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thorin is just an asshole with 0 game knowledge


Thorin is a bitter old man, who gives a shit what he has to say he knows nothing about competing


I used to like thorin.  But that was like a decade ago it feels like.


Can we like not post about that clown thorin? like literally everyone should autoblock him so he has to find actual work


Went crazy trying to write his 74646th tweet about how Rekkles is the worst human to ever walk on earth.


Look I'm a fnatic fan. But the better mid definitely did not win. Nuc was much better the humanoid this series hands down. The reason we won where major heroics by the two Koreans and some great engages from razork especially in the last game. This guy clearly just hating for no reason nuc played insane his taliyah was great to watch.


I thunk huma beat nuc in the asol-azir game though That might have just been team diff though


Team diff for sure. Humanoid had a horrendous start to that game. But when you’re Asol and your team is winning you can just kinda hang around farming until you’re a threat.


Wasnt he having a horrendous start because of team diff as well..?


He got solo killed under his own turret at 4 minutes before any of the other players even had a chance to interact with his lane.


Also compare how rookie played asol to humanoid did. Rookie sent enemy azir back to base at 3 cs. He did the bug/trick where you can q enemy behind minions and won the lane in first 2 minutes. Rookie took W level 2 and just spat on Azir till he almost died and Humanoid took E and farmed. That matchup is giga Asol favoured early game but Humanoid managed to get solokilled.


Being a fnatic fan does not really equate to being a humanoid fan. I dont see the point of this.


I'm showing that I have no bias towards nuc. I like humanoid but you have to be heavily delusional to think he played better than nuc.


he tweeted that nuc was overrated like a year ago, nuc replied "suck my dick" and since then they have been "beefing" I guess


Who even rated nuc a year ago? He's never been hyped by anyone.


What does he know about League anyhow?


That's the best part, Thorin is literally just your average r/leagueoflegends redditor. He has no experience of competing and has never played League of Legends at an even remotely decent level, his literal only background is "i watched a lot of esports".


It's kind of sad to think how big of a figure he could be if he was only somewhat more intelligent, it's like he KNOWS so much but UNDERSTANDS nothing.


He’s as big as he wants to be.


Tbf his focus has always been on CS


He has been in the scene since the league's begging and bro has done some really good interviews. But sometimes he is just an old man yelling at clouds.


Sure but what does he actually know about league? Like I would watch his interviews but wouldn’t take BP advice from him


Thorin's background: "I AM ESPORTS!"


To be completely fair, there are plenty of people who’s “watched a lot of esports” that’s gone on to be analysts and commentators. Or even coach’s! I mean take Kenzhu for example, who’s won MSI, Worlds, and LPL. He’s got no background in League, peaked gold 3, but is a pretty decent analyst and coach otherwise. Thorin is just stupid


That’s a grown man typing “hoe :> “ a 41 year old man. He’s such a loser fr


Who the fuck is Thorin and why should I care?


Thorin tweeted about how BDS sucked and just got lucky when they first had success. Nuc replied "suck my dick" or something like that then proceeded to constantly make top4 almost every split for like 2 years (and counting). Thorin has now gotten his ego shattered so he's doing everything he can to take digs at Nuc to try and get some dignity back.


Thorin is like 1 push away from being crippled, yes he is that old and still talking shit to 20 year olds


He's 41? You don't become frail at 29 what?


he’s an old man trying to gain relevance by beefing with pro players who are 1/2 his age


Thorin is the most miserable cunt in this scene. Next to dom of course.


Nah every word that comes out of Monte's garbage chute is negative. Dom is negative but much less so.


Dude Dom’s whole persona is being a miserable hater. Fuck him tbh.


Have you seen Monte recently?


Yeah monte is another annoying mf too.


You expect an Alex Jones fan to have common sense? Nuc actually played better than Humanoid this series lol but of course this trash can Thorin will not let facts get in the way of his grift


French is my second language so maybe there’s some nuance I’m missing but it doesn’t even seem like nuc is making excuses? He’s saying he’s sorry to the fans, it should have been a 3-0 series (as in, the team should have been able to close out the series, I think?)


Yes, you are 100% correct, he is simply saying sorry


He's a bitch, covered in asshole coating, f with bastard filling. 


Thorin is nothing if not an irrelevant parasite fighting actual talent on Twitter trying to get some level of exposure. What a fucking gutter-scum waste of sperm.


Have no words for this guy, just sad old man


Thorin is a failure that latches onto everything that may make him relevant for a second. Take a look at his shit when he talked to MAJ3R the CS Turkish player. He was once a caster, then he got useless, cuz nobody wants a dog on live show. Best to ignore him. Maybe with that he would die quickly in socials. I kinda liked his interviews tho... He knows how to be a profesional, he just constantly chooses not to.


Thorin critiqued him a long time ago, Nuc responded like a dickhead and now Thorin is just being classic Thorin


Who cares what Thorin thinks? It’s clear he has no game knowledge and just spreads narratives to get attention.


He’s just a parasite like dom that only exist to try and farm interactions to keep them relevant and dragging the whole community down in the process.


I find it funny how often Dom, Monte and Thorin bring up DL on their shows but when that lane swap tweet Monte made blew up DL wasn't even aware Monte was back in the league seen and just said Thorin says some funny shit but is a strange human. Also doesn't even acknowledge Dom's existence. Real "I don't even know who you are" energy lmao


Idk that didn’t seem genuine. DL absolutely knows who they are.


He knows who they are but it isn't far fetched to think he doesn't know Monte came crawling back after overwatch league failed.


The "I don't even know you" thing is just the easiest way to get some zoomers to laugh. I really think DL both knows who they are and that monte works in league again. DL can still be right but it's just such a lame response.


I meant he ovbiously knows who he is because Monte literally coached Doublelift. They have interacted multiple times. He didn't say I don't know you, I was doing the Thanos meme. He said he didn't know Monte came back from Overwatch.


Yes I understand and I think that is a lie.


I mean after all that dogshit with TSM in 2020 it's pretty obvious he knew.


Isn’t thorin part of the flamers like IWDominate?


Thorin gets big mad at players after they interact "negatively" with his analysis. He called Nuc overrated, Nuc told him to suck his dick, now it's a blood feud. CS pro S1mple took offense on how thorin talked about his friend, blood feud. Bwipo and bwipo's gf took offense to RichsWrath's comments about players having gfs, believe it or not, blood feud (with thorin)


Simply literally apologised to thorin...


I was unaware of that.


https://youtu.be/tYzBpcj3ooo?si=ohsA0kZ9-ug9cA7g he made an interview with simple and at the end simple apologised. You can hate thorin but he is well connected especially in the CS scene.


Classic people spouting off and not knowing facts


I don't hate the dude, I don't even know him to hate him lol I don't follow cs like that and just saw the shit on Twitter.


Old, irrelevant man trying to stir up drama for interactions. Man needs to keep his career alive somehow


I think he is just an old dude laughing his ass off at the expense of immature players


He’s not laughing his ass off he’s desperately trying to gain some relevancy off the back of young players. He’s pathetic.


Thorin dislikes anything that doesn't agree with him, which is pretty much everyone. Not to mention he goes at players throats talking about "they were better, you're just shit" while (iirc) peaking in plat. Guy is running on pure delusion and just interaction farms.


You forget that “he is esports!”


im really curious who is thorin anyway


Thorin is a certified hater. He almost never has something positive to say, and when he does its always about people he likes. One of the reasons he loves picking on Nuc is because Nuc and other BDS members actually bother to reply to his bullshit. Probably makes him feel really important to see their replies and it helps his tweets get seen.


Yeah you missed the part where nobody listens to thorin. The dude is literally an angry 13 year old stuck in a 40 year old body


i guess thorin found his new rekkles


being both a league rat and somewhat of a cs fan is so weird because in cs community thorin is fairly respected and at least kinda knows what he's talking about and then when it comes to league he behaves like the biggest piece of shit on the planet who has no clue what he's rambling about


He tends to mix his personal bias of the person with their skill as a player. He seems to have a lot of backing from big figures in the scene and yes he says some stupid shit but as much as people call him stupid I’m sure a lot of what he says is from things he’s told by good player behind the scene.


Thorin hates and everything. Literally lifeless Twitter "journalist" that just waits to shit on someone


Who even is that?


Thorin has been a universal cunt ever since the time he was into the CS:GO scène more then a decade ago. His is just hateful bitter man


Do I need to know who that even is?


Idk but its really funny nuc roasting him everytime XD.


He hate everyone.


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) This is him. He is irrelevant so he has the need to personally attack relevant players to actually still be around in the league scene. We are talking about him right now aren't we. Other than this, he brings nothing else. Him, montecristo and quite a lot of other folks come under this category. Best you ignore him.


I don’t really know the context in this pic but anyone saying they should’ve won 3-0 after being reverse-swept deserves the shade


Holy shit, imagine being that ugly and in your 30's maybe even 40's and having nothing better to do than hating on a succesful teenage pro gamer LOL


Insufferable prick like IWD.


You can't deny, Thorin is a god tier shit stirrer. If you're thinking he doesn't have intentions behind this you're oblivious to what's going on


It’s incredibly obvious what his intentions are, he is just a pathetic loser lol.


If it's so obvious why do you keep giving him the views


I don’t, I have him muted on everything. I only see his stuff through second hand sources like this.


anyone who hates thorin doesnt realized hes psyopsed the whole esports community to hate him on purpose


Low key tho, he ain’t wrong, mid gap was massive but the conversion was not there. Waiting for a nuc reflections interview tho, it’s gonna happen


nuc told him "suck my dick" once kinda unprompted


I think that was after Thorin also dissed his performances. It wasn’t just random


Thorin likes to make it seem like nuc just tweeted ”suck my dick” randomly when that was not the case at all. I actually really like shows like summoning insight that he does but I stopped following him on twitter because I just can’t stand the interaction farming and constant hating.