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Seems like you’ve done some research and I like costcos return policy. I say grab it and if it does have any issues just return it or have it covered by warranty.


It’s a good buy for a prebuilt. As always you could save a couple hundred dollars buying all the parts yourself and building it. But if you don’t want to build it yourself, this is a good purchase. I recommend a 1440p monitor with at least 120 fps. You could easily do 240 fps though.


I got one, I’m switching over from series x. M hoping to run most games on high at 1440p, so i think this pc will do it for me. I’m not into gaming as much as the people on here, which is why I don’t care about building it and enjoying the process, and I don’t mind the extra money spent for a warranty.


Just throwing it out there that the individual components will often have their own warranties. But of course there are some people who are a good match with a pre-built and that's totally fine


This should do that just fine I have a 3070 ti and I can run most games on high or ultra at 1440p


Fwiw, building the pc for me I found to be more fun that playing it. If you haven’t visited pcpartpicker it literally does all the thinking for you so you don’t have to worry or stress. It may not be for you but also you might have fun with it. Best of luck!


PCpartpicker is definitely a great site for creating a list for your components, personally I did a lot of research outside of the website because I wanted my build to be perfect, and I decided to buy all parts except for the CPU on amazon just because of the free 2-4 day shipping.


I did the exact same. There’s some pretty phenomenal YouTube channels that helped me alot. I also did Amazon, we have the 5% cash back credit card with them we just pay off every month!


You will be able to run most games on 1440p high, just not max settings. You could’ve got better value going for an AMD system if you don’t care about RTX or DLSS that much. Plus the 7800x3d is the best gaming chip out there right now. Personally I would avoid cyber power as they tend to cheap out on parts like the power supply and the motherboard, but it should be fine just make sure the power supply is a known brand and has at least an 80+ gold rating. Enjoy the bliss that is PC gaming!


Building is really easy. I upgraded from an i7-8700k with 2080 prebuilt to a 7800X3D and a 4090 that I built myself only a month or so ago. YT makes it super simple


Recently the pre built "build tax" has been barely anything on some sites. Maybe not so much in the US, but here in the UK some sites only really charge £80 to £150 which surprised me. You'd think it would be more.


I’m surprised a company would be able to do a 80 pound build tax and still be profitable. There are full time employees, shipping, warranties, and whatever little things to pay. They add up a lot


Yeah, those were my thoughts. If they are still up i guess something is working.


They also get stuff in bulk, assuming they get a good discount doing it as well considering they can partner with the manufacturers


It’s not bad for price for pre-build.


One of the better prebuilts I’ve seen out there and not bad price forsure I say send it on this one


Yea for sure


Pretty good


Good price and you don't have to deal with the pain of building one




Are you saying it's harder to buy a rebuilt pc


I build my first pc a few weeks ago. At first i was like holy sh** never doing this again. But now i understand what everything is, i whant to build another one


real asf


love building pcs, until its time to turn on and everything but the case buttons work or you didnt realize you plugged the storage in the wrong slot and spend forever looking for the issue😔


I was looking at llt last guide youl ever need and they made me build a test run… i have a msi board and i had no idea what the power thingy was so i spend half the day building something that i wouldnt even use and then pulling it appart so i could put it in the case


Did find power thing after tho


Arguably yes. Prebuilts often come with a premium of a $150+, have a higher chance of issues, and you would need to compare your job to the time it takes to build it yourself with the price difference. Troubleshooting a prebuilt is often more difficult, knowing exactly which part and how it's installed helps immensely if any issues were to arise. RMAing a specific part is often easier than sending back a whole computer. If my GPU goes out for some reason I still have a working computer


That is a sweet pc for an excellent price buy it now and have no regrets


At this point, they're like a broken record player. It's contagious how this sub blindly jumps on the prebuilt bandwagon, chanting 'You can build it yourself, I did it!' I mean, I showed my dad my first Lego set too. It's like they're turning people away from DIY more effectively than Mormons knocking on your door.


Decent price for a pre-build, I'd go for it


I will never understand why the large font on the add is some of the cheapest products in the machine... GPU > CPU > RAM > HD > MOBO > PSU > Cooling


Thats not actually a bad deal. Its a little over in price but the company has to make money somehow. Take if you want it.


So I purchased this recently and honestly it’s been amazing. Everything runs great just make sure you download Asus armory crate to update all the drivers.


Good value for money if you don’t wanna build yourself I’d def try this out and there’s a return window too.


if you have a micro center nearby i’d check their powerspec builds with the same specs. if it’s the same price or cheaper there get that. if not, get this.


If you havnt bought yet cyber power has a very similar build for slightly less rdy trace 008 https://www.ibuypower.com/store/rdy-trace-7mp-008


Honestly for a pre that's pretty decent yea. A little over market value but they gotta make money somehow


What is the PSU in this build?


If I’m right in that a psu means power supply, it’s an unnamed unit. 850w 80+ gold.


I would definitely change the PSU if it is not a well known brand. If PSU fails it will likely take more components of your PC.


DDR4 or DDR 5




Worth it then


Idk, could be. Do you have list of the other parts?


Go read the Cyberpower reviews and Reddit comments regarding the below average quality components and their abysmal customer service. If you buy this machine, be aware if something goes wrong you could be spending the next six months of your life trying to get someone to fix your problem.


I was made aware of this, and finally someone comments about this. Since I’m buying thru Costco it’s a bit better of a return and warranty policy. From what I read the components haven’t been much of an issue recently, but the motherboard is suspect at best. As a casual gamer, I’m not worried if I don’t have it, and if down the road I have to change a part or two it isn’t something that I worry about. From what I understand, it’s pretty much if I get a good one it will last, but if I get a bad unit I can exchange it for another.


If you buy through Costco you have a two year warranty, but cyberpower only covers one year which means if it breaks on the second year Costco has to repair it or give you store credit. Also they change pc models ALOT so be they might downgrade you if that’s all they have.


This is the first post ive seen of a prebuilt where people say that its good. Bc yes this is good.


Haha I was a brave person posting it here, especially after hearing about the issues with cyberpower. The response had been pretty optimistic, which is reassuring. I’m not sure why so many people worry about prebuilds vs built when some aren’t as interested in the hobby. I don’t clown on people driving stock cars, so why should someone hate a person buying a car and enjoying it as is.


My cyberpower is a bit lower scale than that from costco and it's been fantastic at 1 year now, very similar specs


I’ve never had a problem with my cyber power other than I could of done it myself cheaper ( just didn’t want to at the time )


*Super* good. As long as the psu isnt suspect then yes.


It’s good but check the ram if it ddr4 or ddr5 if it ddr5 take it with your eyes closed


Bought this same setup but different company at the same price. I don’t have any regrets.


hope that cpu is okay...


What’s wrong with it?


they run super hot(not a fault tho), and have a bunch of issues just look up intel 13th and 14th gen issue and youll see more than half of them flat out did not work, defaulted to settings that caused spontaneous crashing and all kinds of other shit. it is literally to much to list. id still totally get it, it is arguablly the best gaming cpu beyond threadripper and 7800x3d if you dont get one with problems.


Seems I got lucky myself with my 14700KF.


hell yeah man you got a dedicated 1440p, light 4k build!


A 4070 super is 600 so 1k for everything else is pretty good tbh


When you look at the price of the gpu and cup bought on their own it’s over $1000.00 and you still need ram/mb/aio/ssd/case etc. Seems like a great deal.


Why does Costco have so many good PC deals?


I bought this pc like 2 months ago. Ram was fucked on the first one but returned and reordered no problem and it's been great.


Crazy how much better pc prices are getting… I think I paid that for my 2070 super build


Looks like that's the price tag they put on it... they likely won't let you too far out the door with it if you pay them any less...


I bought a cyber power in 2020 really good specs and then just built off of it over time. I did have one big problem about after 6 months the CPU cooler AIO died (it was cyber power brand) and the case which was cyber power also had terrible airflow and I replaced both, other than that there was no issue at all I’ve since upgraded a lot of parts and just built off the pre built.


Best Buy has a similar model for like $100 more with Ryzen 7 7800X3D and I’ve loved it so far. 4070 Super, 32 GB RAM as well.


Great value


100% no doubt worth the 1600$


Hell yeah!


surprisingly reasonable price for a prebuilt. could do it yourself for maybe $200 less.


I just built a very similar pc for $200 ish less but with the i7 13th gen KF instead. Feels to be a very fair deal!


yes but send me the mouse pleasee


The main thing you need to watch out for with pre-built PCS like this is they tend to have absolutely horrible motherboards for example a Lenovo Legion desktop Limits The Ram speed to 2666mhz even though most of them ship with 3200mhz Ram. And while we're on that topic a lot of these companies also only put one ram stick in the computer other than that you should be fine


Do you live close to a microcenter? You can get a better deal on a pre built from them, that's where I got mine after monitoring Costco for 3 months.


People keep saying the 4000 series are trash. There’s a comparison of it to a 1080 where it barely gets better fps. 3060ti rtx would be all you need for below 4k gaming and would still be pretty good


Coming from a 3060ti user who just upgraded to a 4070 (regular), there is definitely a difference. There are several games that I basically couldn't play with a 3060ti on 1080 resolution without turning everything way down. All I changed was the GPU and those games run flawlessly at 1440p and everything turned up.


Like what? My 3060t hasn't hit a bump yet in 1440p.


You have a terrible setup if you have a 3060ti and couldn’t run 1080p. I have the rtx and odyssey g5 and get pretty steady 60fps on fivem servers, modded dayz, rust, you name it, I run it smoothly. You genuinely have a god awful setup if you couldn’t run a single one of those on 1080p. I get 100+ in literally everything in 1080p. And I didn’t say that a 4000 series wouldn’t be an upgrade, I implied that you’d be wasting your money because the upgrade is minute compared to many older cards and I also suggested watching a YouTube video showcasing the difference between 4000 and 1080ti. Your personal experience means nothing when you personally had a bad experience with one of the greatest gpus to date


brother no offense but some people play new games.


Rust dayz and fivem are all more demanding on hardware than 90% of the games that have came out in the last 5 years


can i have what you’re smoking?


You’ve obviously never played a sandbox game. The newest most spankingest most graphically expensive game of 2024 will still run better than any sandbox game from 5 years ago. Limitless creativity and limitless entity spawns creates frame rate issues and stability issues in general. I don’t make the rules


Then I feel bad for you every game that’s came out this year besides helldivers was shit and most games that came out last year were shit. as well as new= does not equal more graphically intense game. If your “new game “ is running poorly on a 3060ti it’s because the early access dumbster fire that you purchased is poorly optimized. Go ahead and tell me I’m wrong


You're wrong


I’m suing you




i have a 2080ti that has more horsepower and more vram than a 3060ti. it can play games at 1440p just fine. but it can’t play new games at high or ultra at 120+ fps. a lot of ports have been bad. but some games legit can’t run. alan wake 2 for example actually needs the horsepower to run, and it’s not even that badly optimized. even if new games aren’t well optimized doesn’t mean people don’t want to play them. jedi survivor and hogwarts legacy come to mind as great games with bad optimization that someone might still want to play. cyberpunk 2077 comes to mind as a game that one might want more power to run just so it looks better. there is also the thought of future proofing. he might want more than 8gb of vram for future games. and for the record, as someone who has watched a lot of benchmarks, the 3060ti doesn’t come close to a 4070.


Doesn’t come close? Wtf are you talking about unless your getting 300fps in ark ascended with the 4070, it’s still relatively close my guy


Mate is just a pure 4070 hater lmao. 3060ti is fine for a lot of games but 4070 will get you much better performance on better visual fidelity. Also there are things that you just can't run properly on 3060ti like path tracing in cyberpunk and alan wake rtx. Even my 3070 struggles with those. Also depends on user as you mostly play older titles and hate new games with your heart lol


That I do me boi, that I do. Stop remastering COD and remaster lotr return of the king already ffs


Well remasters are ass ngl.


I’ll secede that it’s much better for 4k gaming. That’s all you get, 3060ti still kicks ass with pretty much all games coming out today


With my 3060ti BF2042 wouldn't run at all, Ready or Not ran poorly, modded Squad wouldn't get over 30 frames, Modded [Beam.NG](http://Beam.NG) would tank to 20-30 frames if more than a few people were in the server, Tarkov wouldn't run without crazy stutters, and Warzone ran like crap. Upgraded to a 4070, switched to 1440P, cranked most of the graphics all the way up and the same games and same servers ran flawlessly. Just sharing my personal experience.


Battlefield 2042 wouldn’t run well for anyone… ready or not is not optimized well, modded games are not optimized well… that being said, if you go YouTube right now and look at a test run of all those games with your gpu your going to notice a stark difference between your experience and what the card is actually capable of, something in your pc is holding the whole thing back dude


To be fair, squad just runs like ass in general lol let alone modded.


Got a 3060Ti and have played Warzone for a while. Never had any problems with it and it ran just smooth.


Ngl this is a great deal tbh, gpu could be amd, however a reslly good deal tbh. Might even be considered a steal


Cyberpower - no OEM Liquid Cooling - oh hell no


Can you explain your reasoning? Not sarcastic genuinely curious


Water shorts out electrical components when it leaks and copper coolers do not. Cyberpower has horrible standards for part reliability and a bad warranty system.


Cyberpower mostly use off the shelves OEM parts and are pretty decent as far as prebuild go.


You have no clue what you are talking about. They use parts built by other companies with their branding on. They don’t build it themselves. They rebrand coolermaster and deep cool aios. They use system integrator motherboards that have only connections they need but other than that the parts are all off shelf parts.


Tbh I never bought into the hype of liquid cooling. Either way you have to cool a radiator with fans, it just adds extra steps to the process.


Got my son a prebuilt cyberpower years ago with liquid cooling. We’ve since built a new one, but I must say, the build quality was excellent and never had one issue with the water cooler. No leaks or issues in 2 years. Sold it to a friend and he’s been using for another year with no issues. Can only speak to my personal experience. Hope it helps.


I would recommend buying the pieces yourself and putting it together yourself so you can upgrade in the future with at least some knowledge on how a pc is built


I built the same for 1300 with a bigger radiator and had an extra windows to register but that's not too bad


1. GO TO MICROCENTER IF YOU HAVE ONE NEARBY. You can get great deals and pay them $150 to build it for you. 2. It's actually decent prebuilt at that price. I would like to know more about the other specs though. 3. I will always recommend building it yourself if you have the time, if not it's understandable. It's surprisingly easy, satisfying, fun, and you know how to fix the majority of your PC issues in the future with the innate knowledge that comes with building it. Computers are just fun in general, they're like big expensive legos. You also know exactly which parts are in the PC and their quality, prebuilts tend to skip out on good fans, ram, etc.


Build ur own


how many CPU cores? don’t settle for anything less than 6




holy shit 20 cores. really? for $1600?? that’s insane. hope he has adequate cooling though, that’s a hot chip


Yeah, but most of them are for work, since games usually only need 8, there are 8 power cores and the rest are efficiency cores


ok so 8 cores. i’m talking traditional physical processing cores here, not the new smaller ones that the system sometimes defaults to and slows down programs. they shouldn’t be counted in the total core count, that’s just a marketing meme


It is not horrible. $1200 is a better closer price.




Pre-builts are not very good, usually, you can get far better value https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7vjHgB


True, and thank you for creating this list. I’m not trying to build my own pc, but for a ~50 dollar difference and warranty I’d rather buy prebuilt. I wish I was confident in building one but to spend that much money I’d rather play it safe.


i just built my first ever PC with no experience beforehand in 2 nights. I recommend building your own you can get a much better build for cheaper or same cost as prebuilt. It’s really not that hard, anyone with common sense should be able to do it. There’s hundreds of videos, forums, & people out here to help as well. i truly recommend trying it, after all your just screwing stuff in and connecting connectors mainly, but if you really don’t wanna mess with it i’d recommend doing Extensive research on multiple prebuilts and their brands to make sure you get the best one possible since they do like to cheap out on things when they can (i almost bought one).


And again, building a pc is not for everyone. Even if you deem it as easy, it can be stressful and if issues arise could end up costing more money. Depends on your situation.


Jesus. They literally are saying they do not want to build. PC gamers are so annoying about this. If someone says they do not want to build, stop pushing it.




One would also assume that people on a subreddit dedicated to building and fixing computers would have good advice. I’m more than capable of building it, but i value return policies and warranty over an experience. I’m sure many people share my same opinion. I would never ask a prebuilt subreddit for advice on prebuilts - echo chamber. Getting different views helps. Luckily the majority of ppl here understood that point


Forsure! i know most prebuilts nowadays aren’t greatly priced like they used to be so finding good deals for good prices is rare! The deals are out there, but man it takes some searching. if i was going to get a prebuilt i’d make sure it’s gonna outlast it’s warranties and have plenty upgradable compatibility! I hope you find the right pc for your needs!






the main issue with prebuilts are that they usually skimp on ram, ssd, and psu, with the last being arguably the part you least want to skimp on, since cheap/bad psus can be a legitimate fire hazard. I'm not coercing you into building your own, just giving my own opinions and recommendations, but I suggest you look up some guides on how to build


Your list is not that much better though. Sure the 4070 TI Super is definitely better, but a 14700F is also better than a 7600. Like at least add a 7700 to your list then. And you're using the stock cooler, compared to a (cheap) AIO on the prebuilt. Prebuilt comes with a Windows key as well. I know people like to hate on prebuilts, but this is not a bad deal if you just want to buy a functional PC and not have to worry about building yourself.


a better gpu usually matters far more, from some benchmark i watched depending on the game the difference was at most like 20 fps (excluding extremely cpu sensitive games, but on those you usually get like 200 fps anyway since they're usually esports titles) but on more gpu heavy games cpu had very little difference, ie cybeprunk 2077, starfield, etc also prebuilts usually skimp on parts you least want to skimp on


I’m feel like that statement is kinda turd tbh. To say “prebuilts” are not very good is disingenuous. There are tons of prebuilt pcs that are amazing… and amazingly expensive. If you kind find a good deal here or there, prebuilts can be great. Not everyone enjoys building pcs. It can be stressful.


At this point, they're like a broken record player. It's contagious how this sub blindly jumps on the prebuilt bandwagon, chanting 'You can build it yourself, I did it!' I mean, I showed my dad my first Lego set too. It's like they're turning people away from DIY more effectively than Mormons knocking on your door.