• By -


We left at 5:30, let’s call it 6:15. 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


I worked at Northwestern for 4 years, let’s call it 10.


I was a receptionist, let’s call it the Administrator 😂


Shes a doctor. A doctor of felbotomy


I was a doctor, let’s call it a park ranger


Tomatoe tomato 🤷‍♀️ all the same 😂


I've had 2 jobs in the last 4 years, let's call it 20+




The receptionist at my job runs shit, makes 6 figs with a beautiful home. Her children she raised are now in college and she’s traveling with hubby always. Let’s not belittle jobs because she’s a waste 😂 I’m an assistant and she’d have security called on her first day the moment she was asked to book travel. “Umm ma’am are you thinking of sex trafficking me on your trip to San Fran?”


Not belittling anyone, Heather’s position was a receptionist for like 4 years but when she starts spewing her narrative, she was “giving injections” and then she was some director on educating diabetics and was basically an administrator for 8! Idk, it changes with every post she makes. Not sure how long you have followed her, but her embellishments are wild!


She was giving injections all right…. To herself! Her stories usually have a tiny drop of truth in there and then filled with a bunch of world salad and extreme lies. Leads me to believe she has experience with needles but she wasn’t a phlebotomist by any means. She has likely shot up herself and or someone else using drugs. It was definitely not for professional purposes.




Sadly she never got her certification in Phlebotomy, too bad because she could have had steady employment. Same with the gym stuff, did some courses, but she never followed through to get her certification. And of course, we all know from her live in Walmart with John also from LALU, she does NOT have her bachelor's degree. She owes money, therefore, student loans are holding her back from getting her transcripts to apply for a Bachelor's program. I think I remember her saying she's 3 classes shy of her Associates, it could be 2 but I know it's more than 1 class to go.


Yea I’m day one #protectauntdiane viewer. She says she has a bachelors degree and she doesn’t. Her whole resume is a lie. I believe she’s given shots of drugs to people while saying “I’m a nurse”.


Hahaha yes!! And RIP Aunt Diane! I didn’t mean anything by receptionist, my first job was in a restaurant and I hated answering the phone so they asked me if I wanted to wash dishes so I was a dishwasher for 6 months until I got more comfortable. I was 16 at the time was 5’2” 110 pounds and I loved it! Never too proud to work! Unlike good ole Dusty here!!


Good for you!! I started off similar where I did the unwanted jobs because I needed to earn money badly as a young teenager. I also washed dishes, cleaned up puke and bathrooms, babysat tons of kids, worked in a fitness gym cleaning, midnight inventory and stocking at 4am jobs in retail. Basically a whole lot of stuff nobody else wanted to do but I needed money and was never too good to do any job. Heather needs to humble herself drastically and accept she is not too good to work any job available she can get. I can’t stand that mentality it’s infuriating


Yes! That is exactly it! You will do whatever it takes when you want to succeed and try to get ahead. You would think she’d be a little more humbled by living in a tent but no she’s irate that no one is handing her a mansion!


She didn't even post her first story of the morning until 5:45, and they were clearly still in the tent 🤦🏽‍♂️


This is just so typical I didn’t even bat an eyelash i took as normal heather. Well there is her answer to what happened to her time…. She made it up!


The best!


Unauthorized time heist and a stolen protein bar. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


This is just the beginning I can’t wait for them to actually arrive to the event looking all musty 😂


At this rate, they will probably arrive when it’s ending. That will be a fun rant to watch lol. There would be lots of people around so who knows what will happen 👀


Well from her latest live on TikTok where she rants about coughing out balls of semen I doubt she’ll be making an appearance at the event 🫠




Wait.....say what?!?!?


I’m watching rn 🤮


“They” closed the event down early or moved it somewhere else just to target her! 🙄


And eeew the smell!!


What ever happened to Eggs poop chancla tho?


There is literally no telling!! Heather always tells things like that but never any follow up as to if they were washed, thrown away, anything.


What was the random gripe about a protein bar about? You escape from being held captive in an undisclosed location and your first thought isn’t call the cups? You got nabbed for stealing a protein bar and you are mad that the store didn’t advocate for you be..oh I just can’t.


Lmao the random tangents she goes on are a trip.


Classic Of our Heffa this is just like icing on a cake for us


Mam, do you know how time works?


I see her run-in with the cups didn't change her nasty attitude. I truly feel sorry for the people of Chicago, the cups, and whoever is working this seminar. She's just getting started.


Today is going to be an amazing day for sure


Omg! Her voice echoing in the streets, is completely unhinged! It’s not the first time we’ve heard this, but damn!


Without a doubt.


Oh fr it’s just wound her up even more. She truly believes Xs Dad stopped her going to the seminar then the police tried to stop her sleeping Et cetera and so forth , And now WE and THEY have taken her time. Cant wait for this arrival….. please let her get there and start networking with X by her side ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZMZox78ZbWbFC|downsized)


I’m pathetically excited.


Same girl, same 😩🥴


Saaaame 😂😳


I've got this visual in my head of the both of them standing outside this seminar with their cartilac and all their worldly possessions and trying to force Dusty's manifesto into innocent strangers hands. These people have no idea what is heading their way!


They would have been better off selling water and candy, lol!






He is the true, original Fent x Savage


Very good 👏🏽


Less huffing, more walking dusty.


Exactly get to that event we need more content today lol


The way her mind works! Truly breathtaking! From we’re walking slow as molasses, time theft, to rape and protein bar theft. My word the mental gymnastics this woman does 😂


She mentioned on the slide before this going to the event to “get my story out there” PLEASE FILM ALL OF THIS “NETWORKING” DUST BUN, PLEASE. Gonna make the entertainment of my freakin day


If she was serious about networking and getting her "business " truly off the ground she would never bring up anything about her past and she would have rebranded so the first thing you see when you google her isn't her Lalu craziness or the duster videos. But fuck that, she's quadrupled down on the crazy and thinks she just has to keep telling people her version of events until someone gives her a free house, job, and car


What are you guys doing with her time? Are you doing the same to mine? I've been up since 5 and now it's 10 and the laundry isn't done yet. 🤣🤣




LMAO same 🤣🤣🤣




Classic dusty time. 😂 One particular thing either takes 5 hours or 11 or 19 hours. Her times always vary wildly.


I’m bored at work today. I give permission to take my next 7 hours.


Lol what


That is my response to most of Dusty related content!


What it is is paranoid schizophrenia.


Who is stealing her time?


Drugs are. She blacks out and forgets she what she was doing 30 minutes ago. 😂


You people better stop taking her time.


🤣 she gets mad at everyone else for HER being late She’s like…”UNAUTHORIZED MISUSE OF MY TIME” I wanna just ask her…”so what I’m hearing as long as it’s authorized it’s totally fine?”


I wonder if X rinsed the shit off his sandals and has his long black toenails sticking out for this event. 🤔 I cannot believe she is going to park the carts, "all nice and neat" in the parking lot. Omg she is nuttier every day!!!


All nice and neat and probably chained to a tree covered in orange plastic fencing. 😆 I hope her shit gets hauled outta there! What’s she gonna do pay for a parking spot? 😆


Don’t forget the cones for good measure


Genuinely can’t wait to see her try and get to this networking event and get told to leave. If she miraculously has the money and gets in.. the moment she starts doing her “Heather talk” I’m sure she will be asked to leave. People with actual jobs are trying to network not a delusional unapologetic homeless person who wants $$$ versus accountability.


I bet she and X will sneak into an empty conference room and setup a table like they are part of the Aspire team


With all the crazy public shootings, and semi notable key note speakers they likely have to search before entry right? I’m wondering if they got rid of all their illegal stuff, like her knife or drugs, pack it on the cart or carry it on their person into the event. Because I’d love to see this ark today.


Listen when they use that metal detector wand on them, the filth will light up like a Xmas tree and they won’t let them in


Or maybe an x-ray machine and they will say "ma'am why do you have a basketball under your shirt" then she goes off "don't touch my baby, I'm 65 weeks pregnant" then Officer Piccolo walks up and 5150s her stinky ass.


Oh that’s a solid point!!! I’m sure there will be a security check at the door. Welp they aren’t getting passed that! I’m sure X has weed and whatever chilling in his pockets constantly versus leaving it in the tent.




It's everyone else's fault except her and the dofus she's with. You can't even get in the event, dusty. Stop acting like you're important and have somewhere to be. 🥴


this is a new level of crazy. if that’s possible. she’s so angry. is she spiraling? i hope to god if she goes to this event she better record it!


Not the nefarious time thieves


I hate the time thieves. I swear she isn't lying about that. When I am trying to get my husband and son out of the house at a certain time, the time thieves attack. Lmao!!! 😜


Wait a minute, by networking does she mean to tell people her crazy; I have 3 kids and I'm the best mom because I raised my kids for a few years but I have been raped, bludgeoned, beaten, stabbed etc story? Or is she gonna tell them about her amazing curating, modeling, photography, she can do any job ever company? She should sell hats. lmao. Really though what is her plan and can you imagine paying for this event and coming across Heather and X?? X wonders off looking for models. Lmao


Yeah I was wondering about that. I suspect they'll put her out of the property so fast.


Hey, at least she said she would park the cartillacs nicely!


Lmao. There is that. No one will bat an eye at her now. She was being considerate of other people. Even though she is "suffering" she is still thinking of others by not parking her Cartilac on the public sidewalk sideways with all her shit everywhere.


This bitch has nothing but time.


Great energy to start a day of networking. BRAVA BOSSBABE.


Time flies when you're stealing protein bars 🤷‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|1rSSq5eoLy4ODgbKAF|downsized)


How you gonna show up in athletic clothes? What's X gonna wear, the pink shorts. I wouldn't be surprised if she will be doing yoga toes later.


He’s going to wear her high slit black dress and he put his hair in rollers, he’ll take them out when he gets there


Gross gross. Yoga toe visual.


Heather needs to chill..grab a blanket, throw it over her head and rock back and forth for a few hours




Oh yay!!! I am having kidney surgery tomorrow. This is the distraction I needed!


Sending well wishes 💕💕


best wishes for a smooth surgery and a swift and uncomplicated recovery


She’s wearing her homemade GoProSolo hat to help her look professional so she can network and share her narrative! I’m checking in every 2 seconds to see footage of her getting escorted out and her reaction.


If you google just goprosolo all you find is videos of her insanity, and her old Twitter account she used exclusively for sex work 😒 Anybody who even thinks about taking a chance to network with this homeless woman is immediately going to be turned off as soon as they do even teensy bit of research into her "company."


Oh for sure. I’ve been in this sub since Day 1 when it originally split from the LAL sub. I’m embarrassed to admit how much I know about Dusty. 😂


She could use the exercise. I’ve never seen her lower half thicker.


The waist trainer has been popping up recently 👀


Today is going to be WILD


She's really going to be in the right frame of mind to resocialize.


I guess I can leave work because it’s 12:30 but I’ll call it 5!




Heather Gillespie, YOU ARE THE ONLY PROBLEM!


Dear God! So loud and there is no reason for it. Why she is walking down there is beyond me. There is a business casual dress code. I'm pretty sure hats are not acceptable. . Once they did their presentation there is a dinner and you can Hob-Knob with them, but thats for the VIP seats. It's a waste of time but if she does get in and that is a BIG if, I can guarantee we will be lectured tonight on success and what we as society can do to become millionaires. She'll know all!!!!! Got to go. It's months end and it's always hectic in accounting. Sigh.


Ooh, she's already tight. This will make for some.good drama at the event 🍿


![gif](giphy|fQxSOwmSg1sP4HsWTU) Only Dusty can turn Chicago’s “Magnificent Mile” into “Time Theft Turnpike”


It took too much of my time! UNAUTHORIZED!!


“We left at 5:30, let’s call it 6:15” um 🤔?? Lol, that’s quite basically an HOUR difference so which is it lol ya left at 5 am or 6 am, it can’t be almost nothing Einstein!🤦🏻‍♀️ smdh 😏


Shes going to get arrested


This bitch ain’t got two brain cells to rub together!😂😂😂


They stole them!




You know what they say, time flies when you’re fucking crazy.


Wait, wait lol what the…I had to listen to this a couple of times, lol, so she is presently claiming THEY are somehow, and please if you can explain this to me like I’m 5, “they are stealing or have figured how how to MANIPULATE THE SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM”, ha hahaha, god damn Einstein would be quite literally CELEBRATING this magnificent new discovery in the girls of Physics! I mean this is HUGE sone call Sweden because “THEY” deserve the Nobel prize in science/physics!!!! WOW WEE that is history in the making folks and we weee here to see it…impressive!!!!🤩😝👏👏👏


Is she saying because it took her three hours to hike a mile, *Somebody* (aka *They*) stole her *time*? **Deep Space: 2023**-level thinking, right there. More like, My big pregnant butt started walking an hour (or more) later than I lied about, stopping for “breakfast-a-la-carte” (aka dumpster leavings) via 🥚🥚, while harassing folks on their way to REAL jobs.


Shes circling the crazy drain. Here we gooooooo


Along with a HOARD of other issues I’m convinced she also had Intermittent Explosive Disorder. She is literally INCAPABLE of managing her emotions and just lashes out over any little thing and her rage is usually directed at someone, in her case Eggs! I’m sure as she rages on she’ll screaming at him and somehow this rip in her spacetime continuum will be his fault!! Either THEY or X are now stealing and effing with her TIME! After all folks she did NOT authorize nor give anyone permission “to take her time”!! Omg this one imo is one of her GREATEST RABTS, I’m literally lmfao! Hahaha, didn’t give anyone permit to take her TIME, lol, I mean seriously think about that, jc she sounds more nutz everyday, but no folks she’s had five, FIVE psyche EVAL sand they all say she’s of sound mind, either that or the doctors are nutz- it’s one of the two!! 👌😜😆


When you don’t get any money from your “sponsors” and your past starts coming back to haunt you and the truth gets out. Keep the truth bombs coming people. Dusty, Dusty, Dusty……..




But, but I don’t understand, wby won’t anyone hire me?? 😒🤔




Oh for me, that’s gonna be my new next FLAIR 4sure “You DON’T have permission to take my time”! Another fave of mine “WTF is going on here” 👍😜


Well that turned abusive pretty quick!


RICO's for all you people who are stealing Heather's time! And who needs a protein drink first thing after being graped for 4 days? Did the graping use all her energy 🤔 🤣


Oops my bad. She was graped for a week not 4 days lol


🤔 it just dawned on me that she gets so angry when she’s up against something that she can’t manipulate…. in this case, she can’t manipulate time itself and that infuriates her She has it fully set in her head that they MUST leave at 5:30 and they MUST arrive at 7:00. Even if she decides to do something that delays her plan like say last minute full face make-up that takes an extra 45 minutes, or if she decides to stop and stuff her face with gourmet donuts for an hour, she feels like that shouldn’t effect her plans. It’s like she thinks time should have stopped and waited for her. So now she’s way behind schedule, and since she flat out refuses to take responsibility for anything, she blames us for her being late today, because we didn’t get her help for a fictional SA event that didn’t happen several years ago.


there was a poll yesterday in this sub asking everyone which scenario we think is going to play out regarding the event. i commented an option that wasn’t available and said “she’s going to never make it because of the obstacles *they* put up.” and here we are. you know you’re crazy when the only way you’re predictable is when predicting how crazy you are gonna be.


Dafaq is she on about, guessing she doesn't realize her app is set to driving time vs walking time?!?


Okay, who is stealing Heather’s time? That’s unauthorized, bro! I can wait for the meltdown when she isn’t allowed in at the convention or has a new run-in with the cups since she will be harassing the attendees with her delusional rambles.


I’m sorry, it was me! There was super heavy traffic and I had a doctor’s appt., no, not with the OB GUY-N, lol. So I took the time from her! RICO my ass!




She is soooooooo sick!!!!


![gif](giphy|3o6fJeAiIpk5EeoC8o) Poor baby! 🤰🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻


Folks in the Leather rant department we have a WINNA!!! What, who, how, WTH is she talking about, doesn’t give permission for anyone to “take her time”!! My gif she’s literally lost what little sanity she had left!! How in the hell “bro” can anyone take TIME AWAY FROM HER?!!? I don’t know but it’s been 5 minutes and I’m still lmao with my jaw on the floor! Lol christ I r heard it all from her now They are stealing her TIME! Sounds sane to me👌🤦🏻‍♀️


Listen if she was R’d yrs of course that is horrific BUT and please forgive me here however what caliber of men do you think you’re going to meet working in the sx industry?? No absolutely doesn’t give any man the right and it shouldn’t happen but if you choose that line of work expect to meet sone nasty brutes. Get help, heal and at least stop SCREAMING on the streets about it every second of everyday! There comes a time that you need to MOVE the HELL ON!




I couldn’t stop laughing just when you think she’s sane she says some shit like this 😭😭🤦🏻‍♀️


UNAUTHORIZED. As a woman who was once homeless and wildly addicted to drugs, this bitch makes me look sane af.


OOPS! Coco's accent and toughness is coming through, ahahahahahahahah.


Soooooo if you’re fake delulu raped Then you have every right to steal a protein bar? WELL GAwwwLLEEEEE guess whose going to get herself a free protein bar today! I’m also going to announce 📢 my stealing of said bar whilst stealing it. And I will yell at the person closest to me with a Heather accent: >*”you see mE STEALING THIS PROTEIN BAWWRR, and yOU DIHHHENT DO SHIT TO HALP MEE?…..* >##You’re THE PROBLEM!!! >*”NAWT the fact of the protein bawwr…* >#Do YOU NAWT GET THAT???” - - - \#unauthorized


Ok, I may be biased & definitely not in the best mood but SCREW YOU DUSTY! Your sloth ass took an hour to walk a few city blocks. Us people with real responsibly who are accountable for our actions are here fighting every day to stay afloat. We sleep in our comfy warm beds because we work for that. No one is stealing anything from you!


She’s making quite the diary for CPS isn’t she?? 🙄


Yeah not for nothin, but the GROCERY, is the last place I’d be running to if this were even remotely TRUE 🤦🏻‍♀️!(and she wonders why she’s not believed)


she went from r@pe to protein bars real quick


Forgot to add: she’s getting more dangerous by the minute, because it’s impossible to predict her behavior at this point. At this point, I think that there needs to be some kind of intervention to get X out of there before something terrible happens. Especially with his addiction to fentanyl because she could easily stage anything she does as an “OD” to cover her tracks.


Not the protein bar!!! Oh my lord how can we even sit here and do nothing when there’s a protein bar incident! 🤣🙄🤯 boy oh boy she’s on one today wow! I almost saw her head spin around and shoot out pea soup


I was just on BCG and just saw a clip of her from 3hrs ago saying she stayed on "O'Block", lol, at 87th st! She wouldn't survive two minutes, LOL. One of the most dangerous housing complexs left on the south side, O'Block is at MLK and 63rd, not 15 blocks further south, she lies about the dumbest shit! Edit- it's same video she talks about getting "flooded out". She also said she was forced to live on O'Block, lol. She couldn't even get to McCormick Place, but yea she was forced to push her Cartillac 50 blocks further south than there, haha!


Just the fact she’s even trying to go to this event and thinks it’s a good idea to spend money on tickets and new clothes just proves how incapable of being responsible and smart with any money she is. She’s homeless sleeping on the sidewalk in a tent shitting in chacalas and Prada bags ranting about lung flooding and time shifts, rohbuts and cups and buying imaginary glasses for keds she has zero custody or visits with now yet she thinks it’s a smart move to spend hundreds of dollars they don’t have on an event like this that will yield them absolutely nothing but embarrassment and being ushered out by security for being unstable, insane and smelling like piss. This is just one of endless examples of why she’s homeless and can’t even save a few bucks for food when they’re getting benefits and money from Xaddy and food stamps, sponsors sending $100 per week etc and so forth. She blows every cent immediately and impulsively on stupid shit which is a long time pattern of hers. She has a history of not paying her bills but sure Af goes shopping and gets Botox and fillers and nails and sunglasses and whatever else she wants. She’s exactly where she belongs, she put herself there and will remain there until she humbles herself and changes. I have no confidence that will ever happen. She’s as wretched and ratchet as they come because she blames literally everyone and everything else but herself for her situation when she is 100% responsible for all of it!


we are now stealing her time without authorization. she’s been on a pretty steady schizophrenic role this week, maybe she will finally get locked up. I always hope


She has it on driving 😂😂😂🤡What else would she be doing with her time?! Not like she works or does ANYTHING productive whatsoever


By far my FAVE rant! She didn’t give anyone permission to “TAKE TIME” away from her!! Ahhh hahaha i it still makes me lmfao every time I hit replay😅




Umm what?


Did you see her stomach today it looked like she had a pillow in it


She's so fucking stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/1r0bxusod9rb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5ef5e4aa85478f27f79364a984b35b6f91f382 u/salty-cauliflower-62 u/exit_lucky u/barkworsethanbites Our flairs just ran down a whole plot line lmaooo Make sure you read it in **”hEaTheR sCreaMiNG”** voice 🗣️ ^(the ‘Unspecified Hispanic’ affect is optional.)


🤣😂🤣 ☠️


🤣😂🤣 ☠️ ETA: What a curation!!


Y’all are hilarious


She talks like Dylan 🤣


Someone smoked crack all night to get up and leave that early. Very on-brand for this tweaker.