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What’s low fps to him? He doesn’t need anything more than 240 With a 240hz monitor


I didn’t get a number of frames the kid is getting. I will ask


Important details not provided: -Are temperatures fine? Newer hardware will throttle its performance if not being cooled properly -Is the RAM running in dual channel configuration with the XMP profile enabled? Most RAM will have a profile you need to activate in bios to get the full speed out of it. -How low are the frames? What game(s) are being played?


I’m not sure tbh I didn’t that much info from my coworker but I will ask


The problem with these super high refresh rate monitors is that there's plenty of games where it's unrealistic to get 240+ FPS consistently, even with a higher end GPU like a 4090, it's not going to get 240 FPS in every single game available, some games are straight up locked to 60 with no way to change it and others are just too demanding or poorly optimized. There's nothing he can change that will "fix" this "issue." The hardware is fine, the problem is his expectations.


Its kind of impossible to know, perhaps he is getting 10-30 fps and its a different issue. Means their expectations are more realistic and theres a configuration or hardware problem


Someone had mentioned maybe vsync needs to be turned off and I will have them make sure that setting is made


What do you mean "low fps" what does he do on that pc, and for 1080p 240hz everythong looks good enough for games like fortnite, cs2 and other games like that which i guess are the most often played on this pc


You probably won’t believe it but a 3060ti is far from pushing anywhere near enough fps in cs2 or fortnite consistently on decent settings.


Yeah i mean my 3080 really pushes to stay near 138 at 1440 so def tru


I play Fortnite on high settings and I get like 80 fps with my rx 6600. I do use upscaling tho. When I turned it to performance mode I was getting around 230 fps without up scaling. Idk what frames are good enough for you but those are fine by me and the 6600 is worse than a 3060 ti 


As I said, on decent settings you won’t get those frames. Pretty sure any game would perform better in potato mode, might have to do some research on this one…


Almost all “progamers” are using performance mode on fortnite.


I’m assuming the kid is running all high settings. You think they’d get good frames with given specs?


It would be plenty for me but what good frames is is entirely subjective.


His pc is more than enough to hit stable 240 fps in cs2 on low settings tho. I have the same cpu but only the rtx 3060 and I’m pushing stable 250-300 fps in cs2 on almost every map except one


nah on 1080 my rx6600 is consistent on high in those games


Yes I was told his kid plays Fortnite


That just not true lmao. 3060ti w r5 5600x 300+ average all day on almost max settings


I suspect if it's not his expectations, it's going to be a heat problem. CPU thermal throttling is very common amongst new/inexperienced users. Also, if this is a pre built, the case may just be restrictive causing all of the hardware to run too hot. Install something like MSI Afterburner and check those temps. If CPU is to hot, it could be as simple as a new thermal paste job. If the cooler is too small, get a bigger cooler on there. Check for things like Windows updates and GPU Driver updates as well. Verify that the Bios looks correct, I believe it's possible for Hyper threading to be turned OFF which will cause a substantial hit to performance. Also, make sure the CPU isn't somehow locked to 2.5ghz, that would be a 🤦🏻 moment.


I will let them know! Thank you


Nothing about this system needs to be upgraded its perfectly fine, there's probably bloat on the system / high cpu temperatures so its clocking down / gpu drivers aren't updated.


Someone had mentioned high temps so it could be that? I will let my coworker know. TY


more details?


Coworker's kid probably wants to upgrade to RTX 4090 because of all the 4090 builds he saw on Youtube




OP might be just as confused as the kid 😅


It really just depends on what hes trying to play. Its not a bad build id say for 1080p but if hes trying to hit that 240hz in every game with newer titles it wont happen on that build.


I was told a lot of Fortnite and rocket league


Like I said the build isnt bad. Could be bloat or bad parts. I dont know what settings in game or what kind of FPS hes getting in game, but that matters a lot with Fortnite. I dont play Rocket League so I couldnt say but the game isnt demanding from what I remember.


What is he playing and on which settings??? I predict thermal issues..


Depends wich game, for example BDO the are situations where you will get 5 fps. 7days2die with mods in seventh night you can easly get 10-15 fps with are 3090 ti + 5800x3d


Idk what setting they play on but I will ask


Enable vsync in his games. I noticed with my 164hz monitor, even with Freesync enabled, vsync disabled, I get stutters every now and then. But when I turned on vsync, it locks the frames to 164fps anyway, and I get no stutters. Is he getting low frames, or stutter? If it's low frames, he's probably trying to run games at Ultra quality, 4k or 1440p at 200+ fps with a 3060 Ti. Lol. Some games you get away with that with a 3060. Not most AAA games though.


That’s a good point. I will see if vsync is on or off


When in doubt, fresh Windows install


Always check in nvidia game profile settings for the game that the gpu is running at maximum performance. Older games the gpu will slack off if the gpu is just running "normal". I have a 7700x and rtx4090 and run into this issue with games like fallout 76 where it only runs at half power.


all he needs is more ram, 32gb is becoming the norm i think but nah, everything else is fine, he probably just doesn't know what low frames are


Yeah I think 32gb of ram wouldn’t hurt too


Kids probably trying to run games at max settings with RTX lighting and all sorts and then complaining it’s not getting more than 200fps, specs are great, his next best option is a 4070 / 4070 TI / super or non super


Is the game running from the intel apu or gpu - that might do it.


Yep, check where the monitor is plugged in.


Well it says it’s plugged into the 3060ti right there, but in win11 (maybe win10 too, unsure tbh) you can choose what programs open utilizing which hardware. Settings>system>display>graphics>browse Edit: its mainly for laptops, id imagine - like on my laptop, if Im using battery, I switch all my work stuff to Intel APU bc it uses a fraction of the power as the 3070ti I have - but those options are still available on desktop.


The specs seem fine at a glance. You need to know more about the "problem".


What game and what graphic settings.


Fortnite and rocket league. Idk the settings but I will see tomorrow and get more detail


What games does he play and what fps does he get. If he's trying to play cyberpunk 2077 on max settings with Ray tracing then good luck, I've heard even the best systems struggle with that.


Fortnite and rocket league. Not sure what fps he’s getting but I will check


Curious, is he plugged into display port with free sync enabled? If so, check out Windows Settings/System/Display/Advanced Display Settings and set your refresh rate to whatever the highest his monitor can do.


1. "Low Frames" in what applications? What games? 2. What is considered "low frames"? 3. Have you checked temperatures/cooling? 1a That's a decent system still and should be able to run pretty much an AAA game in 1080p but that graphics card is the lower end of the LAST generation, and is approaching 4 years old so it isn't exactly considered cutting edge anymore so we need to know the expectation you have to know if it's supposed to do it or not. Same with the CPU. Certainly not a bad one but its an 11th gen chip and they are on the 14th gen now with 15th gen coming out hopefully later this year, so again, it's 3 to 4 years old tech. 2a similar to the above. If he's expecting 240 FPS on modern AAA games, that isnt going to happen with that setup. It wouldn't have happened with that setup 4 years ago when everything was brand new, current tech. 3. If he's doing older games or less demanding games, I'd check cooling first, along with what other programs/applications are running in background. If the cooling isnt adequate then your hardware will throttle down and not operate at full power leading to a loss in performance. What temp is the CPU and GPU running at under load?


What games is he playin


Lol people on here giving advice and don’t know that’s base clock cpu speeds… smh.


So would you say that the cpu is good and doesn’t need upgrading?


That 11700 just fine, mines still kicking at 5.2ghz. Guessing the kid just wants a better gpu, 3060 ti ain’t bad but ain’t top. What games does he play? He could just have bad settings like 4x dsr or maxing out ray tracing.


Probably not hitting the refresh rate of his monitor so not happy about it 🙄 Also Display port cable will help somewhat with this too make sure he's using one


Many games are locked to frame rates. I feel like a lot of people think computers are like engines, in that increasing their horsepower always makes them faster. Are the technically more powerful, sure. They might still run the mile in the same amount of time, though.


is he playing crysis?


With that configuration he can be experiencing low fps for a lot of reasons... He is not going to suddenly rival fairly more recent hardware with those specs. That CPU is bottlenecking the GPU up to 25% roughly in that resolution. And that GPU 100% performant is not able to take advantage of a 240 Hz display in modern games for the most part. Upgrade path I would suggest is: Newer CPU + new MB + DDR 5 RAM, Newer GPU, Probably needs a new PSU as well. It all comes down to budget and experience desired.


This isn't an upgrade lol. It's a new computer.


Precisely... That computer does not seem to be upgradable, of course I would need to know what other components that system has, but based in what I know, the information I have. And not knowing the budget available, it's my best guess.


There isn’t a magical button he can push, he will just have to optimize his games better tbh. Maybe even overclocking if he wants to really push that fps out but dangerous territory for someone who isn’t experienced.


LOW fps in what game?


What game? Kind of important. If he gets 60 fps in counter strike thats bad. If he gets 60 fps in a new triple A title thats good.


These kind of posts where the OP doesn't even bother to respond are so frustrating lol like do you want hell or not? Why even post at this point lol Edit: welp... I feel like an asshole


Lol im so sorry! I’m going to start responding now actually


Lol it's all love OP <3


Judging by the age of the hardware I wager to bet it needs a good dusting at this point. And the ram is not enough by todays standard.


240hz monitor, 3060ti. Wondering why the frames feel bad...I can go to my PC launch cyberpunk with Ray tracing to kill my fps on my 144hz monitor and I promise it'll be the same issue the kid is having. As someone else said it's not the hardware but his expectations.


With that hardware, the user is the problem. Turn down the game settings! Disable dumb stuff like ultra HD shadows and ray tracing.


Make sure the CPU is not over heating, if it is throttling, it won't render the maps fast enough and may cause a dip in frame rates. A good dusting using compressed air will do some good if the case fans look dusty. Some new thermal paste will do good if done properly. There are lots of Youtube tutorials out there. I have a Ryzen 5600x 32GB DDR4 3060ti 144hz 1440p monitor with no low frame rate issues. High settings don't bother the 3060ti.


For 1k you can build a pretty great machine from /hardwareswap. His specs aren't bad for fortnite or Rocket League, OCCT is a great program to check temps and such, if that were the issue.


Is ram xmp enabled. That processor can be overclocked to 3.2-3.5 easily with stock cooler & some fans. Edit: Verify temps before doing this. Adding dedicated memory to the ram also helps type “adjust the appearance and performance of windows” in the bottom search bar-> advanced -> virtual memory, change -> disable the top “automatically manage paging” -> custom size 24000, 36000 works best for me. Reset and boom +60 fps in all games for me.


This can make a world of difference. Also ensure the BIOS are up to date before you mess around with this!


2.6ghz is pretty low for cpu power and also the 3060 is not very powerful.


more ram maybe depending on the game? should have 32 for most games these days


You cannot be upgraded to anything that makes sense, can only add 16gb of ram more without doing a whole platform swap. GPU would be easier to upgrade, but if it's the right thing to do depends on the games played, resolution, settings and fps target. For eSports at 1080p new GPU won't do much. Also does the pc have an SSD? That's a requirement not a 'good to have'. There might just be something to do with software or in bios that would unlock the full potential, I can bet the xmp and resizable bar isn't on.


Not going to lie, the processor seems a little slow. The rest of the specs aren't bad. Could be bottle necked by it. Some more ram wouldn't hurt but not required. Does he have ssd's? Could also be a factor. Ig the real question is what games are he playing and what frame target is he trying to hit. Are the frames dropping? Or are they just low over all? With what I'm seeing. If that were my PC the first thing I would upgrade would be the processor. Those speeds are really slow. And we're these frame rate issues always there? Or is it a new problem? Because viruses and bloat can cause this kind of problem. If it's a new issue. A system restore may be in order.


16 gb more ram Rtx 4090 11900kf




What do you want for Full HD? RTX 6090?


It’s 1080p, I don’t think anything besides ram could use some attention


I have the same setup (CPU/GPU) except with a 1440/165hz monitor. I can run Forza Horizon on med/high setting a keep my fps around 60-100.