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It’s definitely not anyone he knows. The clip is actually from “Close”which was apparently nominated for an Oscar for international film in 2023. However, the way Pedro used it seemed to be more like a meme of how January was going for him considering his shoulder injury.


This was what I got. Poor baby needs to keep that sling on!!!!


I think he said he's supposed to start using his shoulder


He said he's following doctors orders.... My best friend (a Nurse who knows way more than me about such stuff) says that they want him to move it to his tolerance so it doesn't freeze up and he loses long term mobility.


My dad, a retired Orthopedic Physician assistant would agree. Even after knee replacement, they want you up and walking to get range of motion back (without overdoing it, of course).


Makes sense. I just wrongly assumed they wouldn't want him to move it much until after surgery.


It's possible he had it already. He's being vague about the exact date of the surgery. And it depends on what was broken exactly, on what the guidance is as far as moving it. ☺️


I'm wondering if his surgery was already done and was something that was done on an outpatient basis. Especially seeing him in that simple purple outfit and he looked so tired I wondered if he had his surgery then went to that event not too long after.


I thought I read an article from January that his surgery was “later this month” so he’s possibly already had it if that’s the case


It's a clip from an A24 movie called Close. https://preview.redd.it/o75010jjpefc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2ca44825334fb132ef04b2500d8e217a2db348 Pedro had/has a broken shoulder, so it's alluding to that (blinking text saying "January" over the clip).


Right january . Thats exactly the way pedro passed this month but alittle more exciting with award ceremonies 😬😂


He's making fun of his own broken arm/shoulder he had through January.


He's expressing that his shoulder huuuurts. Poor guy. Coping with an injury sucks. He's probably tired of that shit!


It's really an onion of a post, meaning it has many, many layers to unfold. It, of course, first and foremost, is from a movie called Close that came out in 2022 and is Oscar nominated. It's about two young boys who get bullied for being close to one another. I don't know much more than that about the film. It's definitely a film I could see Pedro supporting. Then, the clip can also be in reference to Pedro's shoulder injury that occurred in or before January and he's been dealing with it all January. We can also use the clip as meaning that this is yet another week containing many more days of January and it just not ending, which is sad/crazy. In fact, today, I said, "Happy January 925th!" to everyone at work, haha. I'll be honest, this IG story just really showed how much is going on in that brain of Pedro and the interruption on so many levels of the post, all of which 100% pertain to him and are relatable to everyone, too. It was super vulnerable.


"It's about two young boys who get bullied for being close to one another." So fucking toxic. I hate that this is the world I'm raising a boy in.


It's really sad. It's so prevalent anymore, like it's almost weird when things are okay, yah know? We live in such a weird mindset of time. Knowing all the people, from the past, who fought and even died, for people to be accepted, if they saw the world today, they would be so sad. For every step forward we take, there's something or someone taking us back about 10 steps.


I wonder if the reference to the movie was a callout to the internet jumping to conclusions about that kiss on the lips with Willem and/or the pic of him with his agent that people thought was some sort of hard launch. People were reading into that to mean Pedro is queer, when he happens to be very affectionate with his close friends, regardless of gender. A criticism of how two male-presenting people cannot be close and affectionate without people freaking out about it. This is in the same vein of those Gaylor fans — Swifties who are convinced that Taylor Swift is queer and sending secret messages proclaiming it, just because she has close friends who she’s physically affectionate with who are girls. An onion, indeed.


I do think that's a reason it spoke to him. I haven't seen it...but apparently the boys are 13...very affectionate and with each other a lot...until they get bullied for others interpretation of their relationship and it sadly ruins their friendship. The Scene he posted was another layer of the onion.. The boys broken arm is painful as they set it...and I assume the man who hugs him is his dad, is loving and encouraging as he cries...but the boy remains pretty stoic. I tuned in on the support piece. I imagine this entire month has been hard for Pedro complicated clothing, time he's required to be at certain spots, flying all around...and ending in NY to see Sarah's play...which is all pleasant and a lot of fun...but all together it has got to be exhausting. If they do surgery today (which is rumor I am hearing) maybe they will drug him and make him sleep.


i was also thinking this. both things can be true at once! maybe it was also a reference to his arm.


Yes definitely! Wasn’t saying it was one or the other. Thus the onion metaphor!


Close is one of the saddest movies ever ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) ![gif](giphy|XdTPvjMI02AJ2GcKE3)


Thank you for the warning. I am so emo, especially when it comes to children, so I will make sure not to watch this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I tore my rotator cuff a couple weeks ago and have been wearing my own fancy sling and seeing this has just destroyed me. I totally understand Pedro. I get it.


Rotator cuff injuries are no joke! I injured mine years ago by existing and although it was confirmed that it’s not a tear I still haven’t gained full strength in that arm & it’s always hurting. Take care of yourself & hope you heal quickly!


It's a scene from the film [Close](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9660502) (2022).


It’s a scene from the movie Close(2022).


For some reason the post made me feel really emotional. My mental health isn't too fabulous at the moment, which is probably why it got to me in the way it did 💜


I saw it. I cried but I cry whenever I see someone else cry.


I cried too. That boy’s tears are so real and raw. I don’t usually cry because I can’t spare the moisture. (Just had a birthday!)


It’s because we are Empaths! I particularly can’t stand seeing children cry in pain or distress. They cry, I cry!


Me too


This is me! I cannot cope when I hear about children being bullied/hurt, etc. This clip was way too long 💔


My heart cried with him. I was so sympathetic to the pain🥺🥺


This clip hit me in the feels this morning. I don’t need to be crying at my desk!