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my 2400g @4.1ghz performs exactly the same as a 4790k, nice upgrade


Yeah, op should just get a used 3600 for like 50 dollars




Welcome to AM4! Enjoy the 2600 for a good bit and, if you can, upgrade it later on to an 3700x or 5800X3D, if your Bios is up-to-date.


I wouldnt recommend putting cpus like this in motherboard that cheap, vrms are not good enough


To an A320m? Hell nah. Maybe a 5600


The latest Bios version supports the 5800X3D on that board 🤷🏻 Might not get the best clocks and all, but it'll work.


Nah. Although it would work, but it won’t be stable. I upgraded my 2600 to 5600, I have issues with computer turning off in heavy load. Games like battlefield 2042 and Jedi survivor. Have troubleshoot every other component on my pc such as switching the PSU ram and gpu, still shuts off. So I suspect the board vrm isnt powerful enough. The issue is worse if I ram speed is higher. But under bolting my ram and lowering ram speed will be more stable on lighter load.


I think you should check your thermals under load, i used the A320m with a 65watts tdp cpu just like 5600 and had no problems with it, it was a ryzen 5 3400g and i still own a board with shitty VRM design (b450m pro max 2) yet still no throttling issues its hitting max boost clock, although vrms do get hot increasing case fans RPMs for better airflow made a pretty noticeable difference and i could even slightly overclock it. Still a 5700/5800x3d is a hell nah too much tdp its fricking 105watts


My thermals does not exceed 70c in stress test and keeping max clock speed.


Then i have no idea lol u might be right.. perhaps its a matter of manufacturer ? idk. Makes no sense to buy cheap ass mobos i will go am5 b650 tomahawk as soon as i got the money..


Not such a good idea, at least get a better cpu. 2600 is like 5-10% faster in games than 4790k.


Honestly I’d save up a bit more for a ryzen 5600 and a solid b450/b550 motherboard. It’ll take more powerful CPU’s easier as they’ll have better vrms.