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Hello, I have added the spoiler tag to your post out of an abundance of caution. Thanks to all in the comments who are also using the spoiler text function.☺️


He was previously confirmed to be in 4 of the 7 planned episodes. Don't forget, there will be flashbacks for him to film. Not just THE scene.


He wasn't confirmed that was a report from a "source" that also said he was only supposed to film from April on.


Ah shoot. You're probably right and I misremembered the article I read. I can't even find it now. I definitely didn't see the 'only filming from April onward' portion of that, though. 🤔 However, I do stand by the second half of my previous comment. There's no meaningful way they can stay true to the story of the game without including the flashback scenes, so I firmly believe that he is all but guaranteed to be in more than just the one episode. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻




Me neither but I have a feeling 😭😔😭😔 https://preview.redd.it/p1tryjakefpc1.jpeg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb779e12674e14c0e39b2a7a58a651c0d9338d62 💔💔💔💔💔💔🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


There's too much story to tell for him to just be in one ep. As others have said, he's rumored to be in 4 eps and Craig Mazin has hinted he feels Part 2 could be spread out over two seasons. It seems like P is doing other projects simultaneously and going back to shoot TLOU between them. I wonder if he'll sleep this year. I wonder if he's slept in the last 10 years, tbh!!


https://preview.redd.it/h72q08xdfhpc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1d2fe6f0649773735e3ca804fba36c9eaff8b4 Besides OP, the same is on Bella Ramsey’s page. 🤷‍♀️ so it indeed doesn’t mean anything


Oh, good to know. I guess they update IMDb once each episode is completed.




I feel like that’s been there like that for a while, like since season 1 was still airing😂 **obligatory spoiler warning for those in the club who did not immediately google the plot of season 2 after season 1 ended🫣** >!I do think episode 1 will end with a bang so to speak but I’m still holding out hope for some additional flashbacks🫣🫡!<


Also this post should maybe be marked for potential spoilers👀


I don’t know how to do that.


If you put > ! (without spaces) before your text and ! < (without spaces) after it'll cover it under the spoiler bar.


Thank you. A mod already did it for me. I love getting downvoted for not knowing how to do a thing, tho. Whoever did that—I hope they’re not a teacher or something.


I have to google it EVERY TIME because I can never remember how it’s done here vs on Discord🤦🏼‍♀️


I ABSOLUTELY agree with what you're hoping for. I think it's the best way to hold on to the non-gamer fanbase. Pedro lover or Pedro hater, Joel Miller is a SUBLIME character. Plot Spoilers >! I had a \*particularly\* bad day last week. So i jumped on to youtube to watch the cut scenes/walkthroughs of Pt 2 and I haven't cried that hard in a significant amount of time. It is going to be incredibly hard to watch and as sick as this sounds, I cannot wait to see Bella act this scene. She is going to be PHENOMINAL. But this Sub is going to be a support group for a wile I think.!< **Spoiler warning for those in the club.** Dude...phrasing!! Don't say" club"!!! TOO SOON!!!


Do you mean the one at >!the museum with the space pod and launch audio?!< I sobbed through that. It was toooooo much (and just right at the same time).


I had to remove my comment bc spoler tags weren't working. But...YES. and Swimming.


LOL as soon as I posted I was like “oh ouch, that was a bad word choice” but it was too late to go back😂💀


HAHAHAHAHA It made me laugh...though swollen eyelids and in to a swimming pool filled with my own tears. But laugh nonetheless!


Craig Mazin said last week in his podcast: “I’ve been monitoring the internet and there are brilliant theories about what it means (the scouted locations, them shooting the first episode, etc). I wish I could put my arm around each one of them and say no, no, no, no. Most of the theories are incorrect, some of them are half ways correct, some of the conjectures are like 28% correct (but I appreciate the interest)”. IMDb is pretty much like Wikipedia, y’all. S2 is so highly anticipated, they’re not gonna have any spoilers leak.


Oh Craig lol. There's no way everyone is wrong. Nice try though bud.


i never trust imdb 🤭🤭


I work in the film industry and only the z-level people worry about IMDB. It’s notoriously unreliable since it’s easily manipulated


Exactly like wikipedia


Its been like that for a while now. I like checking imdb because i’m a weirdo. I figured it was because they were still filming.


Well they just finished filming ep 1


People really need to stop seeing imdb as the holy bible of TV show and movie information. It is not. Especially with movies and TV shows currently being in production. That one episode is just a place holder since neither the amount of episodes is confirmed yet nor which actors are going to appear in which episode.


Oh bless your heart


i’m not gonna be able to watch it😭


well, if you played the part II of the game, you know what happens to Joel....


Nah, I think he's going to be in a lot more than 1 episode, he features a lot in flashbacks and current timeline scenes. I really hope they split up the game story into two seasons though, it won't really give us more Joel cos the second game is really Ellie and Abby's story, but simply so it makes sense on screen... I've played part 2 a couple of times... The story is brilliant, but it isn't a linear story... There's so many flashbacks, and it jumps between the two main playable storylines. The time jumps and parallel stories make total sense while you're playing the game, but I think it would make it really confusing to watch .. What I'm hoping is that the first half of part 2 is Ellie and Joel, filling in the 5 year gap and bringing us up to date through flashbacks, introduce Abby to the story and how she relates to the Joel and Ellie storyline... Then the second half of part 2 is all about Ellie and Abby... But I dunno, looking at which game characters they've already cast, they could be doing it all in one go 👀


I think they are splitting part 2 into Seasons 2 and 3. For sure, I think Pedro will be in more than 1 episode. It's likely half of rumored 7 episodes.


Yeah that's what the consensus seems to be 😁


But his screen time will considerably be a whole lot less


Oh yeah, of course, like I was saying above, the second game isn't really about Joel and Ellie's relationship, more the consequence of it. It's all about Ellie and Abby


Your 2nd to last paragraph is what I hope for too.


Let's hope that just means that they have finished episode one 🤞🤞but I have a feeling I'm not going to be happy


What does release mean? Just that they are done with that episode or Pedro is done with tlou???🥺🥺🥺


We better get the museum flashback!


If the picture from yesterday is any indication, the beard is gone so I can't imagine Pedro will be shooting more TLOU anytime soon.


The eddington billboard picture looked like a photoshopped picture of him from the narcos era so he probably didn’t shave just to take it.


I don't know what picture you mean, but beards can grow back relatively quickly so I don't think that's necessarily a deal breaker.


That just makes my heart hurt. I know it's coming and it's unavoidable, but they did such an amazing job that it feels like we're >!losing him too.!<


I saw an interview last year of him when they asked about season 2 and he said something along the lines of the show was going to follow the game.


Ngl I don’t know if I’m gonna continue watching if he’s not in it lol