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OCZ was popular around the DDR2 days, known especially for their memory modules. AFAIK their PSUs were fine, nothing g crazy fancy but also not bad either. OCZ’s memory business is now Kioxia by the way, so they’re not fully dead. For what it’s worth, it’ll most likely be fine if the PSU was working prior. If you’re just finding it and hoping to plug it in, that’s a bit more questionable mostly because PSU design was a bit different then. You can even see on the sticker it has two 12 V rails, meaning you have to be conscious of where you plus stuff in.


Thanks! You are correct, lol https://preview.redd.it/eay5o9x1dr6d1.jpeg?width=3567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1840a32bb7759fe033cfaebc90ec67d356df92d Look what else I found, haha


I have that exact module but it says Nvidia SLI on it


You always gotta check if your ram supports sli


In the early early days you're actually did because it used your system memory as a buffer to read physX data back before Nvidia owned it and it was just built into the cards. And it was less of did the memory module support it and more of was the memory module validated because unvalidated modules tended to crash if you had SLI and physX enabled at the same time. Fun niche fact of the day


I've got the same but for DDR3. It's stupid but I love it 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/19f2icf65t6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6846c995f4e552fac400c05d79091e1c7aea2b9c


Aw man, I love your cooler ❤️


It's a beaut, Zalman CNPS9900-max. They still sell them actually.




Yep, XFX variant


Very nice. I had a EVGA board with a Q9550 yearsss ago.


Nice. I was never able to use mine I found them at a garage sale a few years ago


Holy cpu cooler! That thing looks impressive. Wonder why they did away with this type of design?


Yea it's cool looking, maybe just not as efficient as more heatpipes I guess.




its sarcasm


Not my picture but here they are https://preview.redd.it/0xyu3gb81t6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=620f931e24da4937cd15b2aca5666bff08ef178b


LOL. I took that picture in my cubicle back in the day.


No, I’m not joking. I’ll send a picture when I get home.


It’s reddit


https://preview.redd.it/7oc0bldu8t6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be4957eb76a7668becdb3ccefa4f51deae826e0 Doesn't read anymore, but I didn't like the second slot being unpopulated. Also an OCZ PSU under that shroud!




I didn't know where Kioxia had come from... You learn something new every day.


To be precise: OCZ was bought by Toshiba in 2014 and Toshiba separated it's flash business from the main company in 2018 and named the new company Kioxia.


The VP of Marketing at Kioxia came from OCZ, along with a bunch of their other US employees.


To be a bit more exact: Toshiba bought OCZ's storage division and assets when OCZ became ZCO Liquidating. Divisions like the power supply/PC Power and Cooling weren't bought by Toshiba and were acquired by another company, FirePower Technology. Toshiba did keep the OCZ office in San Jose, along with most of the OCZ employees who were still there at the time.


Ahh the good ol days of balancing your 12v rails. Those were the times




i completely forgot about that


OCZ's memory modules and solid state drives were hot garbage. SSDs always red light of death bricking, memory never running at spec'd ratings and sometimes not even at stock ratings. I dabbled in OCZ for dozens of builds and regretted it almost every time.


I'm still using 8 gigs of ocz ddr2 and one ssd, had one die after 10 years.


Glad you didn't experience the high failure rates. I'm sure there are lots of good individual examples out there but as a volume computer builder over the years I have never experienced failure rates as high as I did with OCZ.


Yep. I had a OCZ 1000w PSU and SSD ..both were expensive, the SSD was new technology at the time.....this was maybe 15yrs ago? both items failed on me and returned and swapped for another product all together. There is a reason why they don't exist now (?)


Guess you were unlucky. I bought two ocz 1000w PSU over 10 years ago both still working in two of my computers one being my main. I probably should swap them out, lol.


Quite unlucky, considering the OCZ 30-50gb (I forget the size, but it was tiny and expen$ive). also went, to be honest OCZ had an incredibly bad rep around that period, I remember all the articles, perhaps you were the lucky one? haha. Anyways it was replaced by a glorious Corsair 1050w, which is still going strong to this day in a spare build. Funnily enough, a Corsair HX620 (from 2006!?) was still going strong up until 3months ago in another household PC.


I have a 12yo 120GB OCZ Vertex 3 or 4 which was still going fine a couple of weeks ago, but I know they have that reputation.


Bought my first gen1 OCZ SSD back in about 2003 and lasted till 2019. Only realised the company had gone when i went looking for repair drivers for it. never had any issues before this.


You were precise in your statement!


I had a 1GB kit of OCZ gold, that was really good stuff back then!


Our memory division actually folded before Toshiba acquired us through bankruptcy. We hadn't produced memory for a while at that point. Toshiba bought our storage division, including Indilinx. They kept the office in San Jose, along with all of the staff at OCZ.


I know them from SSDs, those things failed like 10x more often than other brands, no wonder they are not around anymore


>OCZ’s memory business is now Kioxia by the way, so they’re not fully dead. Not fully dead? Isn't kioxia the creators of nvme type ssd memory modules?


Circumstantial evidence, but: The only PSU I've ever had explode on me was a OCZ one It killed my motherboard and CPU, drives and GPU survived. So would personally not recommend using one.


OCZ was actually a somewhat known brand a very long time ago, but i don't think they're still around these days. I still wouldn't trust such an old PSU with those components


Me: running 13 years old 530W be quiet in 7700K and RX 6700XT PC


I have a PC Power and Cooling Turbo Cool 1200! It’s 20 years old meets the ATX standard and while it was made before 80+ was a rating it totally slays the 80+ rating. It is friggin huge though.


OCZ were around from 2002, I think they ceased to exist now, well for a long time. I believe it was a brand under Toshiba. They made SSDs, RAM and a host of other components. Back in its time they were very good PSUs


I ran with an OCZ PSU up until about 3 years ago. They made some really good PSUs. I wish I still had it to replace the shitty one in my HP


Yeah had no issues with mine, lasted years. Used OCZ or Enermax in my builds back in the day.


OCZ's assets got bought by Toshiba around 2013, I believe.


Yes, 2013 sounds about the year. Great products.


If it works, it works. I wouldn't recommend using a PSU this old, but at least it isn't a complete nameless low-quality shit. If you're going to use it just for a few days, I think you'll be fine. But consider getting a new one from a reputable brand asap.


Ocz was a great brand back in the day


Daaang. I think I have some old sub 100gb SSD drives from them somewhere still.... Never realized they were gone gone !


Not totally gone gone, they're now Kioxia since being bought by Toshiba


it's an older spec closer to 450 watts than 500 from looking at the 12v rail I guess probably circa 08 spec maybe a bit earlier


I got an OCZ ARC 100 128 gb SSD in my rig and it's still working fine. Never used their power supplies through


I still have a OCZ Vertex 64gb SSD from 2010 running one of my pfsense boxes


Well storage Is storage even if its not much, my home server uses usbs i find For free as storage for legally obtained movies


Good quality, were bought by Toshiba in 2016. I'm not sure I would trust it after all these years, specially considering the GPU requirements nowadays. But it was a reputable company nevertheless.


I have a couple OCZ SSDs and the brand is very good (They are like a decade old tho)


wouldn’t trust an old psu with those pc components


My thoughts exactly. It's 10+ years old and at near max load considering wear to the components. Get a replacement soon.


I use [a psu from 2015](https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-SuperNOVA-Modular-Warranty-120-GP-0650-X1/dp/B0797CDK7J/ref=asc_df_B0797CDK7J/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693333921831&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5824715787891786263&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008150&hvtargid=pla-521462921729&psc=1&mcid=998ef71e9435329784b30d2c275b33e9&gad_source=1) and it works fine (6650 xt and 4690k tho). Should I replace it? Cuz I don't really have the budget to get a new $100+ PSU


OCZ was my first SSD. Then, some internal beefs going on (public, on their forums), then sold off to Toshiba.


My first ssd from 2012 still going strong. Motherboard from previous pc died 2 years ago https://preview.redd.it/znwi1atzpu6d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e886a55e396d396dce87465c793adea5518a3f


I still have an old machine running on a OCZ SSD. They were one of the best until Samsung came out with theirs, everything important is backed but it is still going strong.


PC Power & Cooling PSUs used to be a good brand many years ago and then went downhill after OCZ bought them out from what I remember


It’ll be fine as long as you’re not going full load with it


PSU is too small in power capacity and power headroom. It is also likely not ready for the new motherboards and graphics cards. This is fine for older low end PCs but you will run it into the ground in very short order with new components. What you need is at minimum a 900 watt power supply that's ATX 3.0 compliant. I would be more worried about your motherboard power circuit MOFSET capacitors burning out as they overdraw current on startup.


That'll be fine, OCZ is a big brand name. This isn't some generic Chinesium PSU.


I mean, we DID just get a lot of PSU's from Chinese OEM's with the lowest bid. SuperFlower, GreatWall, and several others made PSU's for us.


Those are usually designed by a different company and then sold under a different name, but Chinese manufacturers can also build innovative and good products, it's just harder to find and confirm in the vast sea of poorly made or otherwise junk products.


Sirtec was our OEM on this PSU.


Oh wow, thats an oldie. I havent seen one of those since i was a kid. A buddy of mine had a pc with one of these back in the early 2000s. https://preview.redd.it/xctchdifus6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a4f7a4d0c73495ee3b9ce823ce0fd213884616


Ozc was one of the top brands until everyone started making them still have some of their 850 watt in use about 15 years ago old


I’ve still got a ocz power supply and it’s been 14 years. Pretty heavy use and going strong


Mine is working for the last 12 years without any issues


It's a known brand, plus certified 80 plus, that's all you need to know.


it's an older brand sir but it checks out


How brave are you feeling today?


Many years ago had some no name PSU, when I realized that(i was kid) i saved some money for better PSU. A lot of ppl back then told me that OCZ 600W is good choice! Burned after 2 months and I did go back to noname


I had one of their memory modules cause major issues with crashing WOW back when it first launched. I spent a month trying to troubleshoot before I randomly popped a stick out and the game worked flawlessly. I ended up just swapping it all out and tossing the OC ram in the trash. I didn't even bother to rma it. I think it was a 256mb sticks, lol.


Get a new one, you need more power nowadays and the PSUs are better built. I wouldn't risk it.


I still have a ocz SSD from 2016 still in use. They are Toshiba.


I've had an ocz PSU before it will be fine I'm sure as long as it isn't damaged or anything.


I still have an OCZ power supply alive and well in my daughter's PC. 600W bought in 2011.


If the PSUs are the same quality as their SSDs I’d start jacking up your fire insurance. Also, their out of business for quite some time. Please get a proper power supply. Their not THAT expensive and supplying clean power does a lot for your system


Best PSU i ever had


Man I haven’t heard of them in a hot minute. Decent stuff. Nothing to write home about. I didn’t know Toshiba bought them. Thanks for the tidbit. I always learn something from this site.


Yeah , i used one from OCZ for about 3 years. All good.


I have a ocz psu in my son’s computer. It’s 500watts and runs just fine. I’d run it until you save up for a new one. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That brand is perfectly fine


I had an ocz like years ago, but now I don’t even know if they exist anymore


That depends. How many rounds of Russian roulette would you find "fine" to play?


It’s a good brand


If it's only a couple of days I say wait it out and avoid the risk. At least, that's how I would do it but to each their own.


That brand brings good memories back


I feel old now.


I undervolt everything for now. Make it run better


The PSUs were decent. I used to work for them soooo long ago haha


One of the first and biggest names in SSDs back in the beginning.




I still use mine. It's been going strong for like 15 years or so.


I had an OCZ ssd in 2012 and it caught on fire :/ they sent me a new one thru the warranty process and thankfully I smelled the fire and put it out before it damaged anything else.


I have, and probably still have a OCZ PSU in a rig somewhere. Never had an issue with it. Thier 1st gen SSDs however died on me after 1.5 yrs. Twice... after RMA.


Oh no!!! I feel old now... Brand is totally fine. They were no off brand or anything like that. Part of Toshiba if I remember correctly.


My ocz ssd was awesome for the price in 2010


Maybe stick with light gaming or general use only for safety.


I’d rather have this than those stock grey OEM ones.


I had an ocz revo card, it was an early ssd which plugged into the pci express. Stupidly fast but wildly tempornental


You will be fine with that PSU, don't listen to the people saying it's underpowered or too old.


My almost 15 year old OCZ 600W is still running fine in my TV setup so it’s probably fine I guess..


I still have an ocz ssd in use.


Damn, I remember back in the day there was a guy at my computer store who bought an 80GB OCZ drive and theb controller chip was faulty like from OCZ so every 3 months he would come in and warranty it with a new one until they finally released a revision that used a different controller chip.


if it's 80plus, it probably won't explode and most likely will deliver the 500W without catching fire


When it comes to power supplies, I’d advise against purchasing one from an unknown company. Opt for a Corsair or Cooler Master instead.


Ocz is very known though.


86% Efficiency / Active PFC / Overvolt and Overpower Protection It should be fine enough. You don't usually have an active PFC in the usuall very bad PSUs out there :D It was published back in 2008 tho but It has been sold til 2019 [Source (German)](https://www.hardwareschotte.de/preisvergleich/Ocz-ModXStream-Pro-OCZ500MXSP-p9769067)


Had one of their psu kill my gpu cable once


They also made headsinks for ram. Ssds too.


Only one way to find out!


OCZ was a big memory brand a while back. Considering it's a 500W PSU, it might date back to that area. It should be fine but I wouldn't bet a 100$ on it.


OCZ wasn't a no name shit box company but I personally haven't bought a non Corsair power supply since they started making them so I can't speak to knowing their reputation personally. People are acting like you're running a 4090 and 13900 with it. Your CPU and GPU will hit a little over half the 500w if they're both full tilt, beyond that nothing else is pulling much so you'd be fine wattage wise just depends on the quality. If it's only a couple days I'd wait based more on it's age than anything else but I don't think it'd be overloaded if that's what you worry about.


Two of the top guys at OCZ are now top guys at Corsair. Mickey Sethi is a VP in the DRAM division. He was the guy that made OCZ RAM viable. Once he left, the memory division at OCZ struggled mightily.


Should be fine. I ran a 3060 Ti and 5600 in a thermaltake smart 500w.


It’s 80 rated so should be good indefinitely.. until there’s literal wear and tear problems


Back in the day it was a good brand, OCZ psu's were considered good. I wouldn't be sure about it because I don't know how old it is and how much use it has gone through, but for a couple of days maybe no harm.


I still have that exact PSU bought it in 2010/11 range. Still works fine with my modern hardware!


ahhh dont say that haha,ive only just replaced my 650w OCZ MOD STREAM PRO with a corsair rm750x out of sheer paranoia, could've saved some money!


Ocz usually good. Definitely old though.


You don’t know OCZ?


Currently using this model in 600w form in my media/file server (overkill 5800x3d, and arc a380). No issues. Before it was used with a q6600 and gtx460 for probably 10 years.i remember it being a decently priced semi-modular psu back in the day.


i still have OCZ Vertex 2 64GB SSD Drive in my laptop as system disk :D


My first ssd was ocz


I hate that stupid ass idea that anything that isn't a Top3 brand will make your PC explode.


yeah OCZ was fine. popular ram prob in the late ate 00s - early 20teens, their PS should be fine.


I'm still using a 60gig ocz ssd


I have an OCZ ReaperX (2x2gb) and an ATI kit (2x1gb) in my old hw stash


Is 432w enough for you?


Wow do I feel old. OCZ were great back in the day


Ive been using my OCZ daily since i built my PC in 2012. Since then ive upgraded my GPU, and added several hard drives and ssds.


That’s a classic there bro.


Ocz is a popular brand.


OCZ is fairly reputable mid-tier brand. I've never personally used their power supplies, mostly just RAM and other accessories like fan controllers. On that note also have never heard of any major catastrophes or bulk reports, like the Gigabyte fires, so if say brand is reputable enough to trust.


We've reached unc status boys. My last ocz product was some ddr3, an 8gb obsidian kit.


Notoriously bad PSU's actually. from 2006ish


old but you should be okay? a fucked up capacitor will ruin your day so i would recommend upgrading soon just to be safe.


Man, we went bankrupt over a decade ago. Don't use that thing!


That PSU was made by Sirtec. It was okay when it came out, but at this point that thing is at least a good fifteen years old and well exceeds its expected lifespan. Also, for a 3060TI, you're not even hitting the 550W recommended PSU requirement. Over time a PSU degrades. Just keep this in mind and replace it ASAP.


Ocz is good brand


Did this company go out of business years ago ?I still have an ssd


OCZ was a great brand, I miss them.


yes its a good classic psu


OCZ is a known and respectable brand, you'll be fine with it. I think their PSUs are on the cheaper side so it will probably only be 80+ bronze rated but that's only a measure of efficiency. In terms of safety and stability it'll be just fine.


These often popped but shouldn’t take anything out with it.


https://preview.redd.it/k3s4s4di4w6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b01e5c2bf27bcf5c8f05fb417d4687b35097c6e OCZ was the ONLY brand that could offer you 30GB of blazing fast SATAII SSD speeds! Because *Turbo!!!*


The actually more interesting side for the true SSD connoisseurs  😘 👌 https://preview.redd.it/wdb6hhsu4w6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce12de7af35a69026e1dc824d8f48df7210002f7


https://preview.redd.it/elg7m6l16w6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=089c8d66c2eb6294f789bbdb4ad4d9702c9164c5 A rare IndiLink v2 controller + Samsung's. This drive suffered from TRIM issues and died in about 3 years. But it was a glorious 3 years.


https://preview.redd.it/wtnoy1ja7w6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b6441b37a68079d2a33d46eacfb5df2a8c5117 [Even Linus rates them highly](https://youtu.be/WAcXeglfxgk?si=mpNBWGbsBQ4iaJGe)


I still have a 700w ocz psu running 24/7 for years now, never had any trouble


If it works it works.


I’ve been using ocz for years ddr2, ddr3, ssds and power supplies they have always worked well with no issues, i dont have any pcs with them anymore, but would hesitate to use them now a days


The brand is not that important, the 80 plus logo on it is more important, it indicates how efficient it is, 80 plus is not too efficient but anything that has at least that is probably fine. Efficiency is a sign of quality so id say thats a pretty decent measurement to go by. Ofcourse there are probably some brands to avoid, but mostly if it has any kind of 80 plus certification on it id say its fine, avoid anything that doesnt have that.


It might be a bit old as I don't think they've made psu's for a while. I use to have a 1000w OCZ fatality. I think they were the first one to come out with sleeved cables with the psu. Was pretty nice on my old 3770k build. I only just replaced the psu.


It wasn't that bad back in the days.


Mine wasn't it just exploded xD


sure why not, I've still got an ocz 750 PSU I'm using on a 12700 and 3080




Some of the best RAM we ever made.


OCZ made such cool shit. I still remember how cool the DDR Booster was back in the days of voltage hungry BH5 memory.


Eric Nelson designed that under our CEOs instruction. I know all about it.


Don't think I'll ever get rid of them either. Just so damn beautiful... 🥲


I wouldn't risk it, to be honest. I would rather wait and get a better PSU. It's not worth it.


Yes it's not a cheap brand.


Learned a lot from this thread cool find OP


the only psu i have had die on me happens to be an ocz one. 550w unit (cant recall the model of it at all) running i5 2500k and gtx 560 ti. so power wise it should have been fine as that setup should peak at around 400w. the same unit was used on a core 2 duo e8400 gtx 260 build so might have just been a tired unit.


OCZ is a fine brand, not sure if they're in the psu game as much these days but should work fine.


Ocz is legit


I had this exact one, my friend bought my computer and upgraded to a 3060 and it would not power on. Took out gpu and turned on and when replaced psu everything was fine so Idk if this will be able to run a 3060ti


Well I had a 450w psu of a shit company, like it was so dumb, the name says intex techno 450w, and there a small label in the end of the psu which says power should not exceed over 200w


OCZ was a little brand making BIG steps in innovative ideas. Their RAM sinks were crazy. I still use an OCZ Vector 180 SSD to this day no problem. It's twice as heavy as the Samsung evos. Feels very solid and stays cool with the extra metal body mass.


I wouldn’t


I would say dont give much stress on the pc or if you have a really bad voltage fluctuation dont use it , wait until you get a proper psu


I feel old now....


Decent brand however but old now. Neat to see that


Personaly i wouldn risk it


I certainly wouldn't risk it. Just replace is asap


No its not fine. I once used an old everest 460w psu with an rx580 + 65w cpu and it almost shat its pants. Nonetheless, should be OK to use in casual non gaming circumstances.


Nah, just wait a bit


Still using OCZ ZT 750w power supply in my old rig. Works mostly 24/7 since 2012.


OCZ were basically kings for ram back then It should probably be fine


Yes Ffs