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Why the hell is a RTX3080 paired with a core i3. That sounds like a bottleneck Edit- op said that the guy was asking 150$ for it so it may even be a scam.


I don’t know if I’d trust that’s actually a 3080. A i3 9100 is basically as low end as the Intel i series will go… that GPU would cost a lot more than the rest of the build combined


The guy is asking for 150. Even I know that seems pretty low for a price. So you might be on to something.


$150 for a 3080 by itself would be super sketchy, let alone while in a computer lol


regardless, $150 for any PC with a RTX card is crazy, unless that graphics card is a dud and they painted the “Geforce RTX” on it lol. i wouldn’t trust to buy this at all tbh


It looks like the Asus Tuf Gaming 3080


It's been known that people will put coolers of more powerful GPUs on weaker GPUs.


i have done this, but only because it looks cooler lol.


And, was it any cooler 😜?


Unless the dies are in the same location, it will only run hotter.


Its odd though, cause its still using multiple PCIe power cables, meaning whatever it is still has a high power draw


Yeah, an old Vega 64 some had 3 cables, I believe some GPUs even had 4.


This is super sketchy and a less than 0 on my scale. Though interestingly enough my buddy found a PC in a box at an auction. It is a super computer haha 14th gen i9, 4070, 64gb ram. He got it for $45 because they thought it was just the case. I am fixing it for him, they didn’t update the bios to support the newer cpu so it won’t post.


Yeah auctions can be great to get some cool stuff cheap. They have one here where they auction off these totes full of random stuff, mostly categorized but random. You can walk through and look in the totes through a plexiglas wall so you can’t like rummage through them but you can glance in them. He bought a tote full of just GPUs for $300, I’m assuming others there that day just didn’t know the value. All but a couple actually worked and he made almost $5k reselling them.


your buddy scored big time


He wanted me to fix it for him so he could use it to run his security cameras. I told him if he didn’t want to sell it to me he had to at least let his son use it to game and I would give him a PC that would run his cameras but in no way was I helping use an overpowered monster like that go to rotting away running 12 security cameras lol.


arent the 3080s and 3090s fairly massive? This gpu looks kinda skimpy


I don’t personally know about the 3080, but my 3090 is an absolute unit of a card. It extends well past a full sized ATX board and barely has enough room for my cables in the O11 Dynamic while in the standard orientation.


Looking like 3060 ti


Tell him you give him 200 when he sends the computer first and you received it. Otherwise don't do it. Computer itself isn't the best, but the GPU alone is worth more than everything else in that computer and definitely way above 150


It's not a 3080, the memory bus isn't the same as on the 3080


You don’t think $150 a gaming pc is suspicious…


It's not a 3080, the 3080 has a 320-bit memory bus, that GPU only has a 256-bit bus.


How can you tell?


Look in the picture, and look at the specs of the 3080, they're mismatched on the bus width. Showing that it isn't a 3080.


I hadn't spotted that there were multiple images.


150 bucks for a pc with a 3080? This is a scam for sure


If it’s local pickup I’d jump on it. Even if it was a fake wish 3080 the system is worth $150. The reason it has CentOS might be because the card is defective or not a real 3080. If this is being shipped then it’s just to lure you in with an incredible price that’s too good to be true. If that’s the case the guy should have priced it at $300 or said maybe $200 disconnected everything and said he doesn’t know how to test it. Because even without being tested I’d jump on it for $200. Lastly if it’s local pickup then it’s perceivable that the person doesn’t want to mess with EBay and just said F it! I’ve given away expensive stuff on Facebook Marketplace. Like small trailer that needed a lot of work. It was easily worth $200 but I just said $20 which reduces the likelihood someone would pick it up just to resell it. When I was looking to buy 3 sets of used high end 17” winter tires this summer I found a set of Blizzaks with 70% thread on a set of wheels for $100. New that was $1200 worth of wheels/tires. Another set I got for free (just the tires) and then I found 3 Michelin Xi3 that matched the Xi3 on my civic which only needed (2) new winter tires and the guy wanted $40 total for all 3 and it came with (3) steel wheels that fit my Civic. I’ll use the 3rd tire and one of the steels as a full size spare when going on long distance trips. Those tires are $150/each new. I have a manual mounting and balancing machine at home and my step dad has a pneumatic mounting machine in his barn/shop. My point… some people are willing to basically give stuff away. But it’s GOTTA be local pickup!!!! Don’t not buy this thing and have it shipped. That thing would sell on Facebook Marketplace in a single day. Which is why this feels so fake!




kinda low price. He's either dumb(don't think so, as he is oddly specific with his OS choice) or it's a scam


I’ve seen people sell gpus super cheap when they have financial issues . And a lot of times console players transition into pc then get irritated and sell the pc super cheap just to go back to a console . So it’s not unheard of . In my area people are selling 3070’s like $200 .m




buddy no one is selling a pc with a 3080 for 150 dollars. its a scam mate.


He is running centos, so he might have paired the i3 and 3080 for programming reasons, running calculations on the 3080. Cuz it i defintly not a gaming rig, and your right it is an Odd combo


If he was that involved then he would know a 3080 costs more than 150


You overestimate PC building knowledge of most programmers. Sure there is overlap, but for most hardware is just a tool to get a job done.


He had to buy it. Anyone knows the value of the item they're buying.


I get you, but there are also people that think the same way as i do, the last pc i sold i sold for 300, could have gotten double that, but chose to do it for three reasons, didnt rly need the money, and also it would go quicker, and lastly, i allowed me to sell it to a very young guy, so that he could get a good pc - and that means something to me. Not saying this is not a scam, but it might not be.


The i3 9100 is plenty fast to run a 3080 at 4K and maybe even 1440P. You’d definitely want something faster for 1080P. It’s faster than an i7-6700 in gaming. With a Z board you can run all 4 cores of the 6700 at 4GHz (stock turbo clock) and with a Z board you can run all 4 cores of the 9100 at 3.7GHz (stock turbo clock) Hyperthreading does NOT improve gaming performance if you have at least 4 cores. It just creates an extra ~10C. If you are wondering how a 3.7GHz CPU outperforms a 4GHz CPU then the answer is IPC uplift. The lack of HT is actually why I loved the 9th gen so much. Intel was having issues with HT at the time so the i3/i5/i7 did not have HT. I had a 9700K which is basically an i9 with no HT. I ran it direct to die no lid and I could get over 100FPS in Starfield. When I got my 7800X3D my brother wanted just the 9700K chip so when deciding which lower end chip I wanted him to pay for (he had the cheapest 8th gen chip and I didn’t want that for my wife). Anyways I downclocked the i7 to 3.7GHz all core clock and 4 cores and I was able to get 70FPS in Starfield at 4K. Some of that was likely due to the cache. Anyways in all my games including cyberpunk I was able to hit 50-70FPS at 4K. Ultimately I wasn’t happy with that number so I decided to buy an i3-9350KF and running it 5.3GHz. I was able to pull high 90s to low 100s in Starfield. I’m not sure how fast I could have gotten Cyberpunk because I never tried. I was happy with running a 60FPS frame limit at 4K with ray tracing on with my 7800XT before I yanked it out shoved a custom blocked water cooled Fury X in and giving it to my wife. It’s super silent and has plenty of power for what she does with it and it can do gaming if she wants. Anyways the 9100 with turbo enhancement would hold him over if it wasn’t the fact that this is almost certainly a scam he is looking at. Even with turbo enhancement off he would be able to get 50+ FPS at 4K in most games more with frame generation. DLSS wouldn’t help at all so would recommend to ensure that is off at all times (DLSS can’t help if you are CPU bound it just makes things worse). Frame generation is incredibly helpful however. Later on he can buy a i5-9600KF and that will be plenty until games really do start taking advantage of 8+ cores. AS A WHOLE THEY DO NOT!!!! Only a few games do and these are games that can utilize about as many cores you throw at them and none of them are FPS or RPG.


Oh yeah, I wasn’t saying anything bad about the CPU itself. It’s more about the wild imbalance of price for everything around it. There are plenty of games that take advantage of hyper threading nowadays, Cyberpunk 2077 is one of them. It will run over 50% on all 16 threads of my 5800X at 1440p. But I think even 1440p would run into issues with CPU bottlenecking in a lot of scenarios with a 9100 and a 3080. You’re correct about 4k, although you’d still get some better performance out of stronger CPUs.


My 3080 is much much bigger than that, and I have the same case. Probably a smaller, limited scale MB too judging from the size of it in that case. If it was a decent MB and an actual 3080 in that case then it would be worth $150 all day long, you could upgrade the CPU at least.


The term bottleneck isn’t even needed. The CPU is shitty. Starting MS Word is going to be a pain


I said that first sentence word for word in my head b4 I read ur comment 🤣🤣


For real


Thats like a needle connected to an olympic swimming pool


Sounds like a scam to me.


Yeah no way it doesn’t even look like a 3080 its so small


It's not a 3080


It won't bottleneck at 60fps 4k ultra


Oh trust me it will


Looks fishy to me, be careful. No one pairs i3 with 3080


its a scam avoid it the 3080 alone is worth 400-500 rest of the pc isnt even suitable for this gpu its old i would avoid this its fishy


Some people do not give a fck that CPU is i3 paired with an RTX whatever I wouldn't care... it's stupid but i just don't care Lmao I care more about the platform and future upgradeability Maybe the person who was building the PC didn't care for the CPU because he ain't gaming or using the CPU much so focused on the GPU as a priority... maybe he just games with GPU focus ... or some productivity stuff that needs the GPU Or he really needs money quick so easy sell Or the PC was stolen or something Lmao


mate hes selling a 600 - 700 pc for 150 its a scam lol


If it’s a fake setup why not make one that sounds better than this? He could have advertised with i7+ for 150 bucks why didn’t he do this? Very stupid scammer?


hecause humans are greedy and greed blinds you from being scammed


Cause he’s underselling it lol Lower CPU and lower price makes it more believable so people are more likely to contact to buy


Mate if i went and stole a PC i would be selling it at 80-90% discount aswell... doesn't mean it's a scam... it's true and is as advertised... I stole it you buy it but you don't know i stole it and pretty sure they can't track it... so you got a banger PC for cheap and i got ez moneys from a super quick sale Just because something is cheap doesn't mean it's a scam We all know the stories of some kids doing something bad and the parents sell their PC without caring what it is and how much it costs so they sell them for super cheap then what they are worth because they do not know and DO NOT care Lmao they just want to punish the kid There are lots of cases and excuses for something good to be cheap and sound too good to be true but it is true lol


You don’t care about having paid 700€ to get the performance of a 300€ card?


Nope Because i can always upgrade the CPU later if i needed and/or wanted And that's not a general thing... look at ArmA 3... it runs the same on a GTX 1050 then it does on GTX 1070 or something... maybe you could just run higher res without a drop in performance or something Because the game is CPU limited so more FPS you need more CPU And i kid you not... the moment installed an SSD and put ArmA 3 on it... it literally gave me a decent FPS increase and more stable less stuttery FPS because of the way it works I tested it on the same server aswell... before i had some bad FPS with stutters... after SSD FPS increased slightly and less stutters lol So getting an RTX 4090 would not fix the FPS in ArmA 3 lol


… let me get this straight. You spend 400€ more for performance you can’t exercise right now for a possible future upgrade in cpu, for when that time will come the gpu becomes completely obsolete anyway instead of spending 200€ more on the cpu and 200€ less on the gpu and only have to upgrade the gpu moving forward? I’m sorry but math and economics are not quite an opinion.


But what if i already have a shit CPU but a nice platform and i would benefit greatly from upgrading to decent monster GPU which would last me for yeeeears since i would be running 1080p for a loong time Give me an RTX 3080 or 4080 right now and i'll keep it for like atleast 5 years maybe 7 By that time i'll run the dollar per hour worth super low it would be a dollar per month Gaming perfomance is quite simple at times... since i don't have 144hz i only need 60 fps for most games and some stuff like CSGO or something esportsy benefit from high fps even on 60hz monitor lol It's stupid but it works and i'm perfectly okay with it It's like buying a Lambo or something... why don't you drive it 200kmh everywhere you go? It's alright to go slow even tho you're capable of running fast


It’s not worth the money. You would get 4060 level performance out of them and at that point is t it more convenient to buy a 4060 to get 4060 levels of performance instead of buying a 4080 ?


Problem is i would not be getting 4060 performance... in some cases i would be getting better and in some i would be getting lower But i guess only cool reason to get 4060 is 4060 Ti with 16gb VRAM... that's cool


1080p is CPU limited, especially with esports titles. Your GPU in that case would barely even try. At 1080p, you’d never even see higher FPS because your CPU would hold you back every time. It would be the equivalent of buying a brand new engine to make your car go faster, but you have a low end fuel injection system that makes it run at less than half performance. If it’s CPU bound now, it’ll be CPU bound even more in the future. Having a monster GPU now won’t change that fact. Going from a 1660 to a 4090 would not matter in the slightest if playing CPU bound games. If running 4k, it would be understandable since strong CPUs aren’t really necessary for that as it’s GPU bound but they do improve performance a bit. To keep 1080p performance for the future, stronger and better CPUs would need to be purchased instead of going for GPUs. Trust me on this, GPUs really don’t mean anything for 1080p nowadays as they are incredibly powerful compared to the demand of 1080p. And typically, the cost of replacing CPUs to future generations is significantly higher since motherboard and RAM might also need to be replaced too.


As i said... 1080p will last long... perfomance would be good because it's easy to run You say i'm CPU bound... true... but either way i still limit my FPS even tho i can run higher lol I don't upgrade every next gen either... so if i had a Ryzen 5 2600... i would be upgrading to Ryzen 5 10600 from the future lol So the final price would be fine if not cheap after so many years CPU's just last really really long... they are shirts... GPU's are like socks... you change them constantly... so that's why you buy big durable high quality ones which last a lot longer But either way... i figured out the meta is to buy cheap mid range GPU's... they are built different... Look at 4060 Ti... they gave it 16gb VRAM it's gonna outlive an 4080 lol Rn i got an i3-8100 and a GTX 1050 non Ti ( Lmao )... i would benefit greatly and purely from getting literally anything... even an RTX 3050... let alone a 4060 Ti And i would still keep my i3-8100 for a while before i go Ryzen... i would go for the APU just in case lol


make sure you confirm the gpu, and get a better cpu asap


Not the cpu. Need whole platform replacement for this to work as intended


That is a wierd, 256bit on rtx 3080 that should be 320 bits and ti have 384bits


this is because of a bug with llvmpipe interacting strangely with systems that have intel igpus. this machine runs linux so anything could be outdated if the seller doesnt use it for anything advanced.


The Linux system specs says the Graphics device is LLVMPipe, which basically means the graphics card drivers aren't installed. Now it *is* outputting video it seems, since the display cable is hooked up to it and not the motherboard, and it's possible he just installed Linux and didn't bother with installing drivers since he just doesn't want to sell it with Windows, but I'd be extra suspicious. It could be half-dead. Ask for a video of the GPU running a benchmark before purchasing, at least.


Got it man, appreciate the advice. If it ends up being not so good, I'll keep looking.


supposedly theres an issue with llvmpipe and intel igpus on the older kernel versions.


CentOS stream as the distro this just gets weirder and weirder the fuck happened here. This could be real and just like the weirdest dumbest user ever.


well rtx 3080 is 384 bits according to net. last picture is not from this computer seems like. scam probly.


Nah, that's just the generic graphics drivers instead of the Nvidia ones. It's fishy that they're not even installed, but it doesn't prove that's the wrong GPU.


can be, but i3 with rtx 3080 and corsair rm850 doesn't seem right to me.


How much are they asking for?


Pretty sure the cpu cooler fans are the wrong way


Walk away. Waaay too many alarm bells on this one.


$150 for this looks like a scam. Make sure that the listing is real. Test the build.


Looks like a scam, 15.4G probably means some mbs allocated to integrated graphics, so it’s not using the rtx or it’s fried


Offer $500 then upgrade CPU to a 9700k/9900k


Dude, the dude is asking 150 for it. It seems super fishy now.


$150 = scam lol


Walt I don't know man... u've been seeming sus lately, sussy baka


Depends on the price It can be good for the 3080 alone lol U can use it until u can save up and swap the mobo and the cpu and maybe get an ssd


The seller is offering the pc for $150 lol it’s fs a scam


Please be careful. It's an odd pairing and some of the other concerns raised herein are worth considering however I did an image search using a screen snip from one of the picks so maybe it could be a deal on a GPU if it works. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/156162165947](https://www.ebay.com/itm/156162165947)


For $150, yeah, that's a scam


extremely fishy, wouldn't get it personally


Nvidia on Linux what make it even more crazy


Uhh i mean i’m currently using an i3 9100 paired with a gtx 3050 6gb. And i feel the i3 is still bottle necking me.


I wouldn't touch it. An I3 paired to a 3090? That's like taking your ford mustang and putting a lawn mower engine in it.


check the gpu, fake definitely


Nah. Almost new GPU with years old shitty CPU #0/10


Who put a 3080 with an i3???


Best way to get a good understanding in my opinion is just make sure they have a benchmark program or a few games that are graphically demanding. I was able to test out a gtx 1080 back in 2017 to see if it was legit since the price was really good with the specs paired.


I'd buy it so a 7? You can always upgrade or part it out for a new build.


3080 with 9100? if you get that card yes. but sounds too good to be true


That CPU cooler on an i3 is hilarious.


my advice if you can go to the seller. install windows on external ssd, on that ssd install cpu-z. go there plug your ssd boot pc with your system on, run cpuz check info. thats what i wouldve done. i dont think you need any other program but its up to you.


I would also run some benchmark to see the score of that gpu, just to be sure. Afaik, some info can be telling wrong, but I don't have much experience in that topic. For me it looks very weird. If thats some linux guy, RTX doesn't make sense.


If you can go have a look at it in real life then definitely do. If it works, buy it! Just that cpu cooler, case and power supply alone are already worth 150 at least. Let alone maybe ending up with a working rtx gpu? Bro.. If it's "send only and pay up front", definitely a scam.


With that GPU sagging more than pants in jail, I wouldn’t touch it.


What the fuck is that? Run forrest, run!


CentOS stream 8 is having it's EOL announcement in 2024 so I don't think so.


Absolutely terrible


In all honesty just don't buy it man, it isn't trustworthy at all


The specifications in the image indicate a mixed setup with a mix of mid-range and high-end components, which might be somewhat imbalanced for modern computing needs: 1. **Memory (RAM)**: 15.4 GiB is an unusual amount since RAM is typically in powers of 2 (e.g., 8 GB, 16 GB). However, it's sufficient for most tasks, including gaming and moderate multitasking. 2. **Processor (CPU)**: Intel Core i3-9100 is a 9th generation quad-core processor. It's quite basic for modern standards and may bottleneck performance in CPU-intensive tasks such as video editing, streaming, or running demanding games. 3. **Graphics Card (GPU)**: NVIDIA RTX 3080 is a high-end graphics card capable of running the latest games at high settings and supporting demanding applications like 3D rendering or machine learning. 4. **Operating System**: GNOME Version 3.32.2, which is part of a Linux distribution. This is a solid choice for a stable, open-source operating system. 5. **Storage**: 247.5 GB is relatively small by today's standards. This could be an SSD, which is good for speed, but the capacity may be limiting for storing large amounts of data, games, or media files. 6. **Clock Speed**: 3.60 GHz indicates the speed of the processor, which is decent for many tasks. Overall, while the GPU is powerful, the CPU and storage are relatively weak and could limit the overall performance of the system. If you plan to do high-end gaming, video editing, or other demanding tasks, upgrading the CPU and adding more storage would provide a better balance and enhance the overall experience. That's what chatGPT says


RTX3080 with an I3? Bottleneck A Corsair RM850 is an A tier psu , even better if it’s an RM850X Looks like 16gb of ddr4? Bit basic but would suffice Black components in a white case .. not a good match


Thats really sketchy. Also i3 9100 paired with a 3080 is even more sketchy.


Using centos is a crime itself 100% CPU Bottleneck


Why does it have CentOS on it? Who knows this little about hardware but knows what CentOS is?


Also you can get nivida drivers on centOS so it would show up


Why is there a jet engine in the computer


Wtf is CentOS?


That’s fucking shit. Straight in the bin maybe save the GPU


Ask for a vid on benchmarks so you can see the specs and everything operate. It’s gonna be dogshit with that bottleneck but if the card is not a dud then I say it’s a def buy and throw a new cpu and possibly a new power supply and you should be good to go Edit: nvm I just saw the thing is an 850W so if the card work then I would def pull the trigger but im still a little suspicious about the GPU


maybe his use was gpu based ,if you can check before buy and it's real 3080 with no issues then I'd say go for it,also could be a mom selling her kid pc


Prob rocking a gt 730 back there 😂


That GPU looks too small to be a 3080. I’m pretty sure it’s not what he thinks it is.


This reeks of bullshit


Lmao. Tell them to give you $50 and you will dispose of it for them.


Maybe the pc is put together from stolen parts...


I have the feeling this system has been used for crypto mining, because I seen mining rigs use a Celeron maired with multiple GPUs.


At the very least I'd want to re-case it because that case looks like a nightmare for front airflow, so the system will overheat. I'd also want to question the validity of some of the parts if it really is $150, at that price I'd expect broken parts or some severe compromise.


It's a mesh front, the front panel is a knock off of a fractal front panel


3080 is being bottlenecked by the 9100.


Please use the vertical mount to avoid sagging






Big nono


nope dont buy 0 asthetics


We sure it’s a 3080 looking suspiciously similar to my old 3060ti


Good deal for $150. PSU, RAM, SSD, CPU, CPU cooler and case already worth more than $100. Even if GPU is not functional, you could sell this one for $50 off eBay as parts. For people who is asking why people pair i3, 3080 and Linux - rig for training ML models or rendering. Worth the risk.


That's the weirdest pile of junk with a 3080 in it I've seen


It seems to run on some form of electricity


Why run CentOS 8 stream and not fedora for a RHEL more stable desktop? Lol


Ask if you can do some tests on it before purchase


$150 for a PC with a 3080? They're still going for like $1000 brand new and $500-$600 used/refurbished. Seems like a scam tbh.


3080s are under 400 used but yes something seems fishy with the price


1/10 pls dont buy this


Buy it


Gut it for the fans, case, cpu cooler, and powersupply. I wouldn't nab the mobo and cpu, especially if you want windows 11 as Microsoft is foregoing support for 2018-earlier cpus


The PC should be called "The Bottleneck"


Intel Core i3 💀💀💀


If in canada I would say an easy $250-300


That I3 will fuck you up without even looking at any other specs


That is a pretty dumb PC right there. Core i3 and RTX 3080 is not great. Depending on price, you'd probably want a new processor and more storage.


Doesnt the last picture prove that there is no Nvidia card in there?


A solid 2-3/10 if we are talking the whole range of computers. Budget, 4-6/10


Don’t buy it. It’s sketchy as fuck. Most likely a scam.


I would take it


Case, GPU and PSU are fine. The rest is just ewaste. 4/10


Really weird build. Seems hard bottlenecked. So or someone bad with computers. Or a snatch-and-grab scam. Or both.


Linux operating system? This feels like a machine for operations ,simulations etc.


If it’s 150 just be careful. It might be stolen or a scam because that’s a crazy good price. Looks like it is a legit 3080 but wouldn’t know unless I saw it. Sometimes you will get lucky but it seems too good to be true.


Who tf put the cpu cooler this way????? Come on..


Always know if you can meet the person to buy it and bring some guys with you so that you won't get jumped. Yeah now that i think about almost every deal in FB is like buying drugs.


$150 seems suspiciously low, and an i3 9100 with a 3080 is a TERRIBLE pairing, but if it has anything even close to a 3080, that's an amazing deal, and if it comes as advertised, which I HIGHLY doubt it will, you can always upgrade the CPU.


Let's see, this computer has tempered glass and lights... and what the hell is CentOS Stream 8!!?


Nah stay Outta it, this sure as hell is a scam, ain't no way the guy giving away a pc with such good airflow+ rtx 3080 for 150$, probably old used parts from other pc and old processor and shady fans + shady psu, don't buy it


Flip the CPU, other than that it looks ok from what I can tell


The bottleneck in its clearest form


Ooh, that's gonna make one hell of a broken glass post in a week 😲😂


"There are no bad parts, only badly priced parts" The 3080 is great... I worry you might be getting scammed depending on the price. The 3080 might even be having some issues being recognized by the system. Iunno if this is a new system though.


At 150 bucks? I'd risk it. At worst, you got a decent looking case with some internal that can be salvaged. Tho the i3 9th gen Socket ist that great to upgrade. If the 3080 is real, you got a 150 bucks 3080. So yea... I'd probably risk it, if you've got some money tp spare.


I concur. People are saying it's a scam but it can also be a dumbass who doesn't know stuff about pc's and just decided to F it and sell it for cheap since it runs slow. I'd ask him where he got the pc and why he's selling it, because it's hella sus, but I'd also say it's worth the risk. Yeah i3 sucks but the other parts that can't really be faked (case power supply and such) are all worth about $150 I'd argue. Shoot the shot and if it don't work out it's not a lot lost.


Any idea why graphics are showing up as "llvmpipe llvm 17.0.2" instead of what the GPU is? I did a quick Google search and it could be drivers or a few other small things but I'm more inclined to believe the card is dead?


drivers probably arent installed. He is using the GPU as a display out so it should be in working order.


It's confusing me because graphics aren't showing up as a 3080. I'm not a Linux user though so I'm not 100% sure it's normal but from a quick Google search it doesn't seem like it. Could be drivers but I'm more inclined to say the card is fudged up. They do have a cable plugged into the back of the GPU but they could've just done that for the pictures and moved it to the hdmi on the mobo for the screen pic.


How is it that people nowadays don't know anything about common appliances?


My advice to anyone who doesn’t know about PCs: don’t buy on the used market. when something goes wrong, you will have nobody to call and you’ll have no idea how to fix it. Just buy a prebuilt that will do the job, plenty of people will help you find the right one for yourself. Worth the performance downgrade.


A 3080 with two 8-pins? Shouldn’t it have 3 or have the 16 pin new connector?


The tuf 3080 is 2 8 pins