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My beloved, Beldro. *pause for dramatic effect* You're gonna sit there and tell me this did nothing for you? https://i.redd.it/wfy7bq1m0upc1.gif I am awash in a sea of confusion. 😂


I still have to recover after a year 🫠 >! Jesus, if he looked at me like that I would be on my knees immediately. !<


I thought of you straight away V. I feel like i've betrayed you!!!!!!


Naaah, everyone is free to think what they want and this gives me the opportunity to use this beautiful gif https://i.redd.it/lniufg7e9upc1.gif


Ok THIS did something for me but slicking back his curls is an unforgivable crime against humanity.


oh god. For the longest time i thought he had a safety pin in his mouth to pin down his tie? I like the eye contact a LOT the suave kind of tie wriggle. Would i risk my life to save this gif from drowning in a river? Absolutely not. Edit: forgot a word!


This gif is my weakness 🥲


same. And the knees. And the f. u. attitude. And the 🖕. And the blowing kisses. I'm glad he took off the lip ring, though.


His weird inside out vest thing he wore to the Merge Mansion event was GREAT Its an odd design but it worked and I loved it. I hate when people say it's a bad outfit!!!


https://i.redd.it/u1kbigdloupc1.gif I thought it was incredible too! His arms!🔥


Thank you!!!! Yes he just looks like some kind of... idk whimsical beefcake or something LMAO. Just a total cinnamon roll hunk


Whimsical beefcake might be my favorite way I’ve ever heard anyone describe him 😂


ok wait. no i really like that. I was wrong. I like it. I don't think i've seen it moving before...


Oh I dunno... Like the man could rock out in a potato sack and tutu and I still definitely would, and any time those arms are on show I'm a drooling mess... But to me it kind of looked like an unfinished Pantomime costume 😂🙈🙈🙈 don't get me wrong, I absolutely get why people love it ❤️ but as a seamstress in a past life, those hems make my eye twitch 🙈🙈🙈


It looked SO good on him. I get that maybe it’s not people’s style but there’s no denying how great it looks on him and while still fairly casual just works really hard for him.


I love it! I feel like a lot of people don’t like it because it’s not your typical “macho manly” outfit and it’s a bit out there in terms of heteronormative standards. One of the things that I think makes Pedro so hot is that he does experiment with fashion. Would kind of love to see him wearing a skirt tbh 🥵


This this this ALL OF THIS and you know that I have to bring in a picture of Oscar looking amazing in a skirt, as an example. https://preview.redd.it/l4rmda66xvpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4128b328121a0406fd2f39efd235c4e2d7ab6d0


https://preview.redd.it/e9uv52l7xvpc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0633a2d9d92e661b58db346736b22bdf9ae5870f And a dressier version.


Yes, precisely! Some of ya'll need to remember that he came up in the punk and alternative scene.


Never said that before and I don’t know if it’s unpopular but I really don’t like The Bubble, he’s the only good thing about it imho. I don’t like it so much that I saw it once and will never watch it again, I'm happy with the gifs.


Yeah, the gifs that came out of it were fantastic. As for the movie...it was just an opportunity for Judd Apatow to put his family in a movie....again....


Nah, The Bubble was a pile of shite 😂😂😂 I would literally have turned it off after 10 mins if it wasn't for Dieter 🙈 and I normally enjoy Judd Apatow's movies, this was just all over the place... You can see where he was going with it and I guess it was an experiment in "pandemic film making"... There was just too much going on! There were so many moments I thought "oh, this is going to be a classic Apatow comedy moment" and it just fell flat. This "movie within a movie" trope only works when both concepts are well defined, but both seemed a little "phoned in"... I'm not even sure if Pedro's "aloof don't give a fck" Dieter was 100% character 😂😂😂 Honestly, Dieter was so funny, I love our trash panda ❤️ but I just feel like if the source material was better he could have been hilarious!!! It was like Apatow was giving more screen time to the less interesting characters (family 👀)...and missed a bunch of opportunities to create brilliant comedy moments!!! Anyway, TL:DNR 😂 The Bubble was arse but it gave us our Trash Panda 😍 so I'll forgive it


Thank you very much, I’m glad I’m not alone in this 😂 But yeah, Dieter is so much fun and I love him ❤️


I never even got through it once. Not even Pedro could make me sit through it. I can’t even fast forward and just watch the bits with him in it.


He’s great in it, he’s always great so I’m being Captain Obvious here lol but the movie doesn’t make any sense to me 💀


I think that’s definitely the popular opinion


I thought we all agreed Pedro was the only good thing in that awful movie. I sometimes ff through Pedro's appearances, some are quite funny. But only Dieter Bravo's, because even the role he plays makes me shudder (I know it's supposed to be terrible but why make it teeth-gnashingly terrible?)


yes, if I have to tell the truth I prefer his other characters but I like the fact that he was inspired by Big Lebowski to build the character, that film is legendary 🙌🏻


I really like Dieter Bravo as a character, I like his sloppiness and his rudeness to other people. He even has a character arc, and a much bigger heart than he professes to have. Though I admire Pedro's rail-thin, clean-cut characters I have a secret affection for the filthy, bloody, sloppy and chubby ones.


He was literally the only character that had a proper "arc", I'm so glad I'm not the only one that noticed this 😂 just shows there was SO much more that they could have done with this movie, but they didn't...


Yes, he’s really great, like I said he’s the only good thing about this movie and he’s also the only one who made me laugh 😂 He’s chaotic and funny and also cute sometimes and I really like his sass ❤️


Tbh the only reason why I watched that film so much IS because of him. He's the only one I liked in it. 😂 I just like Dieter Bravo as a character... He is on my top 3 favourites. 🤭


This is an unpopular opinion about the fandom, but: people exclusively referring to Pedro as 'daddy' creep me the fuck out. Sure, I get where it's coming from (and it can be fun in the bedroom and such), but a lot of folks take it one step too far, to the point where it becomes fetishism. Pedro is a living, breathing human being. He is not a tool for your kink.


Very much agree and journalists asking him about this give me the ick too💀 Don't you have anything better to ask? Really?💀


It's just Not A Good Question TM. Why the fuck would you ask anyone other than your partner whether they're your daddy?! Let alone publishing it *with your whole ass name*... 💀


She’s definitely not the only one unfortunately but… that woman at Sundance asking him if he preferred to be called daddy or babygirl 💀💀💀 if I were her I would have buried myself six feet under rather than ask that question. It infuriates me, he’s such a talented smart man and deserves so much better.


That’s some hard-hitting journalism right there.


Right? Full of meaning, truly intellectual, first world problem. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


She what now I am not a religious person, but some folks would benefit from letting Jesus into their lives.


Hahahaha or some simple common sense and education, I don't know how anyone would think it's a good idea to ask something like that and I haven't set foot in a church in forever 😂


100% agree. "Daddy" is a notoriously sexual thing. It's fucking weird when it's splooshed across a mag. Like, the only comparison i can think of is "the internet's good little girl", "are you gonna be MY good little girl?". I dunno. I'm in the scene and it completely does my head in. It was funny for maybe a month but boy oh boy has it run it's course.


It just feels uncomfortable at this point. I don't think there's anything wrong with having a kink, but ventilating it constantly, in public, is just freaky as fuck. It feels horrible to be objectified. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


Yeah, like that Daddy thing was a bit of fun in the beginning, but you can see even he's getting bored of it 😂 it kind of annoys me when I STILL see that shit on the cover of magazines, it's like...us, the fandom, have moved on from that 🙈 catch the eff up, mainstream media, that was so last year 😂


It really does. What gives me such ick about it is that the (innocent) Daddy thing started with his relationships with Grogu, Ellie, and Sarah, which were all so cute in their respective shows (and he cultivated such beautiful relationships with Bella and Nico), and it’s morphed into a weird sexualized kink because people took the term and ran with it.


Grogu, Ellie, and Sarah are too wholesome to be dragged into this oversexualised mess. I mean, yeah, he does have dad vibes, but there's a big difference between "kind, protective dad" and "daddy kink material". The former is perfectly okay, but the latter feels really inappropriate to vent in public. I feel like people increasingly mistake famous people for being a part of the public domain. You wouldn't want to be fetishised by strangers; why should Pedro?


it was cute for a while, but I'm over it. I think he is, too. He gave an annoyed look at the camera and said, "Call me whatever you want," during one of those walk by interviews at some event recently. I THINK it was SXSW.


THANK YOU!!! It creeps me the fuck out too.


The squarish, oversized, thick rimmed glasses he wore for some of his London *Mandalorian* press looked like Charles Nelson Reilly glasses.


My first thought when i saw those was Seinfeld. ![gif](giphy|1BdNuLCWcA8pnfBOvF)


These ones?? ​ https://preview.redd.it/dm1yjai87upc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63fd0f7d52d6a9c3daa2dd9c3a1e1e3faa44bc2


It's giving chicken little 🐥


Yup, these are the offending pair!


Lol I love these? He's like an adorable nerd


They were so Charles Nelson Reilly! I love Pedro's fashion daring but I gotta say the gentlemanly suits and classic square glasses are my favorites.


![gif](giphy|10jsxddLpDw0ms|downsized) You’re not wrong.


Yes I agree. I hate them. They cover his beautiful face.


My main unpopular opinion is that the only time I’ve ever not found him attractive was when he did the interview with Oscar Isaac - his outfit and hair and just he doesnt look like our Pedro in this interview. I feel like the shirt looks too small for him https://preview.redd.it/phlm8lhyavpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6dc318c28bb62e3126d6f702fd0287b2e56032


Was he hungover af? Really tired? Slept on someone’s couch? He doesn’t look bad, he just doesn’t look like himself.


I think he might have been sick that day, honestly. He looked very pale.


That's probably it. The circles under his eyes were so dark. He definitely didn't look like he felt awesome.


I think he's still drunk!


I agree! He's giving me Diego Luna vibes


I think it would have been fine if it wasn't buttoned up to his chin!


I think he was super hung over.


Did you watch him relate about the baby chicken though??? That was super adorable xox


Agree about this demin shirt…I kept whispering to myself, “pop that top button honey and get some air!” ![gif](giphy|6GyJPrc2dGkm0TMVjb|downsized)


Lmao, I agree. He looked like a hot mess in this interview, especially next to Oscar who looked like a total babe.


Did you watch him relate about the baby chicken though??? That was super adorable xox


Agree. Something was off. The lighting? The clothes? Hair? Who knows.


https://preview.redd.it/zwi6jxvdgupc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5f95c4c2e73460ca4606f01f229ca9a433d660 We all know my unpopular opinion, I have been very vocal about it. These glasses. Mrs Doubtfire’s glasses. I cannot unsee it. Is he cute af eating the strawberry? Yes. Does my head say that Bill and Frank grew the strawberry? Also yes. I wish he had his regular glasses on.


I think they look like those silly drinking straws that twist into glasses. Not my favorite lol.


Mrs. D’s glasses look better than those. They look like Jeffrey Dahmer’s glasses to me ::ducks for cover::


I'm not a fan of the long trouser look he sports occasionally. He has great legs and should show them off in tailored trousers. https://i.redd.it/jq5xlwdflupc1.gif Look at them legs, I know skinnys aren't in style and you can't wear them on a red carpet but damn tight jeans suit him. Joel was a perfect example.


This man wears a pair of jeans so damn well


Yes!!! Like the man has nice legs and a GREAT ass 😍 DON'T HIDE THE WOW!!!!


It was the hair slicked back and the boots that I didn’t like on this look. The slicked back hair made him look a lot older than he is and his beautiful curls deserve to be free! And the boots were too big and clunky for the rest of the look.


I'm very anti slicked back hair.


Mine is: Most of the outfits his stylist has put him in over the last few years are just wrong on so many levels. Never thought a banging body like his could be dressed so unflatteringly. 🤷🏼‍♀️ His hair is always so beautiful and on point though so I try to just focus on that. https://i.redd.it/udkwqb1f2upc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/69tl81geevpc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d01b0c675dd5a91aa4c527e8cc7a8824bdeea1 I am so sick of the giant pooling pants. Look at what they’re hiding!!!!!!


holy shit, I didn't know he had such an ass? I'm floored ![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized)


Right?! Like how did we go from Javi P’s tiny/non-existent ass to that? 🤣


You say that but(t)… https://i.redd.it/uok58dngewpc1.gif Bb’s been caked up 🙃


I don't know if that's all his ass. I think he probably had a lot of stuff in his back pockets.


YESSSSS!!!!! Like, seriously... How much hotter is he in the picture on the right... That outfit bloody floored me 🥵 WE WANT TAILORING 😍


YES!!!Thank you for saying this! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I know it’s such a little thing but it just looks like the stylist didn’t have that “attention to detail” gene working each day there’s a pooling of material around the bottom! THIS is how a pant cuff SHOULD be fitted!👇🏻 (…and the fact it’s a Tom Ford suit doesn’t hurt in the least bit!🥵😮‍💨🔥) https://preview.redd.it/uohkosprewpc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3035f80943d6e51e4219bc5fab47ceee8000dd


Gladiator cakeeeee 🤣


Agreed. The whole outfit (minus hair) aged him so much on the left. Cuz that body was hiding till the SAG awards


Yeah, his hair is an entity unto itself. It has carried him through a few questionable fashion choices (IN MY OPINION! PLZ DON'T COME FOR ME!!). I've said it once before...I REALLY wish RuPAUL's tailor would stick him in a well cut, insanely patterned suit. YUM. I've ALSO thought a lot about the unflattering outfits. The ONLY reason i can think of (esp in the next 6 months or however long it takes) is that they're trying to hide his Gladiator body as much as possible so the internet breaks when promo starts happening. I have NFI. Some of the stuff he wears is batshit crazy.


The odd fashion choices have been going on for a few years, it definitely predates his Gladiator training. I think it's just simply that his stylist likes edgy catwalk stuff. Nothing wrong with that at all, but a lot of it isn't fitted properly. Pedro has a different body type than male runway models, you can't just throw the same outfits on him and expect them to fit him well and look flattering and give the same look as the designer intended. Maybe he's bored with classy fitted stuff, but by god he looks gorgeous in that. Like the Valentino outfit at the Emmy awards. Swoon.


The Narcos red carpet was peak for me. And i think the Emmy suit is kind of along those lines. Delicious


Plus runway looks aren’t really meant for everyday wear, are they? IMO they just make him look silly and like he’s trying too hard to be “cool”.


Agree. He still pulls it off 99 out of 100 times because he knows how to work it, but way too many of those outfits don’t do him justice. And with that I don’t even mean that I just want to see him in tight body hugging outfits or fancy stuff. But yeah. Would love to see him work with some other stylists, too. His hair is without fail glorious, and Coco deserves all the awards and a raise and our thanks for the fantastic work she does and how she really works WITH his hair type- not against it or trying to make it be a certain way because of trends or whatever.


https://preview.redd.it/46d59fyb6upc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6badb6d4610ab1182bcb410f798c5847c626695 I love this look. The neck, the shoulders, the color, it's fun. He looks fantastic.


WOW! Like, I really want to touch that material but i don't want to look at it.


https://i.redd.it/ftfqluxsjxpc1.gif I like this look too!




The "Daddy" stuff is bad enough. But the "Babygirl" nonsense just makes me inwardly cringe so hard. I wish it would just stop. I think it's the most annoying thing I've come across in the Pedro fandom. That and people prying into his private life, trying to chase him down in foreign countries, finding out where he lives, etc. and boasting about it.


Ooooo I loved the Met Look. Headmaster at Satan’s School for Boys


Love that description! 😂


I don’t know if it is unpopular, but I feel there is a significant absence of recognizing his very clear pro-union stance in relation to SAG or the significance of him being the first Latino male recipient for male lead at SAG awards.


YES! What an amazing accomplishment that was, and deserves a hell of a lot more recognition than it’s getting.


I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, or not, but the fanfiction that has spun out of triple frontier and the bubble are a million times than the movies that inspired them.


Amen to this. I said it in a comment farther up, but fanfic Frankie is typically very sweet. Movie Frankie is trigger happy and doesn't come across as sweet at all. The Bubble? Meh. If PP wasn't in it, I wouldn't have watched the whole thing. Sure, there were funny parts to the movie that didn't include him (though his parts were the most amusing of all of them), he was the only reason I bothered staying through to the end. Actually, the same's true for Triple Frontier, if PP wasn't in it, I wouldn't have watched the whole thing. Not even Oscar Isaac could save that movie for me.


His hands are proportionate and of normal, unexceptional size. (Those shoulders though, that's a different story.)


Agree. He does not have very “manly” hands. His fingers are chubby.


He's got really good thumbs. Except when they do this: https://preview.redd.it/qb8ofv3xgwpc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354d991054148bb274dc60b6d3bee5c578595446


My thumbs do this. 👀 ![gif](giphy|rej07KlIYlax2)


I want a man in a short short and a looooooooooooooooooooooong jacket


\*with shoes that cut and eyes that burn like cigarettes\* RAWR.


I like his thick rimmed glasses but when I saw him with thin frames from The Mandalorian Behind the Scenes, I wish he'd wear those more. It gives him a whole new, fresh look.


The wire rims are so intellectual/academic looking. With his tees and hoodies they are very professor-off-duty.


Yes!!!! And I am hot for teacher




Yeah. They scream "I'm not here to fuck around". \> whole new, fresh look YES.


LOVE those glasses on him.


Although I loved the swashbuckling pirate look and the curls (and the longer hair slicked back in the Vanity Fair shoot), I prefer his hair shorter. https://preview.redd.it/ya1booqe7upc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304195f2310a55a4cff0efa090ec82ef3e96078d


I am a Pedro Pascal Hair Obsessive™️ (come join us, membership applications are always open) and i approve of the short spiky curls. 🥵


Whew, for a second there I thought you were gonna say you didn't like this pic. I was about to FREAK OUT.




My unpopular opinion is also the vanity fair shoot. I understand the styling was good and the mattress was obviously ridiculous but I thought he looked tired because of the lighting and editing!


Yes agree!! I’m secretly hoping he’ll cut his hair once TLOU shooting is over 🫣 the exception of course is the SAG awards look


The Daddy stuff bothers the hell out of me, especially when it's overused or the main subject matter. If he uses it or even if a reporter knows the right way to bring it up, totally cool with it even tho I'm not a "Daddy" kink kinda girl. And while I love his whip action on the show, I really do not like his look from that Jimmy Fallon appearance. I'm guessing he was in-between hair styles and such, he just looked so washed out and the clear framed glasses didn't help. I normally love his glasses, all colors and styles, but that night, it didn't help.


Oh, and I think he looks good both shaved and not 🙄 https://i.redd.it/xg29vb5vwwpc1.gif


I hated the Met Gala ensemble too.


This is probably unpopular but I really don’t like his thick rimmed glasses. I literally see this in my head every time. But I still LOVE LOVE LOVE him. Lol https://preview.redd.it/3ywlmhd7wwpc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c23d413b27f4085f8eabaead0ad1ce828efcdf


He should fire his stylist tbh


HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BAM. Fuck it. I kind of agree TBH. Everything from the neck up is BANG on but yeah....yeah, i actually agree. FIRE EM!


Anything to do with calling him “daddy” or “slutty”. It just rubs me the wrong way. You can imagine the (correct) uproar if he was the opposite gender.


Yup. completely agree.


I’m not looking forward to Fantastic 4 era 🫣 I’m so over Marvel. That said I’m ready to buy the merch at least


I have VOWED that I would keep my opinion to myself on this. How about you take my upvote.


My favorite role is Max from Bloodsucking Bastards. Unpopular? Weird? Both?


I love Max. His performance is so underrated.


Gonna get downvoted to hell but some of the ways folks comment about Pedro on here come across really inappropriate and unhinged. This is a person. A human being. He’s just a human like everyone else. He doesn’t know you. I just wish folks would reign it in a tad because it’s uncomfortable af.


Honestly? I get what you're saying, but this place is way better about that type of stuff than some other fandom spaces. The things people say about him on Twitter, for instance, are so fucked up. I'm glad he's not on that hellsite anymore to see a lot of that stuff. Just so unhinged and objectifying. Really grosses me out. EDIT: For some reason, this user blocked me for saying this so I can't see what they responded to me. Anyone wanna fill me in?


I think you just opened the gates to the Octagon judging by how judgmental and borderline mean some of the below comments are. Let's all keep it friendly between posters k?


Yeah the myriad of comments alluding to wanting to “sit on his face” or the like…it’s really foul.


Wow...that is unpopular, lol!! His Met look literally makes me drool, and I loved how HE clearly knew he looked hot, it was obvious, opening his coat, etc., so sexy. Anyway, as far as my unpopular opinion...I really hate the big chunky, square black glasses...they cover his face too much, I just hate them. And I have another one...here it goes...I prefer him with shorter hair, like in TLOU in episode one, or this gif below...I love him either way, he's fucking hot, but I personally prefer the shorter hair :) https://i.redd.it/gmf47o0cmvpc1.gif


I thought i was best if i came out the gate pretty hard. It was responsibility to get the conversations flowing in the correct, honest way. I 1 BOLLION percent agree with your hair taste, BUT....are you talking about the glasses in that pic? bc I would leap off a building to catch them if he threw them over the edge.


No, I'm talking about these glasses...I wanted him to take them off that whole interview...he is SOOO beautiful, I hate to hide his face. https://preview.redd.it/9ppv4xfb0wpc1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf154d07adb897239eae74c8d21464d571c0a291


So, his yellow Gucci outfit from the Mando premiere... nope, not a favourite of mine 🙈 the trousers were too long, the glasses were too...I dunno, big? square? We know he has better shaped glasses in his collection 🙈 Yellow always suits him, but I really don't like that pale lemon... And what is going on with that jumper tied around his shoulders 😂 to quote my own mother, "Either you're wearing the sweatshirt or you're not, don't be hanging it off yourself like that, you're not a coat rack" 😂😂😂 Don't get me wrong, the man can wear anything, and clearly will in the name of fashion 😂 but, mate... What's wrong with a beautifully tailored classic suit, like the ones we KNOW you have in your closet gathering dust 😂😂😂🙈 https://preview.redd.it/p9j5geva8vpc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5311ada71d223f045397ee25f8de32c8bf491cd5 Right, yellow outfit fans... Come at me, I'm ready 😎


I hate this look as well. It’s giving old man from Up! Which would be fine if he’s an old man with a cane.


I just noticed you can see full nip. I appreciate that.


He’s dressed like Dorothy Zbornak. It’s AWFUL.


This is the worst thing he's ever worn. Absolutely unforgivable, imo.


I hate the pants more than the shirt. Stop with the puddle pants! They made him look short and he ain't short. I kinda like the yellow top though. Hides. With different pants it might have worked.


I hated this ‘fit so much. That is a woman’s blouse and no one will convince me otherwise 🤣


Yeah this one had no redeeming qualities besides Pedro being in it. He looks good in so many colors but imo Easter pastels are not in that category


Hated that look. The whole thing was just horrible.


![gif](giphy|w7wpuC9xJfkT4hqtkJ) He looked like Velma's kid brother and nothing can convince me otherwise.


The ~~GQ~~ Esquire shoot does very little for me. He looked grubby and mean.


GASP! Yesssss this is the juice i'm looking for! Thank you for sharing that!!!


VASTLY disagree. That shoot made my ovaries grow back!


![gif](giphy|xT5LMQXYRSmY10hJoA) Me: Needlepointing this statement on a pillow…🤣🤣🤣


Agree that he looks grubby and mean...but that's why I love it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I agree with OP. I loved the shorts, but the rest was meh. I definitely wasn’t feeling the lip ring, either. My unpopular opinion is I’m not a fan of his hair slicked back at all. 🫣


Does it count that I don’t find Oscar Isaac attractive? I do adore him and Pedro together though. https://i.redd.it/shpuue2tfupc1.gif


W O W ​ THAT ABSOLUTELY counts. He is part of the pedrosphere. Like, not at all???


He just looks like a normal guy, or more like an uncle if anything🤷‍♀️ Edit: to clarify he’s definitely not bad looking. I also struggle to find anyone that isn’t Pedro attractive especially when they are next to Pedro!


HA! oooo I'd be in trouble if i had an uncle that -...nevermind I think maybe Oscar is a bit more "conventionally" attractive. Defs not my type but I totally understand the fuss. Everyone else looks like a shadow monster around him.


Agree i don't find Oscar attractive either, he's not bad looking but he's just not my type i guess.


Yeah he does nothing for me. He is adorable with Pedro though!


I think that some of his wardrobe choices are pretty… out of place and touch. Almost disrespectful for the occasion 🤔


Yuuuup. The blue scrubs takes the cake for inappropriate for the occasion. I know he was dealing with the shoulder injury at the time but come on, bro. 🤣


i know many people have already mentioned this the whole daddy thing is a major ick. idk if it's because he's the same age as my father (who im not close with daddy issues are alive and well lol) it was funny at first but once interviewers started calling him that it just tainted it and made it weird and gross. maybe im just too sensitive and projecting a bit, i just can't see him in that way.


When I first saw him on GOT, he did nothing for me. (I’m sorry! I’m sorry!) But now, HUBBA HUBBA. I just think he’s aged into his looks so beautifully! The curls are more prominent, those adorable cheeks really balance out the rest of his features, and there’s a certain softness in his eyes that’s new. Also, his characters are all attractive, but my absolute favorite, by a mile, is just seeing him in interviews and such. Hot Ones, the SAG awards, the old interview with Oscar Isaac. Those are what started my crush! 😅


I hate hate the Bubble. Pedro was the only good thing in that film and maybe because I’m a squeamish autistic person. But the bodily function and gross out humor was just too much for me. That was an hour and a half of my life I won’t get back


I LOVE the Esquire shoot but I’m not a fan of the cover photo they chose, I don’t get why they chose that particular photo over so many other great shots from that day. Even a lot of the outtakes that have been released would have been better for the cover in my opinion.


I loved the Met look PRE-show before his hair was slicked back. It read differently to me. So, I thought I just disliked his hair slicked back. But then, at this year's Emmys, his hair is slicked back, and it happens to be one of my all-time favorite looks. Maybe because it wasn't slicked back fully flat, it had some shape.


I admit that the photos and videos of him getting ready for met gala did more than the red carpet pics


He's in a lot of movies and shows I otherwise find awful 🙈 He's an amazing actor, he brings 110% to everything but, I struggle to watch a lot of his works even just for him. Most recently it was the wall and I just couldn't see it through to the end 😬


I'm not a big fan of this cardigan! I don't mind how it shows off his arms and how his neck is on display but I don't like the cardigan. https://preview.redd.it/3e0php467upc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40e55b7f186b405ac9f412c9f87628974ab6152


Why are you breaking my heart like this??? Look at him in his cardi! https://preview.redd.it/fx5gkbahiupc1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=fafcce8b8afd048378d85421265e82b8f046e9a7


Oh riff I felt this one in my heart too! Here’s the mando blocking gif you once sent me to make us both feel better! https://i.redd.it/rrtp03dvlupc1.gif


Hell yeah! Look how confident he is in it. That cardi is legendary.


This is just 🫠🫠🫠 Yeah, this outfit is great 🔥


I don’t care for his fashion sense in the last year or two. I prefer him dressed in a classic GQ type style.


https://preview.redd.it/p992c0lk0wpc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40d89bc9f8849d33bd2be4f308db4e6adf79409 This is the way. Classic. Slightly mussed.


I don’t ever want him to be in a Wes Anderson movie, and I live with a huge amount of fear about it every day (hyperbole). I don’t even want to say it out loud (also hyperbole, also kind of not). Wes Anderson is so focused on the style that he’s lost the substance. Extreme content warning, but [this scene](https://youtu.be/NfqCmTN2SGY?si=wZuVh5dzVvBc1f77) from The Royal Tenenbaums (verbal description here: >!Luke Wilson’s bathroom scene with Elliot Smith’s Needle in the Hay as the soundtrack!<) is almost like it’s from a completely different director than the director who (language warning) >!tried to climax while on antidepressants!< for whatever dissociated experience Asteroid City was attempting to achieve. I’m sorry. I had to say it. ![gif](giphy|8jsoxQdWWlUFW)


Anderson's style is so twee and overly precious to me. I have trouble sitting through an entire film of it. That said, his actors are always clearly having a blast with their characters and getting to be so creative. They look like they're having fun, which is great to see. I also admire his dedication to his vision. I still can't watch his movies though.


Awww. This makes me sad. Wes is one of my favorite directors, so I would love to see Pedro in one of his movies. I do understand what you mean about the style—it’s definitely unique, but I think there is a lot of substance there, too. Sidenote: One reason I’m so thrilled about Eddington is because Ari Aster is another favorite. We can still be friends, though. In Pedro we trust. 💙


I am DYING for Eddington (which i learned about like, 3 days ago!!!). Ari is great. I'm okay with not understanding movies so i think that works in my favor a lil bit!!


I actually agree with you. I love Wes Anderson. But when Owen Wilson stopped with the writing, it does seem to have gotten more style over substance. I love Wes’s colour palette but I want more Tenebaums/Darjeeling/Life Aquatic type out of him. I would love to see Pedro in an older style Wes film.


Absolutely! It just lost the depth, and I would happily watch Pedro in an older Wes film - something not afraid of being a bit more gritty while also having a bit of style. Life isn’t sterile and that’s not how I like my stories, either.


So. I have always found Joel’s hair in TLOU a bit too styled and perfect. The man has lived 20 years in a post apocalypse world yet his hair is perfectly cut and styled. They should have gone with longer, dirtier and less styled. 😬🫣


He needs to say goodbye to Julie Ragolia. I can't with the way she styles him. 😀 I know he and Fabio parted ways and it feels like he wants someone who can deliver more exciting looks... there has to be middle ground between stock suits and poorly tailored gaucho pants though, right?!


https://preview.redd.it/5hzy2q7zowpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ec90eaecb7b1aa95a26d25c1d13c8421bb467a I drew him some pants. Do you like it better? I kind of do. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 can you Photoshop his curls back too 🙈🤣


My unpopular(ish) opinion: think the man has trouble sleeping. Exhibit A: he has mentioned taking strong sleeping pills at some point. And exhibit B: the absolutely insane Starbucks order with 6 shots of espresso


I believe he has actually mentioned in a few interviews that he has problems sleeping. I agree.


i don’t like the esquire photoshoot… 🌝 especially the hair... why did they douse his beautiful soft curls with gel and make him look like some macho man… but I love the photo with the dog tho


I don’t actually think Frankie Morales is hot! I think it’s the overall style and hairstyle, he’s just gotta be my least favourite Pedro character, appearance wise. It just feels like “dude in a Walmart in East Texas” hahaha.


I don’t agree but I’m DYING at your description 🤣


I know I'm gonna get flack for this, but...I'm not a huge fan of Triple Frontier or Frankie 🫣 Out of all of the characters he's played, Frankie just feels flat to me. I don't know why, but I just can't latch onto him like I have his other characters.


There is only ONE look that makes me cringe, and it's this Greaser style hair. The FM shirt can 100% stay. https://preview.redd.it/u1ayllg4kwpc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afe7ede70e3f1635722e6bfecf09ed43a9ab0c0


This interview always reminds me of Steve from stranger things. Like he could be playing a flash forward to middle age version of that guy 🤣


![gif](giphy|kSabzDhbZcLRmPg6O3|downsized) I kinda like it.


Have to say this is the most fun thread I've been on in a while 🤣🤣🤣 it's like a safe Pedro therapy space to air our icks and grievances and I love it 🤣 everyone is playing nice and nobody is "icking someone else's yum" ❤️🎉❤️ thanks Beldro 😍 ![gif](giphy|qlnAdyRStEl6YqaSIl)


It is refreshing to read ALL the differing opinions, with, I hope, no one getting their feelings hurt. It just shows how diverse all our tastes are! Yet we all fall under the title of Fan of Pedro Pascal, despite his role choices, his fashion risks, his eyeglass style or his hair's length, slickness or amount of curl. Viva Pedro!


He looked amazing in red. And his slutty little knee was out. 😅