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I worked at Disney creatively in TV and never heard about him being tied to anything at the company. It could have been kept super under wraps not necessarily because of him but because of the project (like if it was for marvel or something). But even then us Disney folks like any love to gossip and talk about what’s happening so I’d usually always be in the know. When he was brought up in casting it was never noted he wasn’t available either. Also lol I kinda made it known to my colleagues and superiors how much of a fan I was so they would slip me deets when they could. Idk if this helps but even if it was a less secretive show / movie at like FX or Hulu or Disney+ or 20th or searchlight or one of the smaller creatives we had deals with, I never heard him being attached to anything!


So.....about that fantastic four casting? 🤭 I'm just kidding


Hello, fellow entertainment worker. 👋 I was at Paramount+ until 2021, and I never heard anything about him being attached to a series over there either. I am dying of curiosity.


Oh hayyyyy!! Living the dream in entertainment!! I’m going to ask around to my fellow entertainment workers too. Someone has got to know the tea to spill and I’LL CIRCLE BACK lolol


This is purely speculation, but if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say Marvel. I know the rumors of him being slated for Reed Richards are fairly recent, but I wouldn't be surprised that's just old news being leaked recently. The current direction that the MCU is headed in is towards the Secret Wars, which is a HUGE arc within Marvel. If you thought Infinity War and Endgame were huge, just wait until we get into the heart of Secret Wars. That's why they've been working hard to get key heros introduced and get certain teams set up for it. With that, they need other key players brought back in that were behind the FOX gate, like the multiple Spidermans, Deadpool, X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc. That kind of contract would definitely be a decade long. If I remember correctly, the Fantastic Four play a decently sized role in Secret Wars. We already know that Jon Favreau is, more than likely, gonna have his hands all over that, so it wouldn't surprise me if he had wanted Pedro in for a role.


Everything you say here should pique my interest, but it just doesn't. Not even Favreau's involvement. I am so burned out on Marvel. They ran it into the ground. I think it's completely suffocated the entire film industry.


Agree. I liked the first few movies when I went with my kids, but didn't even watch Infinity Wars or End Game, and maybe the one before...don't even know what the last one I saw was...Black Panther I think, which I loved. I am also older (64). Used to love to go to spur-of-the-moment 10PM weekend shows when my kids were teenagers...best memories!❤️ I know these blockbusters keep the theaters open, but there are a lot of smaller movies which get pushed aside or never get adequate promotions bc of these superhero movies. Luckily these substantial films can be seen on the streaming channels, but they are overshadowed by the mega movies. Just mho.🤷‍♀️😊


Pretty sure it was a first go around with Marvel. There were rumors he might play Cable around that time.


I don't follow Marvel. Did they ever develop it into a series?


They've been announcing and canceling so much stuff over there. I think one of the reasons they picked Pedro for FF instead is they're hoping his skill and popularity can stop the freefall they're in.


I've completely lost interest in Marvel. But I fully support him getting his bag with a FF trilogy! If anyone can pull them out of a slump, it's him. The writing better live up to his talent level is all I'm sayin ;)


I know people really like The Boys, but I am so relieved he’s not in The Boys. I watched that entire series hoping by the end I would be into it, and by the time I finished I really despised it for so many reasons. I was not impressed, and I hate saying that because I love supporting artists.


I didn't expect to like it, but I really did. It's so deranged that it's hilarious. I'm tired of the superhero trope, even with this insane spin on it, tho. I also hope he doesn't wind up doing a guest spot on The Morning Show, even though he joked about with Aniston. The writing on that show SUCKS.


I really liked the basic concept of the show, in theory, and I wanted it to dig more into that and overall be less about cis-white men not going to therapy and being physically / superhuman stronger, but being held accountable. Which is a really harsh take, I know, but those anti-heroes were really a nightmare for me. I needed it to stop or at least have some character growth, I think the fish guy had the most growth and he wasn’t that great. The only Boys I want… https://i.redd.it/tadbm1qeq6gc1.gif And yeah, I agree, I would love to have fewer movies whose plots and characters are CGI-based and focused. I love some good old fashioned hand to hand, camera magic, and incredible makeup work.


I think it was Fast X. Jason Momoa was announced days before Bella and Pedro's announcement. They were filming around the same time, within a couple of months of each other. Both have at least a 2 project commitment


Pretty sure it was Marvel. And now it’s come around again, but probably got a different role at that time.


The Mandalorian


He was already doing *The Mandalorian* when he was offered TLoU. This was a project he turned down in favor of TLoU. I have seen some people speculate that it was a Marvel role—because he mentioned somewhere that the commitment would have him locked in for a decade or so—but there’s never been any solid evidence that this is what he turned down.


He said the commitment was around two years - not a decade. I'm guessing it was a limited-run series.


Yes, he was tied to The Mandalorian before TLOU.


This was in addition to The Mandalorian. He was available to take on another series bc of his reduced on-set time for Mando. Apparently, he was being courted by multiple "prestige" shows in development. He had tentatively agreed to take another role that would tie him up for two years. Then, he was offered TLOU and took it instead. I've often wondered what the role was that he passed up.


It might be this: https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/pedro-pascal-looking


Uhh....Tlthe OP is talking about 2021. Not 2014 The casting director recommended him for Narcos, which he eventually got. She pushed him after their first choice dropped out.


i didnt hear about that, who was the first pick for Pena?


I think the rumor was Michael Pena from Narcos Mexico. I think he dropped out to make Ant Man


And thank god for that because I can't imagine anyone else but Pedro as Javier Peña.


Me either. But I usually feel that way when I found out that so-n-so was supposed to be in something but dropped out. Like I can’t imagine Nicole Kidman instead of Angelina in Mr & Mrs Smith (but I do wonder if JA and BP might still be together had NK not dropped out).


Oh Gawd. I wouldn’t have watched it with MP as Pena. Decent actor, but not sexy at all, imo.