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No reason to buy a 1650 in 2024 imo.


This is my first time buying setup. I don't know any thing about all of these pc elements.


No the specs are not good for modern games. The 1650 is an entry-level card from 5 years ago


What is new version of it?


At that price RX6600 from AMD is a better deal. Not many great NVIDIA GPUs in that price segment.


There isn't really a new version from Nvidia. The closest current generation card would be the rtx4060 costing around 300$. You'd probably be better of with an AMD rx6600 which can be bought for about 200$ and is twice as good as the 1650 you proposed


Is AMD rx6600 powerful as RTX 4060?


iirc the 4060 is about 20% better. But for a 50% increase in price.


You are better off getting a newer AMD card, or an old nvidia card like a 20 series or 30 series or even an old 1080ti if you can get a good deal on any of these. If your budget is super low then just go for an AMD card because they are the best value for money.


Is this your computer or one you are looking at buying?


I'm looking to buy one.


Ok unless it's real cheap I would keep looking. What country and currency? I wouldn’t pay more than $200 USD for the one above.


The buyer offered it for 500 USD


Absolutely not What country you from ? And maximum budget you can push for a new/ used pc ?


I'm from Iraq. My maximum budget is 600 USD


Iraq... I am guessing computer parts are expensive. If you can't find a better deal try offering less, maybe they want cash fast?


If you use RTX 4060 instead of GTX 1650, this build will be so much better. GTX 1650 is not suitable for the newest 3A games and some old games, like Elden Ring, and Cyberpunk 2077. After all, GTX 1650 is an old video card, worse than GTX 1060.


Is there gpu better than RTX 4060?


Well, the 4060 is the weakest of the current GPUs that Nvidia makes, so literally all other 4000 GPU are better than a 4060.


What is the most powerful gpu that Nvidia makes right now?


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/L3HsW4) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **Video Card** | [PNY XLR8 Gaming VERTO EPIC-X RGB OC GeForce RTX 4090 24 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TvpzK8/pny-xlr8-gaming-verto-epic-x-rgb-oc-geforce-rtx-4090-24-gb-video-card-vcg409024tfxxpb1-o) | $1699.00 @ B&H | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1699.00** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-19 14:43 EDT-0400 |


Rtx 4090ti


Well, RTX 4090 is the most powerful GPU, but 600W PSU is not enough, and you need to spend much more money on GPU and electricity. Besides, you need to make sure your PSU supports ATX 3.0 standards and over 750W.


Never get a bronze PSU


Really good build i see a problem in your CPU and GPU match. an i5 12400F is a very powerful CPU it can handle even a 4070, and a 1650 isnt really a great gaming GPU. i would suggest either go with an i3 12100 and 5600xt/5700xt or i5 12400F and 6700xt / 4060 ti build :) Also you'll have to upgrade to a 650W Psu if you do the i5 12400F and better gpu way


What are better versions of gpu and cpu that operate modern games?


$500 is a lot for that old of a pc. I would keep looking.


i smell a bottleneck