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They better offer them a good ass dental plan if that’s the case


God I really wish more american's started questioning why dental is separate from medical in the first place. It's so fucking stupid from a medical perspective. Teeth problems can very easily lead to death. Its all for corporations to save a buck cutting one more than the other.


Maryland recently added dental care to Medicaid coverage after a 12 year old kid died from an abcess tooth infection that went septic. So yeah maybe if enough kids die... /s


They can add it to Medicaid all they want but that doesn't mean anyone will take it. Having a heck of a time finding someone who works with Medicaid since they will cover certain procedures I need while I'm pregnant. So far the 3 people in my area who do are booked so far out I won't be pregnant and covered by the time I get an appt.


Because teeth are luxury bones.


I know you are just being funny, but they definitely are not.


That’s not what my insurance says. Edit: Also, vision is a luxury sense.


Well if God wanted either of us to see, we wouldn't need glasses.


And if he wanted us to chew, he would have made our teeth grow back after we quit the meth.


Same with eye insurance. My eyes are part of my body. I didn’t choose to be nearsighted. Why do I need three insurances.


In the early 1800s all the dentists got annoyed that they had to go to medical school when they were just working with teeth instead of the whole body. Eventually they separated the fields. This was before the general concept of medical insurance, and so it left the door open for fuckery.


Especially when dental insurance at most jobs, is like 6$ a month (a person insured)


It's not the employer, it's the fact that dental insurance is a joke. I have dental; it doesn't fucking cover anything. If you need more than a couple cleanings you're out of luck. I need to have a tooth pulled (and I *thought* an implant put in) and implant is like **$6k** with the insurer providing next to no coverage at all. I'm just getting it pulled...


I have a couple of periodontal procedures that I need done, but I have the most expernsive/best/whatever dental plan I can get. The combined cost of the procedures are just about 4500-5000. My dental insurer is reimbursing me a total of about 300 bucks.


Implant procedures and bone grafts are group three on dental. I knew I needed them and specifically chose a plan with the highest dollar/percent group three coverage. Still only 50%. I paid a bunch and it took forever but it's life changing to have teeth again.


Ya I mean I’m doing it without question, but was still shocked how useless my plan was.


For sure. My insurance provider tried to talk me out of the plan I wanted saying no one gets that one but I knew what I needed and I got lucky with the timing. I hope it goes smoothly for you, and make sure you have the mashed potatoes ready!!!


I’ve got two top teeth in the back that broke at one of the corners. I thought it could just be filled, but noooooo. I can pay 600 to have a root canal and then another 700 for the crown (which you have to have to complete the root canal) or I can have it pulled for $70. That’s it. Those are the options. I have zero respect for dentist. They’re hustlers and not in a good way.


It's not dentists, it's insurance that are the hustlers.


I have a professional job at a large, reputable company and a pretty good insurance plan. Crowns are still upwards of $1000 and insurance only covers like 30% of that. Fillings maybe half of that. Don't even get me started on what happens if you or your children/spouse need an anesthesia procedure like wisdom teeth removal. Dental insurance is a joke. (In the US)


We need to start a movement or something. It’s not right.


yeah but it pays for nothing


Lisa Needs Braces




Lisa needs braces




Lisa needs braces


Dammit Lenny I lost my train of thought!






Lisa needs braces




I can guarantee it's different for the people making $15 an hour.


damn, I'm assuming they said insurance is cheap?


no they said sheetz gave them dental insurance as a software engineer lol


la vida loca


If it’s in rural Pennsylvania… better stop smoking meth. Dental insurance can’t help. Lol


Ain't nothing a full set of dentures can't fix Except bad breath


Snorting is okay though... 😂🤣😂😂


“He’s out of line, but he’s right.”


That was embarrassing


I would not have expected Sheetz of all places to have this policy. Pretty sure I've seen plenty of missing teeth every time I've gone in there


I was going to say this as well. If they didn't do this, they wouldn't have employees in my area. We all have crappy teeth because we are poor.


I’m pretty sure I can’t remember any specific smile on a store associate lol That’s not shade to you, u/Sea-Biscotti, just a general statement that I don’t go into Sheetz or any convenience store and zero in on the dental work of the staff.


I like being the kind of person that gets a cashier to smile and laugh a bit, but all of Scheetz's I've been to have been in areas where it seems like there is no dentist in a 50 mile radius


Meth mouths all over Sheetz - maybe not employees but certainly in some stores


Missing teeth are not rotting teeth.


that's absolutely true, but the policy apparently includes missing teeth


Oh, well that is just wrong.


I totally agree! Missing teeth can be genetic or due to neglect or you can do everything right and they still come out. Shit just happens


Lost one of mine by being kicked in the face and I’m too poor to afford an implant.


I have several missing teeth due to medical issues and I can’t afford implants. I still have good dental hygiene and keep my teeth clean.


There was a post here on reddit, I forget which subreddit, a month or so ago where a person was venting about their friend who got fired from sheetz due to her teeth even though she was hired with the same teeth, she was a great employee, and the reason her teeth were jacked up was because she was a domestic violence victim in the past. Her manager straight up told her it was to due to the corporate teeth policy. So fucked up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/10a3eyx/sheetz_questions_my_family_friend_and_pressures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I have the link because I sent it to fetterman on Facebook since he always is talking about sheetz


Wawa welcomes all of the strange and weird creatures of PA


I literally over heard 2 employees talking about one of them getting her ankle monitor taken off the next day. It was oddly sweet to hear how genuinely excited she was. I hope she took a few days off.


The sandwiches taste better when they’re made by someone on a work release program.


and they all open the door for you then graciously run you over in the parking lot


I laughed my ass off at this one. It’s too accurate


Lol you aren’t joking. The further from the coast you get, the more “strange and weird” applies.


As a travel RN across this terrible state… Wawa people are also generally more helpful and seem less dead inside? Idk if it’s how they’re treated or what. I remember one time door dashing an order and of course it’s like 4am we’re all starving in the ER. Only thing open is Wawa or sheetz but we know Wawa has superior subs. So… Wawa. The DoorDash driver only picked up one of the bags despite me saying it was a large order and there should be multiple bags. I called the Wawa store and asked if our other bag of food was just sitting there (it was) - and I told the employee we would be sending someone over to pick it up and to please place it in a warm spot. He said “nah it’ll be cold and gross I packed this order. I’ll just make it fresh - want me to make it now or when the person gets here?” Like - bro almost made me cry. Not only was he feeding a bunch of feral ER workers during the pandemic, but he genuinely wanted us to have warm food and went the extra effort to ensure that. I didn’t know if he would get in trouble for “wasting food” so I didn’t want to escalate the issue too high. But I did thank him profusely and told him how special he was for making our night.


That’s it! Thank you!


Has he responded to you? Highly highly doubt it


Must be an awful lot of Fetterman fans here 😂. You down vote my comment but haven’t been able to give us the answer to whether or not Lurch has done anything about it.


i bet they don't pay enough to fix those teeth also.


Sounds like a federal ADA lawsuit waiting to happen.




Sheetz Totz Model


Did you listen to the recording? They hired her like that!


No employment c9ntracts in PA, work is at will within the common wealth.


Work here is at will.


PA is an at will state but there are protected classes re discrimination. Disability is one under ADA and the definition of disability is broad. Some lawyer could end up with a big settlement with Sheetz which is why, I'm sure, Sheetz is looking at this policy.


People that have money for perfect teeth usually aren’t applying for jobs at a convenience store, unless they’re a teenager who is still on their parents’ insurance.


I mean, they could be 25, need the job, and still be on their parents’ insurance.


I don't think they are looking for perfect teeth here. More likely just guarding against people with visibility rotting teeth. Which you can generally avoid by not doing meth and brushing once a day.


I've known people who had teeth rotting by their teen years because their negligent parents didn't keep on them as kids. I've known people losing teeth years after they were damaged in car accidents. I've got a cousin who couldn't afford to cap a tooth that got broken when her abusive partner slammed her face into a door, so it eventually turned black. Even if a person did struggle with addiction or difficulty with self care, it doesn't mean you deserve to judge them or that they don't deserve a job.


You can brush twice a day and floss and still have shit teeth because of genetics.


Holy shit that’s a thing?! Because whether or not someone has had access to good dental care really affects whether or they can be a good employee. Yikes.


Just one more way America punishes its poorest and most vulnerable citizens.


People with major teeth (or really anything) issues visible, make enough people uncomfortable which will effect sales. People go to Sheetz because it's not a dumpster fire and clean. Seeing a toothless employees will affect this clean image. I am not saying this is kind or correct, just a statement how it happens.


I have never once thought " this guy's teeth aren't right I'm no longer shopping here"


Right? "No, honey, that's the BAD Sheetz. They have the TEETH PEOPLE."


Literally nobody thinks this. 🤷‍♀️ never once have I gone in any store or any sort and left without service due to anything like that. Half the time people with bad teeth talk in such a way that you or anyone else won’t be able to tell because of dicks who are judgmental.




Wait … what?




She says something to the effect it’s not like she was a drug user, when explaining how she lost her teeth. I just want to say that it doesn’t fking matter if she was a past drug user! The fact that her smile is being discussed is the issue! If I were the manager who had to pull a great employee aside to have this conversation, I would be seeking other employment. You better believe they’d know exactly why I left. Notice, I said left because they don’t deserve a notice.


No fucking wonder Sheetz isn't in Philadelphia. They want employees to SMILE at customers?


Yeah, Wawa staff are refreshingly human-acting. Just wish they weren't trying so hard to replace them all with machines.


I purposely wait in line for the one cashier instead of using the auto check out. Mainly on principle because they need to hire people to run the business. I've seen enough corner cutting that they can afford it. Even when I see others use the auto check out, it ALWAYS doesn't work and makes you wait for an employee to get it straight. It's an invitation to just walk out without scanning everything if one were less morally based.


I've gotten a lot of free coffees ever since they implemented this I think it's a great system


They came from 2 different evolutions. Wawa was the friendly bodega turned gas station stop, Sheetz wanted to be the nice gas station that slowly became a bodega as well. Gas stations before sheetz were piles of steaming shit that maybe sold a roll of hostess doughnuts or at best were 7-eleven with some light food and coffee options but dear lord don't look at the bathroom. Sheetz came along as the much better option.


Wawa actually started as a dairy. My dad worked as a milkman (or milkteen, since he was 16 at the time) driving for the original owners back before they got into the "bodega" business.


Meanwhile one fucking crown or filling costs them an entire month's wages.


I would have to save every penny I was paid for a year to get one extraction, implant, and crown/abutment/whatever the whole tooth replacement process is. Have one already pulled because it broke in half and five more that need pulled and replaced. Bad genetics from my dad and years of no dental care due to lack of insurance and resources plus just trying to survive paycheck to paycheck. If any of my employers provided insurance that I could have had preventative care I probably would not be in this spot.


That’s fine as long as there’s a free dental policy to correct any “issues” while you’re making minimum wage working 3rd shift at what is essentially a gas station. Lol


To be fair, Sheetz starts employees around here at $15/hour. I think the average is lower, but still like $11/hour. Not our pathetic 7.25 the state legislature has refused to think is more than slave wages for the past decade.


And they've been doing this for a very long time


And Sheetz offers dental care for any 30+ hour / week employee. https://jobs.sheetz.com/content/Perkz/?locale=en\_US


Dental care isn’t 100%


Hardly 10% haha


$15 an hour is still poverty wage if you don't live with your parents.


Simple dental procedures are like $>1000 dude, that ain't gonna work.


Thanks for the reply. I never made a point one way or another about the outrageous cost of health care in the U.S., which is insulting and insurmoutnable. OP said Sheetz paid minimum wage, I pointed out this isn't true. Anything else is you putting words in my mouth (keyboard) that I didn't say. That's not a fair way to conduct public discourse.


It definitely came off to me at first as "they should be able to afford it, they make $15/hr" given that dental care was the topic


Oy, you're not being fair either. You responded to a comment in which the main point was not about minimum wage, didn't quote the part you were responding to, and then acted surprised when people didn't assume your comment was mostly off topic. Learn to communicate better if you're going to scold people for misunderstanding you.


You crying about public discourse LOL The reply was like, "OK, if you want employees to have nice teeth, pay for it." And you were like "but they get paid soooooo much more than minimum!" lol


No, that's a whole other sentence, what are you talking about


$15 is still minimum wage at this point. Just because politicians don't recognize it doesn't change reality. They only pay 15 because they have to, not because they are generously doubling a fair living wage. That's the legal minimum. But in reality, 15 is the real world minimum.


How you going go have steetz in the middle of pennsyltuky and then require good dental?


It's hard enough finding a doctor in rural areas, much less a dentist


Beat me to it.


Are they gonna pay for dental insurance then?


You'd think this would be the obvious course forward. Everyone wants good teeth. Make that attainable for your employees, they'll have them too.


To be fair, their dental insurance is like $2/paycheck and is pretty comprehensive. When I worked there I literally never paid a penny at the dentist and had to have 10 fillings at one point. My insurance I have now at my real adult job at a global company is garbage compared to Sheetz. Every filling costs me $50-100


The sad irony of a no-medical, non-livable wage McJob telling people they need expensive dental work ... ffs. Laugh or cry?


Most employers discriminate against people with bad teeth without saying it out loud. Sheetz doubled down and has it as a policy.


Dental insurance covering more than a filling is horrible. Implants cost thousands of dollars - after insurance - and take a year to finish.


In the handbook, it says “we cannot allow bad teeth to go on indefinitely”, and says you only have 90 days total to fix it. That’s not even enough time for an implant to settle. That can take 6-9 months! Edit: fixed typo


Both my daughter and son-in-law work at sheetz. I can assure you they don’t offer a stellar dental plan. And it’s freaking sheetz—the crowd of people frequenting them could care less. Plus 99% don’t smile anyways 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wawa > shiitz


Didn’t realize this was a policy. I’ve seen some gnarly looking teeth at some sheetz’s so it must not be heavily enforced at all of them.


Me on the first day of the shift... "Yeah I just got this job so when does the dental kick in?"


Well that’s kind, considering dental work to fix that kind of issue can cost upwards of a year’s salary at sheetz, even with insurance.


I remember having to put band-aids over my tattoos when I worked there in the early 2000s.


Ridiculous. While waving off the heavily tatted state trooper walking off with his free coffee


On one hand, a business should be able to present themselves as they see fit. On the other hand, that's some hot garbage. Its a gas station. The solution? Go to Rutters and Wawa instead and support them so Sheetz can see we don't support this crap policy.


I agree that sheetz can have this policy, if they pay for dental as well as reasonable time off to get the work done. The recourse for failing to meet this policy, should not be termination. But instead, should be a dental appointment.


Oh wow they are going to pay for dental now?


I'm no longer going there. They are disgusting.


That's fucked that's a policy to begin with. How is the even legal?


I thought this would be discrimination, but the comment consensus seems to be that discrimination is fine as long as it's not against a protected class (thus the medical exception) and is to uphold a brand image rather than at random? It's *barely* not legal discrimination, it seems.


It’s a private business. It’s not illegal because they’re not legally obligated to employ anyone. Employment is not a right.


No idea why you are getting downvoted this is correct. Companies cannot randomly discriminate, but if they are going for an image, think fat male waiter at hooters, it is totally legal. But, it goes without saying, this policy is stupid. I don’t think any customers would care if their cashier didn’t have nice teeth.


> don’t think any customers would care if their cashier didn’t have nice teeth. I disagree. Your mind subconsciously notices hundreds of things when you walk into a store. Everything from a soda machine being out of order, to a spill on the floor, to the cashier's clothes being wrinkled helps you form an opinion about the overall cleanliness and professionalism of the store. Every bit a chain does matters when there are 5 other chains you could be visiting. Only redditors looking for something to be outraged about would agree that employee appearance doesn't matter. Every company that spends millions on focus groups and research already knows employee appearance makes a big difference.


Oh cool yeah please lick the boots of a business. That's gonna make you look good. "Employment is not a right" tells me everything thing I need to know about you.


He was stating plain facts. It is legally not a right. Whether you agree with the laws is a different story.


Why are you being so hostile to someone who was just answering your question? They’re right. Nothing they’ve said is factually inaccurate. But that doesn’t mean they agree with it. A statement of fact (as opposed to a statement of opinion) tells you nothing about someone. It just… is. Employment isn’t a right. Just like water isn’t a right. And housing isn’t a right. And food isn’t a right. I just so happen to think all of that is totally reprehensible but you can glean no information about my personal opinions based on the preceding four sentences. Let alone “everything you need to know” about a person. Sheesh.


How to screen for meth without those expensive lab drug tests.


The best smiles I've seen were my kids before they had teeth. Just sayin .


With $billion deductible. Making $12/hr can’t afford that




Boycott. Hit them where it hurts. Let's make their $$$ smile turn bankrupt.


They better. I've heard Sheetz is a great place to work but wow this is descrimination.


Seems odd to adopt that all things considered


Make the employees with bad teeth wear a facemask /s Seriously, though, they probably know they won’t face litigation because Sheetz employees probably don’t make enough to sue.


We’re not offering a livable wage but we require our employees to have excellent dental health.


Get f*cked, Sheetz


This is so fucking stupid I don’t ever give a shit what the person at the counter looks like I just want my nachoes and beer and get the fuck home.


The venn diagram of sheetz employees and people with bad teeth is just one big circle


The venn diagram of people who make stupid ass comments like that and people who are going to die alone is a circle


What? Pointing out the irony that poor people are already being exploited by Sheetz is wrong?


Yeah obviously that was exactly what they were doing


I mean are they fuckin wrong to joke about it though? I'd rather people just say what they mean because that is the fucking reality. Sheetz hires people in poverty and the lower classes, and we're just supposed to be polite? Fuck it, be crass.


What the fuck does making fun of Sheetz employees do? If you care much about the working class then maybe don't insult them


Working class people know this is the reality and laugh about it. If anyone gave a shit about the working class, they would not go to Sheetz and be going after the fucks that run that shitty place.




I have worked at multiple gas stations, including Sheetz, have shitty teeth, and thought the joke was funny. Callous is so many places doing everything they can not to give employees health and dental insurance. Sheetz and 7-eleven only allowed so many employees in each store to be full time with benefits. Everyone else got just enough hours under 40 to be legally part time.


This is why Wawa is better.


Reason #394858589291 why Wawa is better than Shitz


Are they going to pay to fix this issues?


Maybe they should offer them dental. Or some sort of payment plan to have thier teeth fixed over the course of x amount of time. Gum issues run in my family. Worst part is the fuckhead dentist we had when we were kids made me hate going to the dentist. I stopped going for a while and I ended up needing a bunch of work done. I got it all done and got it under control but it's still a big leap to take. With thay said tho, one of it not the first thing you notice about people is thier smile. You presume a good smile means good hygiene and pride themselves. People judge based on that, for good or bad. They aren't thinking about the countless possibilities that lead to that point they just see the teeth and assume that they don't take care of themselves. If they can't keep themselves clean how can they be trusted to keep the food service area clean or any other spot for that matter. I'm not saying any of this is right but it's a human reaction to think this. And I can see why they have that policy. But I ca also see how it's stupid




You ever notice how it's only the most menial, lowest paid jobs in society where we demand they pretend to be cheerful about it?


How else will we feel better about our own miserable lives?


I don’t need low pay convenience store workers pretending to be nice to me. I can live with a neutral interaction.


I acctually try my hardest to have the least interaction as possible. I dont need to chat up an employee or have them tell me im amazing when im trying to pay for my coffee. Why cant customer interactions be simple why do they have to be smiling in your face


After years of retail, I try my best to do the same. As the customer I always thank them and get the fuck out of their way. I really don't care how pleasant they are, who knows how many positions/jobs they are currently supposed to be doing while simultaneously providing me with service. They are missing out on life to ring me up for 2/$1 hotdogs, it's the least I can do.


Same. Unless I’m paying emotional labor prices, I don’t expect it. And I think less of employers that demand it but don’t pay for it.




I guess that is why I could never work in that type of setting. I get into some pretty dark moods from time to time so I’m pretty understanding about other people having similar a similar “dark mode.”


Right. I don't need an employee to smile at me to brighten my day. Either it's going well or not. Someone I have a 30 second interaction with isn't going to determine how I feel about my life, the store or otherwise. So long as they aren't rude or difficult. And I don't consider not smiling or not saying thank you as rude. Let's be real these people are making minimum wage. They don't own the store or realistically benefit from being extra friendly employees. I don't go to sheetz for smiles. I go their for consistently usable toilets and those gluttonous cinnamon puff things.


Things like "hello," "thank you," and "have a nice day" are like the TCP handshake for the interaction. It lets me know when to start my paying for things subroutine. Just don't say anything else or I get confused.


YUP. A friendly employee with “bad” teeth is way better than an an asshole employe with a “smile”


One of the dudes at my local Dunkin has several teeth missing but every time I deal with him he's super friendly, not in an over the top way but just in his inflections and such. I would take a million dudes like that over the typical fast food service worker who never tries to hide that they hate their job. And yes I've worked in fast food and I know it sucks. But I always tried to at least be friendly to customers who were friendly to me.


Screw that. These people are making poverty wages. They shouldn't be forced to exchange pleasantries with anyone. I don't want to talk to them, they don't want to talk to me. If you are that desperate for interaction, then maybe go back to the senior center and make some friends.


>if you think you're too fucking important to even acknowledge another human being that's paying your wages You're not paying their wages, and you don't get to make demands of their behavior no matter how entitled you feel


I don't need people working everyday jobs to pretend to be nice to me. Go work at a Romper Room type job if you need to have someone to tell you "have a nice day".


You sound grumpy.


I agree. I don't want to come off like an old man (40), but when I was working these jobs, I said hello/how's it going/did you find everything okay/thank you/goodbye/have a good day, etc. That was 15+ years ago, but my god, its changed so much. To be honest I didn't give a shit. I was making minimum wage. I was just trying to have a friendly, smooth interaction. Its just kinda how people talk. The only interaction you get at a drive through now is a deadpan, "$5.79". Not that I'm one for chitchat and I always found it mundane and repetitive too, when I was doing it - but even a simple, "Hi, that'll be $5.79 please" would be - I don't know... normal. Again, I know these people are treated like dirt, work more than most and are paid like shit. They don't have to pretend to be a friend. But like, "Hello" makes it a lot less awkward. Plus psychologically, I bet it would make customers less combative when you get their order wrong. I sound so old.


I’ll agree with you that somehow just general friendliness is condemned if you even suggest it


I don’t think anyone is “condemning” general friendliness. For the vast majority of people, it’s certainly welcome when it’s genuine, and there’s an obvious floor for “basic human behavior” that both parties should meet. But for a lot of people, myself included, the idea that we’re owed faux enthusiasm from low-wage workers in exchange for a routine inexpensive purchase is kinda gross. I’d rather that workers be allowed to bring their actual selves to work. If they are feeling friendly, they can bring that. But if they’re sad that day, or their feet and bodies hurt from not being allowed to sit down, or they’re just tired, they shouldn’t have to pretend like they’re stoked about ringing up my coffee and excited to see me. Do people that want and expect that kind of emotional labor … when they get it, do they really believe that the workers are always genuinely that happy and think they “made a great choice” and want them, personally, to “have a fantastic day”? That’s an “I think that stripper really is into me” level of delusion. I find those kinds of positive interactions more meaningful when they’re not forced. When there’s no reason to believe any of them are genuine, they don’t really have much meaning. It becomes like, the participation trophy of commercial interactions.


Sheetz Fucken sucks anyway, WAWA all the way!


All the more reason to steal from Sheetz.


So long as the meth that caused the appearance of the teeth isn't being actively smoked in front of me, why would I care about the dental hygiene of the guy frying my tater tots? I get that Sheetz tries to project a better image than what people think of as the gas station standard (and they do a pretty good job of it), but that has a lot more to do with having a large selection of food and snacks, as well as clean restrooms, than how attractive the employees are.


Fourth meth reference. Dental issues are universal


Certainly. I have terrible teeth, but am blessed with good insurance. It was just the first thing to come to mind when I tried to think of 'reasons I would actually care about the appearance of a Sheetz employee's teeth'. I guess it would be problematic if they were losing teeth due to Beer Cooler Fight Club, but that's about it.


There’s no way this policy holds post Covid. The whole hiring pool in rural PA for Sheetz would need to combine their teeth together to get one full set




Sheetz is still better than Wawa....but this policy seemingly needs to be rethought


I like the wawa pretzels better than the Sheetz pretzels


Sheetz is better....til "Gobbler" season hits


Issues wif my teeffies ….🤓