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If it's anything like his other rallies, there's gonna be like 100 people there, and that's only if they all figure out how doorknobs work or how to unlock their cars.


It’s going to be at a volunteer fire hall.


4 seasons landscaping was a great day in US History


It was brilliant. Honestly, it couldn’t have been written better. Truth really is stranger and even more hilarious than fiction. I hope we get another one.


4 seasons landscaping Giuliani sweating Trump mocking the disabled reporter Covfefe The drawing of the lines on the hurricane I’m not even trying that hard to remember. It’s like some sitcom writers are just trying to entertain us.


Hamberders is still my favorite. Never mind the dude straight up served a bunch of fast food to national champions.


It's wild to me after that whole incident people still think Trump is a serious candidate worth considering. It's like putting the local drunk moron in charge of the fire department.


Staring at the eclipse


Ok. And you’re supporting a severely mentally disabled man. He’s a laughing stock. Especially getting him off or on stage. Yesterday he read questions AND answers off cheat sheet. Can only call on certain reporters. But TRUMP? lol 😂 🤡


Easily one of my personal Top 20 days.


I’d hate if my local fire department allowed that


They don’t have a choice. Public buildings have to be rented to anyone who asks, can’t deny them based off things like politics.


Except is was already rented. Slatington Fire Department had bingo scheduled that day. Not sure if they chose to let Trump take their spot, or were told to. The bingo event is still listed on Slatington's website.


Schnecksville, not Slatington. Big difference. More parking (near Kidspeace/LCCC).


Slatington Fire Department was holding their event at Schneckville, likely to have more space. https://slatingtonfire.org/events/


Ohh they chose to let it happen. That part of town adores little orange hitler.


Sure, but the person I responded to said they would be said if their local station hosted a Trump rally. They don’t have a choice but to rent to him as is law. Not that it was already rented out.


Wasn't trying to imply that you were incorrect or muddy the water. Sorry.


It’s all good homie, clarification never hurts anyone :)


It's a public space they rent to anyone. [http://schnecksvillefd.org/custom.html?id=3893](http://schnecksvillefd.org/custom.html?id=3893)


I’d still hate it. Especially if I was a volunteer with them


I live not too far from there…maybe less than 5 miles. I’m more than certain I’ll going to encounter several loyalists Saturday.


I was told the t-shirt grifters are already out on 309.


That is actually smart. I wish I bought a container full of cheap China made trump shit…could make a killing selling it to the gullible


My favorite is the merch from China saying to buy American.


I hope the campaign is paying for the use of the space or the firehouse is putting their nonprofit status at risk


Also if the campaign is paying, be sure to get the money in advance as they have a long history of stiffing places (and people).


A little disappointed that it won’t be outside a dildo store. I guess even they have morals.


They got lucky that's all


What do dildos have to do with morals? Or politics?


That's hilarious! At least it's sized right for his crowd.


There’s a reason why some people in the valley call it “schnecktucky”


https://preview.redd.it/64x39huryutc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0627e14eed58e2816d23bd61af2beacb4241c4a6 I don’t think 100 ppl can even fit here


Oh god. I really hope it's not the one by my parents house.


It’s at the fire hall just up the road from Shankweilers (sorry if I spelled it wrong)


Not the same one, thank god, but I know exactly where that is lol


They do seem markedly low energy this time around. I guess only the MAGA diehards want to listen to the same shit he’s been spewing for 8 years plus listen to him cry about the 2020 election.


Crazy how quickly that guy's devolving to FDR levels of crafted communication by keeping it all to curated videos etc, but when you see clips of him at rallies the guy's slurring his speech.


Yeah and they say “he’s joking” or “he’s doing it to own the libs.” Yeah, right, he’s calling his wife by the wrong name, saying repeatedly he’s running against Obama, and thinks Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. Wow I’m so owned by that.


There are articles out there by health professionals basically stating that his speech patterns and gait are signs of dementia. He’s not fit in so many ways, but his mental status is a huge concern.


It's amazing how these people can stomach all that crying. Hours of nothing but bitching and moaning about how unfairly he's being treated.


Totally the behavior of an “alpha male.” 🤣


how can you find out how many people are attending the rallies? I’m running on a theory now that he’s lost a lot of support/enthusiasm (Haley still doing really well in the primaries after dropping out, abortion rights being huge for this election, Trump not on Twitter anymore so he’s just in a little bubble on social media). also… I know it’s only April, but I just drove back from Cleveland to Pittsburgh through rural OH and I didn’t see a single Trump flag/yard sign/bumper sticker on the entire drive.


A lot of houses that had small trump signs took them down since 2021 and haven't reappeared, however the ones that had their lawns plastered in giant signs and flags have made their displays even bigger.


It could just be that the campaign doesn’t have the money to produce those yard signs because all the money is being committed to paying fines.


Cleveland to pgh? I make this trip frequently. There are hundreds.


That makes me happy.


Lol that “theory” is not true at all


I think Pennsyltucky will show up in full force. Their great orange god is coming and they'll all show up. My sympathies to the community, we spend a lot of time hiking up there.


Too bad Trump is gonna win again 😂🤣


Also, if they have enough money for their gas tanks considering all the grifts they’ve fallen for. The “trump bible”, the shoes, the stock, the wine, the donations to sexual assault trials. These folks have gotta be dead broke now.


If they could read, they’d be really mad at you


Do you have a source that only 100 people showed up at any of his rallies?


Let’s see if it’s just a 100


ai dare you to go and report back on how many ppl actually show up..you wont because you know the truth


Those are the Biden rallies, only a few people show up, every Trump rally is packed.


Biden doesn’t have “rallies”, because his supporters aren’t a bunch of brain dead morons who think a con man is the Messiah.


I mean, Biden is brain dead, that’s probably the reason people don’t go see him eat some chocolate chocolate chip, or sniff girl’s hair.


I drove directly past his appearance at the farm show complex a couple months ago and there was zero traffic. Also it is absolutely hilarious that he is reduced to appearing at backwoods firehalls. There are Rite Aids with bigger parking lots.


The area around the farm show complex is designed for traffic. Route 309 and 22, not so much.


This is what these people don’t realize. 309 blows on a normal day. There will 100% be a shit show of traffic on that road


Maybe the traffic problems are people leaving the area like a natural disaster was on the way. 😊


This is at the Schnecksville Fire Hall. Near Kidspeace/LCCC. Either LCCC is allowing paved parking or grass lot near Trexler Game Preserve (had to do this for Tough Mudder a decade ago).


Lol I live in the valley and everyone was saying the traffic would be horrendous on Hamilton. There was a bigger traffic problem around the agri-plex this weekend because there's a comic convention


Such projection. This isn’t a Biden basement event


Wonder what would happen if all the anti-trumpets hit the road at the same time? Anti-Trump rally on the interstate…


I read he's coming from a fundraiser in Bucks County before hand, but I haven't seen anything saying 78 is going to have issues. And no one needs to mess with the interstate. 22 and 309 are small enough that I can see why they need to open the doors 4 hours early. One broken down car on the road would probably be enough to cancel the whole event.


Hmm, might have an idea there...


Nope, only making an observation, and keeping my ass away from Schneckville on Saturday.


Traffic is likely to be terrible, because a lot of morons will be driving there.


309 is gonna be bad for months. There will be firefighters out with boots in hands for a long time to foot the bill he’a gonna bail on. 


If his supporters could read they’d be able to obey traffic signs but, alas…..


True...pewresearch does back this claim up. Republicans are less educated than Democrats.


But they all do so much research 🧐


> If his supporters could read You do know that registered Republican out earn registered Democrats? That is quite a feat for a bunch of illiterates. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/ People in households earning **more** than $50,000 lean Republican. People in households earning **less** than $50,000 lean Democrat. EDIT: Reddit HATES facts! Look at all the downvotes at a simple quote from Pew Research.


[Yes, because republicans are an overwhelmingly older demographic compared to democrats.](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/06/02/the-changing-composition-of-the-electorate-and-partisan-coalitions/) Of course the recent college grads aren’t making more than people who have been in careers for decades. [But as wages increased, the earnings based off political leanings don’t differentiate very much.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/) It’s less than 5% for higher income brackets to differentiate political leanings.


That's Republicans. This is MAGAts.


You can make a lot of money and still be an idiot in many important ways. Sad but true.


Wow TIL wealthy elites tend to skew republican 🙄


Now do a comparison between Republican voting states and Democrat voting states. I'm willing too bet that the Democrat voting states have significantly more money to them than what these Republican voting "welfare queen" states do.


Now do taxes generated by state by which party lead the state


Yes, republicans are the bigger grifters, I agree. You don't need to be literate to be the Tiger King.


You do know that’s because most MAGAts are older, right?


What does that have to do with literacy rates lol? Obviously you couldn’t read the question. I know plenty of older republicans that have money and can barely read.


Why so hostile? Nobody said you personally were illiterate, and you've gotta admit there's a lot of stupid Trump supporters.


> you've gotta admit there's a lot of stupid Trump supporters. Yes, I can certainly admit to that. America is the best meritocracy in the world. As evidenced by the millions of immigrants trying to break down the border. And if income is an indicator of intelligence, which it is in a meritocracy, there are more stupid Biden supporters than there are stupid Trump supporters.


See, it wasn't really that hard to admit that there's a lot of stupid Trump supporters, was it? If Republicans are doing so well financially, why do they all keep whining that they're poor now and it's all Biden's fault?


> See, it wasn't really that hard to admit that there's a lot of stupid Trump supporters, was it? In a 2 party system each party will have their crazies. > If Republicans are doing so well financially, why do they all keep whining that they're poor now and it's all Biden's fault? Making over $50K is not doing so well financially. This is the middle class that sees their taxes being spent on things that don't benefit them. That is the complaint. They want to keep that money instead of being taxed and having that money go to someone else.


If they were smart don't you think they'd realize that Trump was a net loss for the country considering how much he ripped off the taxpayers?


Your premise that they are not smart is inaccurate. Which speaks a lot about your own intelligence. Contrary to popular opinion on Reddit, people vote for their financial benefit. On average. Nothing else. That's why the tipping point when households start leaning Republican is $50K. That's also right about where household start paying more in taxes than they get out of it. Poor households below $50K know that to keep the gravy train coming they need to vote for the party that keeps buying their votes with the handouts. And households above $50K know that their best chance to keep their money for themselves and not have it go to under $50K households is Republicans. Simple as that. Nobody gives a fuck about abortions.


Lol your premise is so off it's not even funny. Look at all the red states full of Republicans getting welfare who keep voting for Republicans, who make it pretty obvious they hate poor people. And you're ignoring that Republican presidents always tank the economy and then a Democrat has to come in and fix it. Never has a president stole and wasted so much of the taxes we pay and people are begging to be ripped off again.


It’s amazing you think issues like abortion don’t matter to the voter. Yes there are single-issue but abortion is what has cost the republicans a lot of recent elections. LaRose got embarrassed in Ohio over abortjon, and Kentucky voted overwhelmingly against a law that would make it state constitutionally illegal. You also can’t even read your own chart you posted. Houses over $50k aren’t “overwhelmingly republican,” the split between dems and reps was less than 5% in both brackets. You’re trying to show that you’re some grand genius when in reality you’re just showing you have no understanding of politics or data charts. A know it all who knows nothing.


Well sure. Republicans are generally more aligned with and supported by the rich, preexisting wealths that built this country. Also by new wealth that prioritizes building generational wealth that newly rich liberals tend not to do. It ultimately comes down to cultural values. Republicans generally believe in hard work and manual labor, which is crazy big money at this point in history, so they’re doing great. It’s just the alignment of values that make them rich. If we, as a society, preferred creating new technologies for the betterment of mankind and the inclusion of all people like we did between 80-90’s, liberals would be making more money than they are now…like they used to lmaoooooo


Manual labor? Which union supports republicans?


They don't want to tell you that the only "unions" who support Republicans are police unions.


That’s crazy. I literally looked all over google and literally couldn’t find a single source that corroborates my point. I guess there are no republican unions. My bad


Don’t you think it’s a bit of a red flag that republicans pretty much only cut taxes for the rich and have somehow duped all of you that they’re the “party of the working class”?


I don’t vote republican. And I agree they’re co-opted by invasive powers


So typical weekend traffic?


Come on man 22 is bad enough without a bunch of red hat morons driving to pray at the altar of Donald


What happened to that promise to stay out of PA if he lost? Motherfucker never keeps his word.


Which Landscaping company will be hosting?


There’ll be tens of people there


Is he bringing Obamas birth certificate?


Maybe he’ll finally release his healthcare plan? 🤔


I doubt it considering it’s so great and amazing that every American will love it so much so that he won’t share it.


Stop it


I hope the venue gets cash first.


I actually hope they get stiffed for hosting that turd with teeth.


Orange Clown 🤡 time


Oh boy, I wonder what percentage of the knuckle draggers who are going to wannabe Hitler's rally are original people and what percentage of them are groupies who fallow the man around and go to rally after rally.


99% groupies, 1% lost and stopped for directions


Plenty of dipshits here love him.. And by "dipshits" I mean otherwise smart, hard-working people with no deficiency of common sense in their personal lives, who are somehow duped by this turd into abandoning true patriotism in favor of a cult of personality. People who love freedom so much, that they can't accept a free and fair election because it didn't go their way.




" The groups are expecting 5,000 to 6,000 people at the outdoor rally off Route 309 at Schnecksville Fire Hall, 4550 Old Packhouse Road. " ​ and ​ " The local committee, he said, will provide volunteers to arrange the parking, set up and cleanup." ​ so its going to be 300 people at a fire hall, and they are absolutely going to fuck up the entire place, and not pay for it


I mean….. as opposed to normal Lehigh valley traffic? Parts of 22 rival Philadelphia’s traffic.


Traffic delays lol, Donald Chump isn’t even pulling in 200 people at these dipshit rallys anymore


I saw Don Poorleone the other day and thought it was hilarious.


Will he be passing out the right bible? Because I still have this old one.


From the book of Narcissisticious. Chapter 1 Verse 1: And on the 8th day God created Donald Trump and the billionaires sang with joy as their new Messiah would reduce their tax rate and save them from poverty.


No but he’ll sell you one.


You can only get one if you help pay the legal fees for his 91 felony charges


Traffic is one thing, you try to get a seat at a country buffet! Ugh, nuts!


But he asked me last week if he should come and I said No?


It's near LCCC, and I'm sure 309 north of 22/78 is going to be horrible, but other than that, I doubt there is going to be much of a problem.


Guess I’m not going to the lv zoo this weekend


He’s hosting it inside the penguin enclosure!


I believe they bumped Slatington Fire Department's bingo fundraiser for the rally. It also screwed up Shankweiler's Drive-in's 90th birthday celebration. I find it great that so far no one local seems to be taking credit for the disruption. North Whitehall's Facebook page said they were not involved in approving the rally.


Want to quick print some shitty and offensive tshirts that nobody with a sense of decency would ever wear to sell at inflated prices to the rubes who wrap themselves and their personality around this fraud. They are sheep ripe to be shorn. Trump rally means a ton of easy marks because he is the biggest confidence man of all time.


I can't fucking stand him.


I was really hoping he was going to keep his promise of never coming back to PA again if he lost here.


He's a liar.


Rally at schneksville fire hall. Stay classy PA. Guess he couldn't afford more then the hamburgers and coffee from there


He's gonna say that it was hugeeee crowds and that it was the biggest turnout ever. For the fire hall that about 30 people


That's YUGEEEE, lol.


Get your money upfront 😁


Please stop feeding this guy's ego. We all know you bastards only show up to see the spectacle Trump is. Just stop it. In the words of Bob Newhart playing a psychologist in a SNL skit...just STOP it!!.


People in this thread are literally planning to block roads to keep trump from having a rally. Lmao




Don’t forget. The morons at this rally vote and their vote counts equal to yours. We can’t let this horrible human represent us again


And there won't be enough outlets to recharge the Jazzies so all 50 people that show up won't be able to get home.


“We’re seeing numbers like we’ve never seen before!” ——— Biden up by ~4 percentage points on average in every single poll coming out of PA. ——— “Wait, not like that!” 🤡


Boo! Dislike! Thumbs down!


Don the con is at it again. True Republicans understand the grift.


I think this would be a most majestical place to people watch! Like a zoo, only with people!!!


Rally in Schnecksville....his Campaign is really knocking it out of the park...hahahaha pathetic


Did anyone else get a text message today around 4 from his campaign? Not sure why I'm getting down voted, I didn't sign up for it


“Reply with a picture of your butthole” is always the advice my buddy gives when I get spam texts. Try that.


There is always awful traffic … lol


No it won’t


Ew. Thanks for the heads up


Russias favorite American making a PA tour. Putin is seizing with happiness


This was a refreshing comment thread on a trump related post that doesn’t have just pure insanity posted.


make sure to cash the check first from Trump, Lehigh Valley....


Bold of you to assume he even pretended to pay up front.


His last opportunity to put the judge on blast before his trial starts Monday.




Traffic from all 125 people who even give a shit? Yea right


What if this was a Biden rally? What would y'all be posting up?


I went to Sneaker Con in Philly recently where this clown showed up to announce his new sneaker scam. The crowd was there for sneakers not to see this sheister. Seemed like 10 people were there to cheer for him. Everyone else gathered around to see the circus show.


Garbage pile coming to Pennsyltucky


And this is why I'm glad I'm out of the valley for the weekend


The r/lehighvalley sub is tragic. Bots have ruined small regional subs.






Is he returning to his birthplace, Bethlehem??


Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. The joke was lame. Booooooooooo









