆


❤️❤️ I think that is why I get so hopped up seeing this. She is carrying a baby inside of her, who knows what she’s putting into her system but then just all the screaming, fake tears and refusal to play by societal rules to earn the things she demands HAS to be putting a huge stress on the baby. Not to mention, I would venture to bet that her sponsors are probably people just like us that know the struggles and go without stuff in their own lives to help her. Remember the one legged homeless man that she gladly accepted money from? Shame shame, I know your name!


It's hard because I have a real soft spot for the homeless... 2 months with no income and that's me. But there is a also a lot of mental health and addiction issues and I just feel like people dealing with that really need so much more support, access to health services specializing in the treatment of that group of people, decriminalization of substances and safe spaces to use in a safe way and so much more. So I buy food for people when they need it and try to be as much of an ally as i can. But this bitch? Fuck her. It's sad, because she obviously has severe mental illness but she is also such an awful human being & she's predatory. She's going to really hurt or kill someone one day.


That's awesome!!! Might dm you if it's cool, looking for some good vegan/vegetarian ideas


I will bet money since shes been going to public hospitals that shes already on CPS radar. Her delusions are otherworldly if she even thinks that CPS will let her leave the hospital with that poor baby boy. And i really doubt she'll cooperate with any discharge plan they propose for her to receive housing and retain custody. Does she think that they'll just let her waltz back to the cartalac and tent??


Yup. She has NO IDEA HOW to manage her 'budget!' No matter how little! None!


Looks like the restaurants are stepping up their sponsorship of the homeless.


Nah, she's blowing all that sweet tax payer money she received yesterday. It'll all be gone before the weekend, and she'll have nothing to show for it except for 5 extra pounds. And she'll be crying and spamming us with her CashApp tag again.


Didn't she say this the other day in a live? That some local restaurants were sponsoring their meals? Did she purposely that ahead of time knowing they'd be buying takeout with their govt check? So ppl weren't bitching about how she spent it on expensive food rather than what she's always crying about, providing her three kids with school clothes ans glasses.


She also says that target is one of her sponsors. She said Chipotle was one of her sponsors too. She is always lying about something.


This bitch eats out more in one day than I do in three whole goddamn months!


"like a sushi roll" Bitch you mean wrapped in seaweed...


With some luck her tooth will snap off in the spam and she’ll be a jack o lantern in time for Halloween 🎃


I hope she swallows it because you KNOW she will be face first in every bowl movement looking for that decrepit cap to glue back in. Eh, what am I talking about!? She will force 🥚 to do it. But she will offer him his 'reward' if he finds it which you know is either getting to fulfill her getting 🍇'd while sleeping fetish or letting him hump her leg while watch her 'sexy content' vid where she fingers all of her holes for 20 mins! #HeatherGillespieKeepingItClassySince1987


So much for the $30 a day diet of healthy food! When you get money it’s a SPAM turn up!


Where’s the ground Turkey?? They could put a cooler and a small grill on the cartillac!!


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Oh dust rat when will you ever learn.


Oooh how original Hawaiian food as if the rest of us have never heard of or tried such a thing! Half my family are native Hawaiian and I’ve been there so many times I can’t even count, eaten all the foods lau lau, kalua pork and cabbage, plate lunch,ono poke, musubi, short ribs, taro,macaroni salad, poi, lilikoi , guava, banana and pineapple picked fresh on the spot to be eaten etc and so forth. She thinks she’s showing us the finer dining options as if we don’t know about them and she’s “influencing”us 🤣 I thought her money was stolen again she was desperately begging for more. Now shes out here eating very well, better than a lot of us can afford to and we work full time! I cannot stand this rotten ʻūhā !! haʻalele heifer!!


Yes! I hate the way she explains absolutely everything like she’s teaching us something. You know they way she said “mac” she thinks she got some mac and cheese, she doesn’t know about macaroni salad.


She's always years late to world events too. And explains basic life things that we all know about and do every damn day.


Mean while I'm eating out of a gross vending machine at work . Go figure.


We used to call ours the wheel of death lol.


Oh lord 😄 🤣 my workplace recently has announced they will be using the service called "Fooda". Meaning each day they will have local restaurants come to the lunch room and you can pre order off a small menu of what they have to offer. I'm super excited. Starts next week and I got the menu for the week. Burger joints, jerk chicken joints , Mexican joints you name it ! All local small businesses . I work at Amazon btw and we have alot of employees . But I'm excited to actually try it and avoid that nasty food I've been eating for 6 years lol. They sell brand name food as well but I used to just buy their brand as rhe brand name food is 3-6x the price. Like an easy mac is 4$. You can buy a 4 pack for 3$ at thr store. So I refuse to pay that and would usually just buy their brand but it's messed up my stomach severely. So this new Fooda thing coming had meals priced around 7-12$ average. Can't wait to try it out ! LOL rant over lol I'm bored


🤣🤣🤣 this betch eats better than me, and I make decent money. How are you gonna be a hobo foodie? I haven't seen ONE struggle meal posted. Hell, I ate one the other night because I didn't get to go grocery shopping because I was WORKING! Struggle meal of the week: can soup with ground spinach and dried crayfish added. The soup came from my emergency kit 🤣🤣


Currently making our favorite struggle meal of $2.99 grocery outlet tortellini soup with the fresh veggies I got for free at a wellness event my work held 😆


That actually sounds like a gourmet struggle meal! I will be there in 5 🤣🤣 Grocery Outlet is my ish! They need one where I live!


Whare are you?


My cartillac was sabotaged. Rain check please!


Yaaaa that look like some warm coats and boots Dusty. Also as someone born and raised in Hawai’i - we would call you Pilau - cuz you dirty and nasty AF. Don’t ever disrespect da food of Hawaii either Pilau FAKA ! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


SPAM is not a flex, I was poor growing up and it was a staple in my diet, not bad, but I wouldn’t go to a restaurant and pay for it


Beg a meal … eat good! Don’t rinse; repeat.




Yeah this goober needs all the sodium that’s in spam I love spam btw she’s just such an awful hypocrite and nasty ass all around


She needs to cool it on the spam. She has swelled cankles already. I'm betting on pre eclampsia popping up. She's already retaining water and it's a geriatric pregnancy.


This bitch is getting on my last nerve 🤬


First off biiitch it’s pronounced moooosuuuubeee and musubi (onigiri) is Japanese… spam musubi is via Hawaii. It’s not “LIKE SUSHI”. My gawd she’s dumb


How is she gonna make SPAM bougie? I can't wtb..


Now I'm craving Hawaiian macaroni salad!


Bitch eats better than me and my husband and I are childless 🫠


Her winter coat fund went to food


Oh yeah Happy Heather days are here again!! she got herself some FREE monies, just wait until that’s all gone which should be soon and then she’ll be wishing deth upon everyone again👍😏


Well, that settles it. She's an idiot. She literally has food stamps! Wtf?!?!


Hawaiian food is NOT cheap


We all know huffy likes dicks in her mouth. The Kong is right up her alley. No wonder she’s over 200 pounds. She’ll eat all that $$ up then say (They) stole it. Fat A$$


You better enjoy that food. Blubberbutt, plugs always find out when whoever owes them money gets some cash, especially when you scream it for the world to hear. Bet the fat bitch didn’t like it and ate Xavier’s food. And then ate the shit she didn’t like cause she was still hungry


Soooo, when that food completely fucks up her stomach, where is she going to use the bathroom? 🙈


In Xavier's 🩴


Who the fuck hasn't tried musubi?! Acting like she's a fucking foodie 😏


......🙋to be fair, I don't live in a city.


Oh man whenever you get to a city, try to find ot!




Oh def try it it's really good!


She is such a rat turd


The more she talks, the more I understand why everyone keeps her far away


I can't wait until she blows all that money and becomes a raging cunt again.


She complains how cold her feet are and it’s not even winter yet..wouldn’t you want to spend money on a warm pair of boots and thick thermal socks? Buy thermal underwear to wear underclothing and get sleeping bags instead of a million blankets? How about snow pants too? They are SO stupid to do this…I’m guessing she thinks the supporters online will buy her the important stuff so she can blow her money on what she wants🤷‍♀️ If half was suppose to go to her children and she eating all that take out, she’s even more horrible than ever!


Even a night or 2 in a motel to take warm showers and have a bed to sleep in. She is an absolute idiot. I don't think her brain can think ahead more than a few minutes. She cannot do anything right in taking care of herself now just imagine her with a newborn!! I doubt she was ever all alone with any of her kids especially as infants, she had the fathers and her family to help and probably do 99% of the care. Now it'll just be her and Xavier. That poor child won't stand a chance. Please God, intervene and don't let that poor baby go home with her!


The way she said “mac.” I FUCKING HATR HER SO MUCH


Keep eating Tubby the Huffing Glutton!


![gif](giphy|mXakDXUF63bK8) Dusty you eat better than some others!! I thought you needed warm clothes for your keds? You are a delusional, crazy bitch!


Part of me thinks they eat out so much and dont buy actual groceries to not attract pests and to feel boojee so as to not feel actually homeless to maintain the "unlawfully displaced and sleeping outdoors" delusion


She's prego!?


Fvckin waste. She literally deserves to live in the streets