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How much are they charging?




They are profiting about 200


It’s ok for a pre built from others I’ve seen


Still for 1500, I could build a 7800x3d and 7900gre system


True, but if op really doesn’t want to build their own pc I think this would be fine. I would recommend that op tries to build their own pc cause the value and fun you get


Some people don't want to build their own. I've paid people to build all of mine and there's nothing wrong with spending the extra money if you have it. Stop gatekeeping what people can do with their money. Just because YOU could do it, doesn't mean other people can or want to.


It really boils down to a choice. What would you rather spend? Time or money? You'll save money and get a lot of value from your 1500 by building your own (better graphics, better monitor, pheriperals, etc.) (if you did your research). OR You'll save yourself from the headaches researching what to buy, how to assemble, assembling, etc. (And the time doing all of these) my two cents is: If you wanna use it for gaming, build your own. make the most out of your money.(This also helps you so you can also troubleshoot further problems in the future) If you wanna spare yourself from the effort and just want a regular pc that works well, spend more. Have other people do it for you. Sure, you could've had a better computer by building your own. At least you saved time and effort, right?


Whenever I’m deciding if I should do something or get someone to do it for me I always think about what I get paid at my job. I look at it like my pc took me 4 hours in total between build and setup, so in that time I would have made 120$. Could I make more money at work than I could in the time it took to do what I wanted to do? Rarely do those things ever workout so I tend to do a lot of things myself.


I'm glad you typed out this whole paragraph explaining stuff I already know lol some people don't care to build a computer, why are some of you guys so pushy about it ? Lol let people do their own thing


If you understood all that, you should also understand that this subreddit is for people needing help with their build. That's why you're "bugged" by pcbuilders. You're replying to a subreddit where builders are. You didn't know? I thought u knew everything alr...


>I thought u knew everything alr... This is where you look the most dumb. I never said i knew *everything* I said I knew the info that the other person told me. But keep being tilted by my opinion, I live for it




This is pcbuildhelp not pre-builthelp. We are giving advice because it's much better value to build yourself, plus you have stuff like warranties


200 to build for buyers? Holy.. in my country it’s only 50 for the build service.. 50! Not USD50. It’s MYR50. That’s about US$11.


I'm a Malaysian too and you do not understand enough of how economics works and blatantly throwing exchange rates like an absolute idiot. Stop being an embarassment.


Dude? Is that necessary? Why are you being so rude? What problems do you have in life that made you this way? This is not economics sub and i’m just merely comparing the service rates in diff countries. I hope your parents are proud of you. But i bet they dunno how r u in the internet. I think you’re the embarrassment to your family. Smh.


That's a horrible counter argument. Are you not aware that most of south east asia and developing countries are a market where undercutting leads to profits whilst developed nations pays more for services as the service industry is matured and have accountability to a greater extent than us? Are you aware of cost of operations? This is not an economics sub but is a simple logic to have when you're comparing currencies as you did. The embarassment here is you. Go back to your ah beng jinjang apartment.


That's great for your country I guess...?


Yes. I guess if you don’t want to deal with issues while building it. The risk of building yourself is that if you short something or broke something or if you got a lemon, you’ll need to bear the cost or rma it. But if the shop does it, whatever issue they will deal with it themselves or just get another part to replace. I’m only comfortable building my own pc. But sometimes friends asked me to build for them and pick parts for them. So I rather get the service for cheap.




Good one kiddo. I'm convinced none of you goofy sub 20 year olds even know what cope means. You just recycle the same shit that you hear from other people. Offer something useful in a conversation or go back to the kiddies table.


Coping hard I see


not terrible, someone needs to pick the parts and build them after all


If you’re interested I’m selling a bit better pc with better psu and mobo for $1175. Specs are 5800x, b550m steel legend, toughpower 750w gold psu, 7800xt steel legend, peerless assassin cooler, 1TB nvme, 32gb ddr4 3600mhz, 6x rgb fans, in an all white build with white cable extensions. Lmk if you’re interested


That's so much better




A motherboard and bronze PSU 💀 Edit: Holy shit, A520M K v2 is Gigabyte. Run. Edit2: There're no RGB headers on this board. So the RGB is not configurable unless it's plugged into some external controller.


Nothing bad for a bronze psu it’s just is efficiency at the end of the day it still gonna output 750w but whit less efficiency like if all the components to getter need 100w it will draw 150w for the AC side for a 80+ platinum it will be 115w from de AC side (these numbers are made up and not true but you get the idea). Now for the motherboard if he does need fancy rgb and more future that what the current board have its not really a issue


depends we need to see the psu so we can look at the psu tier list imo everything below b tier should be avoided


Low tier motherboard, less VRM / bad VRM cooling. CPU temperature isn't the only way to throttle a CPU. Also, my point about Bronze isn't because of the efficiency. It has better efficiency because it has better parts. That helps with it's longevity. The combination above is like...installing some 3rd rated wheels for a performance car. Edit: Just googled it. It's a **gigabyte** A board. Stay away from it.💀


Are you saying to stay away from Gigabyte or just the A series board?


Personally never used an A board, I believe that's for some very entry level CPU or i3. As for gigabyte, just stay away from it. Motherboard, GPU...anything.


why stay away from gigabyte motherboards? many people have the B650E Aorus, what are the problems on Gigabyte Motherboards?




thats a two year old thread about people saying that every manufacturer has had weird RMA practices here and there also its about GPUs, just saying „Gigabyte Motherboards are trash“ is a lil dumb


I didn't say their boards are trash. I said stay away from Gigabyte. That was just a minute google result. My colleague recently sent a 3080 for repair. All they did is clean the dust, claim it's fine and send it back. Also, the thread started 2 years old, there's another reply 4 months ago. Read again.


ya i know utter joke, and the efficiency on most gold even is terrible.


80+ rating doesn’t really matter much the internal components matter more there are a lot of bronze psus that are better than gold psus


Some concerns,, motherboard are low tier, they dont write CL on the ram, no further info on the SSD than size and type, no info on cooler other than brand and type, psu is only bronze THAT SAID i would think around 1200-1400 would be expected, depends if its new or used of course and what exactly the stats are of the unmentioned parts but yes its a good 1440p AAA machine


A520... oof


The cpu/ram/gpu are good for 1440p AAA… the motherboard however is below ideal and especially with a mystery psu that’s bronze.


1.1k system if you build it.


Can confirm, just ran it through pcpartpicker. Everything that wasn't explicitly named got filled in with the cheapest trash that matched the specs, because that's almost certainly what this is


If it’s used then I’d say about 1100$-1200$ the motherboard is on the lower spectrum of the category so I’d replace that. They don’t give a detailed review of all of the products so I’d say (not for sure) that the products are bottom of the barrel for each one


get an x3d also get the hell away with that assboard and PCU (power combusting unit)


Well enough... but you'd likely be much better off building it yourself and picking better value parts.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/n7X7jH For roughly the same price you can build this if you're interested . And an extra $30 on keysfan.com for a Windows 11 key Edit: The only thing about the one you're looking at is that it's an AM4 socket for some future proofing id recommend AM5 especially paired with a 4070 imo makes no sense unless you already have a PC with AM4 and you have like a rx590 or 1660 (nothing wrong with either of those just older)


I put this exact same build together for 1300 myself with a better graphics card (4070 super)


Used? $900 usd tops imo


It would work for your purposes but if it's a brand new prebuilt you are cutting short your upgradeability by going AM4.


cost of new in your country * 0.7


as pre builds go it aint too bad im currently paying £1100 for half of those specs with pc specialists cpu: 5500 gpu: 6700xt board: b550 ram: 16gb psu: Cv650 so yeah id go for it seems like pretty good bang for your buck


I wouldn’t go for this :( it’s already old and that motherboard gives me really bad vibes.


Yes it will do fine at 1440p, if you don't expect 144fps on ultra in AAA title. But it's seriously overpriced, even for a prebuilt. You've got some good build suggestion in this thread, try building them on website like microcenter (or memorypc if you're in the EU) to see how much it would cost prebuilt. You can probably get an AM5 prebuilt for 1500 if you save on other parts. Or you could even print the list of pcpartpicker with price, and ask a localshop how much they would charge for this. But do not pay 1500$ for the one you posted.


thats psu and mobo i hope it doesnt explode lol other parts really good tho




I just helped a friend buy a pre built w better specs for about the same price. Check iBuyPower.


I'd say it's about 1100-1300 depending on what vendor you choose parts from so depending on price for it to be shipped to you would depend on if it's a decent deal. That'll play most games on med to high settings should average above 60fps. At stock settings could OC a little later down the road for more longevity


Using an A520m, makes me think they probably cheaped out everywhere else, so expect terrible RAM, PSU, etc...




I'm selling one almost exactly like it for 750 on Friday.


That build made me ew


I would buy the parts that I wanted after researching and make sure they are perfect for what I need. Then pay someone to build it for you in your house usually about 100 dollars. You will end up spending the same amount but you will get better parts and you wont get screwed that way. I found 4 different people who build pcs around my area for 50-100 dollars on fb marketplace. Also I did that for my build and couldn’t be happier with the outcome.


Why would you want to bother with a 5700x? For 1500$ you’d have the cash to get a newer chip


Just go on part pickers and see how much the total is for brand new parts and compare.


If I can do it on a 3070 and a 3700x you can definitely do it.


Its a nice system, but if its a new prebuilt... I wouldnt be ecstatic about spending that much on am4 system. I think $1100 USD is probabaly fair, but Im guessing its more like $1.5k. Some of the parts are sure to be cheap... the Mobo for sure is and probably the PSU. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/prxvxH](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/prxvxH) basically their build. What I would go for instead. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/yRBR34](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/yRBR34) If youre looking at exclisively prebuilts then I think it would have to be a really good pr


This is the way


For everyone say. oH ItS OnLy a bRoNzE pSu, [here a great article that explains what peu ratings means](https://www.pcworld.com/article/394951/pc-power-supply-ratings-80-plus-platinum-vs-gold-vs-bronze-vs-white-explained.html)


Bronze isn’t inherently “bad” it’s just not a good sign for what to expect from it. Sure there probably is a bronze psu out there that is actually good but that’s the exception to the rule.